Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 386 Recruits Mission

The next morning.

With the sound of a low bell outside the house, Xia Xiaofei slowly woke up from the deep level of cultivation, and his practice was not affected.

This is the calming bell of the recruit camp, which has the function of awakening monks and purifying the soul, and it is also the morning bell for recruits.

The recruit manual said that when the bell rang, it meant that the recruits had assembled.

If it is not overdue, it is a violation of military regulations and will be whipped.

The so-called caning punishment is to go down to the audience, strip off to only the underwear, and then whip on the back and buttocks with the whip of the highest grade magic weapon.

It doesn't hurt much, it's extremely insulting.

Especially female monks, the whip does not recognize men and women.

Xia Xiaofei stood up with some nostalgia.

The cultivation effect of this recruit barracks was beyond his imagination, almost twice the speed of his usual practice.

This made him think that the gathering spirit formations recorded in the quiet room before were all fake and shoddy.

If he cooperates with the Lingshi Lingdan in his hand, Xia Xiaofei is sure to complete the accumulation of experience points within one year and break through the Nascent Soul realm.

The task of the second ring is almost no pressure for him.

But Xia Xiaofei didn't think he could stay in the recruit camp forever.

He performed a dust removal spell on himself, and walked out of the barracks to the playground.

Other recruits also arrived one after another, about 800 people.

The most indispensable thing in Qingxiao Dao is monks. Even though they know that the death rate in the pioneering camp is frighteningly high, there are still no shortage of monks who are flying moths to the flames.

Xia Xiaofei stood silently in the crowd, looking ordinary.

On the rostrum, a monk in silver leather armor held a whip and looked down at many recruits and monks.

And beside him stood an iron pillar as thick as a man's, hanging a monk with a weak breath.

The lute bones of his shoulders were locked by magic tools, and then strung together with iron cables, hanging in the air.

This person was the recruit who killed the leading sergeant yesterday.

Some people don't know this person, but they know his identity after some discussion by others, and then they understand the reason why the early bell rang.

It is to be executed in public.

The monk holding the whip said casually:

"My name is Li Xin, and I am a military commander. I used to serve in the Third Army Corps, and now I am the captain of the law enforcement team of the New Recruits Battalion of the Pioneering Battalion, and concurrently serves as the Deputy Battalion Commander of the New Recruits Battalion.

Some people know me, some people don't know me.

But by now, you should all know me. "

With a flick of the whip in his hand, the whip with keel barbs lashed hard at the hanging cultivator.

A bloodstain appeared instantly, and the cultivator grunted, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

"This guy is a recruit, and he is also a recruit who committed a crime. He killed someone, and he killed a sergeant from the recruit battalion.

It is a big taboo in the army to shoot at a fellow robe, and it should be executed immediately.

However, when he first came to the camp, there was a reason for the incident, so the death sentence was changed to thirty lashes, and he had to take the Moxin Pill, and the new recruit mission would start three days later.

Letting the big guys come over today is to tell you that the army is not your original sect family, and you will not be allowed to be presumptuous.

Now that you have joined the development battalion, you must abide by the rules in the army.

Familiarize yourself with the recruit manual in your hands, and don't make mistakes, otherwise the dignified Jindan Daoist will be executed in public, and I think you don't like to see it either. "

Hearing this, the corners of Xia Xiaofei's eyes twitched, and he looked sympathetically at the recruit who committed the crime.

He didn't know how much thirty lashes were, but just talking about the Moxin Pill was a must for the death camp of the Legion.

It is said that the Death Battalion is full of heinous monks, all of them vicious. It is a place for the Legion to recycle waste, and it is lower than the Cannon Fodder Battalion.

And in order to prevent the monks of these death camps from defecting during their missions, Moxin Pill is a must for them.

According to legend, the Moxin Pill is the magic pill refined by the Taoist Master Qingxiao in his early years, and he made great contributions to the early development of Qingxiao Dao City.

I don't know how many monks of evil ways and evil ways are under the control of this magic heart pill, they can't live or die, and finally burn themselves obediently in the death camp until they die.

As for the recruit task, although every recruit needs to do it, they do have three months of training time.

But this person was whipped and only had three days to recuperate, but he was going to perform the task, and it was almost a narrow escape.

But he took Moxin Pill again, killing even the possibility of becoming a deserter.

Snapped! ! !
Li Xin didn't care about the recruit's reaction. When he flicked the whip in his hand, a ray of light passed through the recruit's body. Just one blow of the whip seemed to tear the recruit's body apart.


