Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 346 Heart of Heavenly Demon

Chapter 346 Heart of Heavenly Demon
Qingxiao City.

After delivering the crowd, the yingying beast excitedly flapped its wings and flew westward. A hundred thousand miles away, there is a thousand bamboo lake, which has become its new home.

"This is Qingxiao City?"

A group of avatars from the stargazing world stopped outside the mountain, especially Yue Zong Taishang Yue Ni, with an inexplicably disappointed tone.

In their imagination, the main city of the Upper Realm, not to mention the Immortal Cave Mansion, has an extraordinary atmosphere, but it should be a Qionglou Yuyu, majestic and majestic.

But Qingxiao City can be regarded as small and exquisite.

After all, when Qingxiao City was built, the entire Qingwang Mountain only covered an area of ​​about a hundred miles.

Although Fang Chang had a little ambition at the beginning, he never thought that he would create the current foundation in a short period of time.

Coupled with the subsequent growth and advancement of Qingniu's spiritual veins, Qingwang Mountain now stretches for thousands of miles, with majestic peaks, making Qingxiao City even more insignificant.

"Cough cough..."

Seeing that his junior sister couldn't speak, Yuezong Chen Taishang hurriedly praised:
"Although this city is not majestic, it also has a special artistic conception, especially the aura here, which is pure and rich. Even ordinary people with low qualifications can practice again, and I am afraid that they can also enter the Tao smoothly and step on the road of practice.

Although our cultivation base has reached the realm of transforming gods, it is not a small opportunity to be able to practice here. "

Fang Chang stood aside, the corners of his mouth slightly raised when he heard this.

This month Zong Chentai is a wonderful person, able to bend and stretch, when the star pearl was taken by him, he was the one who contacted him actively and willingly surrendered.

So Fang Chang reciprocated, he didn't have too many restrictions on the two elders of Yuezong, and even divided a territory for their sect's original Wanshen Palace, which was a million miles away, and let them develop on their own.

The main two are ordinary monks.

Fang Chang's demand for them is not as strong as that of the Great Sun God, and he has no interest needs, so naturally he doesn't have so many demands.

It's just a name in Qingxiao City, and occasionally handle some inconvenient tasks for Qingxiao City.

After all, a cultivator like Da Ri Shenzun can use it, and if he uses it, he can win.

As for Yue Zong Taishang, he is neither strong nor weak, average level, if he encounters a difficult opponent in the future, maybe he will have to help wipe his ass.

Therefore, it is enough to stay and deal with monks below Huashen level.

"If the mountain is not high, it will be famous if there are immortals. If the water is not deep, it will be spirited if there are dragons. The charm of Qingwang Mountain is beautiful, and you will know it when you enter.

Inviting a few people over this time is just asking everyone to register their names in Qingxiao City, so that everyone will be our own from now on. "

The people who accompanied him this time were mainly the three grand masters of the stargazing world, a total of five people.

Among them, Da Ri Shenzun and Zhong Shan will be permanently stationed in Qingxiao City in the future, while the other three Huashen will be much freer.

Because of Zhong Shan, Xingzong has decided to allow most of the disciples to join the practice system of Qingxiao City, leaving only a small number of disciples as the sect inheritance.

After all, Zhong Shan will develop in Qingxiao City's system for ten thousand years in the future, and he has to bring some people over for his own sake and for the sect's sake.

This is different from the Great Sun God.

Da Ri Shenzun is purely for better cultivation, even he himself doesn't know how long he can stay in Qingxiao City, so he doesn't need any team.

Because according to the agreement between him and Fang Chang, once he breaks through again, he will no longer be bound by Qingxiao City, and only needs to come to Qingxiao City to help three times when necessary.

Regarding Fang Chang's words, the others all smiled slightly, noncommittal.

But when they really stepped into the scope of Qingxiao City...


Even Zhong Shan was surprised. He had obtained information about Qingxiao City from his distraction, and he also knew that the environment of Qingxiao City was much better than the outside world.

But where is that much better.

This is obviously a fairyland on earth, and he is almost sure that if he can practice here when he is refining his qi, it will not take him more than a hundred years to break through the Nascent Soul realm.

Obviously, during the time he was distracted and away, the aura environment of Qingwang Mountain underwent another round of evolution.

"My lord, I am blind."

Even Yuezong Chen Taishang, who had just closed his eyes and praised him, felt completely convinced at the moment.

With such a treasure land, it is no wonder that Qingxiao City can develop such a powerful strength.

But he got the cause and effect wrong. It is precisely because of the vigorous development of Qingxiao City that Qingxiao City has the current environment.

