Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 29 The 2 Big Presidents Are Here to Steal People!

Chapter 29 The two presidents are here to snatch people!

"It's okay." Yang Qiming didn't think there was anything wrong, the opponent was not evenly matched.

"Go, let's cook!"


On the same day, Yang Qiming's abuse of Han Zihao at the training ground spread throughout the freshmen group.

Everyone already knows that the top scorer in the martial arts examination obtained by this "examination-oriented education" is not a showman, but a real macho!
The students have listed Yang Qiming as a strong contender for this year's rookie king.


"Losing?" In the Renyi Martial Arts Hall, Liu Xueyi kicked away Han Zihao, who was kneeling on the ground in front of him wearing a strap, "It's really embarrassing for me!"

The people around did not dare to show their anger, for fear of offending Liu Xueyi.

Pang Yue didn't speak, he knew why Liu Xueyi was so angry.

If Han Zihao loses, he loses. The Renyi Martial Art Museum has more people who are stronger than Yang Qiming.But there are rumors in the school that Yang Qiming is the second person after Liu Xueren who can maintain the six-dimensional S and stabilize the extraordinary gene.

You know, even Liu Xueyi himself can only maintain the five-dimensional S, and his mental strength has not reached the S level.

This shows that Liu Xueyi's talent, his genetic level is not as good as Yang Qiming's, and this is the root of his anger!As the grandson of the titled Martial God, his pride and self-esteem does not allow others to surpass himself!

"This Yang Qiming, we must not let him continue to be so arrogant, otherwise where will I put my face?"


In the evening, when Yang Qiming returned to the dormitory, students from several dormitories around him came to chat and discuss the day's sparring.

"Student, are you in the dormitory?" Yang Qiming received a message from Fan Yushan, the senior who was added during the orientation.

Yang Qiming replied: "Yes, what's the matter?"

Fan Yushan: "That's it. I'm from the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club. If it's convenient for you, we'll go to your dormitory right away to talk about the club."

"Okay." Yang Qiming did not refuse.

Not long after, Fan Yushan and a strong man came to the dormitory.

"Hi guys." Fan Yushan looked at the boys' dormitory curiously. Normally, male and female dormitories are not allowed to enter each other's dormitories. Today, Lin Hu was here, so the dormitory manager only let her in.

"This is the president of our Jiangnan Martial Arts Club, Lin Hu." She introduced.

Xiong Yaoguang looked at Lin Hu, although he was a few centimeters taller than Lin Hu, but in terms of physique, Lin Hu was stronger than him, just like a humanoid beast!
"Hello senior!" Wang Yan and others shouted quickly.

"Yang Qiming, are you interested in joining our Jiangnan Martial Arts Club?" Lin Hu looked directly at Yang Qiming, and said straight to the point: "I saw your sparring during the day, and you are very strong."

Just as Yang Qiming was about to answer, a soft female voice came, saying, "Senior Lin Hu, you are too quick to snatch people!"

Everyone looked at the source of the sound, and saw a beautiful woman in white monk clothes walking towards the door of the dormitory, followed by a man and a woman, both wearing martial arts clothes, with the pattern of Tai Chi Yin and Yang drawn on it.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" The freshmen shouted out when they saw Chen Qiuyue.

"Is this senior sister? Ahhh, I love it!"

"Senior sister!" Someone greeted.

Several of Yang Qiming's roommates couldn't help but focus on Chen Qiuyue. She has the gentleness and charm of a classical beauty, which makes people yearn for her.

Yang Qiming naturally also saw Chen Qiuyue, to be honest, this is the most beautiful real person he has ever seen!It looks much more beautiful than those PS or artificial beauties on the Internet.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Chen Qiuyue. I'm a sophomore this year. I'm also from the Martial Arts Academy and the president of the Tai Chi Martial Arts Club." Chen Qiuyue said to Yang Qiming.

"Hello." Yang Qiming said.

"Hey, hey, don't ignore me!" Seeing that everyone's attention was drawn away, Lin Hu hurriedly said, "Don't just look at the beauties, let's talk about joining the club!"

"I also came here to talk to Junior Brother Yang about joining the club. Our Tai Chi Martial Arts Club is also recruiting new students recently, and the salary is pretty good." Chen Qiuyue said.

"I'll join, I'll join!" The freshman next to me immediately shouted, "The first time I saw my senior, I knew that I must join this Tai Chi Martial Arts Club!"

Chen Qiuyue smiled slightly and said: "If you want to join the club, you can sign up after the military training, but joining the club requires an assessment, so you have to prepare in advance."

"Why did Yang Qiming join the club early?" the freshman asked.