The recruit who committed the crime couldn't take it anymore, screaming in pain, but he was so awake that he couldn't even fall asleep.

And he has to bear another 29 whips.

clap clap clap! ! !
Li Xin used excellent force, each whip was stuck at the limit of the offending recruit's tolerance, but it would not let him die of pain.

When the thirty whips were finished, the recruit's cassock had already burst open, revealing bright red scars like brand marks on his skin.

The people present had no weak hands, and they could tell at a glance that the whip marks were the key. There seemed to be some kind of secret method on them, which could continuously bring pain to the tortured.

Otherwise, with the golden core cultivator's own resilience, no matter how serious the injury is, as long as the golden core is not broken and the soul is not lost, it is still a minor injury.

Under normal circumstances, he could still cultivate slowly and use his own magic power to remove the whip marks, but this recruit only had three days to cultivate.

This means that he must drag this body full of pain to carry out the task.

Everyone's heart trembled, and they were a little in awe of the rules in the camp.

But when they entered the development camp, they could no longer escape the truth.

"Okay, I hope you don't waste everyone's time because of unnecessary things, after all, there is not much time left for you."

As soon as Li Xin shook his hand, the recruit who was hoisted fell heavily to the ground, and then left without looking back.

Many recruits then dispersed.

Xia Xiaofei originally left with the crowd.

But his heart suddenly moved, and when he turned his head, he saw the recruit who committed the crime struggling to support himself on the stage.

People passing by all ignore it.

Obviously, in the eyes of everyone, this recruit is no different from a dead man.

And for worthless dead people, it is not worth paying more attention to them.

Xia Xiaofei stopped and walked up to the stage against the flow of people.

"Although we don't know each other before, it can be regarded as the same robe."

Xia Xiaofei stretched out his hand and said.

"Let me help you."

The recruit who committed the crime glanced at Xia Xiaofei, ignored him, stood up unsteadily, and even sneered at him.


"Although this real person is temporarily down, it's not something you can buy."

Xia Xiaofei: "..."

He touched his nose in embarrassment, but in his heart he greeted this person's family over and over again.

With such a personality, how could he not be beaten to death after cultivating to the Golden Core realm?

He looked at the back of the recruit who committed the crime, wondering if he should curse this guy.

After all, he has learned a lot and has dabbled in spells.

But after thinking about it, Xia Xiaofei gave up this dangerous idea considering that there might be big bosses paying attention at this moment.

Anyway, impression points have been earned.


after March.

Xia Xiaofei ended his short but fulfilling career as a recruit. He looked at the center of the formation that was still emitting spirit energy continuously, and felt extremely sad in his heart.

"It's no wonder that the Qingxiao Legion can dominate the Qingxiao Dao town. Everyone yearns for it. I will do it for this kind of treatment."

"It's a pity that these three months have passed too quickly."

Xia Xiaofei saw that his panel was full of one-third of the experience bars, wishing he could grow old here forever.

But this idea is obviously unrealistic.

The other is that he spent more than half of the spiritual stone resources he had accumulated in the three months of his recruit career - there are various military special training resources in the recruit camp, which are good things that the outside world cannot buy with spiritual stones .

Xia Xiaofei was so excited that he placed an order impulsively.

The price was that his previous savings were less than 100 million spirit stones.

If not, his experience bar would not have risen so fast.

Then he made a tactic in his hand, and the flying sword that had been warming in the center of the formation flew out.

It was a silver-white flying sword, made of iron essence as the main material, plus a little Taiyi real gold, which has the advantage of being strong and wear-resistant, so you don't have to worry about the flying sword being cut off by someone in a fight. It's very cost-effective, and it's poor Best choice.

"Not bad, at least in this three months, I saved hundreds of thousands of Lingshi's material costs and several years of nurturing efforts. If I save more materials, it will be much easier to upgrade the high-grade magic weapon in the future."

Xia Xiaofei looked at the spiritual light overflowing from Feijian, and couldn't stop smiling on his face.

He pushed open the door, and the sergeant who had led the way for him was waiting.

In the past three months, Xia Xiaofei and him have become acquainted.

The sergeant's name is Zhou Guang. He is not very old, only in his 40s. He has cultivated in the middle stage of foundation establishment. One of his uncles is the centurion commander of the legion. High, but seniority is old enough.

So he entrusted his uncle's relationship to enter the development camp and was in charge of logistics.

A logistics soldier like him does not need to perform tasks like Xia Xiaofei, but is only responsible for receiving, distributing resources, and counting some simple affairs. After staying in the development camp for two years, his cultivation has improved by a small level.

