Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 101 Fighting the boxing champion!

Chapter 101 Fighting the boxing champion! (8000)

A communication signal appeared in Zhou Han's brain. After Zhou Han connected, a voice came from there: "Old Zhou, how is this year's boxing match? I heard that it is not going well?"

"Master, please don't worry, these are small episodes, I can solve them!" Zhou Han said respectfully.

"That's good." The man said, "By the way, that Aaron is in good health, bring back his tissue."

"Understood! Don't worry." Zhou Han replied.

Hanging up the communication, Zhou Han looked at the stage. This phone call has already decided Aaron's fate. His life only has the last few minutes, maybe, a few seconds left!

"Three, two, one, the game begins!" When the iron face announced the start, everyone became nervous.

Especially the Storm Squad, Lei Hao, Hong Jie and others, staring intently at the ring and the slow-motion holographic projection behind them.

"Ah!" Yang Qiming rarely took the initiative to challenge him. Facing this seventh-rank general with a roundness of more than 90.00%, he did not dare to take it lightly.

Therefore, Yang Qiming activated his state martial skill "Body of Fire" from the very beginning. His whole body was surrounded by flames, like a Vulcan!
This fire shadow flashed in front of Peng Dali, and with a punch, the space seemed to explode!

"Die to me!" Peng Dali didn't hold back either. Terrible energy fluctuations emanated from his body. He also punched, and the two fists connected. The source of the vibration smashed the metal ground inch by inch. All the people were blown away by the strong wind!

"Strong fight!" Tie Mian quickly explained, "The explosive power of both of them has reached a terrifying value. Our boxing ring is enough to withstand the explosion of 800 million jin of force! A punch collided, and the boxing ring was shattered. Could it be that his explosive power has reached the strength of tens of millions of catties?"

His explanation made people excited.

"Fight! Keep fighting!"

"Fire Fist Aaron, keep going!"

"Tyrannosaurus, kill him!"

"Mountain Seal!" Yang Qiming condensed a mark and bombarded Peng Dali. Peng Dali didn't dodge at all, and punched him with a backhand, smashing it to pieces!

"Mount Tai overwhelms the top!" Peng Dali was also fighting back, he jumped up, a full [-] meters high!

From this height, he accelerated his fall, using his body as a weapon, and smashed towards Yang Qiming!
Yang Qiming wanted to dodge, but found that the space around him seemed to be locked. When the opponent attacked, he actually used the source force to compress the surrounding air, forming something like a pressure wall, blocking his walking space!
"Explosive Fist!" Yang Qiming still did not use Yanlong Fist, but used Explosive Fist to explode the original.

Another bombardment, the metal floor under Yang Qiming's feet shattered and flew out, a deep pit appeared on the ring, and a sunken fist print appeared on Peng Dali's body hit by Yang Qiming, and his bones were shattered!
"The strength can reach this level!" Peng Dali became excited, "It seems that we can have a good fight today!"

As he said that, the sunken part of his body began to recover, and black scales grew on his hands, feet and forehead.

"It's the tyrannosaurus gene. Aaron forced Peng Dali to activate his tyrannosaurus gene. Can he stop it?" Tie Mian shouted.

"Tyrannosaurus versus Aaron, who is the real dragon?"

"Peng Dali is going to be serious!" Some audience shouted, "Once this tyrannosaurus gene is activated, his strength will be doubled!"

"Tyrannosaurus bully, give me a hard blow to Aaron!"

"Aaron is in danger!" Sister Hong's heart twitched.

"This kid really has some skills, he can actually force Peng Dali to go all out!" the snakeheads discussed.

"It's that one!" Seeing this scene, Xie Chang said with fear on his face, "He's finished, the tyrannosaur is going to kill him!"

"Damn it, the little boss must have a useless trick!" Niu Yong scolded.

