Chapter 31 The Demon Maker

One class takes half a day, and there are only two classes a day.

After class, Yang Qiming went to Jiangnan Martial Arts Club.

The Jiangnan Martial Arts Club is in the school and has its own training hall.Yang Qiming reported in the past, and after verifying the information, he officially became a member of the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club.

Different from what he imagined, the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club, which he thought to be lively, was very calm, and most of them were freshmen.

Fan Yushan explained: "The senior students are basically doing internships outside the school, and some even went to the army, martial arts gym and other places in advance."

"The new students are still being recruited, so there are not many people."

"You can train here at ordinary times, and all the equipment is free to use. If you want to get paid, you can do some part-time jobs like club maintenance like me."

"En." Yang Qiming nodded.

He looked out, and the luxurious venue of the Renyi Martial Arts Club was located opposite the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club.Not only is it more than three times larger than the venue of the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club, but it also has a huge holographic signboard that flickers against the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club regardless of day or night, and it feels like it is deliberately disgusting people.

In the Renyi Martial Arts Club, members can be seen everywhere, coming and going, very lively.

Yang Qiming entered the martial arts club and began to exercise.


Yang Qiming took a few more classes in the next few days, and gained a new understanding of the entire genetic martial arts training system.

"Next is the last class, genetic analysis." Yang Qiming was about to go to class, when Wang Yan saw Yang Qiming's teacher and asked, "Zeng Gan, how do you apply for his class?"

"What's the matter?" Yang Qiming wondered, "I think Professor Zeng is the oldest and most experienced in this course."

When they choose courses, they can see the curriculum vitae of their teachers.Zeng Gan's resume is the richest. It shows that he is 65 years old this year, and he was already an expert in genetic research before the new era.

He also participated in the development of the gene awakening potion, but failed.In the following decades, relevant content has been studied.

"That was in the past!" Wang Yan said, "You don't know, this Professor Zeng is a lunatic!"

"???" Yang Qiming looked at him curiously.

Wang Yan continued: "You should know about the devil in Tianzhou Science and Technology Gene Research Institute decades ago, right?"

"Of course I know." Yang Qiming said. Thirty years ago, at the beginning of the new era, human beings had just come into contact with genetic martial arts.

The World Coalition Government has been established. At that time, Kyushu, the Lighthouse Alliance and other forces jointly researched ways to make human beings become genetic warriors.

They each obtained part of the technology from the alien spacecraft, and soon the Blue Star Technology Group of the Lighthouse Alliance announced that they had developed a gene awakening drug.

The emergence of the Gene Awakening Potion gave birth to a large number of genetic fighters in the Lighthouse Alliance, and quickly gained a foothold, building fortress cities all over the world.

Knowing the news, Kyushu also organized manpower and material resources to study the gene awakening potion.

At that time, Tianzhou Technology inherited the technology of the original Kyushu Academy of Sciences, and also obtained part of the alien technology. This task was given to Tianzhou Technology.

But their research was not going well, the Institute of Genetics has not been able to produce results, and even a "devil man" incident occurred!
That is, after the gene awakening potion they developed was used by humans, not only did it fail to break through into a genetic warrior, but it also turned into a mutant monster, lost its mind, and became a devil!

The Majin attacked the Genome Research Institute, killing so many researchers that the project was forced to be discontinued.Because of the loss of too many valuable research talents and materials, until today, Kyushu still has not mastered the gene awakening potion manufacturing technology, and all potions had to be imported from the Lighthouse Alliance.

This is also one of the main reasons why the strength of Kyushu is not as good as that of the Lighthouse Alliance!

The devil incident has become an eternal pain in the hearts of Kyushu people!
"It is said that Zeng Gan is one of the researchers who created the devil!" Wang Yan said in a low voice, "Everyone is saying that if it weren't for him, Kyushu's gene awakening medicine would have been successfully developed long ago, and it wouldn't be so uncomfortable now!"

