Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 334 The battle is over

Chapter 334 The battle is over
after March.

Star sect.

The news that the Great Sun God had an appointment to fight the Star Sect King Song Taishang had already spread throughout the Star Observation World, and countless monks rushed to the Star Sect together on this day.

Although most of the people were stopped outside the Xingzong Mountain Gate, everyone still remained interested and gathered outside, waiting for the arrival of the Great Sun God.

The head of Tianmo Fang mixed among the crowd, and like many low-level casual cultivators, he tried his best to be a melon-eating crowd.

The deity has done this kind of thing many times, and Tian Mofang is naturally familiar with it.

He looked curious, like a little monk from the countryside, and asked an uncle monk beside him:

"Senior, why are there so many people here?"

When the uncle monk saw that the person who was interrogating was a young man, his attitude immediately faded to three points.

However, considering that there are still a few pretty little female cultivators listening around, he doesn't mind being a teacher for a while to show that he is knowledgeable and has a wide range of connections.

"Have you heard of the prestige of the Great Sun God Venerable?"

Tian Mofang shook his head with a white face: "No."

The uncle monk introduced in a serious way:

"Then listen carefully, this Da Ri Shenzun is the Supreme Elder of the top sect Ri Zong, this year is already his [-]-year-old birthday, and he is the oldest senior in the cultivation world.

His old man was already invincible 1 years ago. "

"Wait a moment!"

Heavenly Demon Square Chief raised his hand, interrupted the uncle and monk, and asked:
"Didn't you say that Da Ri Shenzun celebrated his 1-year birthday this year, why was he invincible [-] years ago? Could it be that he was invincible since he was born?"

The uncle cultivator looked startled, and then said angrily:

"Do you understand the exaggerated technique, even if the Great Sun God has been invincible for more than 9000 years, can't it be equal to 1 years?

Do you still want to hear it? "

"Want to hear, want to hear."

Tianmo Fangchang nodded quickly, covered his mouth, and said he would not ask.

The uncle monk nodded angrily.

He wouldn't be bothered to continue talking if he didn't see that the female nun was pretty and her attention was attracted.

"You fledgling monks don't know how to respect seniors at all.

That is to say, in these years, the Great Sun God respected him and ignored the common things, and gradually no one knew his name.

But you all know the Rizong, what a powerful force, the number one sect in the cultivation world, but the old man said anything casually, and the entire Rizong had to obey orders.

I don't know how Xingzong offended the old man Shenzun.

Even though the star sect is famous, and the sun and moon sect are known as the three top sects in our comprehension world, but facing the old gods, it is not enough to look at.

My second uncle's third uncle's grandfather's faxiao was an inner disciple of the Rizong, so I have connections, and this time the Great Sun God gave the order to die.

If Xingzong did not come up with a satisfactory answer to the god, Xingzong would be wiped out. "

The uncle cultivator looked very complacent, especially when he said that he had a relative who was an inner disciple of the Rizong.

The eyes of the female cultivators on the side obviously flickered, and they looked at the uncle monk with a little more splendor.

What inner disciples are too far away from them.

But since this person is still alive with the grandfather of the second uncle's third uncle, it means that he came from a family, and nine out of ten his grandfather was a Golden Core cultivator, otherwise he would not have lived to this level.

"Hey, it turns out it's so powerful."

The head of Tianmo Fang fully played the role of a fan, and at this time he had a different taste.

"Hmph, the Rizong is indeed powerful, but if you want to say anything to make the Xingzong exterminate, that is nonsense and wishful thinking!"

Seeing the uncle monk attracting attention, a young monk beside him snorted coldly and said with disdain.

The uncle monk was not happy: "Are you questioning the gold content of the disciples of Rizong's inner sect?"

The young monk still maintains a cold and aloof attitude:

"I don't know where you got the second-hand news from. You only know that the Rizong is going to attack the Xingzong, but you don't know that the Yuezong and the Xingzong have already joined forces.

The two sects of Xingyue and Moon are united, even the Rizong will be suppressed.

And since ancient times, only the weak challenge the strong, when have you ever seen the strong challenge the weak?

The Great Sun God Venerable came to the Star Sect to make an appointment to fight, and the difference between the strong and the weak can already be seen.

Although the name of Wang Songtai is unknown, it is not as famous as the Great Sun God, which has been passed down for thousands of years, but he has already caught up from behind and has become No. 1 in this world.

Now with Yuezong's help, I don't think it will be long before the title of Rizong's first sect will be replaced. "

"Who are you? How do you know this information?"

The uncle monk saw that the female nuns who were looking at him affectionately just now were all looking at the young monk, and he was very unhappy in his heart.

Either he is younger than him, or he is more handsome than him.

Men still have to look inside.

A bunch of superficial women.

The young monk raised his chin slightly and said:
"I, Xi Dongjun, was born in Taoyao Mountain, and my teacher is Taoyao Zhenjun. I don't know if you have any advice?"

