Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 371 Condensing the stars and the gaze of heaven

There are great horrors between life and death, and there are also great fortunes.

It is a great horror to suffer from thunder calamity. After the thunder calamity, it will be a great fortune.

Fang Chang only felt that his mind was infinitely high, but this time, he didn't feel the emptiness of floating clouds like before, but touched the top.

Blessed was his soul, he jumped out of the space between heaven and earth and saw a brand new world.

In the chaotic space, there is nothingness, but there is a giant standing there.

He woke up suddenly, saw the chaos and darkness around him, roared, raised the big ax in his hand, and slashed towards the darkness.

And so a new world was born.

The giant supports the world and grows with the world.

When the sky is ten feet high, the giant grows ten feet taller.

Until one day, the giant was tired and fell down. His eyes turned into sun and moon, his breath became wind and cloud, his blood became rivers, his skin and fine hair became the grass and trees of the earth, and his body merged into the world, making the world reborn.

But the next moment.

The world was suddenly destroyed, everything fell back to its original place, and the giant returned to chaos.

He opened his eyes again.

"I'm Pangu? No, I'm Fang Chang!"

Countless insights flowed in his heart, and Fang Chang understood the profound meaning of the ultimate way of strength all at once.

"Extreme strength is not the ultimate strength, but the courage and courage to break all rules. Without the courage to break everything, even if you have the most powerful power, you cannot be the most powerful person.

The law of force is the most basic law, so it will not be restrained by any law.

In addition, as long as my strength is strong enough, it can break other laws, so it is also the most powerful law. "

Fang Chang took the big ax that he didn't know where it came from, and slashed towards the darkness in front of him.

The light flashed, and he saw the familiar sea of ​​stars, the best place to feel the power of law - the sea of ​​law.

When he broke through to the realm of transforming gods, he realized his divine will on a certain star that fell on the sea of ​​laws under the protection of some mysterious power.

He was ignorant and ignorant before, but now he is an old driver who is familiar with driving rules.

After all, there are people above him.

Once again, I would like to thank Her Majesty the Empress for generously imparting this advanced knowledge.

Fang Chang felt that even if Her Majesty the Queen made some slightly excessive demands on him in the future, he would not be unable to satisfy them.

Who made himself owe favors?

At this moment, the protective force outside his body was even stronger, so strong that he felt that he could reach out and touch those stars.

This is not an illusion.

The power covering his primordial spirit is the power of creation after the thunder calamity, which not only enables him to quickly understand the laws, but also protects him to swim in the sea of ​​laws.

As a powerful monk in the realm of quasi-cave void.

The next thing he has to do is to leave his imprint of law in the sea of ​​law, and initially occupy a position in the sea of ​​law.

When the power of one's own law is perfected, one can condense the law and stars, and become a real power in the void realm.

The densely packed stars in the Sea of ​​Law represent powerful monks in the void realm.

Of course, there seem to be many stars in the sea of ​​laws, and it seems that there are many powerful people in this world.

But in fact, ninety-nine percent of them are illusory, and they are the projections of the laws and stars of the powerful people in other worlds.

Even the owners of many of the law stars have fallen, and only the law stars remain as their last traces.

Until one day, when the stars were destroyed, there was no memory of such a person in the universe.

"Then let's begin."

Fang Chang forcibly condensed the law with his physical body in the main world, and obtained the profound meaning of the law of strength in the creation of Thunder Tribulation.

At this moment, with the help of the power of heaven and earth, he not only wants to leave his imprint of laws in the sea of ​​laws, but also wants to skip the novice stage and directly condense his laws and stars.


A ray of light erupted in the bright sea of ​​laws, which was not conspicuous among thousands of stars, but it was a power that belonged exclusively to Fang Chang.

The scattered and disordered power of law in the sea of ​​law is being pulled by some kind of force at this moment, and they all gather in one place.

In just a few moments, Fang Chang felt overwhelmed.

Why is the sea of ​​law called the sea of ​​law.

Because this is a sea of ​​laws, and every moment I stay here, I am facing the clearest power of laws.

If you use an inappropriate metaphor, it is probably equivalent to refining the law crystal all the time.

Of course, the power of law in the sea of ​​laws is incomplete and chaotic, far inferior to the stable, clear, and pollution-free power of law in the crystal of law.

Once it absorbs too much and cannot be refined quickly, it will be polluted by the sea of ​​law in turn, making the power of its own law impure, damaging the Dao foundation, and missing the Dao from then on.

