Chapter 355 Canonization
The Li family's housework was handled simply and rudely by Fang Chang, and at the same time, because the Li family involved a bunch of resistance organizations and was ruthlessly suppressed, that is a later story.

Anyway, there was only one cold number presented to Fang Chang in the end.

In the Tang Dynasty calendar, the 31st year of longevity, the eighth day of November.

In Qingxiao City, there are guests coming from the West.

City Lord's Mansion.

It was a middle-aged Taoist with an outstanding image and an outstanding temperament. The purple Taoist robe was worn on his body, which added a bit of extravagance.

At first glance, one can understand that this is a high-level Taoism.

His name is Chen Tiangang.

The former number one monk in the Tang Dynasty, when Her Ladyship was young, that is, her master when she became the crown prince, was rumored to have been killed by Her Ladyship herself.

But this time, he came to confer Fang Chang on behalf of the queen's imperial envoy.

Beside Chen Tiangang was the expressionless Cheng Kai - Fang Chang's cheap old grandfather, he was the deputy leader of the canonization team.

"I've heard the name of Master National Teacher a long time ago, but I never thought that I would be lucky enough to see it with my own eyes today. It's really a great honor for Fang Chang."

Fang Chang cupped his hands, his attitude was very polite.

If he is not mistaken, the former national teacher's current state is unfathomable, and nine out of ten are already in the realm of the cave.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the son of luck who was once coquettish for a while, and his background strength is top-notch.

Since Her Majesty the Empress did not kill him, it is not surprising that after so many years, with the support of Her Lady Empress, coupled with his own aptitude and luck, he broke through the hole realm.

Of course, it is to face such a powerful Chen Tiangang directly, but standing on the territory of Qingxiao City, Fang Chang is not afraid.

Although Dongxu's power is strong, the sixth-order Qingniu spirit vein is not a vegetarian. If the power of the spirit veins of the entire Qingxiao Dao is gathered, Dongxu's power can't break the protection of the Qingniu spirit vein head-on.

Chen Tiangang shook his head and said: "The old man is no longer a national teacher, but an unknown Taoist under His Majesty.

City Lord Fang can just call the old man Daoist Chen.

On the contrary, the old man wants to call the Lord Fang the Lord Marquis in the future, and he will serve His Majesty in the same court from now on, so please take care of Lord Fang. "

Chen Tiangang did not put on the arrogance of a senior, his tone was very calm, neither humble nor overbearing, which made people calm down unconsciously.

"Master Fang, accept the order."

Chen Tiangang glanced at Cheng Kai who was beside him, and Cheng Kai respectfully took out a golden scroll from his cuff.

Fang Chang bowed slightly and bowed in the direction of Chang'an City.

"Chen Fangchang, accept the order"

On the other side, Cheng Kai unfolded the golden scroll with some difficulty.

On the scroll, there were only three large brush characters drawn in silver with three iron hooks, which were shining brightly.

This is Fang Chang's title.

Then these three big characters fell off from the imperial decree, turning into a golden light and entering Fang Chang's forehead.

Fang Chang wanted to dodge conditionally, he didn't want all kinds of weird things to enter his body.

However, his dodge was useless at all.

The golden light went straight into Fang Chang's forehead, and then the huge flow of information rushed into Fang Chang's mind, making him close his eyes unconsciously to digest.

I don't know how long it took.

Fang Chang slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were tired, as if he hadn't slept for three days and three nights, but even so, there was still an uncontrollable excitement on his face.

The big characters written by the three empresses, Qing Xiaohou, contained an inheritance that belonged exclusively to the Lord of Shanhe, called the Dafa of Shanhe Yunling Lingshen.

This is the method of breaking through the void that belongs exclusively to the Lord of Mountains and Rivers.

It can temporarily fuse his primordial spirit with the spirit of the spiritual vein, sense the energy of the heaven and the earth, breathe with the heaven and the earth, share the fate, and turn himself into a spiritual vein seed.

In this state, he can sense the power of the laws of heaven and earth to the greatest extent, almost comparable to practicing in the sea of ​​laws.

