Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 336 Zhong Shan's Choice

Chapter 336 Zhong Shan's Choice

stargazing world.

When everyone in the Star Sect got the news of the opening of the space channel, it was already half a month after Wang Song Taishang and the Sun God Venerable made an appointment to fight.

The back mountain of Xingzong.

Songyun Peak, this is Wang Songtai's cave residence.

At this time, Wang Songtai, who had just defeated the Great Sun God, was supposed to be in high spirits, but sat on a wicker chair with a disheartened face.

I saw that his long hair was disheveled, as if he hadn't taken care of it for a long time, his hair was gray and white, the corners of his eyes were full of exhaustion, and he looked like he was exhausted.

"Junior Brother Zhong, the space channel has opened, is the person from Qingxiao City here?"

Wang Song asked Zhong Shan who was standing there.

Zhong Shan looked at Wang Song with a worried face, and Fang Chang would like to praise his acting skills.

"Old Wang, the people from Qingxiao City haven't come yet, maybe they haven't discovered the location of the space passage, I've already asked Zhai Xingzi to send someone there.

With your warning last time, even if the people of the Sun and Moon Sects don't care, they will send more people. "

After all, Zhong Shan couldn't help asking:

"Old Wang, since the last decisive battle between you and the Sun God Venerable, your complexion has become worse and worse. Now you are our Xingzong's Dinghaishenzhen, you must not have anything to do."

Wang Song smiled wryly and said: "The god's cultivation is so advanced that he is close to ascending.

Although the old man took advantage of the star beads and was able to slightly suppress him in terms of realm, but the old man's cultivation was far behind him after all.

And that big sun golden wheel is worthy of being the supreme treasure of the Japanese sect, with infinite power, the old man won a small move, but it also overdrawn the old man's vitality.

This time, we can only be regarded as losers.

I just hate that the heavens can't grant me another two thousand years of life, but this is probably the catastrophe for me to get the star beads.

Those who are not lucky enough to receive this kind of treasure have no chance to receive it. "

He suddenly fell silent.

After a while, Wang Song slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Junior Brother Zhong, can this old man trust you?"

Zhong Shan was stunned for a moment, but asked back: "Old Wang, who else can you trust besides me?"

Wang Song was slightly stunned, shook his head and laughed and said:
"That's right, if you can't even trust you, who else can I trust in this huge Xingzong?"

When he flipped his palm over, a shiny crystal ball appeared.

"The matter of the space passage is urgent, whoever occupies it first will have the upper hand, before the people in Qingxiao City find out, you should deal with it first.

With the decrees of you and me, all the resources of Xingzong are at your disposal.

And this star bead, you hold it first, as long as you have the heart to protect the stargazing world, you can stimulate its power. "

Hearing this, Zhong Shan fixedly looked at the Star Bead in Wang Song's hand.

Small beads, big charm.

But he didn't move.

He said to Wang Song: "Old Wang, I'm afraid that I'm just like the Great Sun God, unable to arouse the power of the star beads, and the star beads are useless to me."

He moved his eyes away from the star beads, smiled wryly and said:

"Old Wang has a noble heart, and he has the character to worry about the world before him. Although I had a falling out with the envoy from the upper realm, I was moved in the end.

I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself, so I'll leave it here with you, with you around, other people will not dare to act rashly. "

Wang Song smiled slightly and said: "Junior Brother Zhong, even if you can't arouse the power of the Star Pearl now, I believe that one day you will figure it out.

At that time, you hold this bead to protect Xingzong and the stargazing world.

When it is really a last resort, the old man allows you to exchange this bead for Xingzong peace. "

Zhong Shan's heart suddenly moved, looking at Wang Song's gentle eyes, he almost thought he had been exposed.

He shook his head and said: "You don't need to say anything more, Mr. Wang, the Star Pearl is in your hands, and you can protect Xingzong only if you sit at the gate of Xingzong.

As for your injury, I will definitely find an elixir for you that can heal your injury. "

He resolutely turned and left.

"You stay in the Xingzong to recuperate, and I will go to the space channel to sit in command. As long as I am here for a day, no monk from the upper realm will enter our stargazing realm."

Until Zhong Shan left, Wang Song's expression remained unchanged, but he rubbed his palms slowly.

The star beads that were still shining just now turned into powder, and with a single tap, countless powders were scattered with the wind.

"Junior Brother Zhong, is that murderous intent hidden in your heart directed at this old man?"

Wang Song sighed in his heart.

The mysteries of the star beads are far more than he imagined.

It was as if he could feel the flash of killing intent in Zhong Shan's heart, which made his eyebrows feel slightly cold.

But he still couldn't believe it.

He also helped Zhong Shan break through the realm of transforming gods back then, and in recent years, Zhong Shan has held the junior ceremony to him and respected him very much.

In order to respect his opinion, he did not hesitate to break with the envoy from the upper realm.

After he was injured, he visited every day and brought him various healing elixir.

How could such a person have killing intent towards him.

