Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 49 Freshman Contest

Chapter 49 Freshman Contest
"Of course, the school encourages students to compete, so that only strong ones can be born!" Lin Hu said, "So all talented students among the freshmen will participate."

"In addition to individual rewards, the school will also give community rewards." Lin Hu said, "If you win on behalf of our Jiangnan Martial Arts Club, next year our Martial Arts Club will receive more funding and training resources from the school."

When he mentioned this, he said helplessly: "For eight consecutive years, the rookie kings have all belonged to the Renyi Martial Arts Club, making our life very difficult!"

"This year in our martial arts club, you and Tao Ran are the only ones who hope to compete for the rookie king."

Tao Ran is also a freshman.It is said that he is an excellent soldier of the prefectural military region. He was sent to Jiangnan University for further studies and joined the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club.

Yang Qiming remembered that Liu Xueyi had also threatened him just now, starting from the freshman competition, he would be targeted.

"I know, this year's rookie king must be mine!" Yang Qiming said.

"Okay!" Lin Hu said, "Don't take it lightly, there are indeed a few strong guys this year! Even if I am a freshman, I probably won't be their opponents when I meet them!"


Yang Qiming went back to practice and began to prepare for the freshman competition.

No matter who the opponent is, Yang Qiming has only one way, and it's over if he kills him!

So while practicing the "Breathing Method" and absorbing the source energy, his consciousness entered the "Cell World" to let the cells also speed up their practice.

Information: "White Blood Cell Xiaobai is studying psionic technology at the Mechanician Training Center."

Xiaobai is still studying and does not need to perform any operations for the time being.

Yang Qiming checked Xiao Yuan's status again.

Message: "Xiaoyuan, a nerve cell, explored and gradually went deep into the evil ghost pit. The death and resentment in front of him became more and more serious, so that it had to slow down."

At this time, Xiao Yuan is still exploring slowly, and the ghost Yan Tao on it is guiding the way ahead.After each battle, Xiao Yuan needs to practice and rest for a period of time.

According to this forward speed, Yang Qiming estimated that within a month or two, he might not be able to reach his destination.

He opened Xiaoqiang's message.

Message: "Myocardium cell Xiaoqiang practiced hard in the practice dojo, and his cultivation level has been improved."


Name: Xiaoqiang

Type: fifth-order source warrior cardiomyocytes

Boundary: warrior level five

Experience: 96%.
Path: physical training

Zongmen: Tiger Gate
Equipment: None.

Cultivation method: the fourth floor of the two-star elementary exercise "Diamond Body"
Martial arts: one-star primary level "Tiger Roaring Fist" is superb, one-star intermediate level "Phantom Step" is a great achievement, and one-star advanced "Blood Boiling" is a small achievement.

Zongmen Contribution: 541.
Zongmen Position: Personal disciple.

Lingshi: 1233.

Yang Qiming discovered that the experience value here is actually related to the perfection of his genes.The higher the experience value, the higher the genetic perfection. If the experience of several cells is full, his genetic perfection will be 100%, reaching the extraordinary level.

Yang Qiming asked Xiaoqiang to complete the daily tasks of the sect, and got some spirit stones and contributions from the sect.

Afterwards, he went to Zangbao Pavilion to spend 2000 spirit stones in exchange for a one-star intermediate "Strong Muscle and Bone Pill".

Message: "Xiaoqiang took the Qiangjin Jiangu Pill, and the medicine's power dissipated in his body and soaked into his limbs and bones. Xiaoqiang quickly performed the "Diamond Body" exercise to refine the medicine's power."

Message: "With the continuous absorption of the medicine, Xiaoqiang feels that he has touched the threshold of the sixth level."

Select: "Breakthrough?"

"Breakthrough!" After Yang Qiming chose, Xiaoqiang began to break through.

Message: "A layer of golden light appeared on the surface of Xiaoqiang's body, flickering slightly. After a while, the golden light disappeared, and Xiaoqiang successfully broke through to the sixth level of warrior! Your strength will increase accordingly."

Yang Qiming's body also felt an increase in power. At the same time, he also began to take a one-star high-level blood energy pill and drink a bottle of source water to break through simultaneously.

