Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 35 Humanoid Scanner

Chapter 35 Humanoid Scanner

"Heavenly Eye!" Yang Qiming muttered silently in his heart, his mental power spread out, and he began to observe Daniel's muscle movement, cell state, and source force flow.

He found that Daniel's skills were extremely bad, the source force flowed slowly, and when exerting force, the amplitude and frequency of the source force were extremely low, and there were many mistakes in the muscle force technique, and the attack was completely relying on brute force.

Daniel had already come in front of Yang Qiming, he didn't punch or kick, he wanted to knock Yang Qiming into the air with the impact alone.

Daniu's body size is [-] times that of Yang Qiming. The moment he was about to touch Yang Qiming, Yang Qiming slapped his palm, and the source force shook his body, dispersing the gathered source force. At the same time, Yang Qiming The powerful palm force that erupted directly knocked Daniel to the ground!
"It's so fast!" Jiang Xiaojun's pupils shrank. He didn't expect Yang Qiming to shoot so fast, and the angle was so precise and the way so subtle, it was completely beyond his imagination.

"This junior, there's something!" Jiang Xiaojun thought, no wonder he can become the top scorer in the martial arts examination. With that palm just now, he believes that among the fourth-level warriors, it is difficult for anyone to be a match for Yang Qiming!
The other students watching the battle were all dumbfounded when they saw Daniel being knocked over with a palm.

"what happened?"

"Da Niu, are you acting? Why did you get knocked over?"

"Yang Qiming didn't even move a step!"

"how did you do that?"

Even Daniel himself didn't understand why he was defeated!

Yang Qiming withdrew his strength, so he just knocked him down and didn't hurt him.

"I made a mistake!" Daniel got up from the ground with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

Yang Qiming said calmly: "This is my first time as a training partner, I can give you another chance."

"Again, I will never lose!" Daniu became more cautious this time, mobilizing all the energy in his body, and punched out.

Yang Qiming could have dodged, but instead of dodging, he grabbed Daniel's fist with his hand.

"How is it possible?" The boss stared at the bully. He could punch nearly six thousand catties with his own punch. Even the strange beasts couldn't stop him, but Yang Qiming caught it with one hand?
Before he could react, Yang Qiming punched him in the chest again, knocking him down, and the strength was just right, without hurting him.

"I was knocked down again!" The students exclaimed.


"Daniu is already very strong in the fourth level, and he is not his opponent at all!"

"How much has his strength reached? Could it be that he has reached a [-]% perfect genetic level?"

Daniel got up, and Yang Qiming said to him: "Your physique seems to be strong, but the meridian channels in your body are very narrow, which makes you too slow in mobilizing your source power. You can solve it by eating meridians. In addition, there are too many hidden injuries in the cells. It will be much better to soak water with rejuvenation grass every day."

"There is also a problem with martial arts. What you should use is an explosive martial art. When mobilizing the source power, it starts from the heart and then converges to the arms and fists. Too much blood and source power are mobilized from the heart in a short period of time, and because the meridians The narrowness caused the blockage, and the power decreased instead.”

"You can try multi-stage bursts in the future, store the source power in the limbs in advance, and always connect with the heart, so that the battle will last longer, and the power of the burst will not decrease but increase!"

During the battle, he kept his eyes open all the time, and he knew all the states of Daniel well, even better than the X-ray machine!

Da Niu was defeated, but he refused to accept it and wanted to challenge again.

And Yang Qiming said something, he suddenly realized what he said, and the few questions were all problems that had troubled him for a long time.

He was about to stand up, but he felt a sense of relief in his body. It turned out that there was a blood clot near his heart. Yang Qiming's source force shook it away, and his meridians were unblocked. He actually felt like he was about to break through!

"I'm going to break through!" Daniel suddenly shouted, and he started to use the breathing method. After only 3 minutes, Daniel opened his eyes and laughed loudly: "I have broken through, and I have already reached the fifth level!"


He smiled, then hugged Yang Qiming, and said, "Brother, you have helped me a lot, you are so right!"

"The partner training is over, let's go back and practice hard." Yang Qiming said.

"Da Niu has made a breakthrough? Is he really so amazing?" The students were even more surprised.

"It feels like acting!" Someone asked, "Da Niu, you didn't get paid to act here, did you?"

Da Niu said: "Playing your head, am I that kind of person? Brother Yang Qiming is really strong. I used to think that students are vases. Now I am convinced, and I know a lot more than I do! Back then I should be good. educational!"

Jiang Xiaojun was extremely surprised when he heard Yang Qiming's words and helped Daniel break through.

It doesn't matter that Yang Qiming is strong, but he can still know the opponent's problem so clearly. This means that his understanding of the human body, Yuanli, and martial arts has reached a very terrifying level.

"This junior is really frightening!" Jiang Xiaojun thought to himself, "This year there is an extraordinary person!"

"Da Niu let me go, I want to practice with you too!" After watching Yang Qiming practice with Da Niu, the others couldn't help but come and asked for a partner.

The No.2 student came on the stage. He was a Tier [-] martial artist and asked Yang Qiming to help him practice the one-star primary martial art "Paishan Palm". The price was [-] joint coins.

According to the thoughts of the students, it would take at least a week or two to help practice a martial art well, and it might take several months.

However, only 5 minutes later, Yang Qiming found his problem.

""Pai Shan Zhang" requires that the power should be scattered, but not too scattered. Your problem is that the power is too scattered, which leads to the decline in the power of martial arts. When you make a move, gather the source power into six points, five fingers and The center of the palm, with the six points as the core, the source force will naturally radiate in the palm, and martial skills can be completed."

"Can this work?" After listening to the student, he tried several times. After the third time, he found that he had really played "Pai Shan Zhang"!
"I've done it!" He was overjoyed, "Haha, I didn't understand it after three months of practice, but now I understand it in a few minutes. Brother Yang Qiming, I'm convinced too!"

"Next!" Yang Qiming shouted.

"I come!"

"Let me come, don't grab it!"

"Yang Qiming is mine!!!" The students huddled together and asked Yang Qiming to practice with him.

Yang Qiming had to redefine the rules of sparring training. He increased the price, only pointed out those difficult points, and did not answer general questions, in order to achieve the highest efficiency.

Five hours later, Yang Qiming had completed eighteen orders!
Eighteen singles, all five-star praise, his sparring level has been directly raised from normal to advanced!

And the sparring fees he earned, after deducting the fees of the Budokan, there is still 8000 yuan!
Jiang Xiaojun handed over the money to him and said, "The owner of the museum said that now is the time for you to use the money, so all your wages are paid daily!"

"Junior brother, you really surprised me. If you are a full-time sparring partner with us, you can earn 100 million a month without any problem!"

Even though Yang Qiming is only a Tier [-] martial artist, he has a lot of customers.Because the higher the realm, the fewer the number of people, and warriors below the fifth rank account for the vast majority of warriors!
"Thank you, brother." Yang Qiming took the money, and with the money, he bought a few bottles of blood qi pills, and it would be no problem to break through to the fifth level.

"When do you come?" Jiang Xiaojun asked, "There are still many students who want to train with you."

Yang Qiming thought for a while and said, "I'll come once a week! Come next Saturday."

"Okay, I'll arrange it next Saturday!"

(End of this chapter)

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