Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 351 Refining and Secret

Chapter 351 Refining and Secret

Since then, Meishan's old mother and her apprentice have lived in Qingxiao City.

As for how long it will take, it depends on when the information on them is emptied by Fang Chang.

Because she needs others, and after seeing Fang Chang's background, Mei Shan's old mother is unlikely to refuse Fang Chang's visit.

So the two chatted about their parents, the local customs, the inheritance of skills, the different paths of immortals and demons, and the ancient scenery.

He talked about everything, as if he wanted to be his confidant.

Later, Meishan's old mother didn't resist too much.

After all, she also got a lot of information she wanted from Fang Chang.

For example, the mysterious Tang Dynasty, Her Majesty the Empress in glory and brilliance, is an example for female cultivators in the world.

It's just that because Fang Chang was too enthusiastic, Meishan's mother looked at Fang Chang a little strangely, suggesting that Fang Chang had no plans to find a Taoist companion several times.

What can Fang Chang do at this time, he can only smile awkwardly, as if he didn't understand.

He is a superficial and single-minded man.

From the beginning to the end, he likes the beautiful and big ones.

As for Meishan's old mother, she was mediocre and not his type at all.

But it's a bit too hurtful to say it bluntly.

Regarding this, Fang Chang had to boast in his heart that he was gentle and considerate, otherwise he would provoke a big enemy for Qingxiao City for no reason.

this day.

Fang Chang personally forged his first Heavenly Demon Puppet, or the first Heavenly Demon Apostle under the Qingxiao Tree.

The material, of course, is the ancestor of the blood sea who contributed in friendship.

After being drained of all available value, all he has left is his own primordial spirit with the essence of turning into a god.

The dominance of the Eye of Heavenly Demon does not lie in its combat effectiveness, but in the laws of Heavenly Magic contained within it.

This is the power of law from outside the territory, with the power to control people's hearts and turn into puppets.

The demon seed of the sky is one of the external manifestations of the law of heavenly magic.

It's just that the state of the demon's eye was not complete before, and the demon species could only control the monks under Huashen. As Fang Chang's cultivation level improved, the help to Fang Chang became more and more useless.

Now that the Eye of Heavenly Demon has absorbed the power of the Heart of Heavenly Demon, its state has returned to its full strength, and it can already turn the cultivator of the God Transformation into a puppet of the Demon Eye.

But this process is destined to be long.

Just like when Shi Lei was injured by the law of space, the power of space destruction remained on his body, but he was able to initially resist by relying on the imprint of the law, and persisted for a long time.

Even with the help of Fang Chang, this part of the power of the law can be completely consumed.

This is because the strength of the two is essentially the same level.

Therefore, the cultivator of transforming gods can use up the power of the demon seed by virtue of his own divine will. This is the fundamental reason why the demon seed does not work on the cultivator of transforming gods.

But it was different at this moment, the blood ancestor's physical body was destroyed, his strength was greatly damaged, and he was tortured by the inner demon.

I saw a pitch-black eye blinking in the void, and the ancestor of Xuehai was under the shroud of the divine light of the heavenly demon, washing his soul over and over again.

His expression changed from confusion to dullness, from dullness to numbness, and finally into deathly silence.

His self-awareness has completely disappeared at this moment.

"It was possible to keep your consciousness, but it's the first time after all, so it's better to be on the safe side."

Fang Chang looked at the phantom of the ancestor of the blood sea, and said apologetically.

"However, you have committed such a heinous crime. If you can use your crippled body to contribute to my Qingxiao City, even if you die, you will be able to rest in peace."

Fang Chang flipped his palm, and a white jade porcelain bottle appeared.

This is a magic weapon for space storage, but it can only store liquid, but the advantage is that it has a huge capacity, enough to hold a small lake.

If the blood sea patriarch wants to regain his strength, he needs to replenish blood essence.

It is naturally impossible for Fang Chang to embarrass the ordinary people under his command, that is all his experience baby.

But he has not only many people, but also many monsters and beasts.

He didn't even need to explain it specifically, he only needed to increase the price of the beast's blood essence purchased by the City Lord's Mansion, and immediately there would be a steady stream of beast's blood essence sent from all over Qingxiaodao.

Fang Chang also temporarily opened the green channel for the ferocious beast essence and blood of the spirit network formation, and the essence blood can be exempted from tax through the teleportation formation.

Not to mention one Blood Sea Patriarch, even if there are ten or eight more, they are not worth mentioning in front of the huge size of Qingxiao Dao.

Of course, the premise is that the City Lord's Mansion can afford Lingshi.

Closer to home, Fang Chang poured out the mouth of the bottle, and a strong smell of blood permeated the air, and the phantom of the ancestor of the blood sea seemed to come alive suddenly, staring at the blood of the beast poured from the mouth of the bottle, fiercely Inhale.

clap clap.

Sounds like ocean waves continued to come out from the vial, the faint phantom of the blood sea patriarch gradually solidified, and a suppressed aura gradually rose from his body.