That's why he used the star beads as a test.

After all, he and Zhong Shan have no grievances or enmities, and there is no conflict of interest, and he has long ignored the power of Xingzong.

In fact, for more than 100 years, he has lived in seclusion behind the scenes to cultivate Zhong Shan's prestige and to carry forward the old and new traditions.

Then the only thing on him that can make Zhong Shan's heart move is the star pearl.

However, he had already offered the Star Bead with both hands, why didn't Zhong Shan take it, and left Xingzong voluntarily to avoid suspicion, and went to sit in the space channel.

Is it really my own illusion?
Wang Song couldn't figure it out, and he wasn't willing to think about it.

He closed his eyes, and the gray and defeated breath was driven out of his body little by little. With the help of the star beads, the injuries on his body would only recover within a short period of time.


The space channel connecting the stargazing world with the main world is on a small island in the sea.

The island has no name, it is a barren and deserted island, with no special products and no one inhabited.

Only monks who are tired from running around in the sea occasionally will find a place to refresh on the island. Over time, there is a small market for cultivators here.

Zhang San is one of the fleet guards under the command of a Jindan family, who was ordered to escort a batch of goods to the island.

Then accidentally discovered the space channel.

He mistakenly thought it was the entrance of the magic circle, and recalled the stories of those lucky people who got rich one day in the sea, so he boldly walked in.

However, after going there, he never came back.

After Zhang San disappeared, the leader of the caravan would naturally send someone to look for him.

Zhang San's life or death is not important, the key is that the goods he carries are worth thousands of spirit stones.

Then more people discovered the space channel.

But those who went in did not come out again.

Later, more and more people were attracted, starting with the Foundation Establishment monks.

After learning that the foundation-building cultivators never return, even the Jindan cultivators were attracted. For such a powerful formation, the treasures inside must not be simple.

That's right, at the beginning, everyone thought that the space channel was an entrance to the magic circle, so they still wanted to block the news.

After all, no one has ever seen a space channel.

Don't say I've seen it, but I haven't heard of it.

It wasn't until several Jindan real people got trapped inside that the news could no longer be hidden, and it spread throughout the stargazing world through the eyes and ears of various caravans.

But this back and forth, at least a month's delay.

This is why Xingzong got the news so late.

By the time Zhong Shan arrived, the island had already been blocked.

It is said that it is a big family of cultivation in the sea, surnamed Zhang, the ancestor of the Zhang family has the cultivation base of the late Yuanying period, and there is also a sea royal beast, the cultivation base of the demon king.

One person and one beast share the same mind, and they occupy a favorable location in the sea. They are not afraid of anyone except Venerable Huashen, who is a well-known overlord in the sea cultivation world.

Even the disciples of the three sects were stopped after arriving here.

Several Yuanying elders and peak masters of the three sects were unconvinced and fought against Zhang family patriarch, but were all defeated, which made Zhang family patriarch's prestige even more.

Zhong Shan quietly sneaked into the island without disturbing anyone.

He didn't believe that he had come. The people in Qingxiao City hadn't discovered the space channel yet, and if they found out, they wouldn't not come here without even one person.

After entering the island, he found that his guess was right.

I saw wisps of purple-red small flames suddenly appearing in the air, connecting them into a net of flames and covering him suddenly.

"Heavenly fire?"

With a flash in Zhong Shan's eyes, his consciousness swept across the entire nameless island.

"Master Zhong Shan, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

The fire net dissipated suddenly, and a group of black shadows condensed and formed in front of him, and it was the leader of Tianmo Fang.

Zhong Shan suddenly said: "It turned out that the Zhang family was controlled by you, no wonder people from the three sects couldn't even get in."

The head of Tian Mo Fang smiled and looked in a good mood.

I heard him say: "Mr. Zhong Shan, you guessed wrong, there is someone else who wants to see you."

Zhong Shan asked, "Who is it?"

Tian Mofang's figure flew down: "You will know when you see it."


Before the space channel.

I don't know when a gazebo was built.

There are people in the booth, drinking.

Zhong Shan saw at a glance the young man he had only seen in his distracted memory, and his temperament was even more dusty than in his distracted memory, full of gentleness.

But just like the mountains in the clouds and the flowers in the fog, there is a feeling that they cannot be seen clearly or touched.

Zhong Shan instinctively sensed the danger.

"We're meeting for the first time, Mrs. Zhong Shan, let me introduce myself, my name is Fang Chang, you can call me Lord City Lord.

Compared with the distraction that occupies your body, your body is more mature and handsome. If you want to put it in the mundane world, many girls will be tempted. "

Fang Chang raised his wine glass as a signal, and said:

"Let's talk together."

Zhong Shan stepped forward, sat down in front of Fang Chang, and cut straight to the point.

"How long has City Lord Fang been here?"

Fang Chang replied: "One month."

Zhong Shan immediately understood: "It seems that the Zhoutian star traction formation passed down by our Xingzong in ancient times still has some effect.

