Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 73 Am I Handsome With One Punch?

Chapter 73 Am I Handsome With This Punch?
It was extremely difficult for Qin Ningshuang to forcibly resist these strange beasts.Her condensed wall of fire or ice shield could barely block those beast-level alien beasts, but the two general-level tank porcupines completely ignored them. They charged directly and fired spikes at Qin Ningshuang at the same time.

Qin Ningshuang must work hard to ensure that she will not be tied into a hedgehog or smashed into a meatloaf!
The battle here attracted more strange beasts, and Qin Ningshuang couldn't support it alone.

At this time, the support from the Storm Squad and the Sword Squad had already arrived, and they attacked the alien beasts outside, attracting the attention of dozens of beast soldiers and alien beasts and a first-tier beast general tank porcupine. response.


Yang Qiming is still sprinting towards the general realm, the gene awakening medicine is gradually producing effects, the old gene chain is broken, and a new gene chain is being formed.

This is a very subtle feeling. Yang Qiming observes himself with the eyes of the sky, and every cell is changing.They can absorb more source energy and compress it more tightly.

He found that his control over the body was constantly strengthening, and he could even precisely control a certain tissue and cell group!
Not only that, but he can also release the source energy outside!Achieve the effect similar to long-range attack.

"The sign of stepping into the realm of a warrior is strength, and the sign of stepping into the realm of a general is walking on water!" Yang Qiming finally understood why walking on water does not mean that walking on water is a general.

It is because the military commander has more subtle control over the body and the source energy, and at the same time can release the source energy to form a larger contact surface with the water surface, so as to achieve the effect of making himself on the water surface as if walking on the ground.

"Hurry up, hurry up, it will take a little time!"


The battle inside and outside the mall became more and more fierce. When the two hunter teams first joined the battle, they were still able to draw with the strange beast.

But as the number of strange beasts disturbed by the battle increased, this balance was quickly broken.

"Boom!" Gu Dafu, who was holding a knife, was knocked away by a ninth-rank beast soldier. He spat out a mouthful of blood, stepped back quickly, and shouted: "I can't stand it anymore!"

"I'm dying too!" Niu Yong's realm was relatively low, and he was even worse, with scars all over his body. At this time, he could only rely on a few grenades in his hand to scare away the strange beasts.

Lu Miao's life was also difficult. There were several ninth-rank beast soldiers in front of him, and it was impossible to confront him head-on, so he could only keep running around.

And Zhu Min, who was shooting from a distance, was also powerless. Her bullets were all different and could kill a high-ranking beast soldier.

"No, there are more and more strange beasts!" Sun Long killed a ninth-level beast soldier and said, "We must withdraw!"

"Captain, another beast is coming!" He Xuefeng shouted, not far away, a mutated two-headed black wolf was rushing towards them.

The hunters realized that something was wrong, if another beast came, none of them would be able to leave later.

"The man inside, run!" Sun Long shouted, "We're leaving!"

Qin Ningshuang heard the shout, and under the cover of the hunter team, she had a few chances to forcefully rush out.

She glanced outside, but did not rush out, but continued to pull these strange beasts.

"Is she crazy?" Sun Long wondered.This woman is very strong, and she can last so long after being besieged by so many strange beasts. He can't guarantee that he can do this.

"Captain, leave her alone!" Liu Wei said, "We have to withdraw!"

"Withdraw!" Sun Long didn't hesitate, helping was out of morality, but it couldn't take the lives of their own team.

"Let's withdraw too!" Lu Miao shouted. Under such circumstances, he had no choice but to let the team members die.

The two teams withdrew quickly, but they didn't go so smoothly, the two-headed black wolf pursued them relentlessly.

Just as Sun Long was about to reach the evacuation point, a mutated plant emerged from the ground.

It has countless blood-red, scaly vines, which wave in the air and can easily split walls and cars.

Seeing this guy, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"Dragon Blood Vine! It's still at the level of a beast general!" If they saw this kind of Dragon Blood Vine usually, they would definitely rush up happily and hunt it down to collect materials.

But how could they have the time to deal with the dragon blood vine at this time?
There are dragon blood vines in front, and evil wolves in the back!

"Brothers, let's fight!" Sun Long made a decisive decision. He had already rushed forward with his sword and cut off a vine of the dragon blood vine.

"Rush over!" The rest of the hunters followed suit.


In the shopping mall, Qin Ningshuang was completely surrounded by a group of strange beasts.

She had no room to pull and dodge, and the beasts surrounded her, so she could only completely wrap herself in frost to avoid the attack.

"Spiritual shock!" Qin Ningshuang released the last of her spiritual power into a shock wave.

The low-level beast was dizzy for a while, but the general-level tank porcupine was not affected much.

The other tank porcupine that was pulled away just now has also been killed, and the two beasts roared at the same time and slammed into Qin Ningshuang!
With their impact force, even if there is an armored vehicle in front of them, they can smash into a discus!
"Is this the end?" Qin Ningshuang's pretty face was pale, and she looked in the direction of the cave with reluctance, "If... if I met him earlier, maybe it would be much better?"

Qin Ningshuang closed her eyes in despair, she no longer had any energy and mental strength to fight.

"Boom!" A voice like a thunderclap rang in Qin Ningshuang's ears, but she didn't feel any pain.

"Am I dead?" Qin Ningshuang's brain is extremely clear at the moment, she can feel the powerful energy fluctuations around her, comparable to a missile explosion!
"No, if I die, how can I still feel energy fluctuations?" Qin Ningshuang opened her eyes suddenly, only to find that a familiar figure was standing in front of her, and under his fist was a deep pit!
And the tank porcupine that came crashing into him just now has been blasted from the ground to the ground by his punch!
Yang Qiming turned his head and asked Qin Ningshuang with a smile, "Is my punch good?"

"Handsome!" In an instant, Qin Ningshuang smiled like a flower!
"He broke through!" Qin Ningshuang was extremely happy in her heart. He really broke through. This is simply a miracle. In just one month, he broke through from an eighth-level warrior to a general!Who else can do it?
The next second, she became worried again. Even if he reached the level of general, he has not yet consolidated his level. Facing the siege of so many strange beasts, can he do it?

When Qin Ningshuang was worried, the strange beasts had already woken up. The tank porcupine that was punched down by Yang Qiming just now was screaming in the ground, as if seriously injured.

And the other tank porcupine is a second-tier beast general. Hearing the screams of his companions, he angrily shot dozens of poisonous spikes at Yang Qiming!
"Be careful!" Qin Ningshuang exclaimed.

"It's okay!" Yang Qiming's figure disappeared before his voice fell.Qin Ningshuang just felt that someone hugged her and sent her to a safe place.

Afterwards, Yang Qiming rushed out and faced the tank porcupine of the second-tier beast general realm.

"I just broke through to generals, and I don't know how much power I can erupt now, so I just want to try it out with you!" Yang Qiming clenched his fists, the source force gushed out wildly and kept vibrating!

The vibration frequency and amplitude are more than doubled than before. Even without the source energy mechanical glove, he can still explode extremely powerful.

"Roar!" The tank porcupine kicked its heels, lowered its head, and charged towards him.

"Try this supersonic punch!" When Yang Qiming swung his fist, there was a deafening sonic boom!
"Sonic Boom!" His sonic boom has reached a state of perfection, and this punch hits supersonic speed!

Yang Qiming's bare fist hit the tank porcupine's spikes that could pierce steel armor!

On his fists and arms, the color of vajra emerged. This is a full layer of vajra body. The body is like a vajra, invincible!

(End of this chapter)

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