"Devil!" Yang Qiming knew that this wasn't some tyrannosaurus gene, it was clearly the ability of a demon!
Not all demons grow long black hairs. When Dian Fan activated the demon seeds before, they grew scales.The specific reason Yang Qiming didn't know yet, it might be that different levels of demon seeds could activate different strengths.

After activating the power of the demon seed, Peng Dali really became "Hercules"!
Every blow he makes casually has an explosive power of tens of thousands of catties!His physical strength is even more terrifying than that of other beasts of the same level. He cannot carry weapons in the arena, but his hands, feet, teeth, head, any part is a weapon!
"Come on, let's fight again!" Peng Dali approached Yang Qiming, he punched out, and it sounded like the neighing of an angry dragon!

This martial skill is similar to Yang Qiming's Tiger Roar Fist before, but it is more powerful!
The surrounding air pressure was the same as before, forming an air pressure wall, which restricted Yang Qiming's body skills.

This made Yang Qiming feel very difficult. If it wasn't for him now, and the other sixth-rank generals, I'm afraid they would last less than ten seconds under Peng Dali's hands!

"I can't help it!" Yang Qiming wanted to save a few more tricks, but now it seems that he can't beat his opponent without real skills.

"Fire mark!" His hand quickly squeezed the mark, and the fire attribute energy and source power of the earth's soul fire gathered into a mark.

With the increase in strength, the fire of the earth's soul, and the body of fire in the Lie Yang body, Yang Qiming's fire seal is now several times more powerful than when he was in Changling Army Town!
"What kind of martial art is this?" Peng Dali's fist strength was blocked by the energy barrier formed by the fire seal. Not only that, he felt that the terrifying energy in front of him was definitely not something his body could resist!

In desperation, Peng Dali hastily mobilized the energy of the demon seed, and scales appeared on his skin.

At this moment, the energy of the fire seal erupted completely. From the audience's point of view, the words condensed by the flames hit Peng Dali hard.

The terrifying high temperature melted his scales and skin in an instant, and the shock wave of the energy explosion sent Peng Dali flying!

The flames enveloped the entire arena!This place seems to have turned into a purgatory world in an instant!

"New martial arts!" Tie Mian screamed, "Aaron sent Peng Dali flying with one move! My God!"

"It's too fierce!" the audience shouted.

"What martial art is this?"

"From such a distance, I feel like I'm about to be burned!"

"Aaron! Aaron! Fire Fist Aaron!"

After the flames dissipated, Yang Qiming was still standing on the stage. The Tyrannosaurus Peng Dali was not killed by Yang Qiming. His body was on the edge of the ring. Half of his body was scorched black, and his hands had turned into " Scale Claw", firmly grasping the metal ground, otherwise the blow just now would have knocked him out!

"Aaron!" Peng Dali's voice at this time was already terrified. He had activated the energy of the demon seed. It is reasonable to have the strength comparable to that of an eighth-rank general, but even so, he was almost killed by Aaron's blow. !

This guy is a monster more terrifying than a devil!
"Peng Dali!" Zhou Han, who was watching the game calmly, stood up abruptly. His capable general was almost killed by Aaron's blow?
Yang Qiming walked towards Peng Dali step by step, and the energy fluctuations in his body did not decrease in the slightest.

Peng Dali's demon seed quickly repaired his body, but no matter how perverted the demon seed was, it couldn't bring him back to life in such a short period of time.

Now that he has lost most of his fighting power, he cannot be Yang Qiming's opponent!
"Aaron!" Feeling the threat of death, Peng Dali shouted, "If you dare to kill me, Blood Fist will not let you go!"

"Threat me?" Yang Qiming sneered, "Do you think I will be afraid of him?"

"Aren't you afraid?" A voice appeared in Yang Qiming's ears, and he saw a figure walking out from behind the scenes, staring at Yang Qiming, as if he would kill Yang Qiming if he made a move .

