Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 396 When the war is going on

The upper level talks and laughs, while the lower level lives and dies.

Daoist Qingxiao and Daoist Taixu are too far away from the low-level monks, and their unrecorded negotiation has become a secret that is difficult for others to explore.

No one knows what they said, everyone only knows that since that day, a war that seems to have no end in sight has begun.

The chilling atmosphere can be felt throughout Qingxiaodao.

War is too far away from ordinary monks, but the impact of war is indeed real.

For example, the government collects more taxes.

The amount of resources and money consumed by a war is an astronomical amount, and naturally this money will not only be borne by Qingxiao Daocheng.

And Daocheng can't afford it either.

Obviously, it is impossible for Fang Chang, the Taoist master of Qingxiao, to use his private treasury to supplement the war military expenditure.

He is expanding the territory for the country, what's wrong with charging more taxes on the land.

At the same time, this tax is mainly aimed at the group of monks. Ordinary mortals have no chance to pay the tax even if they want to.

To be honest, Master Dao doesn't like three melons and two dates in the hands of mortals.

In contrast, it is more important for them to have more children and then send them to the lecture hall in the city to test their cultivation qualifications. It is more important to become a monk seed.

After all, the larger the population, the more people will go to practice, so that they can better serve the Lord Taoist.

As a result, mortals are saved from catastrophe. Instead, monks need to collect commercial tax for opening a shop, agricultural tax for cultivating spirit fields, tool tax for weapon refining, and alchemy tax for alchemy...

Unless they really live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, do not communicate with the outside world, and all resources are self-sufficient, otherwise no one can escape the tax stick formulated by Qingxiaodao City.

However, there are policies and countermeasures, and the scale of the black market that appeared on Qingxiao Road for tax avoidance suddenly expanded by more than hundreds of times.

If there is no black market with a solid reputation in a city, it will be abandoned by all monks.

Of course, it is not that no monks have confronted taxation directly, and even beheaded the tax officials who came to collect taxes in public.

The result of this is that the perpetrator's Shimen family will be implicated. It can be said that one person resists the tax and the whole family suffers.

Under the absolute strength of Qingxiao Dao City, no one can resist this kind of tyranny.

The Tax Department, which was independent from Tsing Yi Wei, will become an existence that monks will turn pale after hearing about it.

A speck of dust from the times falling on ordinary beings is an unshakable mountain.

The previous relaxed cultivation environment was gone, and the competition among low-level monks became more intense. In the end, everyone found that for ordinary monks, the best way out was to join the army.

"One person resists the tax, the whole family suffers" and "One person joins the army, the whole family is exempt from tax" have both become popular slogans on Qingxiao Road for many years to come.


Too much defense.

This is the tenth year since Taixuzong and Qingxiao Legion officially fought.

The first line of defense originally built by Taixu Daozi integrating a group of bereaved dogs was declared shattered two years ago.

But all of this was within Taixu Daozi's expectations.

As early as when the front line was resisting, he ordered Taixuzong and all the formation masters, weapon refining masters, rune masters and other living professional masters in Taixuzong and Taixuzong's vassal sects to plan a long line 30 miles behind. The solid Great Wall defense line of 30 miles.

In eight years, Taixuzong spent countless resources, together with a dozen or so Huashen venerables, thousands of Nascent Soul monks, and countless ordinary monks as workers, finally built the prototype of this Taixu line of defense.

Two years ago, Taixuzong was defeated and retreated to the Taixu defense line, using the home court advantage, it really successfully stopped the Qingxiao Army's offensive.

The two have been stalemate here for two years. As Taixuzong continued to build the defense line, the possibility of the Qingxiao Legion wanting to break through the Taixu defense line became weaker and weaker.

It's not that the Qingxiao Legion didn't think about bypassing the tortoise shell of the Taixu line of defense, but they found it difficult after it was actually implemented.

Marching hundreds of thousands of miles is a trivial matter.

But Taixu Daozi dared to choose this place for the line of defense, of course it was not aimlessly.

The first one is the terrain restriction. On one side of Taixu's defense line is a vast swampy jungle called the Beast Swamp, with a length and width of nearly a million miles.

There lived a group of ferocious beasts who didn't know which secret world they merged into.

Just like the food and taste world back then, it was a small world opened up by a certain powerful person to raise food for fierce beasts, and there was even a peerless beast like the beast that turned into a god.

The ferocious beasts living in this swamp forest are even higher than the food world, and have been integrated with the main world for many years. With the help of the unique environment of the main world, there are not a few ferocious beasts promoted to the fifth rank in the swamp forest.

