Chapter 38
Xie Chang came to the Martial Arts Hall and started queuing up to find Yang Qiming to practice with him.

Every time Yang Qiming practiced for a while, he would rest for about 10 minutes to replenish energy and water.His efficiency is extremely high, and he can basically complete a sparring session in a quarter of an hour.

Yang Qiming had just finished a training session and was resting in the lounge when he received a message on his mobile phone.

"Yang Qiming, someone is here to trouble you. Be careful, this person should be Liu Xueyi's subordinate." It was actually a message from Chen Qiuyue.

She also sent character information and a link.

Yang Qiming clicked on the link and saw that it was a martial arts live broadcast room, and the live broadcast location was in the Jiangnan Martial Arts Hall.

A young male anchor about 27 or [-] years old is chatting with netizens.

"I'll be the next one, don't worry!"

"Don't worry, if this Yang Qiming is real or not, I'll know once I try it!"

Yang Qiming checked the character information. It turns out that this person is called Xie Chang, and he is a martial arts "crackdown" anchor.

He specially signed up to go to those martial arts gyms, find coaches, find training partners, and then crack down on fakes.The specific way is to beat them down and point out their problems.

For the sake of publicity, many Budokans will package up some star coaches and star sparring partners.Xie Chang is very powerful, he specially went to challenge these people and defeated them, calling it martial arts crackdown.

Because his shot is sure to succeed, he gained many fans. These fans also call themselves the Chang family army. Once a coach or partner of a martial arts gym is defeated by Xie Chang, the fans will flock to him and compare the corresponding person and martial arts on the Internet. The museum is smashed!

Chen Qiuyue sent another message: "The person who was cracked down by Xie Chang and the Budokan are ruined. You'd better reject him. This person doesn't know what tricks he has."

"Thank you, senior sister, for reminding me." Yang Qiming replied, "I will pay attention."

Not only Chen Qiuyue, Jiang Xiaojun also noticed Xie Chang's arrival.

"Why did this bug come to our place?" Jiang Xiaojun frowned. People like Xie Chang have a bad reputation in the martial arts industry, because they will spend a lot of time researching him before they want to fake a certain coach or train with him weakness.

No one is perfect, at the same level, or at a lower level, who can guarantee that he will win?

"He's here for Yang Qiming!" Fan Yushan became nervous, "This guy must have studied Yang Qiming!"

"Xie Chang is a sixth-level martial artist, higher than Yang Qiming. Moreover, these people often attack deadly hands. Because the sparring partner can't hurt the students, they can't use powerful martial arts. If he is allowed to defeat Yang Qiming, these people It must be hyped up on the Internet and affect the reputation of Yang Qiming and Budokan!"

"Should I throw him out?" suggested a coach.

"No." Yang Qiming came over and said, "The other party is here to make trouble, and they spent money to buy hot searches! If we refuse, they will hype it now!"

Jiang Xiaojun and the others took a look, and sure enough, the hot searches in the entertainment and martial arts sectors now include the search for "Xie Chang Tandian Jiangnan Martial Arts Hall, challenging the 'No. [-] Scholar Training'."

"It's despicable!" Fan Yushan cursed in a low voice.

"Don't worry, it's just a sixth-level warrior, and it's not like I can't challenge you!" Yang Qiming said confidently.

It has been more than a month since he broke through the fifth level, relying on cell hang-up, devouring gene fragments, and the gene perfection is [-]%, extraordinary level.Facing the opponent of Tier [-], he also has the confidence to win!

"Well, then you should be more careful." Jiang Xiaojun urged.

Yang Qiming entered the sparring stage, and Xie Chang was also on stage.

"Yang Qiming, my name is Xie Chang, professional martial arts crackdown anchor." Xie Chang said loudly, "I have studied your video, and I think that your so-called gold medal sparring partner, champion sparring partner, is a fake!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the live broadcast room and the scene became noisy.

The students at the scene were naturally not used to him, "What kind of idiot, how strong is Yang Qiming, can we still not know?"

"I was also defeated by Yang Qiming. Does this person mean that I am also an actor?"

"Crazy, where did this guy come from?"

In Xie Chang's live broadcast room, most of his fans chose to believe what Xie Chang said.

"Fuck, it turns out that Yang Qiming is also a fake!"