It is not unusual to raise a land for the sake of the world.

With the continuous expansion of Qingxiao City, the Qingniu spirit vein is only a line away from the sixth-order spirit vein, and this line is the precipitation and accumulation of time.

At most ten years, it will be able to cross the threshold of the sixth-order spiritual vein.

And the sixth-order spiritual veins correspond to the radiating range of the spiritual veins for thousands of miles, which is the emptiness realm of human monks!
"As priests of Qingxiao City, all of you are eligible to get a house in the inner city. If you like it, you can live here forever."

Fang Chang took the five people into the Golden Record Mansion in the city to record their names.

The Datang Golden Book, a list of the five gods of transformation, can bring him 50 free experience per day.

It sounds like a lot, but compared to his daily tens of billions in experience, it can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket.

So if you really want experience, you still have to occupy the territory and expand the population.

It is rare to find a god, and it is difficult to get one out of hundreds of millions, but it is just a matter of building an extra city for a million ordinary people.

Fang Chang also ordered his subordinates to take them for a walk around the city, not to use them in a hurry, but to give them some time to adapt.

And he himself returned to the City Lord's Mansion, after all, he hadn't studied the rewards he got from Tiandao properly.


City Lord's Mansion.


Dongdong was wearing a dignified and decent sky blue long skirt with a loose body, but it was difficult to conceal his excellent figure.

But Fang Chang was very calm.

He has passed the age of low taste, and now has a higher pursuit.

"I am back."

"Don't make trouble!"

Before Dongdong could react, he was picked up by Fang Chang.

The beautiful housekeeper who was in charge of the internal affairs of the City Lord's Mansion seemed to have long been used to the City Lord's absurdity, so she summoned the porter with a deadpan expression.

"Order, the city lord has something to do, so outsiders are not allowed to visit."

Suddenly, her ears moved, and she added another sentence.

"in three days."



Fang Chang not only completely satisfied his wife, but also completely calmed his mind.

"Husband, what have you encountered this year? Why do I feel that you seem a little unhappy."

Fang Chang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:
"I'm not unhappy. On the contrary, this time things went smoothly unexpectedly. I thought it would take at least [-] years, but I didn't expect to get it so soon.


Inexplicably, he thought of the old man who had gone with the weather.

Obviously the two sides did not have any positive intersection, but he just felt a little heavy.

In order to protect the things one loves, even if they lose their lives, they will not regret it, and in the face of life, they will choose to die without complacency. Such a person should be respected.

But he was killed by his own design.

"It's okay, I'm being hypocritical."

Fang Chang smiled, a little heaviness in his heart had already dissipated with the harmonious movement between him and Dongdong.

"Different positions, different choices, and being selfish is always right."

Amidst Dongdong's exclamation and begging for mercy, Fang Chang stood up and fought again.

Tangtang Huashen Daxiu bullied a Jindan Xiaoxiu, Fang Chang expressed his praise, he was playing to crush the game.


Under the blue sky tree.

Fang Chang rushed over to join in the fun of Pao Pao, so angry that Pao Pao hid a fish in the spirit pool and spit Bubbles, thinking that the old man didn't like it anymore.

But it didn't take long for Bubble to stop being angry.

It cautiously poked its head out from under the lotus leaf, watching the old man take out a dark heart, exuding a demonic energy that made it afraid.

Just by taking a look at it, Bubbles felt a flash in front of his eyes, as if several bubbles appeared in front of him.

Some of these bubbles are savage, some are vicious, some are ugly, all of them are their evil appearances.

Bubble asked curiously, "Who are you?"

The other Bubbles looked at Bubbles maliciously, and said with a sinister smile:

"We are Ni."

Their figures are illusory, and they turned into a wisp of black smoke and dust, hitting Bubble's forehead.

"Wow, wow, it hurts."

Pao Pao's two dragon beards knocked on his head, kept thumping in the spirit pond, and couldn't help revealing the form of a demon dragon, letting out a dragon chant.

"Hey, you all get out, get out, Bubble is very fierce!"

But in the next second, it twisted its body into a twist, turned and sank to the bottom of the pool, making the sound of choking water.

Fortunately, Pao Pao is not a vegetarian either, it exhausted all its skills and shouted out a sentence.

"Master, help!"

Fang Chang couldn't help shaking his head and laughingly: "You're both foody and playful."

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and a ray of light fell down the spirit pool, directly entering the body of Bubbles, and saw the bubbles that already had some solid shapes being forced out one by one.