Although these ferocious beasts are ignorant, their IQ is not as high as that of ordinary people, and their strength is slightly lower than that of normal Huashen, but they have terrain advantages, rough skin and thick flesh, so they can still run if they can't beat them.

Several envoys of the Qingxiao Legion who were in the God Transformation Realm fought against the fierce beasts in the swamp forest. Although they all won, they gained very little, so they had to give up the idea of ​​crossing the swamp.

As for flying over, high-level monks still have some chances, and ordinary monks are targets in the air.

On the other side of Taixu's line of defense is the territory of the Lord of All Souls.

This former ancient power who was almost killed by Fang Chang left Datang after his defeat and escaped to the territory of the Immortal League, but he did not join the Immortal League.

The land is not big, only a few hundred thousand miles in radius, only four or five times larger than a small Junshan.

So Xianmeng unilaterally gave Wanling Shenjun the title of honorary elder, and then acquiesced in his act of occupying land as king.

A Void Hole Realm expert has this qualification.

So it's okay if the Qingxiao Legion doesn't fight in the past. Once they provoke them in the past, if they dare to say anything to make excuses, there is no guarantee that the opponent will not end in person, and the new and old grudges will be counted together.

Now the Qingxiao Legion seems to be in a large group, sweeping the world and invincible, but in fact they are fighting Taixuzong's territory, bullying Taixu Daojun, a bad old man.

The others were not within Fang Chang's range of provocation.

From the perspective of the entire Immortal Demon Continent, this grand war that mobilized hundreds of millions of people and cost a lot of money is actually just a one-on-one battle between the branches of the two giant groups to grab the territory.

Whoever wins or loses does not actually affect the strength of the group.

So other branches naturally watched the fire from the other side, just watched the show, so as not to get caught up in the fire.


The Taixu line of defense personally supervised by Taixu Daozi successfully breathed a sigh of relief for Taixuzong, allowing them to breathe in this sudden all-out war.

And this war is not without benefits for Tai Xuzong.

Because of the organizational situation of the Xianmeng, Taixuzong, the main sect, was doomed to have weak control over the sects that vassalized him.

After all, the idea of ​​Xianmeng is that the sects of Immortal Dao in the world are one family, and everyone is an ally, the strong protect the weak, and the weak are vassals of the strong.

This is also the way of survival and growth of Xianmeng, making friends more and enemies less.

However, under the strong pressure of the legion, other sects who were unwilling to surrender to the legion had to unite closely around Taixuzong and accept their leadership, so as to gain a chance of survival under the attack of the Qingxiao Legion.

In this regard, Taixuzong's control over the entire sect area has been greatly strengthened, and it can more calmly allocate resources. The resource points that were difficult to handle in the past are now due to the needs of war, and support is also appropriate.

The result of this is that the two sides fought back and forth, not only was Taixu Sect not weak at all, but most of the sects under his command were weakened, many ancestors of the sects died in battle, and the Wannian Dao unified dynasty was completely lost.

Only a few lucky ones got the support of Taixu Sect and soared into the sky, becoming the driving force for other sects to persevere.


Qingxiao Legion camp.

Open up camp.

Xia Xiaofei was saying goodbye to the battalion commander.

"Battalion Commander, thank you for your care these years, and the subordinates will definitely remember it in their hearts."

Xia Xiaofei looked sincere.

He was indeed very grateful to the battalion commander, not just because the battalion commander was a cultivator who transformed himself into a god.

"Haha, Commander Xia, I didn't expect you to be an undead human race. When I received the transfer order, I was still wondering if I made a mistake."

The battalion commander is a middle-aged man in his 30s, named Wei Qi, who was born in a small secret world with a lower level, probably about the same level as the Hundred Flowers Realm.

Back then when he first came to Qingxiao Road, he accidentally heard the news that Qingxiao City was recruiting troops, thinking of finding a place to stay first, so he joined the legion in a daze.

Unexpectedly, he was lucky, following Fang Tiezhu, the army commander, to charge all the way, and he survived every time.

One must know that Fang Tiezhu relied on her immortal body and always fought desperately, so the soldiers who followed her changed very quickly.

But at the same time, those who survived also gained a lot.

Moreover, Fang Tiezhu has always acted impartially, and rewards for meritorious deeds.

So Wei Qi broke through all the way, from a Nascent Soul cultivator to the realm of transforming gods in more than a hundred years.

He did not take the path of transformation, but swallowed the Qingling Changsheng Pill to forcibly comprehend the power of the law, and the primordial spirit successfully pulled the sea of ​​law.

This method has a very low chance of breaking through, but Wei Qi is obviously lucky.

