Chapter 343

"Wang Song" lifted into the sky with his cassock on his body, covering the sky like clouds, and tremendous pressure was generated from all directions.

Even the Great Sun God summoned the golden Buddha with supernatural powers, and he also felt the heaviness of a mountain pressing down on the top.

But instead of showing the slightest fear, he was somewhat dissatisfied and angry.

"Where's your previous strength?!"

"I still feel that I am not worthy of letting you do my best!"

The Great Sun God Venerable and the golden Buddha are fused together, and every move has overwhelming power.

There was only a violent cracking sound, and Zhou Tian Xingchen's cassock was torn into pieces by the invisible giant force, and turned into colorful bands of light, falling down like stars.

At this moment, with only the purest power, he tore apart all shackles.

If "Wang Song" hadn't seen the sincerity of Da Ri's words and his emotions from his heart, he would have cursed him long ago.

You shouldn't ask him why his strength has weakened, but ask that Qingxiao City Lord.

If he hadn't calculated himself, weakened his luck by at least [-]% out of thin air, and damaged his physical body as a sojourner, why would he use the supernatural power that was under the box back then.

But he didn't explain it, he just gathered his strength again.

I saw the shattered robes all over the sky stagnate suddenly, and then exploded suddenly, and tiny stars rose slowly from the center of the explosion.

There are a total of 360 and five stars, which are linked together and turned into a mysterious and profound picture of Zhoutian stars.

Zhong Shan, who was watching the battle, looked like he had seen a ghost, and an unbelievable guess suddenly appeared in his heart.

"The highest state of Zhou Tianxing's dharma robes, refining stars into formations! Legend has it that only the founder of the Star Sect can reach this state.

who are you? ! "

"Wang Song" sneered and said, "Didn't you already guess it? Xingzong Taishang, you are not worthy!"

He opened his hand and grabbed it, as if he held the whole world in his hands.

Under the suppression of the Zhoutian Xingchen array, the remaining power of the law of the Star Orb spewed out, freezing all the space around the Great Sun God Venerable.

The amber-like feeling just now appeared again.

The Da Ri God Venerable squeezed the Dharma Seal with his hands, and the golden Buddha was taken back to his body, merging the phantom with supernatural powers and the physical body, and the power of the Da Ri God Body was instantly aroused.

The fiery blood energy formed an egg-like gas shield outside his body, which was the defense that even the power of the collapse of space could not obliterate him.

But "Wang Song" smiled again: "Although I haven't practiced the Great Day Tathagata Sutra, I personally placed the jade slips of the Great Day Tathagata Sutra in the Buddha statue in Wuyalou.

Great day Tathagata, heh! "

His power has only changed slightly, and the original perfect defense of Da Ri Shenzun unexpectedly appeared a little loophole.

In this instant, the power of the stars suppressed it, and the space solidified everything at the same time.

"How can you know the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra?!"

The expression of Da Ri Shenzun froze immediately, and Kong You couldn't show his strength, so "Wang Song" broke his golden body with the force of law.

A lifelike amber creation reappears.

Amber seems to have no weight, floating and sinking in mid-air, white clouds fly by, birds pass through, but they can't touch it.

It's as if it exists in another dimension.

Even though God Venerable Great Sun was temporarily suppressed, the expression of "Wang Song" was not at all relaxed, but more dignified.

Although he just took a trick to temporarily seal him with a loophole in the cultivation technique that the Great Sun God himself had not discovered.

But the strength of the Great Sun God Exalted exceeded his estimation, almost reaching the limit of this world.

After all, he is not the real realm of the void, and he can only borrow some of the power of the law by virtue of the characteristics of the boundary stone.

Although this bit of law power gave him an advantage against the same level, it was not enough to make him form a crushing state in front of the peak cultivator of the God of Transformation like the Great Sun God.

Not to mention that he hasn't really recovered yet, and the halo of weakness that Fang Chang gave him, the continuous battle has made him weak to the extreme.

At this time, the power of law he can use is pitifully small.

If we say that he was halfway between Huashen and Dongxu before, he was considered a half-power of Dongxu, but now he can only rule the roost among Huashen, just like the Great Sun God Venerable back then, and even slightly inferior.

Because Wang Song's physical body was about to fail.

"City Master Qingxiao, haven't you appeared yet?"

"Wang Song" said with a mocking smile:
"Or is it that the disciples of His Majesty the Empress only have such courage that they dare not even meet a dying person?"

"Bad aggressive method, but it doesn't matter."

Fang Chang took a step forward, came from nowhere, and faced "Wang Song" across the air.

"It seems that your identity is not as simple as the Artifact Spirit of the Star Orb. Why don't you be honest, lest you die, I don't even know how to erect a monument for you."

Fang Chang no longer has the idea of ​​subduing the spirit of the star orb, because there is nothing that can impress a person who is determined to die.

Well, maybe if his master comes back to life.

But then he'd have to run.

"Wang Song" was silent for a while, and said: "When I followed the master back then, I also had a dao name, Zhai Xingzi."

