Chapter 26

Message: "Xiaoqiang has chosen to participate in the Zongmen Contest."

"The martial arts competition of the Zongmen has begun. Xiaoqiang's opponent is Liao Wenxing, a second-rank warrior. Xiaoqiang easily defeated him by virtue of his realm advantage, and successfully entered the second round."

"The second round of the competition began. Xiaoqiang's opponent was Lu Yi, a third-tier martial artist. After a few rounds, Xiaoqiang defeated him with "Tiger Roaring Fist" and successfully entered the third round."

"The third round of the competition began. Xiaoqiang's opponent was Mao Ying, a third-tier warrior. After a hard fight, Xiaoqiang defeated him and entered the final round smoothly."

"At the beginning of the last round of competition, Xiaoqiang's opponent is Tu Shuang, a fourth-rank warrior. Tu Shuang is strong and has pushed Xiaoqiang into desperation several times. Xiaoqiang fought fiercely with him with the powerful body of "Diamond Body". Without losing, Xiaoqiang won the Zongmen martial arts championship!"

"Xiaoqiang is awesome!" Yang Qiming cried secretly, this "Diamond Body" technique is indeed much stronger than the previous "Tiger Fight", and the challenge was successful.

Message: "Xiaoqiang won the No. 1 martial arts competition in the sect, and was appreciated by the elder Dharma protector, Huabao Dharma protector, and accepted him as a personal disciple. The authority of the sect has been increased, and the monthly salary has been increased."

"Rewards: X10 Tier 10 Strength Gene Fragment, X1000 Tier 1000 Speed ​​Gene Fragment, Lingshi X[-], Zongmen Contribution [-] points. Get a one-star intermediate martial skill "Phantom Step"."

"Phantom Step": A one-star mid-level physical martial skill. After using it, the speed can be greatly increased in a short period of time, leaving phantoms in the air.

"Learn "Phantom Step"!" Yang Qiming naturally let Xiaoqiang learn the precious martial arts skills immediately.

This study lasted a whole day, and the information was only updated when I returned to the dormitory after the military training the next day.

Message: "After studying hard, Xiaoqiang has initially mastered "Phantom Step", and your speed has been improved."

An extra memory appeared in Yang Qiming's mind. The technique of using "Phantom Step" has been engraved in his brain and cellular memory!
"Shenfa martial arts and boxing martial arts can be used at the same time, which greatly increases my actual combat ability." Yang Qiming asked Xiaoqiang to refine those gene fragments.

His genes have been enhanced again, and his genetic perfection has been improved.

"Now I'm a Tier 90.00 warrior, and my genetic perfection should be at [-]%, which is the Evergreen level." Yang Qiming estimated his own strength, and he would soon be able to make his genes reach the supernatural level and break through to Tier [-] warrior.

This practice speed, I am afraid that no one can catch up with him!


In Martial Arts University, a group of students are training in a luxurious and spacious martial arts hall.

This is the club headquarters of the Renyi Martial Arts Club. Whether it is space, decoration or equipment, it is much better than some commercial martial arts gyms outside.

In a gravity room, two students wearing martial arts uniforms with the word "righteousness" on them stood outside like bodyguards.

The gravity room is a place where gravity-generating equipment is used to create a super-gravity environment for practice.This kind of equipment is very expensive and rare, and ordinary martial arts gyms cannot afford it.

After a long time, the door of the gravity room opened, and a shirtless, long-haired man came out barefoot. He took a few deep breaths, and his breath quickly returned to normal.

There are also maids wearing Hanfu around him bringing towels for him.

"Yi Shao!" A student came up to greet him, it was Yang Qiming's acquaintance, Pang Yue.

"Xiao Yue." Liu Xueyi glanced at him and said, "Are you familiar with this place?"

"I'm familiar with it." Pang Yue said respectfully.

In front of others, he is the only son of the boss of Jiangnan Real Estate, and he is very proud.But in front of Liu Xueyi, he didn't dare to put on airs!
Because the other party is the grandson of Dragon Spear Valkyrie, a super genius, and one of the third generation heirs of the Liu family!

Even his father, Pang Hai, is just a white glove for the Liu family!

Liu Xueyi sat on the sofa, and the maid gently wiped his sweat with her white and tender jade hands.

Liu Xueyi looked at Pang Yue and said, "Your family has been in trouble recently. A demolition project has even made news, alarming Sijiao Deng and He Wushen. In the end, my second uncle will clean up the mess for you. Is your father old? Confused, what are you doing?"

