Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 76 Investigation Agency

Chapter 76 Investigation Agency

Yang Qiming looked over and found that it was Chen Qiuyue.

At the beginning of the new semester, it was the season of warm spring and flowers blooming. Chen Qiuyue was wearing a pink wide-cut sweater and slim-fit jeans. She also dyed her yellowish hair, looking beautiful and rustic.

"Sister, did you change your style this year?" Yang Qiming walked over and sat down in the empty seat beside her.

Chen Qiuyue smiled lightly, revealing her iconic dimples, and said, "How is it? Does it look good?"

"Looks good!" Yang Qiming just finished answering, when he felt a gaze sweeping towards him, no doubt it was Qin Ningshuang.

"Yang Qiming has a senior sister to help occupy the seat, so we can only stand behind and listen to the class." Xiong Guangyao and others were envious.

"Yang Qiming, how was your winter vacation? I sent you a message during the Chinese New Year and you didn't reply, saying it was a retreat and you were practicing?" Chen Qiuyue asked curiously.

"En." Yang Qiming responded, at this moment, he felt a ray of spiritual power testing him.

"Student is really hardworking!" Chen Qiuyue said with emotion, "Do you have any plans to transfer to our Tai Chi Martial Arts Club this year? Come here, and I'll let you be the vice president!"

"Ahem, don't poach people in front of me, okay?" Lin Hu's voice came from behind them.

"President, why are you here?" Yang Qiming asked curiously.

Lin Hu's face was full of black lines, and he said: "I am so big, you can't see it? Your eyes are completely attracted by beautiful women!"

"Class is on!" Zeng Gan shouted while they were chatting, and the students fell silent.

"I saw that there are so many students today, why do you all come to my class?" Zeng Gan asked.

"See what you taught Yang Qiming?" someone said.

"Ah? Is that so?" Zeng Gan realized that it was because of Yang Qiming's relationship with the rookie king.

He glanced at Yang Qiming and said with a smile: "Okay, since you are here, I will explain the knowledge I taught Yang Qiming in detail and pay attention."

When everyone heard it, they all focused on it.

At this time, Yang Qiming noticed that the spiritual force had already been in contact with himself, so he also released the spiritual force.

Familiar mental fluctuations came, and it was Qin Ningshuang who was communicating with him.

After reaching the realm of military commanders, the original warriors can release their source power, and those who have awakened spiritual power can exchange information through spiritual power.

It just so happened that Yang Qiming was both.

Qin Ningshuang said: "Okay, you'll see beautiful women as soon as you come!"

"How do you know that I've been watching you?" Yang Qiming replied, the two of them communicated with each other, and no one around them noticed anything strange.

"Slick tongue!" Qin Ningshuang spat softly, "Someone's sister Qiuyue quickly ran over as soon as she waved her hand."

"Are you jealous?" Yang Qiming smiled, "Isn't there no seat? Next time you reserve a seat for me, I'll sit next to you."

"Hehe, I won't be jealous!" Qin Ningshuang changed the subject, "I have already applied to the above about your entry into the Investigation Bureau. You still need to go to the 'interview', and I will send you an email after that, you Enter the Metaverse interview."

"Okay!" Yang Qiming said, "Is there any news about the infrasonic beast lure sonar last time?"

Qin Ningshuang said: "The department attaches great importance to this matter and is trying to find a way to investigate it. We are worried that the number of strange beasts around Jiangnan Mansion has been artificially created."

Yang Qiming said angrily, "Who is so bold? Just the cut off of the logistics channel has already more than doubled the price of living materials in Jiangnan Mansion. If there is a beast tide, all [-] million people will be in danger!"

"I don't know either." Qin Ningshuang said, "This matter is just a guess and needs to be investigated."

The two were chatting with spiritual power, and Zeng Gan had already finished his doomsday theory.

"To sum up, according to the genetic evolution model, within 20 years, there will inevitably be doomsday-level beasts beyond the god-level!"

Hearing his words, everyone disagreed: "Humanity has gained a firm foothold!"