What's more, it directly transforms into the sea of ​​laws and becomes a part of the sea of ​​laws.

Only when you have truly condensed your own laws and stars, can you have a foothold in the sea of ​​laws.

Otherwise, even a powerful monk in the Hollow Realm would not dare to stay in the sea of ​​laws for a long time, lest he be polluted by too much power of laws.

Fang Chang recalled the taboo about the sea of ​​laws in his heart, but he was not afraid at all.

Because he is still in the novice protection period.

The lightning strikes were not for nothing, the power of creation around his soul was enough to digest the swarming chaotic laws.

His aura is getting stronger and stronger.

In the sea of ​​laws, Fang Chang's exclusive brand of laws condensed out, it was a small golden spot of light.

The light spot is hidden among the thousands of stars, inconspicuous at all, but like a seed, it silently absorbs the chaotic laws around it, silently digests it, and silently improves itself.

Maybe thousands of years, maybe ten thousand years later.

When this point of light absorbs enough power, it can become one of the stars.

Fang Chang didn't need to appraise himself, he knew that his data was soaring and his experience value was soaring.

He had never felt his strength so clearly.

But he was not satisfied.

With the golden light spot as the center, an invisible vortex is expanding, and finally turns into a gray-white hazy sphere.

With more and more chaotic laws, the power of creation outside Fang Chang's body is also rapidly consumed.

It seems that the next moment, he will face the pollution of many chaotic laws.

But Fang Chang didn't have the slightest fear.

If you don't rush to die during the novice protection period, then when will you wait.

He concentrated on refining the laws of chaos.

I don't know how long it took, but the power of creation outside his body finally couldn't support it.

At this moment, a huge fuzzy sphere with a diameter of about tens of miles can already be vaguely seen. The whole body is golden, which is Fang Chang's favorite color.

Compared with those lawful stars that have existed for an unknown number of years, this small ball is really a bit pocket-sized.

But it finally did.

Calculated according to the division of realms, it is roughly the early breakthrough of the Hollow Realm to the middle stage of the Hollow Realm.

Possibly the weakest mid-stage of the void, but that's also the mid-stage of the void.

Fang Chang is the first time to face the power of the law of chaos.

It was an indescribable feeling.

It's a bit like being obsessed, and it's a bit like giving an initiation and imparting skills. When you feel your skills are improving by leaps and bounds, you can't help but sink.

But how tenacious Fang Chang's mind is.

He was a man who practiced kung fu with his inner demons on his back during the Qi training period.

In terms of fighting will, he may not necessarily be strong, but in terms of resilience, he thinks he still has some strength.

He maintained enough sobriety, the power of law in his body pervaded, forcibly suppressed the law of chaos, and then tempered and absorbed the pure power of law, supplementing it into his own law stars.

Gradually, the vague laws and stars became more and more solid.

But the golden sphere was also stained with a gray-black color.

Fang Chang stopped practicing, glanced at his polluted law and stars, and smiled indifferently.

"Do you understand the ultimate way of strength, the gold content that is the best in the world."

The golden stars vibrated endlessly, and the gray and black air continued to dissipate.


The dim star shines brightly, completely turning into a small star hanging in the sea of ​​laws.

Although it is inconspicuous, it also symbolizes that Fang Chang has truly carved his own trace in this world.

For millions of years to come, this star will shine with the sky and the earth.


As the laws and stars were completely stabilized, Fang Chang felt that he was suddenly connected with a certain existence in the dark.

"Is that... the will of heaven?"

As an existence who had sacrificed several times before, Fang Chang thought that he would not feel wrong, that was the will of heaven.

"This, Her Majesty the Empress never taught me!"

Fang Chang was stunned.

Why did I get involved with the will of heaven again.

They only had money and goods before, and they paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with the other.

The will of heaven seemed to be awakened by Fang Chang, and a beam of eyes that spanned time and space was cast down.

There was some joy in that look.

next moment.

Whoosh! ! !

Wind appeared in the sea of ​​law.

The power of chaotic laws swarmed in, but was purified and purified by a certain force, and then poured into Fang Chang's law stars.

The law star, who was just a small pocket ball, swelled up suddenly, and directly helped Fang Chang through the next hundred years of accumulation.

Then a piece of information was absorbed by Fang Chang.

"Achieve the hole, rewarded by heaven?"

Fang Chang suddenly became sad.

"Don't do it, can you?"

