Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 420 In 3 years, I will be invincible!

Chapter 420 For thirty-six thousand years, I will be invincible!
Someone killed the clone of Heavenly Dao.

The murderer is self-evident, and Fang Chang is also named Qingxiao Tianzun.

Zhou Guang Great World.

Blue Star Ocean, a place forbidden by the Dao of Heaven.

Fang Chang came here carrying the power of the Heavenly Dao Clone.

As soon as he entered the great world of Zhouguang, the avatar of Tiandao couldn't wait to unleash his power, and wanted to turn Blue Star into his territory.

This is His instinct, just like stray dogs have to urinate and enclose their territory when they are on a strange street.

But his power was trapped in a small place, and he couldn't expand it no matter what.

He started to get angry and kept hitting the heavenly runes in the void.

Perhaps it is the power that belongs to the Dao of Heaven. For monks, these runes may not be able to restrain the Heavenly Venerable of the Dao.

But it happens that it has extraordinary power for Tiandao's avatar.

Qi Tian stood triumphantly on Fang Chang's shoulder, looking at the irrational clone of Tiandao, he said with contempt:

"Dangtang Tiandao, who doesn't even have a trace of wisdom, only succumbs to instinct. I am ashamed to be with him."

Fang Chang slapped Qi Tian on the head and said:

"Stop talking nonsense, strengthen the seal, and watch me kill the sky today!"

The Tiandao avatar seemed to sense the danger, and suddenly turned into a long silver-white dragon, with a vigorous figure and a perfect body shape.

"Demon ancestor?"

Fang Chang punched Yinlong hard.

The silver dragon's body turned into a diamond-like substance, which is the most solid thing in the world. This is the supernatural power of the demon ancestor.

"I did!"

Diamond's body was shattered, and even the strongest substance in the world couldn't stop Fang Chang's fist.

Especially when the avatar of the Heavenly Dao came to the Zhouguang Great World, it was blocked by Qitian with the Heavenly Dao rune, and could not use the power of the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Demon Continent.

The silver dragon neighed, and transformed into the appearance of a fairy again.

As soon as the Immortal Venerable pointed it out, there were stars shining, one after another meteorites were summoned from outside the sky, and the power of the extraordinary stars turned into magic weapons of different styles.

A method of derivation!

This is the supernatural power of the immortal.

But before those meteorites and magic weapons approached the blue star, they began to lose power, turning into dream bubbles and shattering in an instant.

Beyond the blue star is still a land of absolute spirits, greedily absorbing all spiritual energy.

These forces recruited by the avatar of the Heavenly Dao were decomposed directly outside the blue star, and became the resources for the recovery of Zhou Guang Tiandao.

Fang Chang took a step forward, grabbed the Immortal Venerable by the neck, and threw him hard on the island.

"I've wanted to slap you in the face for a long time."

The small island bloomed with golden light, able to block the power of the immortal, so that it would not be broken.

The Immortal Venerable seemed to have been stupefied, shook his head, and changed his figure again, becoming the Empress again.

The empress was as noble and sacred as ever, with red light emitting from her body, a fire phoenix flew out of her body, and with a howl, flames ignited in the void, melting the runes of heaven.

That was the Empress's Immortal Divine Phoenix Body.

"Little brat!"

Fang Chang punched out, and the law of force shattered everything in space, creating a black hole.

"I know!"

Qi Tian waved his hands, his body became lighter little by little, but the runes on the void became brighter little by little, all his strength was strengthening the blockade of the heavenly way.

It is no joke if the blockade is broken.

The entire Blue Star will be destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between Fang Chang and Tiandao, and the hope of Zhouguang Tiandao's recovery will be really slim.

Fortunately, the regular power of the avatar of Heavenly Dao can't be suppressed, but with the help of the mark engraved in the body, the empress was punched through the chest, although she recovered quickly.

But in the rigid procedure of Tiandao clone, the empress is already a loser.

Afterwards, the avatars of the Heavenly Dao transform into the Demon Lord, the Zombie Ancestor, the Giant King, the Spirit of the Mountains and other Hedao Tianzun of the Beidou Great World in turn.

But without exception, the power of these phantoms is getting weaker and weaker.

Every resistance of the Heavenly Dao avatar turned into a resource for the recovery of the Zhouguang Great World.

On the blue star, spiritual storms are blowing up.

Countless ordinary people who are new to the practice have entered the door one after another, formally introducing Qi into the body.

Those players who are struggling to restore their cultivation base are even more ecstatic, crazily absorbing the gift from heaven.

Even outside of Xia Kingdom, in some former aura deserts, there are still many people who are naturally friendly with aura at this moment, and directly start the road of cultivation.

