Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 20 Yang Qiming's weight!

Chapter 20 Yang Qiming's weight!

"A car from the military area?" Gao Yuan was completely panicked. He thought he still had time to deal with it. Who knew that the scene would be so big!

He and Hu Zhiyong rushed out to check. As soon as they got to the door, they saw a group of soldiers with live ammunition getting out of the car and quickly assembled.

Among them, one person got on and off the jeep headed by him. He walked vigorously and powerfully, with a kind of chill and majesty on his body!
"It's Martial God He!" They naturally knew this person, there were not many Martial Gods in Jiangnan Mansion, and He Ming was one of them!
"Stay at the door, don't let anyone escape!" He Ming shouted.

"Yes!" The soldiers responded in unison, almost frightening Hu Zhiyong and Gao Yuan!

However, this was not over yet, and a few more maglev vehicles came to the gate of the security office. The chief instructor, Deng Yuze, rushed down angrily, and shouted, "Where is the person in charge here?"

In the car behind, there was their superior, Liu Zongkai, the head of the Jiangnan Mansion's Security Department!
"Team...Captain? What...what shall we do?" The team members stuttered in fright.

Gao Yuan also felt chills in his heart. He gritted his teeth and said, "Remember, it's all a misunderstanding! You can't say it even if you kill yourself!"

He made up his mind and ran to the door to greet him.

"Liu Siling, He Wushen, Deng Sijiao, I am the captain of the law enforcement team here, Gao Yuan." In front of them, Gao Yuan dared not show his air.

"Gao Yuan!" A strong aura erupted from He Ming's body, Gao Yuan felt as if he was carrying a hill on his back, and he couldn't breathe under the weight.

"Where is Yang Qiming?" He Ming asked.

"He's inside, there's nothing wrong with it!" Gao Yuan gritted his teeth, and said with difficulty: "He's safe and sound, it's just a misunderstanding, we've investigated it, and let him leave, because he refused to leave!"

"Huh?" He Ming let go of his coercion after hearing his words.

Gao Yuan immediately felt relieved, and his back was soaked in sweat in just one sentence!
"Take us there!" Deng Yuze shouted.

"Yes!" Gao Yuan saw that Liu Zongkai had his hands behind his back, his face was gloomy, and he didn't say a word.This made him even more afraid.

Hu Zhiyong didn't dare to speak, so he stood aside, trying to minimize his presence.

They soon saw Yang Qiming.

"Senior Congratulations, Teacher Deng." Yang Qiming greeted the two and introduced their identities to their parents.

In fact, there is no need to introduce them, they have seen their faces many times in the news.

Seeing them, especially He Ming, Yang Lin was extremely excited, and said, "I never thought I would have the chance to meet Martial God He!"

He Ming restrained his breath, calmed down his tone, and comforted him, "Are you all alright?"

"It's almost bad." Yang Qiming's words scared Gao Yuan and Hu Zhiyong again.

"Yang Qiming, what's going on?" Deng Yuze asked.

Yang Qiming briefly explained the matter, and Deng Yuze frowned and said, "There is such a thing? Forced demolition, beating, and the villain complaining first?"

He Ming said angrily: "It's really lawless!"

Liu Zongkai also scolded Gao Yuan angrily, and asked, "Is what he said true?"

Gao Yuan quickly replied: "This is all a misunderstanding. After our investigation, we found that it was indeed Lu Jian who did it first. Lu Jian has now pleaded guilty and is in the detention room!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Hu Zhiyong also hastily explained, "It is indeed our fault that we did not communicate well with the residents of Shili Street. We must reflect on ourselves!"

"Are you from Jiangnan Real Estate?" Deng Yuze asked suddenly.

This sentence made Hu Zhiyong's heart tremble, and he was still throwing the blame: "Yes, I am just a project manager. That Lu Jian is a temporary worker hired by the people below. If I had known that he would be like this, I would definitely not use him! "

"It's not a misunderstanding!" Yang Qiming said, "We have video evidence for everything that happened just now."

"Where's the evidence?" Liu Zongkai asked.

Yang Qiming fetched his mobile phone and sent a message to Lei Hao, who immediately sent the video.

Yang Qiming played the live broadcast, and everything that happened just now is very clear, including forced demolitions, beatings, and Gao Yuan's indiscriminate arrest.

Seeing these scenes, He Ming snorted coldly: "What a forced demolition, what a law enforcement team!"

"Ignore the law, Liu Siling, how do you think about this matter?" Deng Yuze looked at Liu Zongkai.

Liu Zongkai said: "Gao Yuan did dereliction of duty and should be punished. This Hu Zhiyong did not do the right thing. We will pay as much as we want. We will investigate this specifically."

"Fortunately, Yang Qiming's family was not harmed. I think it's better to deal with this matter in a low-key manner, so as not to have a bad impact."

Hearing his words, Yang Lin became anxious immediately, and deal with it in a low-key manner?Can this matter be resolved?
He hurriedly said: "Our affairs are trivial matters! The key is that their demolition compensation is less than one-tenth of the stipulated compensation, not only our family, but the entire Shili Street, and other demolition places in Nantian District are like this! "

Hearing his words, Deng Yuze's heart moved immediately, this matter must not be simple.

Liu Zongkai glanced at Hu Zhiyong, and Hu Zhiyong hurriedly said: "There is no such thing, we have followed the regulations. This may be due to accounting and communication problems!"

"It doesn't matter what you say about this matter, it must be investigated!" Deng Yuze shouted suddenly, "I think there are bigger problems here."

"Siling Liu, I think this matter should be investigated in detail. Our Bishop's Office will care about the progress of the case."

"Me too!" He Ming threatened.

"That's natural, the Department of Public Security will enforce the law impartially!" After Liu Zongkai finished speaking, he ordered his subordinates, "Arrest Gao Yuan, Hu Zhiyong, Lu Jian, and all the law enforcement officers here."

"Yes!" Hu Zhiyong and others, who were arrogant and domineering just now, were all honestly handcuffed and taken into custody.

Deng Yuze said, "Yang Qiming, don't stay here anymore."

"En." Yang Qiming's goal has been achieved, so naturally he won't stay any longer.

He Ming said: "Now that your status as the champion of the martial arts examination has been announced outside, it will not be safe for you to stay in the outer city."

"How about this, since you are a special trainee of the Jiangnan government army, you will be stationed in the government military region in advance, and I will let someone arrange it."

The military district of Jiangnan Prefecture is also one of the ten districts of Jiangnan Prefecture. Although it is not an inner city, the security is not lower than that of the inner city.Because most of the people living here are military members!
"Thank you so much!" Yang Lin thanked quickly.

"Let's not talk about this." Deng Yuze said, "Yang Qiming, your teachers and classmates are outside, you go out."

"Okay." Yang Qiming walked out of the security station. Outside the door, his teachers and classmates were all there.

Seeing Yang Qiming come out, Tong Yancheng, Feng Cheng and others hurried over to inquire.

"Yang Qiming, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, the matter has been resolved." Yang Qiming smiled.

Tong Yancheng saw Deng Sijiao standing behind him, and hurried forward to greet him. As a small principal in Nantian District, it was rare for him to meet someone of Deng Yuze's level!

"Amin, you finally came out!" Lei Hao stepped forward.

"How is Uncle Zhang?" Yang Qiming asked a little more.

"Bone is broken, and you are recuperating in the hospital." Lei Hao asked worriedly, "How is your situation now?"

"It's okay, it's all settled."

(End of this chapter)

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