"It finally appeared!" Yang Qiming finally waited for his target, Blood Fist Zhou Han!
Zhou Han was reluctant to let his general be killed by Yang Qiming, so he secretly released his aura, trying to force Yang Qiming to surrender!
Yang Qiming shook his head and continued to walk towards Peng Dali!Every step he took was extremely heavy, and clear footprints were printed on the metal floor. Peng Dali knew that this was the result of a high concentration of energy!
"This guy might kill me!" Peng Dali was finally afraid, "No, I can't die here!"

He suddenly jumped up, pretending to attack Yang Qiming, but in fact he wanted to escape from the ring!

"I said, today is your death day!" Yang Qiming's figure appeared in front of him like a flash, and then, he punched him in the heart!

Peng Dali's eyes were full of horror, he lowered his head in disbelief, only to see Yang Qiming's fist pierced his heart, and exploded the demon seed!His vitality was completely incinerated by the fire attribute energy!
"!" Peng Dali wanted to say something else, Yang Qiming had already withdrawn his hand, not a single drop of blood fell on his arm, Peng Dali's body fell weakly on the floor, making a muffled sound!
At this moment, the audience is silent!

The audience was dumbfounded, looking at the strongest challenger, Tyrannosaurus Peng Dali, who was punched by Yang Qiming and died completely!

"How dare he? How could he?" The referee didn't know how to explain, but just watched this scene in horror.

"Tyrannosaurus, Peng Dali, dead?" The snakeheads were also startled. This is the number one figure in the boxing ring, with a notorious reputation, and he died under Aaron's fist!
"Aaron, he, he really killed Peng Dali!" Sister Hong was stuttering. At this moment, what she felt was not the excitement of making money, but fear!

"Kill Peng Dali and earn Zhou Han's money! He doesn't want his life, but I want my life!" Sister Hong realized that this money was not something she could earn at all!She can't afford Zhou Han's anger!

"Haha, the little boss really won! The little boss is Niubi!" Gu Dafu shouted loudly before he realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Good kill, a rotten person like Peng Dali should have died long ago!" Lu Miao shouted.

"Amin is so strong!" It was Lei Hao's first time watching Yang Qiming fight in the real world.

"He killed Peng Dali?" In the ward, Xie Chang looked dumbfounded. That terrifying Peng Dali was actually killed by Yang Qiming?
"What is this?" Niu Yong boasted, "Then the third son of the calendar, the second master Tu, was killed by the little boss!"

"What?" Xie Chang was startled, and said, "Isn't he afraid of blood fist revenge?"

"Of course I'm not afraid!" Although Niu Yong didn't know what was wrong behind this, he had great trust in Yang Qiming's strength.

At the scene, the audience finally came back to their senses, burst into warm cheers and screams.

"Tyrannosaurus is dead, and a new boxing champion is on the throne!"

"Fire Fist Aaron, hit the audience invincible!"

"Ahh! Aaron, I love you!"

"It's over, I'm going to go bankrupt with you! Why did Aaron win?"

Even in the VIP seats, many people were screaming and shouting.

For these voices, Yang Qiming was not excited, but extremely disgusted.They were not cheering because they got rid of a villain, but because they were thrilled and excited because they destroyed a life!
"Shut up all the fuck!" Yang Qiming suddenly shouted, his voice spread throughout the audience with the fluctuation of the source energy!It directly stunned the audience.

"If you have the energy, go to the wilderness area to kill some strange beasts, come here and watch boxers slaughter each other, it's really disgusting!" Yang Qiming scolded the audience!
Hearing his words, the audience became angry and cursed at him.

"Shabi, do you really think you are something after winning a punch?"

"You're nothing but a clown, a clown who performed for us!"

"What is I doing, it's your turn to point out?"

"Who is going to kill Aaron?"

The VIPs in the VIP seats were also very annoyed, Yang Qiming's words seemed to be calling them names.

"Hahaha, the little boss really has a personality!" Lu Miao and others laughed.