The other party criticized his father face to face, and Pang Yue didn't dare to refute, but whispered: "This is an accident, there is a boy named Yang Qiming, who actually became the top scorer in the martial arts examination, and was favored by Deng Sijiao and He Wushen." , help him out."

"Heh!" Liu Xueyi sneered, "I've heard about this too, what kind of bullshit is the top scorer in the martial arts examination! It's all over, and I'm only a first-rank warrior!"

"He's already level three now." Pang Yue said in a low voice.

"I'm here to recruit anyone who is above the third rank!" Liu Xueyi pointed to the members of the Renyi Martial Arts Club who were exercising.

He looked complacent: "Those dogs, do you know what is cultivation and what is a gene?"

Pang Yue didn't speak.

Liu Xueyi continued: "Recently, those people are still finding fault with Yang Qiming's affairs, which made my second uncle feel very bad, and I am also not in a good mood."

"Yi Shao, what do you say?" Pang Yue asked quickly.

"Are you a pig? I still need to teach you?" Liu Xueyi scolded, "I heard that he has joined He Ming and is a special trainee of the government army. Teacher Deng and He Wushen want him to come to Jiangnan University to break the situation and put me Liu Xueyi's thinking is too simple!"

"Come here, even if it is a dragon, I have to coil it! Let alone a dirt dog!"

"Leave this matter to you, don't let me down." Liu Xueyi said.

"I see, Young Master Yi!" Pang Yue gritted his teeth, "This guy has made my family miserable, I definitely want him to look good!"

Pang Yue left, Liu Xueyi waved, and the maid served a glass of frozen animal blood wine.

"Deng Yuze, He Ming..." Liu Xueyi drank a mouthful of beast blood, narrowing his eyes slightly, "If you want to join Jiangnan University, go ahead and dream!"

Jiangnan University is the concentration of geniuses in the entire Jiangnan Prefecture.As long as you master these students, you will master the future of Jiangnan Mansion!
And now, relying on the Renyi Martial Arts Club, most of the elites of Jiangnan University are under his command!

On the training ground, another day of military training is over, and the students have begun to adapt to this exercise rhythm.

"Dry rice, dry rice, I'm starving to death!" Xiong Guangyao shouted, and the four in Yang Qiming's dormitory were about to go to the cafeteria, but they were stopped.

There were four people in front of them, and like them, they were all wearing martial arts uniforms with a black word "righteousness" printed on them, which were the social uniforms of the Renyi Martial Arts Club.One of them, Yang Qiming, recognized him at a glance.

Pang Yue, the young owner of Jiangnan Real Estate, lost a one-star intermediate gene awakening potion to himself not long ago.At this time, he was following a young man with a short hair.

"Who is Yang Qiming?" the inch-headed boy asked knowingly, and stopped the four of them.

"I, what's the matter?" Yang Qiming looked at several people, especially Pang Yue.

Pang Yue's face was calm and he didn't speak.

The corner of the inch-headed boy's mouth twitched, and he said, "It's you. I heard that you are the top scorer in this year's martial arts examination. Some people say that you are the number one talent in this year. I think that's the way it is!"

"Who are you, are you?" Xiong Guangyao dissatisfied, "Cheepy!"

The cut-headed boy didn't speak, and someone behind him sneered, "You don't even know Brother Hao? Haven't you heard of Han Zihao, No. [-] Middle School in the Inner City?"

"No." Yang Qiming said calmly, "Get out of the way!"

Neither he nor his roommates had heard of it, but there seemed to be people around who knew the cropped boy.

"It's actually him, Han Zihao from No. [-] Middle School in the Inner City! I heard that he unlocked the gene lock in his first year of high school, won the championship in the Jiangnan Mansion High School Martial Arts Competition, and was recommended to Jiangnan University!"

"I remembered, there is indeed such a great person, but I didn't expect that he was in the same class as us!"

"He joined the Renyi Martial Arts Club!"

"He was a genetic warrior in his freshman year of high school. It has been more than three years now. How strong is he?"

Hearing someone questioning, the follower behind Han Zihao proudly said: "My brother Hao is now a fourth-level source martial artist, and is about to break through to the fifth level! This year's rookie king, it must be my brother Hao!"

The so-called rookie king refers to the strongest person among the freshmen.Every year, the school holds an intramural martial arts competition, and the person who wins the first place will be crowned the rookie king!

(End of this chapter)

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