As Fang Tiezhu's direct descendant, Wei Qi naturally became the first battalion commander to open up the camp.

He looked at Xia Xiaofei with admiration.

"It's no wonder that you have always taken the lead in these years and never fell behind. I am always worried that if something happens to you, where will I find such a useful subordinate in the future.

But I don't have to worry about it now.

Go, the battalion commander is not the kind of person who hinders people's future, but I just ask, go to the undead camp, don't open up a big camp for us, don't be ashamed. "

The Undead Battalion is a new designation newly established by the legion.

The members of the battalion are all a new blood race that has appeared on Qingxiao Road in recent decades, called the undead race.

The undead race is not afraid of death, because their blood talent is resurrection, but the time and place of resurrection are not even sure to themselves.

According to the legend, the emergence of the undead race is related to the Taoist master, because the third legion used an undead puppet troop to sweep the invincible.

In particular, the undead people agreed to join the legion system, which further verified this statement.

Now the Taixu defense line cannot be attacked for a long time.

The legion specially mobilized the undead people in the army to form an undead battalion, trying to use them as sharp knives to break through the defense line, disrupt Taixuzong's rear, and gain a fighting opportunity at once.

Facing the appreciation from his boss, Xia Xiaofei said modestly:

"It's all about the battalion commander's leadership. I just did what I should do."

Ten years ago, he succeeded in rebelling against the Zixia Sect and made great contributions. He was specially approved by the head of the army and rewarded him with a prefecture-level military merit.

With such a huge credit, Xia Xiaofei originally wanted to hide behind and lie on the credit book to eat his laurels.

After all, he is also a family man now.

The front line is too dangerous, and his level has reached the full level, there is no way to go up, and he can only wait for the next game update.

But who would have thought that the system would release a second mission for the first time when he failed to complete one mission.

【Ding!It is detected that the player Xia Xiaofei's level has reached the system limit, and the hidden requirement has been met, and now the level task "Breaking Limits" is started. 】

[Mission content: A true warrior dares to face the impossibility in life. As a player, it is your nature to die.

Please use up what you have learned all your life, face the great horror between life and death, go beyond the limit, and become a player who breaks through the system's limitations. 】

[Mission time limit: 100 years. 】

[Task Reward: Turn on the regular offline function, and you will have a chance to return to reality every ten years. 】

[Mission punishment: obliterate! 】

See also obliteration!

Xia Xiaofei couldn't forget the appearance of those players who lost their minds and souls after the first mission was over.

Even though he is now a level 59 Nascent Soul peak cultivator, facing the power of the system, he still can't touch the limit.

In other words, after 100 years, if you don't break through, you will die!

If he thought that he could live for 100 years and die, he would make a lot of money, but now he is highly cultivated, admired by countless people, and has a woman who loves him and trusts his father-in-law.

He has a home in this world.

He doesn't want to die.

In order to be able to break through the limit, he, who has always been economical, even exchanged a Dao-grade Qingling Changsheng Pill from the army with his mysterious military achievements.

It is said that this Qingling Changsheng Pill is made from the divine fruit produced by the Qingxiao Sacred Tree and Dao-level spiritual grass as the main materials, and was personally refined by the alchemy master.

Every green spirit longevity pill can help the monks at the peak of Yuanying to understand the magic of the law, the difference is only the length of time.

Some people have just dabbled in the power of law because of this, and have broken through a big pass on the road to transforming gods.

Some people get nothing.

But as long as you eat the Qingling Changsheng Pill, you will have a chance to be baptized by the power of the law, and the chance of breaking through the gods will increase by at least three points in the future.

Well, a total of one hundred.

However, compared to the gap between Huashen and Yuanying, it is not an exaggeration to say that one out of a hundred is one, and a green spirit immortality pill is enough to make the great monk Yuanying crazy.

But obviously, he was not that lucky.

And Xia Xiaofei had a premonition that even if he used the rare prefecture-level military function on his body, there was a high probability that he would not be able to break through.

He remembered the task introduction, and he had to live and die in terror to break through the limit.

So he resolutely transferred back to the pioneering camp and fought with the army for ten years.

There is a sentence that the battalion commander said wrongly. He died, and he died more than once, but he returned in time each time.

But even so, he still has no hope of breaking through the limit.

This time he was transferred to the undead camp, and he also wanted to experience the limit through player communication and more intense battles.

After all, going deep into the rear is almost a certain death, and the pressure they are under can be imagined.

"Battalion Commander, please take care."

Xia Xiaofei bid farewell again, then withdrew from the camp and walked towards the troop carrier that came to pick him up.

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