"Give us time, we will definitely become the overlord of Blue Star again!"

"What I said earlier makes sense, but what follows is nonsense! Even if there is a doomsday-level alien beast, it is impossible to wipe out human beings. We still have the title Valkyrie!"


Most of the students still didn't believe it, and Zeng Gan didn't refute it, saying: "In any case, everyone should study hard and practice hard. Only when you are strong can you face various problems in the future. Let's end this class, dismiss the get out of class."

After class, Zeng Gan also specially said to Yang Qiming: "Yang Qiming, come to my house for dinner when you have time! Your teacher and wife have been talking about entertaining you."

"Okay!" Yang Qiming responded.


After class, Yang Qiming returned to the dormitory immediately.

At this time, an anonymous person had already sent him an email.

Yang Qiming opened the email, which contained a string of secret network addresses. He put on a holographic helmet, and his consciousness entered the metaverse.

An encrypted door appeared in front of him, Yang Qiming pushed the door open and walked in.

In an instant, he came to a high-tech base, where various people were busy.

"Welcome, Yang Qiming." A square-faced middle-aged man in a white uniform walked towards him and said to him, "I'm Xia Anbang, the deputy director of the Kyushu Investigation Bureau."

"Hello Director Xia." Yang Qiming greeted.

"Follow me!" Xia Anbang tapped his finger lightly, and Yang Qiming followed him to an independent virtual space office.

"Sit." Xia Anbang sat at the desk, and a sofa appeared in front of Yang Qiming.

"Qin Ningshuang has already told me about your situation." Xia Anbang said, "Whether it is because of information confidentiality or the need for investigation missions, she has suggested that you join the investigation agency."

"I checked your information, but there is nothing wrong with it. Now I still need to conduct a small interview with you, and at the same time, you will conduct a two-way interview with our investigation agency to see if you are suitable for joining the investigation agency."

"En." Yang Qiming nodded.

"From now on, let's ask each other three questions." Xia Anbang said, "I'll come first, first, are you willing to put in your own efforts, even your life, for the safety of Kyushu?"

"Yes." Yang Qiming said without hesitation, "Martial God He Ming also asked a similar question. I think that we can live in a safe fortress city under the invasion of alien beasts precisely because our predecessors did not hesitate to Defending the safety of Kyushu with life! Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Although I am not a big shot, I am willing to work hard for it."

"Yeah." Xia Anbang was expressionless, and there was no emotion in his tone, "Now you can ask me a question."

Yang Qiming asked: "What exactly does the Investigation Bureau do? Apart from what Qin Ningshuang told me, is there any other work involved?"

"Investigate alien beasts, investigate spies, investigate everything that endangers the security of Kyushu, and deal with it!" Xia Anbang said, "This is our responsibility, even if aliens appear, as long as they may threaten Kyushu, we will deal with them!" You have to investigate or destroy it!"

"It's up to me." He asked the second question, "If you find out that your relatives and friends are doing things that endanger our society, what will you do?"

Yang Qiming thought for a while and said, "I am still a little selfish towards my relatives and friends. If they really do something beyond the bottom line, I think the law should be judged. Fortunately, my family and friends should not Do something like this."

"En." Xia Anbang nodded, signaling Yang Qiming to continue asking questions.

"My second question is, can joining the Investigation Bureau really guarantee the personal safety of me and my family?" Yang Qiming asked.

"As long as you are in the fortress city of Kyushu, we can provide protection!" Xia Anbang said, "When the members of the investigation agency are carrying out their tasks, no one or any department can take action on them except ourselves!"

Xia Anbang asked the third question: "If you find out that the people who endanger Kyushu are people and powerful people you can't afford, what will you do?"

"Report if you can't afford it." Yang Qiming said, "You can't just let him harm Kyushu just because he is strong?"

"En." Xia Anbang nodded.

"My third question is, what will the investigation office do if it finds that the person it is investigating is someone who cannot be offended?" Yang Qiming's question made Xia Anbang frown.

A strong man that the investigation agency can't afford?If there is, at least it is a titled Valkyrie!

(End of this chapter)

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