Hearing this, Fang Chang was still a little confused.

Isn't Zhai Xingzi the name of the Sovereign of the Star Sect?

He has always been a leader in intelligence work, and he is familiar with most of the basics of the stargazing world.

It is natural to know who Zhai Xingzi is.

"Pick the stars!"

Seeing "Wang Song" admitting his identity, Zhong Shan felt extremely absurd for a moment.

"My star sect founder picks the stars!"

"In order to commemorate the Patriarch, the patriarchs of our clan will inherit the Dao name of the Patriarch after succeeding to the throne. How can you be the Patriarch?"

Now it's all right, his achievement of bullying the master and destroying the ancestors has been perfectly achieved.

Although Wang Songtai is not his master, but he was able to stand out from the nine cultivators of the divine way back then, thanks to the kindness of Wang Songtai's guidance, it can be regarded as half a teacher's friendship.

"Wang Song" asked Zhong Shan instead: "Why am I not your patriarch? Not only the Xingzong, but also the Rizong and Yuezong, all of which I left behind in the name of my friends.

It's just time, its power is too powerful.

You three sects are so high up that you have already forgotten the original intention of your establishment.

You want to protect the stargazing world on my behalf, but I never thought that you would be the first to betray the stargazing world.

Hehe, I forced the three sects of good luck for thousands of years, and personally suppressed them with the star beads transformed from the boundary stones, but this ended up in exchange.

This is the backlash from this world's luck.

Master, you are right, those who manipulate fate will be backlashed by fate.


"Wang Song" laughed sadly and indignantly, the laughter made all the Huashen present feel extremely harsh, especially the Huashen who were born in the three sects.

"Demon talk to confuse the public!"

The one who spoke was Yue Zong, whose surname was Chen, and he said with a serious face:

"My Moon Sect is inherited from Fairy Yaoyue, how could it be a remnant soul like you who has been refined into a magic weapon!

Xingchenzhu was suppressed by Sanqifeng when it was born, so it must be an unknown thing.

It's a pity that my dossier was hit by a thunderbolt that year, which damaged part of the dossier when it was founded, and your record may be among them.

Thinking about it, you must have been an evil spirit that disrupted the world back then, refined into a star bead by my three patriarchs, and suppressed by the Three Wonderful Peaks for generations.

I never thought that after you were born, you first confuse the king of Xingzong, causing disputes among the three sects, resulting in the almost destruction of the Xingzong today, and wanting to tamper with the history of my three sects.

It turns out that all the culprits are you! ! ! "

Empress Yuezong: "..."

Zhong Shan: "..."

The three Huashen outside the field who had just escaped from the fence: "..."

Fang Chang: "..."

"Wang Song": "..."

The silence lasted for a while.

"It's useless to talk about it."

"Wang Song" regained his composure, looked at Fang Chang and said:
"City Lord Qingxiao, let it end with a battle between you and me. To die in the hands of the disciples of His Majesty the Empress is not a disgrace to my name of picking stars."

Fang Chang was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay."

Then the eyebrows suddenly lit up, the eyes of the demon pierced through the void, and the maximum power of the divine light of the demon was activated.


"Wang Song" never thought that people like Fang Chang would sneak attack. He was directly hit by the divine light of the heavenly demon to the sea of ​​consciousness, and he felt a stronger sense of dizziness and splitting than when Zhong Shan made a sneak attack just now.

He has been suppressed in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness by him, and the primordial spirit that belongs to the real Wang Song is like taking Shiquan great tonic, and it suddenly turns back.

The Heavenly Demon Divine Light is meant to wear away the soul and magnify the power of the inner demon.

When Zhong Shan made a sneak attack before, he borrowed Fang Chang's divine light from the Heavenly Demon, which made a mind that was suppressed by the star beads agitated.

Therefore, Xingchenzhu had to show up forcibly and take over Wang Song's body.

Now that the genuine Heavenly Demon Divine Light was activated, Zhai Xingzi let out a scream, and the weak Yuanshen was directly injured, while Wang Song, who had been suppressed all the time, returned to the light.

The strength of the situation suddenly changed.

Stripes of black light appeared on Wang Song's face, showing the color of struggling and pain, and finally, black and red blood flowed out from all seven orifices.

"Get out!"

A shiny crystal ball was forcibly pushed back by Wang Song.

But Wang Song himself flew upside down and was caught by Zhong Shan.

Without the support of the physical body, the power of the star beads was greatly limited, and was easily caught by Fang Chang.

From the star pearl came the unwilling and bitter voice of Zhai Xingzi:
"I want to die with all my heart, why even give me this chance?!"

Fang Chang grabbed the restless Star Bead in his hand, and said apologetically:

"Sorry, I don't like personal heroism very much. The form of heads-up is outdated, and it's easy to get hurt. Who knows if you still hide your tricks.

So I prefer sneak attacks, commonly known as not talking about martial arts. "

"Now, you are mine."

(End of this chapter)

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