Seeing Fang Chang, these bubbles were not afraid at all, and rushed towards him.

"A mere outsider dares to act presumptuously in front of me."

A burst of golden light emanated from Fang Chang's body, and the bubbles were shattered by the light.

Seeing that the bad Bubble who bullied her was so vulnerable in front of the Elder Master, Pao Pao immediately became majestic, flew out of the spirit pool, raised her neck, swung her tail away, and immediately killed one handsomely.

"Hmph, I, Paopao, are not easy to bully, let you bite me just now, ahhh!"

It flashed the flying fins on its back, its body was like lightning, and it was crushed in one bite.

Until all the bad bubbles were eliminated, Bubbles changed into the appearance of a little girl, with his hands on his hips, and said with great air:
"Now you know how powerful Bubble is."

"Okay, I don't know who called for help just now."

Fang Chang patted Pao Pao's head angrily.

Pao Pao immediately embraced the long thigh above him happily: "With the Elder Master here, Pao Pao is not afraid."

Fang Chang was completely unmoved, picked up Bubbles with one hand, and then shook his arm.

Bubble plunged into the water with a plop and turned into a big golden carp.

"It's okay, don't look blindly."

Fang Chang gave a warning, and turned his gaze to the black heart in his hand.

"As expected of the Heavenly Demon's Heart, even after it's been dead for an unknown period of time, the remaining power can still make a Gold Core monster like Pao Pao give birth to foreign demons.

Well, although there are also reasons why it is too delicious, it is enough to show how powerful this thing is. "

"The real body of the demon, it is really powerful."

"But obviously in the eyes of Heavenly Dao, a Heavenly Demon Heart cannot compare to the value of the Stargazing World, so I added three law crystals. Is it because the Heavenly Demon Heart is worthless, or is the Stargazing World too valuable?"

But this is no answer.

Because he didn't have a second stargazing world to sacrifice to him.

Another question popped up in Fang Chang's mind.

"What kind of creature is the so-called extraterrestrial demon?"

Fang Chang thought for a while, but couldn't figure out why, so he decided to put it aside for the time being and save up to ask Yao Guang.

"My first priority now is to restore its power."

Fang Chang opened his eyes, and the eyes of the demon flew out, transforming himself into Mo Sansheng.

"Boss, this is?"

Mo Sansheng looked at Tianmo's heart, with a rare look of greed and longing in his eyes.

Under normal circumstances, the five senses are closed and in a state of chaos, and they will only be summoned when needed.

After all, Fang Chang didn't have the habit of broadcasting live.

So he didn't know that Fang Chang got the heart of the demon.

Now when he saw the heart of the demon, Mo Sansheng felt that he fell in love with a power of the same root, and he couldn't help wanting to devour it.

"Will it restore you?"

Fang Chang asked with a serious face: "I'm talking about a complete recovery, reaching the power of the treasure of the magic eye sect."

Fang Chang gave up other rewards, and obtained the Heavenly Demon Heart from Heavenly Dao Will to restore the Heavenly Demon Eye, in order to allow himself to have the combat power of the Hollow Void Realm in the shortest possible time.

After all, all the bulls, ghosts, and snakes have appeared this year. Although he has more than enough self-protection in his own state of transformation and Qingxiao City, if he wants to gain an advantage in today's era, he must have overwhelming power.

Otherwise, if he encounters a small secret world with the strength of the stargazing world, he may not have the good luck he has now, and it will inevitably be a hard battle, dragging the entire Qingxiao City into the quagmire of war.

So the Eye of the Demon, the first ancient treasure he got, became his first choice.

As long as the Eye of the Heavenly Demon returns to its full strength, he can be like Wang Song who got the Star Orb.

Although he may be just a weak chicken in front of the real Dongxu power, but in front of the monks who are also in the realm of transforming gods, he is a well-deserved overlord.

As for the great power of Dongxu, there are only a few in this era.

Mo Sansheng's eyes never left the heart of the demon from the beginning to the end, and he replied:

"I feel like I can get stronger..."

"Then it's yours."

The demon's eye is covered with his own brand inside and out, and there is an identification technique to observe at any time. Fang Chang is still certain that the demon's eye swallows the demon's heart to restore power.

Mo Sansheng didn't speak any more, his whole body turned into a cloud of black mist, completely enveloping the heart of the demon.

Fang Chang was in it, visualized the Demonic Buddha, tempered his mind with the power of the heavenly demon, and at the same time, the realm of the technique of "Bo Xun Guan Thoughts" was also improving with incredible power.

Mofo Boxun is the king of demons in the first place!

(End of this chapter)

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