However, City Lord Fang has not done anything since he came for a month. He just controlled a sea family and blocked the space channel. Does City Lord Fang find it difficult? "

Fang Chang nodded and said: "At first, I thought that Mrs. Zhong would bring me some good news or gifts, such as the star bead that made my heart flutter.

Now it seems that I overestimated the clock too much. "

Fang Chang swept the palm of the table, and there was a crystal inlaid with colorful light on the stone table.

"I have already prepared the law crystal for Taishang Zhong, but now it seems that I can't send it out for the time being."

Practical benefits are more exciting than any words.

Zhong Shan's gaze was completely attracted by the law crystal on the table at this moment.

He seemed to see countless laws evolving in front of him.

Just by looking at it substantively, many inspirations were born in his mind, but when he realized it carefully, those inspirations burst like bubbles.

"I'm going to get it!"

This is the strongest thought in Zhong Shan's mind at the moment.

There was a fierce and fierce light in his eyes, just like a wolf seeing the prey, seeing fresh flesh and blood.

But thinking of Fang Chang sitting in front of him, he quickly restrained his thoughts.

It would be easier for him to kill Wang Lao and snatch the star beads from Fang Chang's hand to snatch the law crystal.

Zhong Shan withdrew his gaze, and said in a low voice:

"Old Wang has already taken precautions against me, and even took out the star beads to test me, and now I'm not even sure whether his injuries are real or not.

To get the Star Orb, I alone is not enough.

I need someone to help me. "

He didn't say who Mr. Wang was, he understood that since Fang Chang was sitting here, it meant that he already knew all the news he should know.

Fang Chang shook his head and said: "The condition we negotiated before is to exchange the boundary stone for the law crystal. If we need to make a move, the price will not be this price."

Zhong Shan pondered for a moment and asked:

"What more do you want?"

Since Fang Chang didn't directly refuse, it means that there is some talk, but he needs to pay more.

Fang Chang said with a smile: "Mr. Zhong is really straightforward, but it's actually very simple. Qingxiao City was founded not long ago, and he has been looking for talents.

If Mr. Zhong is willing to join Qingxiao City and become one of his own, the law crystal will naturally be the internal price. "

Zhong Shan asked rhetorically: "I can exchange it with Xingzong. The Xingzong has been inherited for tens of thousands of years and has countless disciples. I can merge the entire Xingzong into Qingxiao City."

His practice is to seek the way to be free and free. If he joins Qingxiao City, he will be more restrained for no reason, and he will inevitably be driven by others in the future.

He has been the Supreme Elder for thousands of years, and he has long been used to being superior. Even when talking about demands with Fang Chang, they are equal.

The most important thing is that Qingxiao City is not a small force that joins if you say you want to join, and if you say you don't do it, you don't do it.

Otherwise, he can directly agree.

Fang Changdao: "Talents are naturally welcome everywhere, but compared to Xingzong, I value top talents like Zhong Lao more.

Of course, this is a major matter, Mr. Zhong can think about it carefully.

But I have to remind Mr. Zhong that there is only one star bead, other than that, it is difficult to have a second object that makes my heart move in the world of stargazing.

If it is exchanged with me by others, Mr. Zhong will have no chance at that time. "

As long as he got Zhong Shan, where would Xingzong go, and he had to obediently join Qingxiao City and become the backbone of Qingxiao City's battles in the future, as a worker for the other city lord.

Not only the Xingzong, but also the Rizong and Yuezong, Fang Chang actually fell in love with them.

It can be said that if these three cases are settled, it is equivalent to winning half of the essence of the entire stargazing world.

Zhong Shan's eyes kept flashing over the law crystal on the table, and he quickly made a decision. He stood up and bowed slightly to Fang Chang.

"My subordinate, Zhong Shan, has met the City Lord."

Fang Chang also got up with a smile and gave him a hand.

"Zhong Gongfeng is being polite, it is also an honor for Qingxiao City to have you join us.

But soon you will find that joining Qingxiao City is one of the most correct choices you have ever made in your life. "

"Heart Demon!"

"The little one is here."

As the breeze blew, Tianmo Fangchang stood in front of Fangchang with a flattering face.

Fang Chang frowned: "Didn't you say don't use my face?"

The demon in his heart followed good behavior like a stream, and soon turned into an ordinary handsome guy who was just plain handsome.

"What is my order?"

"Accompany Zhong to worship, if he needs any help, you will fully cooperate."

Fang Chang did not impose any contractual constraints on Zhong Shan.

Both of them knew that before they got the star beads, these titles were just titles and meant nothing.

"Master Zhong Shan, this way please."

The demon led Zhong Shan to the other side.

Seeing the mist of the magic circle in the distance suddenly dissipate, Zhong Shan took a glimpse, and saw a young monk with a sluggish breath and a peaceful temperament walking towards the pavilion step by step.

"Dari God Venerable, he is here too!"

A sense of crisis suddenly rose in Zhong Shan's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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