Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 422 Players go to the Immortal Demon Continent

In front of the gate of the two worlds.

A silence.

Since Xianzun and others retreated, this place has been desolate, with no human habitation, and even the aura is pitifully low.

Although the will of heaven in the Immortal Demon Continent is only instinctive, it is not to be beaten or scolded without retaliation.

Under her intentional adjustments, the Far West is not a land of absolute spirits, but the aura environment is not much better either.

Of course, it is definitely much better than Blue Star. The lower limit of the Immortal Demon Continent is higher than that of Blue Star.

Therefore, the aura of the Far West still flows into the Zhouguang Great World through the gate of the two realms.

But this is far from enough.

The throughput of the Gate of Two Worlds seems to be scary, but the distribution in this world of Zhou Guang seems like a drop in the bucket.

this day.

Rays of light and shadows were transmitted from the gate of the two worlds, and they were all players.

It's just that this time they all arrived in the Immortal Demon Continent with their real bodies.

As the first batch of old players, Xia Xiaofei was among them. He breathed the familiar aura, but his expression was a bit sad.

He managed to break through the transformation in the game, returned to the Blue Stars and manifested himself for two years, and then fought bloody battles on the frontline for hundreds of years in order to complete the mission.

That's it, it's not bad, at least go back.

More people are sealed in an egg for thousands of years, and become the merits of someone's enlightenment.

It has been a hundred years since they returned to Blue Star.

None of the former relatives and friends are left.

I don't know how many players almost collapsed.

Obviously they are the best performers, but their treatment is not as good as those players who are struggling on the line of life and death.

Therefore, many players fell directly into the evil way, and began to live lawlessly and drunkenly.

Then the karma system comes.

Some players were killed by the karma system, and some players fled overseas to dominate some small countries.

In short, in just a few years since the old players returned, the whole Blue Star has become a mess.

If it weren't for the cultivation level brought back by the Huashen players, it was only one percent, which would not be enough to crush those Blue Star local monks and other players.

I'm afraid the entire Blue Star will be shattered several times because of the dry fight.

Someone doesn't care about these.

The road to becoming a fairy is selfish, and there is no room for hesitation and kindness. If you want to consider this and that, then what kind of fairy is he?

The moment the players appear, their responsibilities have been decided, and they are proper tool people.

"Spicy chicken system! I will never do another thing for you.

I tried my best to complete the task for you, but my father disappeared, and my mother didn't see me for the last time. My wife remarried, and the child died without even seeing his father.

Fuck!Kill me if you can!

Even if the world is destroyed, what does it matter to me? ! "

A player was forcibly summoned, shouted into the air, and his voice collapsed.

"That's right, this is simply a demon's game, I will never complete the task again, I will die!"

Some players were even more bloody, directly abolishing their cultivation, and blew themselves up on the spot.

But soon the player who blew himself up was resurrected on the spot.

This time, the revived player was not punished.

Fang Chang once set up paid resurrection so that players would not die casually.

But now, Fang Chang, who has joined the Dao and is fighting against the Dao of Heaven, will not begrudge that little mana.

Even if all the player groups self-destruct, he can revive them all in the next moment.

There are also players who are already alone and start to seek benefits for themselves.

"Qingxiao Tianzun, you must give us an explanation for this matter!"

"We cannot be sealed for thousands of years for no reason, I demand compensation!"

Nearly [-] Huashen players gathered together, with different thoughts, but it was rare that none of them completed the task according to the system requirements.

Obviously, they may have contacted privately a long time ago and made up their minds. If the system does not have a confession, they will no longer be puppets of the system.

But the next moment, a system warning sounded in their ears.

"Ding! The system detects that the player is passively fighting against the game, and hereby warns you. After three warnings, the account will be banned."

"Haha, I'm not even afraid of death, but I'm afraid of your title. Come on, if you don't, I'm your father!"

The player who just collapsed heard the system prompt, not only was not afraid, but provoked the system.


The player who provoked the system exploded like a balloon in front of everyone.

Just when everyone thought it was nothing more than that, the player who exploded just now revived again, but his eyes were completely dull, and he rushed out expressionlessly, muttering in his mouth.

"Mission accomplished, mission accomplished!"

"Ding! Player Zhao Huan provoked the system, and the account is now being banned. Player Zhao Huan is offline, and the low-level intelligence of the system will take over the account of player Zhao Huan."