The key is that he has the support of the Order of Mountains and Rivers, so he doesn't have to worry about assimilating himself into the world.

On the other side, Cheng Kai just unfolded the scroll, but as if fighting a big battle, he handed the blank imperial decree to Fang Chang with a little panting.

"Let me thank you."

Fang Chang received the imperial edict with a dull expression on his face.

"This is the end?"

"There is no purple air that travels [-] miles from the east, no dragon and phoenix show auspiciousness, and the sky changes drastically. Let me tell the world that I am also the first Marquis conferred by the Tang Dynasty. Where is the sense of ceremony?"

Fang Chang didn't understand, and even felt a little wronged.

What a great opportunity to pretend, Her Majesty the Empress really doesn't understand the needs of her subordinates.

Cheng Kai snorted coldly: "You are the one who has the most shit."

He stuffed the imperial decree into Fang Chang's hand and asked:

"Where is Dongdong? Someone lead me to her."

Fang Chang pointed to the outside with a sad expression.

Chen Tiangang waited until Fang Chang calmed down, and then said slowly:

"Master Fang, the imperial decree has been delivered. Your Majesty means that the old man will help Master Hou to clean up the Qingxiao Road. Now that Qingxiao Road has been officially incorporated into the territory of the Tang Dynasty, it must be serious."

Fang Chang understands that it is impossible for a powerful Dongxu to be dispatched easily just because of the imperial decree, so there must be other tasks.

But he didn't understand what it was like to be serious.

Isn't he straight?
Chen Tiangang explained: "Your Majesty means to establish a four-level system of Daozhou prefectures and counties.

Lord Fanghou is naturally still the Taoist master of Qingxiao Road, but the rest of the prefectures and counties have to formulate regulations quickly, and some officials will be stationed by the imperial court at that time.

Qingxiao Dao belongs to Lord Hou, and even more so to the imperial court.

Does Lord Fang Hou understand this meaning? "

Fang Chang nodded, knowing that the court would not allow the entire Qingxiao Road to become Fang Chang's private territory.

Qingxiao Dao is now only nominally the territory of Qingxiao City, but the wealth and potential contained in it have not been fully developed.

And the Tang court's armaments come from all over the country, so it is naturally impossible to let Qing Xiaodao go.

And he, Fang Chang, has completed the construction of the spirit network formation, no matter how it was constructed, but the most difficult period has passed.

Then it should be returned to the country.

To use the simplest sentence to describe it, the peaches are ripe and the court wants to pick them.

Of course, not completely removed.

His share has always been there.

Fang Chang's expression was a little gloomy.

Although he has long known that he can't really occupy one.

Only those kings with different surnames in the future will be able to truly occupy one side, and that will be the territory they have laid down by themselves, the existence that listens to the tune but does not listen to the announcement.

But he always felt bad.

Even if he knows very well that with the support of the court, he will definitely get more in the future than he has now.

Chen Tiangang seemed to see Fang Chang's thoughts, and explained:
"Fang Houye, you should know that there is a vaster world beyond the Great Tang, and there are existences that are not inferior to His Majesty, but their power has never stepped into the territory of the Great Tang.

It is His Majesty's protection, that's why Hou Ye is invincible in Qingxiao Dao, you only need to face the cultivation of the lower realms from the small world of the secret realm.

If it is placed in a foreign domain, even if Lord Hou is given another 100 years, it is impossible to occupy one-tenth of Qingxiaodao's territory. "

Fang Chang woke up instantly as if being poured by a basin of cold water.

He smiled wryly and said: "I understand the truth, it's just a little difficult to accept for a while, but Daoist Chen please rest assured, I will be able to adjust it soon."

He acted in the name of Her Majesty the Empress, accepted her canonization, and hugged Her Majesty's thigh tightly, so he had to bear these prices.

You can't let him take all the benefits.

In the final analysis, he is just a little Huashen. Even though he has the Eye of Heavenly Demon and stands in the territory of Qingxiao City, he can only protect himself in the face of Chen Tiangang's power of emptiness.

 There is one more chapter later.

(End of this chapter)

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