"Quiet!" Another voice rang out. At the time of the first sentence, no one cared, and there were still noises.

It wasn't until a spectator flew into the sky and was exploded into plasma that the audience looked at the person who made the sound in horror.

The man spoke again, and said slowly, "I said, be quiet!"

At this moment, the audience was silent, no one dared to speak!The person who came was wearing a neat suit, with a big back, and fierce eyes. It was the boss of the boxing ring, Zhou Han!
"He's coming!" Sister Hong was so frightened that she even hid directly under the chair. She wanted to run away now!

Aaron has caused so much trouble, if Zhou Han pursues it, he will not be able to get rid of it!
That was Zhou Han with the Blood Fist, and his reputation was earned with every punch.All those who disobeyed him are now lying in the mass graves in Xilong!Some people even failed to leave their bodies behind!

The underground boxing champion for three consecutive times, single-handedly controlling the black business of Jiangnan Mansion, killing people without blinking an eye, such a ruthless character, appeared on the stage!
Everyone looked at Zhou Han. They knew that with Zhou Han's appearance, a few more lives would be lost here today!

The first to bear the brunt is Fire Fist Aaron!

He killed Zhou Han's three generals in a row. If Zhou Han endured this, how could he stay in the Jiangnan mansion in the future?
Zhou Han walked towards Yang Qiming slowly, and said in a flat tone, "A-Long, do you know that Li Laosan, Tu Er and Peng Dali are all my people?"

"Of course I know." Yang Qiming showed no fear.

"Since you know, why did you kill them?" Zhou Han asked again, "In the arena, it's enough to tell the winner, why bother killing them?"

"You have the face to tell me that?" Yang Qiming asked back, "Don't your people take pleasure in killing people? Since they kill people, they must have the consciousness to be killed!"

Hearing Yang Qiming's tone of voice to Zhou Han, Sister Hong almost peed in fright.
Some viewers were already waiting to see the good show, "Aaron is so aggressive, today we can see the blood punch!"

"The last time he made a move was three years ago. At that time, a boxing champion wanted to challenge him, and he beat him to a pulp!"

"Wait for the play!"

"Very good." Zhou Han had already approached Yang Qiming, "A murderer must have the consciousness of being killed. You are right."

"Now, I think so too!"

"It's good that you can understand." Yang Qiming said, "Zhou Han, since you've come out, that's best. I have some personal matters with you, and I need your cooperation."

"You seem to be thinking too much." Zhou Han's tone was still calm, the calmer he was, the more people could feel his hidden anger!

Once it erupts, it will devour everything!
Zhou Han glanced at the audience in the arena, and then at Yang Qiming.Said: "I don't like nonsense, the rules here are set by me, on the ring, life and death depend on strength."

"It's understandable that you killed Peng Dali and the others by relying on your strength. So according to the rules, I am now challenging you as a former boxing champion. Do you dare to accept it?"

He said he was following the rules, but in fact his subordinates had already sealed off the surrounding area, and Yang Qiming would fight if he accepted it, or he would fight if he didn't accept it.

"Then what are you talking about? Let's start!" Yang Qiming was already ready.

Zhou Han is an eighth-rank military general with strong strength.Last time in the underground base of Changling Army Town, he killed the demon of the eighth-rank general with the help of Zhang Haoyang and Chen Qiuyue.

But this time, he can only rely on himself!
"Okay, have courage!" Zhou Han said, taking off his suit, revealing the beastly body under the suit!

"Zhou Han is going to make a move! Haha, I'm so excited!" Someone was excited and looking forward to it.

"Stay away, be careful not to be killed!" The audience in the front row ran back one after another, fearing that they would be affected.

"There is still such a good show to watch tonight, not bad." The mysterious people in the VIP seat were very satisfied and had already started placing bets.

"We're going to fight!" Sister Hong wanted to run away, but found several strong men around her, staring at her. They were clearly Zhou Han's subordinates, so she had no choice but to stay where she was, with a look of despair.