After the last drop of blood in the bottle was absorbed by the ancestor of Xuehai, his physical body recovered directly, just like when Fang Chang first met.

"Not bad."

Fang Chang stroked his chin and commented.

"The blood sea ancestor's blood sea spirit was born out of the law of blood, as long as the blood sea is not destroyed, the body will not perish.

In addition, the primordial spirit of the ancestor of the blood sea is now entrusted in the eye of the demon, as long as he is not powerless to resist, the primordial spirit can escape and be drawn back by the eye of the demon.

It is similar to my undead puppet army. "

The ancestor of the blood sea is not a puppet in the strict sense, and it is more appropriate to describe it as an apostle.

His real master is the Eye of the Demon, not Fang Chang.

If someone can intercept his primordial spirit and break through the protection of the demon eye to destroy him, then he will never be able to be resurrected.

But Fang Chang's immortal puppets are different. They have a little spirituality left in Fang Chang's body since the day they were born.

No matter how thoroughly these puppets were destroyed outside.

As long as Fang Chang is not dead, he can use his strength to recreate a new life based on this bit of spirituality.

"It's a pity that it has been reduced to a puppet, and now it is qualified if it can display the strength of the early stage of transformation.

In addition, the name of Patriarch Blood Sea can no longer be used. "

Fang Chang looked at Patriarch Xuehai, and with a sudden thought, the image of Patriarch Xuehai changed into a sullen-faced, short old man, dressed in a blood-colored red robe, and with a bald forehead, he looked like a villain at first glance.

"You will be called Blood Demon from now on."

The blood demon bowed slightly towards Fang Chang, his face still numb.

"The blood fiend has seen the master."

Fang Chang nodded in satisfaction. Although there was a little accident in the first use of the Omen's Eye after it regained its full power, the result was not bad.

The Gorefiend turned into a blood shadow and merged into the shadows on the ground.

From this moment on, Patriarch Xuehai is dead, and the only thing left in the world is the blood demon whose soul is forever trapped in the eyes of the demon, whose cultivation level cannot improve, and who cannot be freed for life.


City Lord's Mansion.

Fang Chang looked apologetic, and cupped his hands at Meishan's old mother:
"Fairy Ling has been waiting for a long time, and I never thought that the ancestor of the blood sea would be so stubborn, and he would not reveal the way to get Ling disciple out of trouble even until his death.

But now that Patriarch Xuehai has been punished, without him as the chief culprit, Lingtu's means will become rootless, nothing to fear.

In addition, although I didn't get the method of escape from the ancestor of the blood sea, I also forcibly searched the soul to obtain a secret technique, which can help the disciples reverse the power of the blood sea and turn the blood sea into their own resources. Switching to the ghost way can also provide a little more help. "

Faced with Fang Chang's apology, Mei Shan's old mother was a little disappointed. After waiting for so long, she got such a result.

But she couldn't blame Fang Chang, and said some stupid things about why the blood sea ancestor was not handed over to her.

Although Fang Chang is very polite, she has not forgotten who is the host and who is the guest, not to mention that the host is slightly stronger than her.

Obviously, she was confident. Within the range of Qingwang Mountain, Fang Chang was confident that even if Dongxu came over, he would be able to touch it.

The spirit of the fifth-level pinnacle of the spiritual veins, and the support of the branch spiritual veins with a radius of millions of miles, the power of Dongxu also has to be weighed.

When the Qingniu Spirit Vein reaches the sixth level, Dongxu will come in person, and Fang Chang dares to sit in front of him and talk on an equal footing.

"It's okay, I believe City Lord Fang has done his best."

Meishan's old mother smiled at Fang Chang, very considerate.

"It's Yuzhi's luck to be able to get a copy of the method of training against the sea of ​​​​blood."

"Besides, I have one more request."

Fang Chang said: "Fairy, please tell me."

Meishan's old mother was silent for a moment, a little embarrassed and said:

"I want Yuzhi to stay. The environment in Qingxiao City is good, which can make her practice more smoothly in the future. It would be even better if she can practice under the Qingxiao tree."

Fang Chang's face froze.

Ma De, this girl is really kind.

The area covered by the Qingxiao tree is his private territory, even his wife will not go to disturb him casually, usually there is only a simple and silly bubble to accompany him to relieve his fatigue.

Of course, the main reason is that if there is no spiritual land environment of Qingxiaoshu, with Pao Pao's lazy character, even if he is about to die of old age, he will not take the initiative to practice for a while.

Its current level of cultivation is all due to the accumulation of time and the occasional feeding of the petunias.

Meishan's old mother also wanted to send her apprentice to practice, and only his sister in Qingxiao City was treated like this.

Not to mention that Meishan's mother didn't join Qingxiao City, and it was even more impossible for him to agree to whoring.

Seeing that Fang Chang didn't speak, Mei Shan's old mother took the initiative to find a step.

"I know this request is a bit abrupt, so just pretend that City Lord Fang has never heard of it."