The air suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at the player Zhao Huan who was rushing out, and listened to the "mission completed" he kept chanting, and all shuddered.

Some people have sneaked away, ready to complete the task.

It's better to die than to live. Players have reached a consensus for a short time because they have their own demands. When life is greater than their demands, some grievances are not unacceptable.

But more people choose to die.

Anyway, there are three warning opportunities.


"Ding! The system detects that the player is passively fighting against the game, and now issues a second warning. After three warnings, the system will ban the account."

More players left.

To be able to cultivate to this extent, how can there be so many stubborn eyes.

Of course, there are also stubborn players. In the end, there are still thousands of players who ignored the system's second warning.

Xia Xiaofei was among them.

He lowered his head, feeling nothing more than death.

He always thought that he was the winner in life, but until now, he realized that he has been being played.

The only thing that made him gratified was that his parents followed his advice after he entered the game and created another alias.

This let him know that before his parents died, there would be no one at the bedside.

But even so, he couldn't let go.

Moreover, I don't know if my wife is still there in the game, and my girlfriend doesn't want to see me in reality. No matter how high my cultivation level is, what's the use of having no one to share it with.

"You don't want to live!"

At this moment, a familiar voice came from Xia Xiaofei's ear.

Shocked, he looked at the familiar face.


"Don't be depressed, this is not the Xia Xiaofei I know."

Ren Yanyan rolled her eyes helplessly, and said:

"Before you die, take a look at the top news in the game forum."


Xia Xiaofei opened the game forum and skillfully found the top news.

"Qingxiao Tianzun can reverse the long river of time after becoming an immortal, not only can resurrect the dead, even rebuilding a second blue star is easy."


Xia Xiaofei's mood suddenly rose.

"My parents can come back to life!"

The saddest and most regrettable thing for him is that the son wants to support him but refuses to be loved.

Now that he has the opportunity to make up for it, even if he knows that this is a carrot that the system hangs in front of him, he still chooses to believe it once.

"This news is obviously prepared for us, the God Transformation players, only we have been sealed by the system for thousands of years, and have no time to spend with our loved ones.

Qingxiao Tianzun may have had an unspeakable secret at the beginning, so he had to seal us.

He has been watching us. "

Ren Yanyan speculated.

She didn't want to think of Qingxiao Tianzun, who created the "Immortal Demon" game, as a real demon, because this Qingxiao Tianzun was obviously from Blue Star.

If Qingxiao Tianzun is a demon, then the entire Blue Star will be in danger.

So she instinctively defended Qingxiao Tianzun, even if she was comforting herself.

Not only Xia Xiaofei, but many more players saw the news.

Players who are still waiting to die don't want to die.

Instead, they suddenly become the ones who most want to get the job done.

Only after completing the task, Qingxiao Tianzun can become a fairy, and those who have made them regret can come back to life.

As for whether those who have died are willing to live again, it is not within the scope of their consideration.

"We must complete the task!"

"Whoever dares to slack off, I will be in a hurry with whoever!"

"Let's go! Is there a team?"

"It's all a scam! The system just wants us to work for him for nothing!"

Sensible players make noises.

"Then do you have any other options? Become a mindless puppet like Ye Huan, or gamble on a hope?"

After a while of silence.

A player greeted:

"Let's go!"

"hurry up."


One after another figures quickly disappeared, going to the outside world to collect all resources containing aura.

After Xia Xiaofei had hope in his heart, looking at the swallows flying side by side, his dead heart suddenly started to move again.

He stretched out his hand and secretly took Yanzi's hand.

Ren Yanyan struggled lightly, and then let Xia Xiaofei move.

"Perhaps, this last mission is not a bad thing, at least the swallow is back."

Xia Xiaofei smiled for the first time since waking up, and even the clouds in the sky became cute.


"You are so bad."

"Push them into a desperate situation, and give them a little hope. Now they can't do anything else."

In the dark, Qi Tian looked at the group of players who were being continuously divided and manipulated, and couldn't help expressing emotion towards Fang Chang.

"But why don't you turn them all into puppets, it's not better to do it this way, I think you should have this ability now."

"But why do you still have the ability to resurrect them?"

Qi Tian remembered what Fang Chang had said to him before, could it be that Fang Chang really had a quality that he couldn't see through.

Just like this ability to resurrect players.

Obviously, they had to rely on the players' puppet bodies and data spirits before, but now the players are using their real bodies, not the puppet bodies transformed by Fang Chang.

But players can still do damageless resurrection.