The entire blue star is wrapped in aura.

In the unknowable depths of the universe, a trace of consciousness of Zhou Guang Tiandao also fluctuated.

"The person I was waiting for finally came..."

Then unimaginable power came down.

Qi Tian, ​​who was exhausted, was shocked, with a complicated look on his face.

"He is waking up soon."

The golden inscriptions of the Dao of Heaven blocked in the void are even more shining, turning into chains of golden patterns to suppress the clone of the Dao of Heaven.

"Little brat, are you so strong?!"

Fang Chang was shocked.

This brat doesn't show his face in real life, and he is so ruthless when he makes a move.

Qi Tian squeezed out a smile towards Fang Chang, then stared fiercely at Tiandao's avatar and said:
"Death to the young master!"

Seeing that the power of Tiandao's avatar was completely locked, Fang Chang sacrificed the power of the preliminary refinement rules, and hit Tiandao's avatar heavily.

The power of the rules turned into a spear, nailing the clone of Tiandao in the void.

Golden blood splattered.

He was finally hurt.

Previously, the avatar of Heaven's Dao was only absorbed by the Zhouguang Great World, but it could be replenished quickly after returning to the Immortal Demon Continent.

It's like when a person exhausts his strength, he can recover after eating and resting.

But at this moment, he was hurt.

To be wounded means to be killed.

Fang Chang even wondered if Tiandao was showing off. This kind of power that can hurt oneself can be given at will.

So without hesitation, Fang Chang used the power of rules again.

Whoosh whoosh! !

With nine spears in succession, the avatar of Tiandao was no longer able to resist, changed back to the appearance of eyes, and was directly nailed to death in the void.

The Eye of Heaven disappeared little by little, leaving only a drop of purple-gold blood that lingered for a long time.

"what is this?"

Fang Chang caught the blood and asked Qi Tian.

He sensed an extremely powerful force in his blood.

"The blood cursed by the law of heaven, the person who takes this blood will get the most powerful talent in the world, and will also be cursed by the law of heaven, and will never die forever."

Qi Tian was still vicious just now, but now there is something hurting him, so he replied weakly.

"Good stuff."

Fang Chang's eyes lit up.

This thing can be used in his previous life to make up for his talent. The Dao of the Immortal Demon Continent can't control the Zhouguang Great World.

Suddenly, he seemed to have a feeling, looking at the void of the universe, a fiery red planet gradually solidified.

That's Mars, also known as Yinghuo.

Fang Chang had explored the world where the blue star was located for a long time. Except for the real blue star, the other stars and wonders of the universe he saw were all illusory, unable to bear the slightest spiritual power.

But at this moment, the star named Mars turned into an entity.

"Congratulations, you have taken the first step in Father Tiandao's recovery. Mars has restarted, and the next step is Jupiter, Earth, Mercury and Venus."

"It was Father Tiandao who helped me just now."

Qi Tian followed Fang Chang's gaze and saw Martian's recovery, but he was not surprised.

"However, the gate of the two worlds has been opened, and there is a heavenly barrier on the other side of the Immortal Demon Continent, and we can no longer close it unilaterally.

This time, it was just mental arithmetic and unintentional, and then all kinds of powerful celestial beings and even quasi-immortals on the other side may end in person.

If you can't stop the offensive over there, Father Tiandao can't do it even if he wakes up.

We have no way out. "

Qi Tian expressed his concern.

Fang Chang was very confident, and looked somewhere in the blue star.

"Don't forget, within 1 years, I will still be No.[-] in Hedao in the Immortal Demon Continent, and I am invincible!"


Blue Star, Xia Guo.

People who have just experienced the baptism of aura storms are grasping the tail of aura and trying their best to practice.

Even the 78-year-old man walked like flying, catching the aura in the air.

The game "Fairy Demon" has appeared in Xia Kingdom for more than a hundred years. The concept of practice is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Everyone knows that practice can change one's destiny.

An ordinary young man opened his eyes, standing on the 96-story high-rise where he collected rent, feeling the power of rules in his body.

"Although this body in the previous life was only in the realm of the void, killing the clone of the Heavenly Dao brought me more than 5.00% of the authority of the Heavenly Dao in the Zhouguang Great World, plus the various influences brought by the previous players.

I have already controlled more than [-]% of the power of heaven in this world.

As long as I join the Dao, as long as I master more than 50.00% of the authority of the Dao of Heaven, I will be able to truly control the Dao of Heaven in this world and become the number one immortal in the world!
Before that, even at the expense of everything. "

The young man gazed through the void, met Fang Chang who was standing in front of the gate of the two worlds, and smiled, everything without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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