Chapter 388 To Zixia Sect
The gentle wind caressed his cheeks, the softness like cotton made Xia Xiaofei a little reluctant to leave.

He squinted his eyes, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his sleeping mouth, and he squeezed back unconsciously, wanting to pursue greater tenderness.

Immediately afterwards, there was a shriek from beside him, with a little shyness.

Xia Xiaofei woke up suddenly like a dream, and looked around.

"you're awake."

The voice is gentle, and the person is also gentle.

Yunzhi looked at Xia Xiaofei with a faint smile in his eyes.

Xia Xiaofei quickly recalled everything.

In order to complete the undercover mission arranged by his superiors, he had to risk his life to get close to the young suzerain with his own body.

Then his golden core was broken, and he had to make a decisive decision to rebuild it.

After finally recovering, another female cultivator who didn't like him rushed over.


He was decisively dizzy.

At first I pretended to be dizzy, but then I really got dizzy.

Anyone who suffered from his previous injuries would be lucky to be alive.

Thinking about it, Xia Xiaofei couldn't help but greeted his boss's family again.

"Where is this?"

"On my spaceship, we are going to Zixia Sect soon."

Yunzhi answered every question.

She showed a little worry on her face and said:

"Aunt Zhen saw your injury and said that you were seriously injured, although you smashed the golden core decisively and repaired the injury with the essence of the core to avoid the self-destruction of the golden core.

But the golden elixir is the thing for monks to cultivate both life and soul, and it is the foundation of the Dao of cultivation.

Once the golden core is broken, your cultivation will be lower and lower in the future, until you become a mortal.

I'm sorry, I'm the one who bothered you. "

Xia Xiaofei's face suddenly turned ugly, but he still said:
"You don't need to blame yourself, I don't blame you, I asked for it all."

In his hand, he holds the Dafa of Suicide Refresh Status, a mere Golden Elixir, if it is broken, it will be broken.

It was the task of the second ring that was about to be completed, but unexpectedly fell here.

Fortunately, the task penalty is not heavy, and the experience penalty of 50.00% is only four to five billion... that's all.

Zhuo!Four to five billion!

Xia Xiaofei's eyes were red with anger.

He used half of his life savings, plus the unique environment of the recruit camp and the benefits for newcomers in the army, to practice hard for several months.

It can be said that it was ten years of savings, and once it flourished, it was hard to increase my experience bar by less than one-third, which is less than [-] million.

I work hard, but my dreams are broken.

Boss bastard, what do you pay for it!

Seeing that Xia Xiaofei was so sad that it was uncontrollable, tears were about to fall, but she was still comforting herself, Yunzhi was even more moved.

She suddenly thought of something, her face turned red, and her voice slowly dropped.

"You could run away at that time, why did you come back to save me?"

Xia Xiaofei, who was angry at the failure of the mission, glanced at Yunzhi's expression, his heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad association.

There's something wrong with this development.

Having said that, I'm just being an undercover agent. I already have a wife who has been engaged for life. Hey, hey!
So he thought for a while, and said with a rational attitude:

"At that time, there were so many people besieging and killing me, I could naturally run, but I could run for a while, but I couldn't run for a lifetime.

That group of people mobilized such a powerful force in order to catch you, and nine times out of ten they will not let me slip through the net.

So at that time I seemed to have many choices, but in fact there was only one, and that was to take a gamble—go back and save you.

Since they attach so much importance to you, it means that you have the power to fight against them, and saving you may be more likely than me escaping alone.

So if I don't want to be hunted down by them afterwards, coming back is a good choice.

From the moment you fell into my yard, our fates were bound together in a sense. "

"As for my cultivation... If you are really sorry, then give me more spirit stones, I think you are also the one who is not short of money.

To be honest, casual cultivators have many fates, and they are precarious. So far, I haven't saved many spirit stones.

So if I want to get the resources for rebuilding, I can only beg for it.

In short, no matter what method is used, I will definitely rebuild it. "

"Well, give me 20 years, you shelter me for 20 years, after that, no matter if I rebuild or not, I won't bother you again.

With these 20 years, I will repay it as you. "

Yunzhi was inexplicably disappointed when she heard Xia Xiaofei's indifferent analysis, but she also knew that this was the real reason.

If Xia Xiaofei said that it was love at first sight, that she couldn't bear the withering of famous flowers, or that beauties were late, she might be happy for a while, but the illusion would eventually be shattered.

Being honest with each other is a good start.

In any case, he saved himself, and this really happened.

She took a deep breath, and the previously turbulent emotions gradually calmed down, and turned into another kind of appreciation and refusal to admit defeat.

Is she so bad, so despised?

"Okay, I promise you."

"However, 20 years is too short. As long as you want, you can stay in Zixia Sect forever. As long as I am here, Zixia Sect will protect you for a day."