"Can the little boss still stand up?" Everyone in the Storm Squad couldn't help but worry, this time the opponent is Zhou Han, the blood fist!

The referee Tie Mian has already begun to explain: "This year's most exciting boxing match is about to begin!"

"Fire Fist Aaron, who won the underground boxing champion this year by defeating three champions in a row, will fight against the Triple Crown champion who has won the title of boxing champion three times in a row, Blood Fist Zhou Han! Will the new king ascend the throne, or will Zhou Han continue to fight?" How about brilliant?"

"Let's scream loudly to meet this pinnacle battle!"

"Ah!" The audience shouted in unison!

"Three, two, one!" The countdown sounded, and Yang Qiming was on full alert.

Before starting, he had already sent a message to the investigation department, and the investigation department will take action when the results are obtained!

"Amin! It's up to you!" In the corner of the stand, at some point, a woman appeared. She had an ordinary appearance and a fat figure. This was Qin Ningshuang after she was disguised.

"Start!" Before the sound of the timer reached everyone's ears, both of them had already started attacking!
Their figures were like ghosts, and they switched places in an instant.Everyone couldn't see what happened with naked eyes, and the projection equipment on the field once again increased the multiplier of slow playback. It turned out that in that instant, the two had already fought for three rounds!
Yang Qiming's fire fist bombarded continuously, but Zhou Han blocked them all, and Zhou Hai also punched Yang Qiming back!

"As expected of Zhou Han, Aaron's fire fist is no match for him from the front!" The audience sighed.

"Faster than me, and stronger than me!" Yang Qiming has confirmed this point, the gap in realm can hardly be made up by martial arts alone.

Moreover, Zhou Han is also proficient in high-level martial arts, so Yang Qiming has no advantage in front of him at this time!

"Body of fire!" Yang Qiming was in full swing, his body was surrounded by flames, and his aura rose.

"Fire seal!" Yang Qiming condensed the flame mark at the same time, "The mark smashed towards Zhou Han. This time, he also learned Peng Dali's style of attack. When attacking, he used energy to compress the surrounding air to form a pressure wall to restrain the enemy. move!
"It's Aaron's unique move!" Tie Mian quickly explained, "It seems that our blood fist puts too much pressure on Aaron. After only half a minute of the opening, he had to use his unique move!"

"This is the trick that defeated the Tyrannosaurus, how will Zhou Han deal with it?"

"Small tricks!" Zhou Han didn't intend to dodge when he saw the "fire seal" condensed and formed. A strange red light appeared on his body, like the light of blood.

Afterwards, Zhou Han's body turned into a blood shadow, and blasted out with unrivaled fist intent: "Blood Shadow Fist!"

"Boom!" Like thunder in the clear sky, the sound of the explosion startled everyone!
The fire seal was directly smashed under the Blood Shadow Fist!The energy of the explosion swept everything around, and the metal arena on the ground was completely shattered!The surrounding stands were all smashed or knocked into the air. If it wasn't for the spectators who had already evacuated, many of the spectators would have died with this punch!
"It's horrible! I have to stay away!" The audience continued to hide behind in fear, for fear of being affected.

Yang Qiming was also repelled, and he was injured by the explosive power. While moving at high speed to avoid Zhou Han's attack, he was thinking about counterattack.

"Zhou Han's strength is stronger than Dian Fan's this week!" Yang Qiming thought to himself, although Dian Fan is an eighth-rank general, but his martial skills can't keep up with his strength, it should be the energy of the devil that forcibly raised him to the eighth rank .

And this blood fist Zhou Han, whose strength and realm matched, his own fire seal was actually smashed head-on!It is very difficult to injure or even defeat him!

Zhou Han started to pursue, but Yang Qiming kept dodging.The situation seems to be falling into a one-sided situation.

"Fire Fist Aaron seems to be unable to withstand it!" Tie Mian explained, "Jiang is still hot! Zhou Han's strength has crushed Aaron in all directions, and Aaron has no strength to fight back!"