"You don't need to ask, do you have that strength?" His roommate complained.

The president of the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club and the Tai Chi Martial Arts Club came to the dormitory to invite them at the same time, and they couldn't ask for Yang Qiming's card.

"Go into the dormitory." Yang Qiming asked the two presidents to enter the dormitory. Once the door was closed, the other freshmen could only scatter away.

"The two presidents." Yang Qiming said, "I don't know what is the use of joining the Martial Arts Club?"

"Of course there are benefits!" Lin Hu said, "Practice together, and if you don't understand anything, you can ask the members of the club. The teachers of the Martial Arts University don't have so much energy to point out the students one by one. Joining the Martial Arts Club, you can learn less. Take many detours."

Chen Qiuyue added: "In the martial arts club, you can also learn some unique martial arts or spiritual skills. For example, in our Tai Chi martial arts club, you can learn advanced martial arts that you can't learn outside with money!"

"There is still income!" Lin Hu said, "Everyone is short of cultivation resources. The Martial Arts Club has businesses outside. Members of the Martial Arts Club can work part-time or work in these companies. If you have outstanding ability, you can earn as much as you want!"

"There is still income!" Yang Qiming was moved because he was short of money.Because of the rapid improvement in strength, the resources that Te Peisheng received every month could hardly meet his cultivation consumption.

"Our Tai Chi Martial Arts Club also has them!" Chen Qiuyue said hastily.

Lin Hu said: "Yang Qiming, the practice of genetic martial arts is to learn more, and it won't work behind closed doors. Many people have made rapid progress after joining the martial arts club. It's a pity that you don't come!"

"Aren't you a special trainee of the Jiangnan government army? Me too. We have a lot of places to communicate! Our society and the government army have linkages. If you join us, you can go directly to the army during the training period, and go to the wilderness to hunt and kill strange beasts." ! No other society has this benefit!"

Lin Hu used his trump card, and Yang Qiming seemed a little moved.

Chen Qiuyue was a little anxious, seeing this, she said: "Yang Qiming, their Jiangnan Martial Arts Club is a bunch of rough guys. Our Tai Chi Martial Arts Club has many beautiful female members!"

"I want to join!" Li Rui said immediately.

"Me too!" Xiong Guangyao and Wang Yan also shouted.

"It's a foul!" Lin Hu emphasized, "Junior girl, don't use beauty tricks!"

The corners of Chen Qiuyue's mouth raised slightly, she smiled lightly, revealing two small dimples, and said, "I'm just explaining the facts, the choice depends on Yang Qiming himself."

Yang Qiming said: "Sister Chen's words are indeed very tempting!"

Just as Chen Qiuyue was about to rejoice, Yang Qiming said again: "But if I join the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club, it doesn't seem to prevent me from socializing with the Tai Chi Martial Arts Club, right?"

Lin Hu laughed and said, "Haha, Yang Qiming has a brilliant brain! You are right, if you join us, you can also go to their Tai Chi Martial Arts Club to find a girlfriend!"

"If you are capable, you see, Junior Qiuyue doesn't have a boyfriend!"

Chen Qiuyue's expression froze, as if the pull had failed.

Yang Qiming said: "Then I will join the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club, Senior Sister Chen, I'm sorry. I would like to communicate with you when I have time!"

"Let's talk about it when you can beat me!" Chen Qiuyue hugged her chest proudly, the curved lines of the material inadvertently showed her great strength!

"Senior Chen is worthy of being from the Martial Arts Academy!" Yang Qiming remembered what Wang Yan said when the school started. The girls of the Martial Arts Academy can't communicate with her unless they beat her.

"That's really difficult!" Lin Hu said, "Senior Qiuyue is a powerful character in the top five in our school."

"By the way, President Lin Hu, do you have blood pills on you?" Yang Qiming asked suddenly.

Blood Qi Pill is a tonic made from the flesh and blood of exotic animals and precious medicinal materials. It is an essential material for genetic warriors to replenish energy or to attack the realm.

"Yes!" Lin Hu took out a small bottle and handed it to Yang Qiming, "I'm a one-star high-level one, I'm giving it to you, and it's a welcome gift for joining the club."

"Thank you!" This bottle is worth tens of thousands of yuan.Yang Qiming poured out a pill on the spot and swallowed it directly into his stomach.

"This is a one-star high-level blood energy pill, made from the flesh and blood of seventh-level beast soldiers. If you eat it like this, you will get a nosebleed!" Lin Hu said quickly.

"It's okay." Yang Qiming swallowed, and then closed his eyes.

"Huh?" Several people noticed that the source power on Yang Qiming's body began to fluctuate violently.

(End of this chapter)

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