Seeing that Yunzhi's eyes were clear and she didn't have the fantasy and nympho feeling just now, Xia Xiaofei breathed a sigh of relief but at the same time worried about gains and losses.

Then he spat at himself hard in his heart, a bitch is hypocritical.

After all, with such a beautiful woman like Yunzhi being gentle by her side, there is no man who would not be tempted.

It's just that his reason restrained his impulse.

Xia Xiaofei turned over from the bed and walked to the window of the room.

He could see the long white clouds outside, and he didn't know what kind of formation was used on the spaceship. Only a slight breeze blew in, which was very comfortable.

"Sorry, I want to be alone."

Yunzhi looked at Xia Xiaofei's inexplicably bleak and lonely back leaning against the window, revealing guilt in her eyes.

Without her, he would be a self-reliant casual cultivator living a leisurely life of his own.

He is still so young, he might have a chance to become a great cultivator in the future, and even have a slight chance to become a god-turning venerable who is rare among casual cultivators.

But because of her, this promising young monk is about to become a useless person step by step.

It is easy to say the word "rebuild", but it is extremely difficult to really do it.

She nodded slowly: "Okay, if you have something to do, you can ring the bell in front of the bed, and I will hear it."

Xia Xiaofei heard the sound of closing the door, looked at the clouds drifting outside the window, and burst into tears——Swallow, oh Swallow, you never know what I gave up for you.


Xiaojun Mountain, Zixia Sect.

The Zixia Sect has a long history, and the records can be verified as far back as ten thousand years ago, but it has actually been less than 50 years since they came to this world.

Changes in the sky never happened only in the Tang Dynasty.

In addition to the Great Tang, these thousands of sect forces also come from different small worlds of secret realms.

Zixia Sect is one of them.

And because of the limited environment of the small world, Zixia Sect has never had a Huashen venerable, and they have only seen the realm of Huashen in the classics.

Until they came to the main world.

Their Supreme Elder, Yun Mo, used great perseverance and great wisdom to perform the Mystic Transformation Technique on himself-a method of forgetting emotions.

As a result, the majestic monk at the peak of Yuanying retired from cultivation, lost his memory, and turned into a mortal to wander around the world.

He met and fell in love with a woman in the mortal world, broke through the blockade of secret arts with the power of love between men and women, gradually recovered his memory, until he recovered his cultivation, returned to the mountain gate, and broke through to transform into a god!
Then, in order to consolidate the realm of transforming gods, he retreated for 20 years.

After all, Zixia Sect has never had a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, so he can't be too cautious.

And this caused Yunzhi to lack the role of a father in her memories of the first 20 years of her life, and she also suffered 20 years of criticism along with her unmarried and pregnant mother.

If it wasn't for her mother's ability, whether she could live in this world would be a problem.

It wasn't until later that Yun Mo left the customs and took their mother and daughter back to the Zixia Sect to enjoy the glory.

After joining the Immortal League, he found a marrow-washing spiritual object for her, allowing her to cultivate to the Golden Core realm in just over 20 years, and she deservedly became the young master of the Zixia Sect and the future heir of the sect.

" father treats me very well, in order to compensate my mother and me, no matter what we want, he will find it for us.

But I have always respected and feared him.

Probably since I was a child, my father has always been a symbol in my heart. After I arrived at the Zixia Sect, he was so sacred and tall that I dare not approach him. "

As they approached the mountain gate, Yunzhi and Xia Xiaofei talked about what was on their minds.

Regarding this, Xia Xiaofei remained silent, but he didn't know whether to be happy or afraid.

He has spoken so clearly, why doesn't this girl listen to persuasion.

When a girl is willing to tell you about her unfortunate childhood, she either wants to empty your pocket or your heart.

Obviously, Xia Xiaofei is just a pauper.

A little bit of exposure between the hands of others is enough for him to practice for several years.

Xia Xiaofei thought of the hills of spirit stones in his storage ring, the spirit fruit whose taste is unforgettable after one bite, dozens of different types of spiritual pills for cultivation, and the magical futons that assist cultivation...

He really... couldn't stand it anymore.

A man would not bend his waist for five buckets of rice, but this girl gave too much!

All of a sudden, the clouds and mists dispersed in front of them, and a purple cloud rose, reflecting half of the void, turning into a rainbow bridge to meet the spaceship.

Yunzhi smiled at Xia Xiaofei:

"This is the Hongqiao that our Zixia Sect only uses to welcome distinguished guests, and usually only those famous monks are eligible to step on it.

It seems that my father already knows the news that you saved me.

You made Zixia Sect break the precedent. "

Xia Xiaofei sorted out his mood, forced a smile on his face, and flattered the boss first.

"It seems that your father is really good to you, but because I help you once, I can make him make an exception for the entire sect.