But the will of heaven has long gone, and Fang Chang's complaints can no longer be heard.

It's not that Fang grows cheap and acts good, but that this reward is not for nothing.

From then on, his laws and stars were completely tied to the Immortal Demon Continent, and all were prosperous and all were harmed.

Just like the Beidou Great World back then.

When the Beidou Great World was shattered for unknown reasons, the avenue collapsed, and the way of heaven died.

Therefore, those laws and stars entrusted to the Big Dipper World were implicated by it one by one, and all the stars died, and the body died and the dao disappeared.

This is what he got from Dayan Shenjun.

It is also the reason why the owners of many secret small worlds are all gone.

But not without exception.

For example, those reincarnated bigwigs.

"But you also have to ask me if I want to?"


"All things are born to support people, what can people use to repay the sky?"

In the world of mountains and rivers, Yao Guang smiled back at the question from the newly promoted Great Master Fang Changcheng.

Fang Chang's face was not very good-looking, but he pondered for a moment, pointed to himself and said:
"Could it be that people repay the way of heaven with their own bodies?"

Yao Guang nodded his head and said: "As expected of a peerless genius who can break through the void realm in 200 years, His Majesty's vision is as vicious and excellent as ever."

Fang Chang said unhappily: "You have made it so obvious, how can I still not understand?"

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

He looked at Yao Guang with a heartbroken expression.

"Did my sister not recognize my younger brother?"

"It seems that you are not really sad."

Yao Guang shook his head and laughed:
"Where did I know that you are so powerful, you can break through from the early stage of Dongxu to the middle stage, and even the laws and stars have been condensed."

"However, whether you know about this kind of thing or not, nothing can be changed, unless you are willing to stay in the initial stage of the cave forever.

As long as you don't condense the laws and stars, you won't be targeted by the will of heaven. "

"But as long as you condense the laws and stars, the will of heaven will not let you go."

"But you don't have to worry, this is a stage that every monk who is interested in the Dao must go through.

Even after His Majesty broke through that year, he had to entrust the laws and stars in the way of heaven.

After all, you were born between the heaven and the earth, and the aura you breathe out is all bestowed by heaven.

After you have condensed the laws and stars, you will have the opportunity to go to other big worlds in the future. If the Heavenly Dao doesn't mark you, if you run away in the future, He will not die. "


When Fang Chang heard that even the empress, who was temporarily invincible in his heart, had experienced this, he immediately felt less uncomfortable.

People, that's it.

I am the only one who suffers, and I must blame others, but once someone has the same experience as myself, the pain seems to be divided in half, and I feel less uncomfortable.

Especially when the big man who was originally high in his heart actually ended up with him, the feeling was even more wonderful.

Not only may it not be uncomfortable, but it may also feel a little bit earned.

How can I have the virtue and ability to end up with such a big shot.

In addition, Fang Chang was keenly aware of another message.

"Other big worlds? Can I go to other big worlds?!"

His mood was suddenly like a flower blooming in spring, extraordinarily bright.

Doesn't this mean that he can return to his original world.

The return of the urban fairy respecting life? !
In an instant, he came up with a 200 million-word cool story.

But soon he felt dull.

After all, he has long since left such low-level interests, and has no fun with a bunch of mortals. He even destroyed more than one small world.

It's just that if the time has not changed, the current time is just a few years before the game "Xianmo" was launched, he is still young, and the people he is familiar with have not yet turned into a pile of loess.

It's also great to see you.

Otherwise, this will always be a regret in his heart, and it can be regarded as his fate in another world.

Seeing Fang Chang so excited, Yao Guang looked at him suspiciously and said:

"I thought you would ask my majesty how to get rid of the will of heaven, but I didn't expect you to care so much about the new big world?"

"Ahem, that, after all, I haven't seen it before."

Fang Chang prevaricated a few words and said with a smile:

"These two questions are equally important. Good sister, just tell me well. What do you want, my little brother can't refuse to define it."

Yao Guang was merciless when slaughtering people, let alone Fang Chang stretched his neck out of control.

So after Fang Chang agreed to five, six, seven or eight conditions, she finally got to the point.

"First of all, how Your Majesty can get rid of Heaven's will is actually very simple, you just need to repay what you owe to Heaven.

How much spiritual energy you have swallowed in this world, how many magic weapons you have consumed, will be doubled and repaid back.

Then you will naturally be able to get rid of the gaze of heaven.

As for how to repay, you are so smart, why don't you guess it? "

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