"Also, it is rumored that he has been so stimulated that he has gone crazy! In recent years, he has also promoted the theory of the destruction of the world, saying that the human world will be destroyed within 20 years! You say, this is not a lunatic, what is it?"

"This..." Yang Qiming said, "I don't know the truth, so I won't comment."

"Anyway, just don't be fooled." Wang Yan reminded.

In the dormitory, he was the only one who signed up for Zengqian's class, and he went to the classroom alone.

Unlike other classes with hundreds of students, Zeng Gan not only uses a small classroom for his classes, but also has only a handful of students.

Yang Qiming looked around, and there seemed to be less than twenty people in total!

"Brother, my name is Zuo Feng, how about you?" The boy next to him greeted him.

"Yang Qiming."

"Yang Qiming? You are the top student in the college entrance examination, Yang Qiming!" Zuo Feng became interested, and leaned over to ask, "Why did you come to Professor Zeng's class?"

"Study!" Yang Qiming said as a matter of course.

"Learn what a ghost, who doesn't know that Professor Zeng is a lunatic? It's been a year of mistakes to learn from him!" Zuo Feng said, "There are only two reasons for us to take his class. The first is to mix credits. As long as you take his class, you will get [-]% of the credits! He has given it all."

"What about the second?" Yang Qiming asked.

"Of course it's to see Senior Sister Qin Ningshuang up close!" Zuo Feng became excited when he mentioned this, "She's one of the two goddesses in our school! Normally we can't get in touch with her at all!"

"I don't know why, but senior sister Qin Ningshuang likes this class taught by Professor Zeng!"

"Qin Ningshuang?" Yang Qiming heard Wang Yan mention this name, saying that she is a beautiful iceberg, and she must not be messed with.

Qin Ningshuang, like Chen Qiuyue, is a sophomore in college, and is also known as the double beauty of Jiangnan!But their personalities are completely different. Chen Qiuyue is gentle, even if an alumni she doesn't know greets her, she will respond one or two.

And this Qin Ningshuang usually has a cold face, it's okay to be indifferent to others, and she fights very hard!It is said that when she first came to Jiangnan University, many classmates and seniors pursued her, and she beat her to the ground.

Later, Qin Ningshuang joined the Renyi Martial Arts Club and worked her way up to the position of vice president of the Renyi Martial Arts Club, so no one dared to provoke her.

"Even though Senior Sister Qin is cold, she's really pretty, especially those legs, they're so leggy!" Zuo Feng was about to elaborate, but suddenly closed his mouth.

Yang Qiming turned his head and saw a beautiful woman with long legs entering the classroom.

Look at women, first look at legs!
What caught Yang Qiming's eyes was a pair of slender legs with elegant curves, calves like tender lotus root, and thighs as round as beautiful jade.

Yang Qiming only has one word to describe this kind of legs - suffocating!
She is wearing black denim shorts and a black T-shirt on her upper body. There is no trace of fat around her waist. Her skin is shiny and her muscles are tight. She is also an S-curve owner!
Looking up, it is a standard oval face, with a straight nose and bright red lips.The eyeliner rises slightly to the corners of the eyes with a pair of bright eyes. These are standard phoenix eyes. With her appearance and figure, she can easily use the "charm" skill.

It's a pity that her master doesn't have such a character.

Qin Ningshuang glanced at Zuo Feng and Yang Qiming, and Yang Qiming immediately felt that the temperature seemed to drop a few degrees.

It wasn't until she looked away that the feeling disappeared.

"It really is an iceberg!" Yang Qiming whispered.

"She is an awakened person! Mental power can lower the temperature!" Zuo Feng secretly wrote on the phone for Yang Qiming to read.

"I said why does it feel like the temperature has dropped? It's not bad in summer. It's like turning on the air conditioner!" Yang Qiming laughed.

"Hush!" Zuo Feng made a booing gesture, and stopped talking about Qin Ningshuang.

(End of this chapter)

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