The title of True Monarch means that this person's master is the Nascent Soul Great Cultivator.

Although not as good as those peak master elders in the great sect, they are still high-level figures in the cultivation world.

Even the disciples of the Sun, Moon, and Star Sects did not dare to be arrogant when they saw it, and treated them with the courtesy of a junior.

The face of the uncle monk changed:
"It turns out that Taoyao Zhenjun is a high-ranking disciple, I am disrespectful."

He bowed his hands, then went into the crowd, and quickly disappeared.

Tianmo Fangchang looked at the young monks who had been surrounded by female cultivators, and couldn't help touching his chin, thinking that the water in the stargazing world was completely muddled.

The disharmony among the Sun, Moon, and Star sects also caused other forces that were originally attached to them to be hostile to each other, and may even be more extreme than the three sects.

Coupled with the fact that he has been stirring up wind and rain for more than a year, the forces in the entire cultivation world have begun to have their own thoughts.

At this time, unless an extremely powerful person comes out to suppress the integration, the stargazing world will be in a state of disunity when the deity arrives.

The worst-case scenario where you have to face the pressure of a world will never happen.

Originally, the Great Sun God Venerable was an excellent candidate, and his reputation of ten thousand years was enough to convince everyone, but who made Xing Chenzhu not choose the Great Sun God Venerable.

At the foot of Xingzong Mountain, there was a lot of people, such as the nameless Xiaoxiu played by Tianmo Fangchang everywhere.

There are also old fritters like uncle monks who come from a family of cultivation, and young monks like young talents who come from Nascent Soul-level forces.

There are also those Jindan Daoist, Yuanying Zhenjun mixed in.

Some high-ranking monks were even invited into the Xingzong Mountain Gate.

Just in anticipation.

A bright Milky Way suddenly appeared in the void, hanging across the sky, it was the Xingzong's guardian formation——Zhou Tian Xingluo formation.

Hundreds of stars fell from the Milky Way, fell into the earth like meteors, and turned into beams of light connecting the sky and the earth, forming a mysterious formation.

The thousand-mile radius centered on the Xingzong Mountain Gate was covered by the large formation.

Silver-white light filled everyone's field of vision.

The war had already happened.


The back mountain of Xingzong.

Da Ri Shenzun clasped his hands together, and a golden Buddha about ten feet high appeared behind him. It didn't have the momentum of the thousand-foot golden Buddha pushing down the three strange peaks three months ago.

But compared with before, this Golden Buddha still has something different.

For example, the golden light wheel behind the head of the Golden Buddha, or the Nirvana Golden Lotus under the seat.

The Great Sun God Venerable has always been invincible in the world, just relying on his own Great Sun God Body and Tathagata God Palm.

But since fighting Wang Song Taishang three months ago, the Great Sun God Venerable knew that he had to use all his strength, otherwise it would be impossible to defeat Wang Song who possessed the star beads.

This golden light wheel is the Great Sun Golden Wheel, the most precious treasure passed down by the Japanese sect. It attracts the essence of the great sun to refine and nourish it every day in the great formation of the sect. It is like a small sun itself, accumulating incredible power.

Under the burst of full force, even the cultivator of Huashen couldn't resist, and he would have to drink his hatred on the spot.

The Great Sun Golden Wheel originally belonged to the foundation of the Japanese sect and could not be used easily, but with the prestige of the Great Sun God, no one dared to stop him if he wanted to use it.

The golden lotus under the seat of the Golden Buddha is called Nirvana Golden Lotus.

This is the natal magic weapon of the Great Sun God Venerable. It is a strange stone obtained by the Great Sun God Venerable when he was young.

The golden lotus contains the spirit of Nirvana, holds the power of life and death, and possesses great power.

Holding the star beads in his hands, Wang Song's temperament became more and more lofty. At this moment, facing the Great Sun God Venerable, he did not lose the wind.

Behind him is Zhong Shan, another grandmaster of Xingzong, two grandmasters of Yuezong, and a loose cultivator.

Outsiders call him Venerable Beggar, an old beggar in patchwork clothes.

It is said that he was born in the royal family, and then suffered an accident and became a beggar. Later, he embarked on the road of cultivation, encountered many adventures, and even broke through the realm of transforming gods, becoming a benchmark figure in casual cultivation.

Numerous casual cultivators took it as their goal, proving that no matter how low their background was, they could create miracles.

Because he was favored by Xingzong when he was young, he took the initiative to come to help him this time.

Facing the cultivators who were several times larger than him, the Great Sun God Venerable didn't even lift his eyelids.

In his eyes, except for Wang Song who is holding the star bead, no one else is worthy to be his opponent.

"My lord, have you considered it clearly?"

Da Ri Shenzun is obviously in a weak position at the moment, but it seems to be issuing an ultimatum.

Wang Song said with compassion on his face: "God, you have seen the Star Pearl, it is useless to you, why bother to force it.