"Blood Fist Zhou Han!"

"Triple Crown!" The audience cheered Zhou Han loudly!
"This is the real boxing champion, what Aaron is, it's all scum!"

"It's over, it's over, it's over!" Sister Hong's heart was almost crushed!

"The situation is not good!" Several members of the Storm Squad also became nervous.

"I said before, he is no match for Zhou Han!" Xie Chang sighed, "There is no way. These people are not something we can deal with!"

"Don't say despondent words here!" Niu Yong scolded, "The little boss must have some tricks!"

"Should we take action?" People from the Investigation Bureau were asking Qin Ningshuang, they felt that Yang Qiming was about to be overwhelmed.

"No, wait any longer. If you act now, Zhou Han will definitely run away!" Qin Ningshuang knew that Yang Qiming was looking for a way.At least so far, he hasn't used any mental power skills.

"Blade Soul, Soul Slashing Technique!" When Zhou Han attacked, Yang Qiming still used his mental power skills.

The spirit puppet condensed the soul blade, and slashed behind Zhou Han!

Zhou Han was about to attack Yang Qiming's chest directly, but when he sensed the fluctuation of mental power behind him, he stopped immediately, and the surrounding blood energy exploded, smashing him to pieces!

"You are still a spiritually awakened person!" Zhou Han looked at Yang Qiming in amazement. Normally, when a warrior reaches a certain level of cultivation, his spiritual power will become stronger, but there are still many gaps between him and a spiritually awakened person.

Yang Qiming's mental attack is no weaker than his martial arts!
Yang Qiming didn't reply, he immediately used Abi Hell, trying to shake Zhou Han's mind.

However, blood energy around Zhou Han's body has been circling around, shaking his mental power away.

"Yehuo Red Lotus!" In the spiritual realm, a red lotus slowly bloomed, burning Zhou Han's blood energy.

"There are quite a lot of moves, but they are all in vain!" Seeing this, Zhou Han first took a few steps back, and then his blood energy gathered at one point, "Blood Shadow Fist——Breaking the Army!"

Yang Qiming only saw a blood shadow passing away in a flash. This is a combination of body skills and martial arts, and the speed has surpassed him!

And that Blood Shadow Fist, the condensed energy is terrifying, it seems to break through all the obstacles in front of it!
There are still air pressure walls around to hinder movement, and it is no longer possible to escape at this time.

"Fire seal!" The energy of the earth spirit fire and the source seed gathered together, and Yang Qiming once again condensed the fire seal and bombarded it.

"Boom!" The fire seal was smashed, Zhou Han's offensive was only weakened by [-]%, and the Blood Shadow Fist hit Yang Qiming directly!

"Be careful!" Lu Miao and others couldn't help exclaiming.

Sister Hong closed her eyes in fear.

"Amin!" Even Qin Ningshuang held her breath!

It was like a bomb was thrown into a fire pit, and countless flames exploded!

"Is Aaron still alive?" Tie Mian questioned, he locked the ring area with his electronic eyes, his expression became horrified, and said, "He's still alive!"

Everyone looked again, only to see that Yang Qiming stepped back more than a dozen steps, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, but he was not punched through as they imagined!
Around him, there are still broken armor that resembles flames!

"Origin Armor?" Zhou Han was startled at first, this is something only a Martial King can do, and then he realized, "It's Martial Skills! You know so many Martial Skills!"

He was a little envious, these skills that Yang Qiming knew were all powerful.If he is not a sixth-rank general, but an eighth-rank general, I am really not sure that I can defeat him!

"Soul of the Sword!" Yang Qiming resisted the fatal blow, and his physical condition was already declining.

Zhou Han's attack had already injured him internally and externally, and he couldn't maintain his peak state for long.If this continues, he will definitely lose!