It can only be said that the development camp, which has received special attention, is rich in oil and water.

"Brother Xia."

Zhou Guang greeted Xia Xiaofei and said:
"I've inquired about it. This time, your recruit mission should be an outbound mission. It's a relatively simple mission that only needs to fight."

The tasks of the new recruits in the development battalion are divided into out-of-road development and out-of-boundary development.

The former is to open up and fight outside Qingxiao Dao, while the latter is to fight in some small worlds that have been discovered.

Both of these are extremely dangerous, so the requirements for recruits are extremely high, and the starting point is the golden core cultivation base.

But relatively speaking, it is easier to open up outside the boundary.

Because the former needs to go outside Qingxiaodao, where there are all kinds of powerful monks, they don't recognize Qingxiaodao, and they will be wiped out if they are not careful.

And because the latter is a small world in the secret realm, the upper limit of the small world has been determined, the highest is the realm of transforming gods, and the number is still extremely rare.

In this small world, Jindan's cultivation base is not considered weak.

"Thank you."

Xia Xiaofei threw out a small bag of spirit stones, not many, only five or six medium-grade spirit stones.

Zhou Guang pocketed the spirit stone quite naturally: "You're welcome, Brother Xia, you think highly of me, so naturally I can't live up to your trust."

"By the way, the battalion commander is still waiting for you."


Xia Xiaofei followed Zhou Guang to a tent, and there were already recruits who were at the same age as him waiting.

They didn't wait long, and were quickly called in.

There were three officers waiting in the camp, Xu Liang, the battalion commander of the recruit camp, Li Xin, the captain and deputy battalion commander of the law enforcement team, and a bearded man whom he didn't recognize.

"Not much nonsense, this is your respective task, and someone will take you away later."

Every recruit received a jade slip with their tasks written on it, but Xia Xiaofei was the only one left.

Xia Xiaofei looked eagerly at the battalion commander who issued the task, and really wanted to say something about him.

"Okay, you can go out, Xia Xiaofei stays."


When the group left the tent, Xia Xiaofei suddenly felt a pressure in the space.

"Xia Xiaofei."

"Subordinates are here."

Xia Xiaofei straightened his body.

"Yes, very spirited."

The battalion commander looked at Xia Xiaofei with a smile and said:

"After the unanimous inspection of Captain Li and I, we are very satisfied with your character and cultivation, so your recruit mission is different from others.

Let me introduce, this is Zeng Yongquan, Zeng Qianfu Commander, who originally belonged to Qingyiwei, and now is the leader of the Jingzhe team in the 24th section team of the pioneering camp.

This time he specially came to the recruit camp to select new recruits, and we recommended you to him.

And your recruit task is to cooperate with Team Leader Zeng. "

Xia Xiaofei's face froze: "This subordinate has just joined the army, so I'm afraid he won't be able to take on such a heavy responsibility."

He just wants to complete the task step by step, and then upgrade, he hates this kind of accident.

"Haha, modest enough."

Battalion Commander Xu Liang nodded and said: "I really didn't misunderstand you. Before Li Huai was tortured, everyone was indifferent. Only you can lend a helping hand, which shows that you have kind thoughts in your heart.

In mid-March, everyone gathers privately, forms groups, and forms factions. Only you are not in a hurry, can practice consistently, live the life of an ascetic monk, and don't worry about the next task.

It shows that you have meditation and firm belief in every major event.

And you are still so young, less than a hundred years old, full of vigor, and have the confidence to start over.

So this mission is up to you. "

Xia Xiaofei: "..."

If you want me to die, just say so, don't beat around the bush and praise me.

After all, when your boss praises you for no reason, nine times out of ten it will be bad.

The bearded team leader Zeng patted Xia Xiaofei on the shoulder and said:
"I won't let you suffer. After following me, you will be an official member of the pioneering battalion, and your military rank will be deputy centurion. After completing the mission, you will be directly promoted to centurion, and you will also have a mysterious military merit."

In the legion, there are Tiandi Xuanhuang fourth-level military merits, and even the lowest Huang-level military merits are enough to exchange for an infant transformation pill.

As for the heavenly military merit, no one has achieved it so far.

It is said that a heaven-level military merit can even ask the Taoist Lord to promise one thing.

Hearing this, Xia Xiaofei immediately felt relieved.

A Xuan-level military merit is enough for him to advance one or two levels in the Nascent Soul realm.

Anyway, the big deal is to die, and the military merits must belong to him.

"Please order, sir, this subordinate will definitely die!"

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