This ability is indeed beyond the scope of his knowledge.

Fang Chang spread his hands, as if he didn't even know.

"This, maybe you can only find out after your Tiandao father wakes up, anyway, I have this ability."

His imperial puppet spirit body has already evolved with the realm of cultivation.

Even if the players only have a little aura left, he can be fully resurrected like those puppets he refined.

If it was just a one-time player item, how could he dare to waste it casually.

"As for why the player's sanity is not wiped out, isn't the answer obvious.

Only the real souls of players have real room for evolution. If I turn them into real puppets of dead objects, their future evolution possibilities will become negligible.

There are tens of thousands of years to come, and I still hope they can bring me some surprises.

By the way, you can let go of the number of Blue Star players now. Before, your carrying capacity was limited, and you could only carry 100 million player seeds.

Now that the gate of the two worlds is open, you just need to do a good job of transformation, recruit more cannon fodder, and there will always be a protagonist-style character rising. "

In Fang Chang's eyes, Blue Star was his source of troops.

After all, I am working for the welfare of Blue Star and even the entire Zhouguang Great World, so the local area also needs to give some support.

Qi Tian nodded silently.

In this way, I'm afraid that the entire Blue Star will become Fang Chang's puppet, achieving a true prosperity and loss.

But he was powerless to stop it.

Fang Chang has pushed himself to a dead end, even if he dares to block the way, there will be no good end.

Today's Fang Chang has this ability.


On the other side, Xia Xiaofei and Ren Yanyan started the first mission after the public beta of "Fairy Demon", and the visual inspection was also the last mission.

"Na Ling Jue?"

Xia Xiaofei is silently running a Judgment announced by the system, which says it can help players collect heaven and earth aura.

Wisps of invisible air were absorbed from all directions and gathered into a small spirit ball in his hand.

Then the aura became more and more intense, turning into liquid, solid, and finally miraculously turning into a crystal like a spirit stone.

"What kind of magic trick is this? It's so overbearing."


Xia Xiaofei thought that he could artificially manufacture spirit stones and turn into a humanoid money printing machine.

But he soon discovered that the aura in this aura crystal was turbid, almost all kinds of auras were in it, and the shape was very stubborn. It was difficult for ordinary monks to refine it, let alone use it to cultivate.

And even if it can be refined, I am afraid that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

"Brother Fei, look at the ground."

While Xia Xiaofei was contemplating, Ren Yanyan noticed a difference.

Xia Xiaofei followed Ren Yanyan's gaze and saw that with him as the center, the land within a radius of ten meters became extremely barren, and when the wind blew, it turned into a kind of gray powder.

"This aura crystal in my hand has actually extracted all the aura vitality in the surrounding ten meters."

He stamped his foot on the ground violently.

The ground cracked, and he didn't see fresh soil until two or three meters underground, the kind of material that was full of inspiration and could support spiritual creatures to survive.

"This Na Ling Jue is actually extracting the inspiration from the earth. No wonder the task requires us to collect it everywhere. If it is in the same place, how can we meet the needs of so many of us."

Xia Xiaofei seemed to see the gray and white centered on the gate of the two worlds, continuously spreading to the surroundings.

After a little trial, he discovered the horror of this technique.

Next, while experimenting with the method of using the Na Ling Jue, the two collected spiritual energy crystals along the way.

The task required them to turn in enough aura crystals every once in a while, and the higher the level of cultivation, the more they needed.

Once it is not satisfied, it will be warned by the system and finally banned.

They saw a gray-white road spreading from their feet, and all the colors and vitality disappeared.

Unknowingly, they walked out of the envelope of the power of the governor of the Far West.

In just an instant, great malice struck.

Both Xia Xiaofei and Ren Yanyan felt an inexplicable chill, as if there was danger coming from all directions.

This is the curse of heaven on this land.


A monk descended from the sky and stopped Xia Xiaofei and the two of them.

"How dare you enter the cursed land, stop and return immediately, don't bring out the bad luck and curse."

The cultivator's cultivation base is probably around Jindan, and he couldn't see the reality of Xia Xiaofei's two people, but he boldly stopped them at this moment.

Just because behind him is Xianmeng.

Ever since Fang Chang forced the way of heaven to retreat and occupied the gate of the two realms, this land became a land cursed by the way of heaven, Xianzun and others tacitly sent people to enclose this place.

Even some people who don't understand the real situation regard this place as a place of exile.

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