But if I do this, if I want to stay in Zixia Sect in the future, I'm afraid I will become the target of public criticism. "

As he spoke, he couldn't help but sighed.

Yunzhi snorted softly, "I said it all, with me here, you don't need to be afraid of anyone in the Zixia Sect. Are you looking down on me by saying that now?"

Xia Xiaofei shook his head quickly: "Don't dare, let's go there quickly, don't make the seniors wait in a hurry."

The two walked onto Hongqiao one after the other.


In Zixia Hall.

All the elders of the Zixia Sect were actually extremely dissatisfied with the fact that the whole sect was making a big show of welcoming a cripple who was said to have lost all his cultivation.

Just considering that this was the order of Yun Zun, the only venerable god in the sect, they could only keep their dissatisfaction in their hearts, and they didn't even dare to say a word.

In Zixia Sect, Yun Zun is the god who commands everything.

So when they saw the young monk who was accompanied by the young suzerain into the hall, his breath was so weak that he could be blown away by a gust of wind, all of them showed enthusiastic smiles on their faces.

"Oh, this is the hero who saved our young suzerain. He really looks extraordinary and extraordinary."

"The hero seems to have an injury in his body. This is the Xuehua Pill that the old man made from a thousand-year-old snow lotus. It has miraculous effects on healing. If the hero doesn't dislike it, then accept it."

"I also have a Baihua Xianlu Pill from Huaxian Valley. It has the effect of life and death. The hero should accept it together."

"A rogue cultivator dares to fight against a giant like Qingzong. Who said that the rogue cultivators are full of goofs and goofs, people who forget their righteousness when they see profit, and they are worthy of the word hero!"

Xia Xiaofei was a little flustered when he saw a group of Jindan Nascent Soul cultivators approaching, but when they were blowing their rainbow farts, he was soft on accepting the gifts.

His nervousness disappeared immediately, showing a shy smile.

"I am over-flattered."

"you are welcome."

"If you have a heart, you have a heart."

Xia Xiaofei was polite, and accepted the gifts from the elders one by one.

Isn't there the resources to rebuild to the Golden Core realm?

He already has the experience of practicing at the peak of Jindan, and he has a player panel, so the speed of rebuilding will be so fast that it will break through everyone's imagination.

Maybe there is still hope for my second ring mission.

"Cough cough..."

A middle-aged man in a purple robe with a pale face coughed lightly on the main seat, and all the elders scattered like birds and beasts, and returned to their positions with serious expressions on their faces, as if nothing had happened just now.

Xia Xiaofei is about to go up to see him.

Seeing that this person is standing in the main position, and everyone is so fearful, he must be Yunzhi's father.

"This is our suzerain, Zixia Zhenjun."

Yunzhi seemed to know what Xia Xiaofei was thinking, and hurriedly grabbed him to introduce in a low voice, but there was an unstoppable smile on her face.

She was a little surprised that Xia Xiaofei was so popular with the elders.

But that's good too, with the care of these elders, Xia Xiaofei's life in the sect will be much easier in the future.

"I have seen the Sect Master!"

Xia Xiaofei stepped forward to salute.

The Zixia sect's patriarch passed down the name of the ancestor from generation to generation—Zixia Zhenren, and many sects have this habit.

Master Zixia was very reserved, raised his eyes to look at Xia Xiaofei, and said slowly:
"Your Excellency lost his cultivation to save the young master of our sect. Our sect will be responsible for this matter to the end. From now on, your excellency can live in the Zixia sect and treat you as true disciples in the sect.

Yunzhi, do you think this is a good way to deal with it? "

Yunzhi nodded and said, "I would like to follow the orders of the suzerain."

"What's your name?" Master Zixia looked at Xia Xiaofei.

"Xia Xiaofei."

Daoist Zixia nodded slightly, and glanced at the elders of the sect, with a sense of authority without anger.

"Xia Xiaofei has received the treatment of a true disciple of the Zixia Sect from today, and you must not treat him as an outsider when you meet in the sect from now on.

If the suzerain hears some bad news, you will bear the consequences at your own risk. "

"Follow the orders of the suzerain."

All the elders saluted one after another, and when they looked up again, Master Zixia had disappeared.

They didn't even look at Xia Xiaofei, and each used their own means to leave the Zixia Hall, making Xia Xiaofei, who thought he would receive many more invitations, froze with a smile on his face.

"Then from now on, you will live on my Yuzhi Peak."

Yunzhi hesitated for a while, finally said it, and then left in a hurry, not giving Xia Xiaofei a chance to refuse.

Xia Xiaofei stayed alone in the empty hall, wanting to cry but not crying.

"Well, I don't know the way."

 There is another chapter in the evening, which is to make up for the day before yesterday. . .

(End of this chapter)

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