Chapter 23 Gene Hierarchy
"We usually divide by the percentage of the strongest alien animal gene of the same level. One percent to ten percent is called Fanpin gene. The gene level of this creature has been fixed at this level, and it is difficult to improve it. Unless there is a mutation." Xia Houbo continued to explain.

"10%-50%, it is a good product gene, and there is a possibility of improvement."

"50%, the top-grade gene, because the genetic perfection reaches 50%, the success rate of the original warrior sprinting to the next level is higher."

"60% superb, 70% one-of-a-kind, 80% once-in-a-lifetime, 90% evergreen, 100% extraordinary."

"In a realm, if the genes have reached the extraordinary, the basic attributes of the body are almost the strongest! And the higher the degree of gene perfection, the greater the potential for future improvement, and the stronger the strength after promotion."

"In order to improve the completeness of genes, some strong people even forcibly suppress the realm to make their genes more perfect."

"Is it possible that the degree of genetic perfection exceeds [-]%?" Yang Qiming asked.

"Yes!" Wei Da finally spoke, "The completeness of a gene is compared with a different beast. No one stipulates that there is no stronger existence in the same realm. More than [-]%, it is called a supergene, which is already another level of life. Gene!"

"I understand!" Yang Qiming asked enthusiastically, "How do I know the degree of completeness of my genes?"

"The most convenient method is instrument testing." Xia Houbo said: "In addition, you can also carry out extreme training, exhaust your own energy, do not use martial arts, just use the strength of the body to test the strength, and estimate according to the strength of the strength. "

"There is a genetic tester here, you can test it!" Wei Da said curiously, "I'm really curious, what is the degree of genetic perfection of this year's No. [-] scholar?"

"It should be around good grades." Xia Houbo guessed, "Every time he advances, the degree of genetic perfection must be improved again. He only broke through the second level of warriors for a month, so it shouldn't be very high."

"Test and find out!" They brought Yang Qiming to the genetic detector in the venue, and some curious fighters came to watch.

"I guess 30.00% five!"

"Breakthrough to the second level for a month? What I said before is a good gene, he is more talented than me, counting me twice, he should have reached the top gene!" Everyone also speculated.

Yang Qiming entered his own strength information, and at the same time sent the blood sample to the genetic detector for testing.

After 1 minute, the genetic detector gave the result.

"Yang Qiming, the second-level warrior, with a genetic perfection of 98%, is evergreen."

"90.00%100?" Seeing this value, Xia Houbo called out directly, "Close to [-]%!"

Wei Da pulled Yang Qiming even more, and said, "Your boy is a humanoid beast! The average warrior is only 50.00%, if you can reach 70.00%, you are outstanding, and if you can reach 80.00%, you are a genius!"

"You have only broken through to the second level for a month, how did you reach 90.00% eighth?"

Of course Yang Qiming would not say it, because his cells have been fusing gene fragments, and he is still practicing by himself!Gene perfection is naturally high.

"Good guy, break through again, and you can reach the extraordinary level!"

"Extraordinary genes of the same level, can't one fight two?"

"Two? You dare not say it. I met one in the military competition before. With 95% genetic perfection, he can fight four of the same level!" The warriors all exclaimed.

"Yang Qiming, you can attack Tier [-] warriors now!" Someone said.

"No, no, it's 90.00% eighth. You must reach the extraordinary gene and then reach the third level!" Wei Da hurriedly said, "Yang Qiming, I will train you for a few days to ensure that your genes will be perfect and become a third-level warrior!"

Upon hearing this, Xia Houbo said, "Wei Da, do you want to be a cheap master?"

"Hey." Wei Da smiled and said, "I'm just a seventh-rank warrior, how can I teach him? I'll just be a training partner!"

"I'll come to practice with you too!" Xia Houbo asked Yang Qiming, "What do you think?"

"I wish for it!" Yang Qiming said happily. These people are all veterans who have been on the battlefield. They have rich experience in both training and actual combat. With them as a companion, I can learn a lot.

"My old Zhang is a general, I will guide!" The surrounding warriors couldn't help but say.

"Thank you, seniors!" Yang Qiming thanked him. If these people went to other martial arts gyms, how could they be coaches?

In this way, Yang Qiming started extreme training with the help of a group of veterans.

Only then did Yang Qiming realize that the knowledge he learned in high school was not very practical.And when it comes to Yuan Wuzhe, the training method is also very different from before.

He's making rapid progress.

After a week, Yang Qiming's realm has not improved, but his strength has improved a lot.

"Come on, continue!" On the ring, Xia Houbo was helping Yang Qiming to practice actual combat.

Yang Qiming was already exhausted, and it was difficult to bring up any strength in his body.

"Don't give up!" Xiahoubo shouted, "The beast never waits for you to rest, unless you are fighting until you pass out, don't give up!"

"Come again!"

Yang Qiming gritted his teeth, raised his strength again, and flew towards Xia Houbo.

Xia Houbo could have easily caught his fist, but he chose to dodge in order to teach Yang Qiming more skills.

"There is a flaw on the right side!"

"The location of the foot! Pay attention to the location of the foot!"

"The angle of the punch is off. You should have used an uppercut just now. The straight punch is too easy to be blocked!"

"No, that's a feint!" Yang Qiming's punch had just been blocked by Xia Houbo, when suddenly his left fist burst out with a strong force, hitting Xia Houbo's right forehead with the sound of a tiger roaring.

Xiahoubo was startled, and quickly used his source force to push Yang Qiming back.Even if he is a general, if he is hit and taken, he will inevitably be injured.

"Xiahou, you can't do it!" someone joked beside him.

Xia Houbo blushed and said, "I was careless, I didn't flash!"

At this time, Yang Qiming had exhausted all his strength, and Xia Houbo supported him to rest.

Yang Qiming said suddenly: "I seem to be breaking through, there is a warm current in my blood."

"This is breaking through the limit, the gene is perfect! It's time to break through the realm!" Wei Da said, "Quick, breathe out! Absorb the source power!"

Yang Qiming sat cross-legged on the ground, adjusting his breathing.Afraid of interfering with his breakthrough, all the warriors around him stopped exercising to avoid making noise.

The source force circulates in Yang Qiming's body. After the gene is [-]% complete, Yang Qiming hardly encounters any obstacles and easily completes several cycles.

He could feel that the genetic lock was opened again, and the source power in his body was more abundant!
"Breakthrough, third rank warrior!" Yang Qiming stood up.

"So easy?" The warriors around were surprised.

"Genius is genius, breakthrough is like eating and drinking water!"

"Haha, it's all thanks to my training partner!" Xia Houbo laughed.

"Shameless, this extreme training method is obviously summed up by me!" Wei Da said.

Yang Qiming smiled and said: "I am brainstorming, the experience of all seniors is very important."

"Yang Qiming made a breakthrough today, why don't we celebrate at night and have a drink?" someone suggested.

"Okay!" Xiahoubo was the first to agree.

"Let's go, let's go now!" Wei Da said.

"Where is it?" Yang Qiming asked.

"You can't go!" Xia Houbo said, "You just broke through and need to consolidate, so you should not drink alcohol."

"But aren't you celebrating my breakthrough?" Yang Qiming said speechlessly, "I think you all just want to drink and find an excuse!"

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed.

In this way, Yang Qiming spent another week here, and finally came the day when Jiangnan Martial Arts University started.

"Practice hard, we are waiting for you in the army!" The soldiers at the Budokan of the Fu Military District urged.

Yang Qiming bid farewell to them and his parents, packed his bags, and drove to Jiangnan Martial Arts University in the inner city.

(End of this chapter)

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