Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 390 3th Ring Mission

Chapter 390 Third Ring Mission (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)
The wind whimpered in the sky, and the rain pattered in my ears.

This battle between the unknown boss of the Immortal Alliance and Datang Qingxiao Hou was followed by a light rain, and there was no follow-up.

But the people who witnessed all this know that this is just foreplay.

On Yuzhi Peak, Xia Xiaofei raised his head, letting the blood-colored rain hit his face, and suddenly felt the impermanence of fate.

In the great world, he is nothing more than a duckweed.

He had no choice at all.

Although he is a player, the game is always playing him, not him playing the game.

Since the failure of the second ring mission, the system prompt sounded suddenly without any movement.

【Ding!The third ring mission "War" of the series mission "Conferring the King" is now open! 】

[Mission content: You, who went deep into the enemy's rear, witnessed the fight between Taoist Qingxiao and the mysterious power, and your heart was surging, and you were determined to contribute all your strength to Taoist Qingxiao.

Please do your best to gain an advantage for the Qingxiao Legion in the upcoming territorial expansion war, and every contribution you make will not be forgotten. 】

[Task Reward: Depends on contribution. 】

[Task penalty: None. 】


"I am here."

Xia Xiaofei looked at this woman with a happy arc on her mouth and trusting eyes in her eyes, and suddenly asked:

"If one day I have to leave, will you follow me?"

He is willing to give up the mission of the third ring for this woman, and stay far away from the vortex of war here until the mission is over.

Even for this, he may bear some unknown price.

It seems that the price of mission failure is nothing, but the more so, the more people dare not be careless.

After all, this is a game that can kill players at any time.

Yanzi is right, emotions will affect their reason and judgment, but he has already fallen.

Yun Zhi asked back: "What are you talking about? Why did you leave, don't you like Zixia Sect?
If you stay for a long time and feel bored, of course I can go out with you, but we still have to come back here in the end.

This is our home after all. "

Hearing this, Xia Xiaofei showed a bitter smile, and his tone was even more difficult.

"Yunzhi, actually there is something I've always wanted to tell you."

Looking at Xia Xiaofei's struggling eyes, Yunzhi seemed to understand something.

She stopped Xia Xiaofei and asked, "Will you make me unhappy after you say these things?"

Xia Xiaofei froze for a moment, then nodded honestly: "Probably yes."

"Then don't say it."

Yunzhi gently leaned her head on Xia Xiaofei's shoulder, and said softly:
"I don't care about your past, I just want you to be mine now.

Even if you lied to me, please continue to lie, because no matter what you say, I am willing to believe you. "

At this moment, Xia Xiaofei was completely stunned.

His brain went blank, and then there was an explosion, light and fire filled his mind.

"Yunzhi, I won't let you have trouble, definitely not!"

Xia Xiaofei pressed Yunzhi's shoulder tightly, and his tone was more serious than ever.

At this moment, he could no longer distinguish the difference between the game and reality.

This is no longer a game, but his second world, second life!
The light in Yunzhi's eyes also bloomed at the same time, and she hugged Xia Xiaofei with her backhand.

"Well, we'll all be fine."


The war came suddenly, which caught everyone by surprise.

This war was initiated by Qingxiao Dao, and the main force was the Qingxiao Army that suppressed Qingxiao Dao.

And Xiaojun Mountain bears the brunt as the junction of Xianmeng and Qingxiao Road.

Because the excuse of the Qingxiao Legion is that a small group of monks in the legion disappeared in Xiaojun Mountain, so they want to send troops into Xiaojun Mountain to search for the missing monks.

This is a poor excuse.

The Qingxiao Legion knew it, the Xianmeng knew it, Xiaojunshan knew it, everyone knew it, but no one stood up against the Qingxiao Legion.

So the Qingxiao Legion crossed the border of Datang and entered Xiaojun Mountain so openly.

Although Xianmeng made concessions, they only gave up the area of ​​Xiaojun Mountain, and did not intend to let the people of the legion go any further.

In the area bordering Xiaojun Mountain, the monks of the Great Sect continued to march towards Xiaojun Mountain under the order of the Immortal League.

So for a while, Xiaojun Mountain became a powder keg, ready to explode.

However, compared with the banned legion monks, the Xianmeng monks are obviously much looser.

At the same time, the monks of Xianmeng showed a strong emotion of avoiding war, and no one wanted to consume the power of their sect.

There are even some monks who want to plot against the former enemy sects, and want to use the hands of the legion to eliminate their old opponents without bloodshed.

Or they used the excuse of reinforcements to plunder the resources of Xiaojun Mountain and take the opportunity to blackmail allies. The chaos can only be described by a group of demons dancing wildly.

And Zixia Sect, as the overlord sect of Xiaojun Mountain, is naturally unavoidable.

Zixia Hall.

Several sects who came to help are "blackmailing" Master Zixia.

Well, blackmail is a bit inappropriate, after all, they are allies, and they are here to ask for living supplies.

"Master Zixia, I will come here after a long distance, just to maintain the speed of the flying boat, and consume no less than a hundred top-grade spirit stones alone.

I won't care about it with you, after all, we are allies.

But now we just want you to support some necessary living supplies, and you just shirk it in every possible way. Is it too chilling for our allies?

If you do this, why do we still have the heart to fight for you, it is better to go back early and forget it. "

A Nascent Soul cultivator whose aura was slightly weaker than Zixia's was aggressive at the moment, and he looked like he would throw down the pick if he didn't agree with his posture.

Master Zixia scolded these bastards for their insatiable greed, but still had to greet them with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Mo, don't be angry, it's not because our sect is unwilling to support you, but because it's really hard to gather the supplies you want in a short time.

Please give us some more time. "

Master Zixia is well versed in the art of dragging characters.

"Isn't it just a few pieces of spirit stones, a few elixir, and a few magic tools? The Zixia Sect occupies Xiaojun Mountain, and the family has a big business. Can't they be brought out?

Master Zixia, is this how you treat your allies?

The local sect is really dishonest. "

The monk who spoke repeatedly shook his head and sighed, "It seems that our group of people stayed too long and became annoying, then well, let's withdraw.

As for His Holiness blaming him in the future, it is not our fault. "

Master Zixia's face darkened, seeing the other party's shameless appearance, she had the urge to kill him on the spot.

"Fellow Daoist Mo speaks too seriously, so let's do it, tomorrow, just before tomorrow, we will provide all the supplies that Fellow Daoist Mo needs."

"Okay, Master Zixia is worthy of being the helm of Zixia Sect, I believe in you."

The monk surnamed Mo looked happy, what they wanted was not a small number.

Sure enough, the sect of this kind of Huashen Venerable has a profound background, and they can still persist after being slaughtered by them so many knives.

As long as this war does not end, they will only get stronger and stronger.

Where would there be such an opportunity on weekdays.

"let's go."

The monk surnamed Mo left with a group of people.

"Son of a bitch!"

Master Zixia slapped the table with one palm, turning the tea table and the floor into dust.

Then the next moment.

Fellow Daoist Mo, who had blackmailed him just now, flew upside down into the main hall, his butt fell heavily on the ground, and then pulled out a long and round ravine like a broken one.

 I was delayed by something and only wrote one chapter, and there is another chapter in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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