"Within three moves, the winner must be determined, otherwise I will lose!" Yang Qiming knew very well in his heart, so he directly condensed the spirit puppet, blessed himself with a magic spell, and forcibly maintained his state.

"Original force armor, can it block my punch, can it block the second punch, the third punch?" Zhou Han asked with a sarcasm.

"You can try!" Yang Qiming gritted his teeth.

"Huh!" Zhou Han snorted and launched another attack.

The shadow of blood flashed, and the shattered arena had turned into a deep ditch, a ditch blasted out by punches!

"Go to hell!" Zhou Han's fist had already approached Yang Qiming. This time, Yang Qiming didn't even have time to condense the flame armor.

Zhou Han could see that Yang Qiming's eyes were terrified, he was about to die!

"Death!" Zhou Han's fist finally hit Yang Qiming's body, and he could feel the thrill of being broken!

It's just that Yang Qiming's body is more fragile than he imagined, as if it could be broken with one blow!
"Is it the end of the crossbow? It turns out that this kid has been holding on!" Zhou Han thought in his heart, and his nerves relaxed a little bit!

At this moment, a figure appeared behind him, and the terrifying flame energy gathered in his hands. It was Yang Qiming!
"How come? When? I clearly locked him!" Zhou Han was shocked. How did Yang Qiming appear behind him?
Knowing that he is a spiritually awakened person, Zhou Han also released his mental power. Although he is not aggressive, he can judge moves such as mental puppets through mental fluctuations.

Yang Qiming, who was crushed by himself just now, obviously has the same mental fluctuations as him!

"What the hell is going on? Why are there two Yang Qiming?" The referee and the audience were also stunned!
In an instant, Yang Qiming used "Soul Out of Body" and "Yimu Curse" to allocate part of his spiritual power, and created a completely simulated self.

What Zhou Han hit was the dummy!

"Fire seal!" Yang Qiming's fire seal was almost released against Zhou Han's back. At such a close distance, Zhou Han had no time to defend and dodge.

"Boom!" "The imprint hit Zhou Han's back directly, and the explosive force directly smashed his flesh and blood into charred paste. Zhou Han's figure also hit the ground heavily, creating a deep hole!
"Damn it!" Even with this blow, Zhou Han did not die.The eighth-rank general and the powerful body of the demon allowed him to retain some of his strength.

But how could Yang Qiming give him a chance to fight back, Yang Qiming jumped up, and smashed down his flaming fist again.

"Boom!" There was another sound, and the pit got deeper!
"Boom boom boom..." There was a dense explosion like drumbeats in the pit, and it was Yang Qiming who was constantly punching his fists!

Looking at the flames, Tie Mian opened his mouth, not knowing what to say. At this moment, Zhou Han had lost the strength to resist and could only be beaten!Yang Qiming wants to blow him up!
The entire audience was silent!

All of them opened their eyes wide, trying to see clearly what happened in the firelight, or if Zhou Han was still alive!

"What's wrong?" Sister Hong kept her eyes closed just now, she didn't know what happened. When she saw the slow motion of the camera, her mouth grew into an "O" shape!

"Little boss, beat Zhou Han to death?" Lu Miao, Gu Dafu, Zhu Min, and even Niu Yong who was sitting in the ward stood up at the same time, watching this scene with shocking eyes!
If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that such a thing would happen!

"Amin!" Lei Hao wished he could jump up excitedly, but his whole body hurt when he moved a little bit, and even so, his face flushed red with excitement!
"How? He, he, him! He defeated Zhou Han?" Xie Chang sat up on the hospital bed, he had already forgotten that he had just undergone surgery.

The ruthless character in his heart that he must never provoke is howling under Yang Qiming's fist!This broke his cognition, and a certain nightmare in his heart was being broken.

"Amin!" Qin Ningshuang looked at the arena, her beautiful eyes were full of joy, he defeated a strong enemy again and created a miracle!

 Thanks to the Tauren Berserker for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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