After the cell breaks through, it will be much easier for the main body to break through again.

This time Yang Qiming didn't encounter any obstacles, and easily reached the sixth-order realm of warriors!

He woke up from his practice and saw three roommates looking at him.

"Yang Qiming, you broke through again?" They already felt the fluctuation of the source force.

"En." Yang Qiming nodded.

"!!! If I were to compare with you, I would have to vomit blood!" Xiong Guangyao complained, "I practiced for half a semester, and finally reached the fourth level, and you are already at the sixth level!"

"If things go on like this, it's a certainty that you will become a general before you graduate!" Wang Yan said.

"Speechless, I'm only at the second level!" Li Rui's progress in cultivation was the slowest.

"Since Yang Qiming has reached the sixth rank, the chances of competing for the rookie king this year are even greater!" Wang Yan said, "In the school forum, Yang Qiming was ranked sixth among freshmen, and I think it should be in the top five."

"What ranking, show us!" Xiong Guangyao said.

"As far as the ranking of freshmen's strength is concerned, it's been a few months since this semester, and those who are capable have basically been discovered, so someone listed the top ten new stars, which refers to the ten most powerful people among the freshmen."

"Five from the Renyi Martial Arts Club, three from the Tai Chi Martial Arts Club, and two from the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club. Our Jiangnan University enrolls more than 1 students a year, and nearly 5000 martial arts students. Those who can rank in the top ten are basically future strong! "

He projected the list, with names and introductions on it.

Tenth and ninth, Yang Qiming knew each other. Pang Yue and Han Zihao were both members of Renyi Martial Arts Club.

The eighth and seventh are members of the Taiji Martial Arts Club. Yang Qiming is currently ranked sixth, and his strength is marked as a fifth-level original martial artist.

And the fifth place is Tao Ran from their Jiangnan Martial Arts Club.

Ranked fourth, third, and first are all members of the Renyi Martial Arts Club, and No.2 is a member of the Tai Chi Martial Arts Club.

The specific strengths of the above people are marked as "unknown".

Li Rui complained: "Why are these people ranked higher than Yang Qiming?"

Mentioning this, Wang Yan got excited and said, "None of these guys are simple. Tao Ran will not talk about it. He came from the army and was a ruthless character who was killed in a pile of alien beasts. He was sent to our Jiangnan University to study. .”

"The three in front of the Renyi Martial Arts Club are all recommended students. The first one, I heard that his father is a martial arts god, his genes are better than ours, and he won the national high school martial arts competition championship! Han Zihao won the championship in that session , As a result, they didn't make it into the top ten in the country!"

"The one from the Taiji Martial Arts Club is said to be a direct disciple of the Taiji Martial Arts Academy, so I don't need to talk about it?"

"Good guy, they are really fierce!" Xiong Guangyao said with emotion.

"That's what makes it interesting!" Yang Qiming ignited his fighting spirit and competed with geniuses and strong men, which made him excited.

"Practice, practice! I won't compete with you for the top ten, I will strive to be in the top fifty!" Xiong Guangyao said.

"I will fight for the top three hundred!" Wang Yan said.

"I will try not to fail!" Li Rui complained to himself.

The next day is to continue to practice until the rookie competition is approaching day by day.

In "Cell World", there are new events.

Message: "The tiger coach thinks that the progress of the disciples' practice is too slow, so he decided to open the secret realm of the sect, let the disciples enter the trial, and improve the strength of the sect."

Reminder: "The secret realm of the Tiger Gate sect has been opened, you can enter the trial."

Yang Qiming saw that the Zongmen secret realm that appeared in the Zongmen building was the 'Tiger God Mountain Secret Realm'.

Tiger God Mountain Secret Realm: A one-star intermediate secret realm. It is rumored that a spirit tiger once cultivated to become a god on this mountain, so it is called Tiger God Mountain.There are many ferocious beasts in the mountains, which is very dangerous. There is a certain chance of finding the Tiger God Ruins.

"Do you want to enter the secret realm to explore? (Reminder: After entering the secret realm, you can't exit halfway, you must leave after the secret realm is over)"

 Thank you Book Devourer for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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