The old man holds this bead, not for himself, but for the entire stargazing world.For the sake of all beings in the world, this battle should be avoided. "

Da Ri Shenzun shook his head, stopped talking, and dropped his palm.

"Then I'll get it myself!"


The big palm print shines through the void, reflecting the soul, just like a palm hitting the soul of a person.

Ordinary people would be knocked out of their wits by this palm if they just glanced at it.

This palm not only stimulates the body, but also destroys the soul.

But Wang Song started with the Star Bead Sanyue, although he still hasn't sacrificed it, but when it comes to the use of its power, he is no longer just passive defense like before.

I saw the star beads in his hands emitting a hazy white light, and the space suddenly became farther and closer under his hands.

"God, in order not to hurt the innocent, let's go to heaven and fight."

The sky and the earth seem to be upside down, and the space ripples and fluctuates.

When the other Huashen reacted, they saw that Wang Song and Da Ri Shenzun had disappeared from the field.

Everyone's spiritual consciousness swept in all directions, only to faintly perceive a burst of fluctuations coming from a certain space in the sky above.

But if you sense it carefully, you can no longer find the slightest fluctuation.

"Self-contained, controlling the power of space, this is the realm of the void."

Zhong Shan was startled suddenly, he never thought that the star beads would have such power.

No wonder Fang Chang exchanged this item for a law crystal.

If he can get this thing, wouldn't it be equivalent to half of the power of Dongxu, then what will Fang Chang be?
Even everything in Qingxiao City...

But thinking of the Empress behind Fang Chang, Zhong Shan suppressed his bold idea again.

Leaving aside whether he could get the Star Orb, even if he got it, he might not be Fang Chang's opponent.

At the beginning, Fang Chang was able to suppress his distraction if he was not in the Golden Core realm, but now that he has entered the Transformation God realm, he has more means, even if he comes up with some means to deal with Dongxu's power, he will not be surprised.

Without such means, how could he let his distraction come back, and how could he confidently let them exchange boundary stones.

The complexions of the rest of the gods also changed slightly.

Originally they thought that Wang Song was weak, so they came to help, lest the Great Sun God Lord be unstoppable, and finally lead the entire stargazing world into madness and perdition.

Now it seems that they should be more concerned about Wang Song.


This war of transforming gods took far longer than everyone thought.

A month later.

The monks outside the gate of Xingzong Mountain had already scattered in sevens and eighties.

After all, they came here to watch the decisive battle, even if they just watched the aftermath, it was enough to become the talk of their lives.

As a result, the Xingzong Grand Formation was opened for half a month, and later even the Great Formation was not even opened.

Unfortunately, they can't even see anything.

Even the Jindan Daoist Yuanying Zhenjun in the team couldn't tell why, and even the start of the Transformation God War was speculated through the previous Star Sect Grand Formation.

However, the most indispensable thing for practitioners is time and patience, especially for high-level monks.

So many people left, most of them were low-level monks.

this day.

The monks who were waiting at the foot of the mountain suddenly felt their eyes light up. They looked up and couldn't help but let out a burst of exclamation.

"The second sun! It's a blood sun! The blood sun is falling, it's about to fall, run away!"

I saw a second big sun suddenly appearing in the sky where the big sun was hanging high. It was shining with infinite light and heat, and it was extremely red, the color like blood.

It's going down little by little, and it's getting faster and faster.

Only the Nascent Soul monks who had already given birth to divine consciousness really changed their complexions.

Where is the sun? It is clearly a complete person, a person who is soaked in blood.

"The Sun God Venerable..."

A senior monk who recognized the identity of this person groaned in disbelief.

"Who made him hurt like this?"

They suddenly remembered the battle between Xingzong Taishang and Dari Shenzun that had been rumored a month ago.

"Xingzong King Song Taishang is so terrifying!"

However, the sun did not fall after all, and a breeze went up to the sky, supporting the sun's tendency to fall.

"God, are you alright?"

For the first time, Cang Feng's face showed a panic expression, and at this moment, he felt that his faith had collapsed.

The Great Sun God Venerable smiled weakly.

"I wasted thousands of years, and finally fought happily. As expected, the limit of this world is so high. If you want to fight for a breakthrough, I'm afraid it won't work.

But I have already felt that there is indeed a gap in the road to ascension.take me back. "


Cang Feng supported the Great Sun God Venerable, hesitated for a while, and asked:

"Mystery, how is the Crown Prince doing now?"

Da Ri Shenzun pondered for a while, and said: "Probably about the same as me, it's cheaper for others."

Cang Feng was puzzled, but seeing the God Venerable Da Ri closed his eyes, he didn't ask any more questions, and brought the God Venerable back to the sect to heal his wounds.

But others did not stop.

After all, Blue Wind is still alive and well, Rizong is still there, and who knows if the Great Sun God Venerable still has the power to fight.

In short, with the end of this battle, the stargazing world is even more turbulent.


A casual cultivator accidentally discovered a stable space channel, and no one who entered would return, so the news gradually spread.

(End of this chapter)

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