Only then did Fang Chang come back to his senses, with a puzzled look on his face, he said:

"I was distracted just now. What did you just say now? Can you say it again?"

Old Meishan mother: "..."

"Oh, I have a little impression. The fairy wants to keep the disciples. There is no problem with this matter. Qingxiao City has always welcomed all kinds of outstanding talents.

And Lingtu looks excellent at first glance. "

Fang Chang let out a haha ​​to make the atmosphere less awkward.

Meishan's old mother also selectively ignored, nodded: "Thank you, City Lord Fang."

Seeing this, Fang Chang also said curiously:

"As far as I know, the fairy is the reincarnation of an ancient power, who has lived for countless years, how can she have such a deep relationship with Lingtu?
Of course, I know this question is a bit abrupt, and the fairy doesn't have to answer it. "

Meishan's old mother pondered for a while, then asked:

"City Master Fang thinks that the reincarnation of us people is the soul occupying the body of this life, or awakening the memory of the previous life, and the body of the present life is the body of the previous life?"

Fang Changdao: "I think it should be the latter, so the feelings are true, but compared to the fairy's long years, what is this little feeling?"

Meishan's old mother smiled wryly and said: "Actually, I don't know if I am really reincarnated, because the memory of the previous life is too huge, but it seems a bit illusory.

When I was young, I pursued the way of immortality, left home alone, and found my parents dead when I returned home. The feeling was too real.

Rather than saying that I am good to Yuzhi, it is better to say that Yuzhi is my anchor in reality, so that I will not get lost in the past life.

Of course, I do not deny that this is the karma owed by my physical body, but I am willing to repay this karma. "

Fang Chang's hearing was a little fuzzy, but he still grasped the key point.

That is, the reincarnated person is not exactly the previous life, but also vaguely related to the current life, treating the previous life as a dream.

These are two completely different situations from Yang Qi, the god of all spirits that he had encountered before.

The Lord of All Souls seems to have been in a previous life. When we first met him, there was a well-hidden disdain in his eyes.

That was his pride in facing the great power of Hedao.

At that time, Fang Chang, who was only Huashen, was nothing in his eyes, if it wasn't for the order of mountains and rivers from Her Majesty the Empress.

So who made them reincarnated?

Obviously their reincarnation was not voluntary, just like his rebirth.

Fang Chang felt that there might be some relationship between the two.

Buried this question, Fang Chang continued to ask:

"Then Fairy will keep her disciples behind, what's her plan in the future? I'm confident that Qingxiao City is still sincere enough for Fairy."

Meishan's old mother turned her palm, and a dull golden pagoda was revealed.

"City Master Fang must know what this is. I haven't gained anything these days. Before Qingxiao City, there was such a golden pagoda."

Fang Chang thought of a possibility, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Could it be that Fairy also wants to participate in the Daozi battlefield of Beidou Daozong?"

Meishan's old mother sighed slightly: "Exactly."

"In my previous life, I was one of the saintesses of the Beidou Dao Sect, but I don't want to enter that quagmire again in this life.

This time, in order to catch the Patriarch of the Blood Sea, he encountered the Shadinghai Golden Pagoda again, so he had to let him recognize the master.

Going round and round, I headed down the same path again. "

Fang Chang frowned and said, "Could someone be added in the middle of this Taoist dispute?"

This is too informal, too unfair.

Mei Shan's old mother smiled and said: "It seems that the message in the golden pagoda misled City Lord Fang.

The so-called Taoist Battlefield is more like a Daoist Secret Realm. It is a sacred place for practice. One year of practice in it is equivalent to a hundred years of practice in the outside world.

It's just that the more you ask for, the more you will pay back in the future.

If I were to enter the Asura Field again, I would rather spend more years than agree to the recognition of the Lord of the Golden Pagoda.

Anyone who is selected by the Golden Pagoda is already a candidate Taoist. Even if he fails in the end, he will only become the guardian of the Taoist sect, and there will be no fear of his life.

And I will not compete with them, I will directly become the saint of Beidou Daozong again. "

"Then why do you leave the words of immortality?"

Fang Chang understood immediately.

"This is the test of the Golden Pagoda!"

Mei Shan's old mother nodded and said: "Yes, it is a test, if the person selected by the Jin Pagoda wants to survive in the future, he will use all means to improve himself, so that he enters the magic way.

Then the day of entering the Taoist battlefield is the time of death.

Only those who can stick to their principles in the face of the crisis of life and death are qualified to become the Daozi of Beidou Daozong. "

Fang Chang: "..."

Ma De, it turns out that Li Hu is a fool and has a fool's fortune. Not only did he meet such a good second brother as himself, but even the magic weapon for recognizing the master is so sensible.

"Thank you Fairy for letting me know. Fairy expected well. My sworn elder brother is the Lord of the Golden Pagoda. He entered the Taoist battlefield. Fortunately, I was worried for a while."

A smile appeared on Fang Chang's face.

In any case, the stronger Li Hu was, the more cards he had.

 Make up at night, around ten o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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