"I said it was fake from the beginning, it must have been hyped up by the Jiangnan Budokan, he has never lost in training with him!"

"Yeah, even if you don't lose, at least you have to compete for a while, right? This Yang Qiming doesn't spend more than 15 minutes each time, and sometimes it's over in ten seconds! It's too fake!"

"Support Xie Chang, rush to this fake sparring partner!"

"The Chang Family Army is ready! Waiting for the charge!"

Many of his fans also came to Jiangnan Wudao Guan's live broadcast room to swipe the screen: "Feel the horror of being dominated, Xie Chang is here to crack down on fakes!"

"Hahaha, Yang Qiming is going to be hammered, I've been annoyed by this pretense for a long time!"

"The Chang family's army went out to fight, and not a single blade of grass grew! Let me kill you!"

"??? What happened?" Yang Qiming's fans were puzzled, "Where did a group of evildoers come from?"

"Your anchor is a fake, and a group of cerebral palsy is still supporting it!"

"Yang Qiming is real, I have been there, he is really strong!"

"Yang Qiming will be hammered soon, just wait and see!" In the live broadcast room, the audience was already arguing.

At the scene, Yang Qiming looked at Xie Chang calmly and asked, "Have you finished?"

"Immediately!" Xie Chang shouted into the live broadcast room, "Old irons, watch out! My sparring requirement is to let him beat me, and now I'm here to expose this fake sparring partner! Everyone, pay attention and click a little red heart!"

After speaking, the live broadcast ball flew aside, and the sparring training officially began.

It is said to be a sparring partner, but in fact this is an extremely unfair contest.Yang Qiming can't use ultimate moves, can't hurt his opponent, and he doesn't know anything about Xie Chang; on the other hand, Xie Chang can attack without any scruples, and he has studied Yang Qiming many times before coming, and his level is even higher. Tier, took advantage of it!
When the game started, Xie Chang's expression immediately became focused, heels together, toes out, palms down from the navel to draw a half circle, and finally stepped forward, posing an attacking posture.

"Xingyiquan style?" The students in the audience have recognized Xie Chang's boxing style.

"Ah!" Xie Chang yelled, and took the lead in attacking. He stepped forward, his feet lined up, and he punched down with a fierce wind and strong punch.

Yang Qiming crossed his elbow to block, only to feel that his elbow sank, and the opponent's fist almost hit his side face.

"At least eight thousand catties!" Yang Qiming had already figured out the strength of the opponent's fist.

Seeing that one move failed to hit Yang Qiming, Xie Chang quickly changed his footsteps and punches, and punched four times in a row, forcing Yang Qiming's position.

Yang Qiming used the movement method "Phantom Step" to leave an afterimage and escape the attack.

"I knew you would use this trick!" Xie Chang had studied Yang Qiming's martial arts a long time ago, one body technique, one tiger roar fist, as long as he prepared in advance, he could still deal with it.

The fist he attacked Xuying was just a false move, but he actually punched a fast-stepping punch against Yang Qiming's real body.

"Strength of ten thousand catties!" Jiang Xiaojun's expression tightened, "This Xie Chang can actually burst out with ten thousand catties of strength. His strength is much stronger than that of the ordinary sixth-order, and his genetic perfection is at least 80.00%, which is rare in a thousand years!"

Yang Qiming used his fist to move the current punch. He thought he could catch the punch smoothly, but when the body touched, a source of force suddenly burst out from the opponent's arm, shaking his body back.

"There's a ghost!" Even if the opponent is powerful, Yang Qiming can still catch it!But the source of the subsequent shock was obviously a second-stage force, and it exceeded the scope of a normal sixth-order warrior.

Yang Qiming opened his eyes, and he saw that when Xie Chang used powerful martial arts, the source power was hardly reduced, and the source energy and cell strength in his body also exceeded the sixth level!

"He's not the sixth rank, but the seventh rank!" Yang Qiming immediately understood why Xie Chang dared to "crack down on fakes". It turned out that he used special means to hide his strength and pretended to be a sixth rank.Relying on the superiority of the realm, even relying on the strength of the source and the strength of the body, he can crush the opponent!

What's more, Xie Chang himself is not weak, his genetic perfection is also very high, and his actual combat ability is also strong!
(End of this chapter)

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