Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 44 Origin Energy Taiji Sword

Chapter 44 Origin Energy Taiji Sword

Holding the Yuanneng Taiji Sword designed by Cao Bowen, Peng Yi smiled slightly, and said, "Not bad, the design is good, and the quality is just right."

He used the source power to activate the long sword, and the detector next to it would display its increased source power.

Peng Yi increased the strength of the source force input little by little, and the number on the detector continued to increase.

Source power increase value: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3...

"0.7!" When it reached 0.7, someone exclaimed.

This means that this source energy weapon has reached the level of one-star advanced!

As for all the students just now, the highest was only one-star intermediate.

"0.8, amazing!"

"It's still rising, a genius is a genius, and the things designed are much better than ours!"

"It's 0.9, my God! Isn't it the first time Cao Bowen has designed an energy weapon? It can reach this point. A genius mechanic has booked it!"

"The first day of freshmen in our School of Mechanical Engineering! Be steady!"

"Let's not talk about the School of Mechanical Engineering, even in the whole school, across the country, how many mechanical students have his talent? I'm so envious!" The students discussed.

The value has finally reached 1.0!

"Perfectly designed, one-star top-quality energy weapon!" Seeing the value, several seniors couldn't help shouting.

"One-star most advanced energy weapons can only achieve a 1.0 increase. Is it really the first time he designed an energy weapon?"

"Is there such a genius in the world? Compared with him, we are all weak!"

Pang Yue patted Cao Bowen on the shoulder in surprise, and said, "Bowen, well done!"

"You will definitely be a top mechanic in the future!" Han Zihao also praised. With Cao Bowen's work, Peng Yi's appreciation is guaranteed. If he can be accepted as an apprentice by him, then he will definitely become a well-known origin energy mechanic in the future. !

"1.0 increase! The amplitude of the source energy has been doubled! It has reached the limit of the material!" Chen Qiuyue couldn't help being a little surprised, and had to admit that Cao Bowen's talent as a mechanic is really unique.

The value has reached the peak, and Peng Yi couldn't help but said happily: "I didn't expect Jiangnan University to give me a surprise this year."

As he spoke, he waved the Yuan Neng Tai Chi Sword. There was a discarded steel plate in front of him. The Tai Chi Sword slashed across, and the steel plate was split in half without a sound!And the blade was unscathed!
Cao Bowen looked proud, this is his own work, this is his own strength!
He looked at Yang Qiming, feeling very proud.When the results of the college entrance examination came out, the whole country was promoting the top scorer in the martial arts exam, and few people knew that he was the top scorer in liberal arts!

Everyone agrees that martial arts is more important than liberal arts!But Cao Bowen doesn't think so, a powerful source energy mechanic can also guard one side!
He determined to become a top mechanic, and today is just the beginning!
"Yang Qiming, starting today, Jiangnan University will usher in my era! And you will be completely covered by my light!" Cao Bowen shouted in his heart.

"Very good, your design is very good!" Peng Yi praised, and now he wants to hand over his original energy bracelet to Cao Bowen.

Cao Bowen took back his Yuanneng Taiji Sword, and everyone looked at the sword eagerly.

In the market, this kind of one-star top-level energy weapon starts at least 30 yuan!His sword can be exchanged for a car, this is the value of knowledge!
More importantly, perhaps one day in the future, when Cao Bowen becomes a world-famous mechanic, his first work will be of commemorative value and will become a valuable collection, worth millions, tens of millions!

Under the eyes of everyone, Cao Bowen walked slowly in front of Chen Qiuyue, holding a sword in his hand, and said: "Sister Qiuyue, this is the first energy weapon I made, I will give it to you, I wish you good luck in martial arts practice!" Smooth sailing!"

Seeing his behavior, some girls on the scene screamed directly: "Ah, it's so touching! Genius's debut work, give it to the senior sister!!! If only I would be fine!"

"No wonder he wanted to design the Tai Chi sword. It turned out to be given to Chen Qiuyue from the very beginning! I'm so touched!"

"I'm addicted to CP!"

The girls were envious and jealous, but Chen Qiuyue was slightly embarrassed. Cao Bowen was indeed a genius, but she didn't like Cao Bowen. Just because Cao Bowen could get along with Liu Xueyi, she felt that he was unreliable.

Chen Qiuyue shied away: "This gift is too expensive, I can't accept it, the younger brother should keep it by himself."

"Senior Qiuyue, I gave it to you because of its great significance!" Cao Bowen still did not back down, and said, "If senior sister Qiuyue doesn't like Tai Chi Sword, I will make it for you if you like it!"

The eyes of the girls were almost red. If a genius like Cao Bowen pursued them like this, and it was so good, they would definitely agree without hesitation.

Chen Qiuyue saw that he couldn't stop throwing it, so she had to resort to her trump card and said: "These things, wait until you have the strength to defeat me."

Cao Bowen's expression froze, and it was the same thing again, and Chen Qiuyue used the same way to talk to all suitors.But her strength can be ranked in the top five, or even the top three in the school.How many people in this school can beat her?

"I won't give up!" Cao Bowen said, "A mechanic can also have a strong combat power!"

At this time, Yang Qiming had already stepped forward and handed his work to Peng Yi for comment.

Peng Yi has seen this pair of gloves and said it is a pair of gloves, but its appearance looks more like a half mechanical arm!
Wearing it on the fist and forearm, a pair of steel fists is as big as a sandbag, and the circumference of the arm can be doubled!
Peng Yi thought to himself that the exterior was well done, but since he challenged such a complicated structure from the beginning, this work is likely to be superficial.

He seriously doubted that this pair of mechanical gloves would be difficult to use smoothly, not to mention the increase in source energy.

No matter what, Peng Yi put it on for evaluation.Although Yang Qiming made it with the model data of his own hands, the gloves can be adjusted to suit the shape of the wearer's hands.

"That's Yang Qiming's work." The eyes of the students also shifted.

"I've never heard that Yang Qiming can design machines."

"It looks kind of cool on the outside!"

"What's the use of being cool, the source energy weapon has to be practical! I can smash this kind of flamboyance with one punch!" Han Zihao commented.

"He is not qualified to compare with Cao Bowen!" Pang Yue was also in a strange mood.

Peng Yi moved his arm briefly first, and said: "The structural design is not bad, even if there is no source energy amplification, it is still a good work."

What he said made everyone a little surprised, Yang Qiming actually really understands mechanical design?
Next, Peng Yi began to input the source energy, and the detector on the side began to show the source energy increase value.

"0.1, 0.2, 0.3..." The value rose all the way.

"It actually has a source energy booster, it's a source energy mechanical weapon!" The students were even more surprised, this thing really has practical effects.

"0.5, one-star intermediate!" A student looked at Yang Qiming and said incredulously, "He has surpassed all of us except Cao Bowen!"

"The number one scholar in the martial arts examination can also design mechanical machines, do you still want to live?"

"It's still rising, 0.6! Can his work surpass Cao Bowen's Yuanneng Taiji Sword?"

"Impossible!" Han Zihao asserted, "Cao Bowen's Origin Energy Taiji Sword has a 1.0 increase, a one-star top-level origin energy weapon, and these one-star materials can already reach the highest level!"

"How could Yang Qiming surpass him?"

(End of this chapter)

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