Chapter 78 The Vagabond and the Ghost King's Clan (9000 words, please book first!)

"The investigation agency exists to prevent this from happening. If there is such a day, there can only be one investigation agency and that 'him'!" Xia Anbang said.

"Yang Qiming, your interview has passed." Xia Anbang said, "Joining the investigation agency, you need to cooperate with us to complete the investigation task, which is a work task. In terms of benefits, in addition to what Qin Ningshuang told you before, the investigation agency also has a big benefits."

"That is, as long as you make enough contributions, you will have the opportunity to watch and learn the real Genbudo!"

"The real source of martial arts?" Yang Qiming asked, "What does this mean?"

Xia Anbang folded his hands behind his back and said, "You should know that whether it is the "breathing method" or the martial arts practiced by warriors today, they are all compiled by human beings after studying the alien ruins on Mars, right?"


"These cultivation methods are actually simplified cultivation methods." Xia Anbang said, "The real cultivation content of Yuanwu Dao is much more profound than what you have seen. Those who were the top human beings thought that if they did not understand the content Simplify, and many people will not be able to practice Genbudo."

"So they simplified and adapted it according to their own understanding, and provided it for human cultivation around the world. This did increase the number of source warriors, but it also caused a problem."

"Because they are practicing simplified source martial arts, their strength and strength are not as good as martial artists who practice real source martial arts! Looking at the world's top powerhouses, whether they are warrior gods or titled warrior gods, they practice the real source martial arts! You If you practice according to the current simplified version, your strength will not be as good as them in the future."

"So that's how it is!" Yang Qiming understood.

"So, as long as you complete the task, you will be able to enter our practice database and view the real content of Yuanbu Dao!" Xia Anbang said, "So are you willing to join the investigation agency?"

"Yes." Yang Qiming said immediately, he wants to protect Kyushu and become a strong man!
"Okay!" Xia Anbang stood up, handed him an electronic agreement, and said, "Look carefully, sign on it, you are our investigator."

"But you can only be a non-staff investigator now, and the treatment is the same as that of a formal investigator." Xia Anbang explained, "The formal investigators are subject to too many restrictions. I personally think that you are more suitable to be a non-staff investigator."

Yang Qiming took a look at the agreement, and it was true.If you become a formal investigator, all investigations must comply with the regulations, but the fact is that many things that comply with the regulations cannot be investigated.

In contrast, non-staff investigators have more freedom and authority.

After reading the agreement, he signed his name.

"From today onwards, you are a member of our Investigation Bureau, code-named 009. I am your immediate superior!" Xia Anbang said, "Qin Ningshuang is your teammate. The rest of the staff will be kept secret for now."

"What do I need to do now?" Yang Qiming asked.

"Your first task is to investigate the demolition of Shili Street, which is also related to you." Xia Anbang said.

"Demolition of Shili Street?" Yang Qiming asked suspiciously, "Isn't Shili Street already demolished? Compensation has been given."

"The demolition is over, but the compensation for the demolition has not been given to anyone other than your family." Xia Anbang said, "After the news broke, Jiangnan Real Estate sent Hu Zhiyong to prison and promised to give corresponding compensation to the demolished residents."

"They have been procrastinating. After they demolished Shili Street, there was no resettlement house that they agreed to. The residents of Shili Street refused to accept it and collectively filed a lawsuit. As a result, the lawsuit failed. Many families were in trouble because of this."

"A ten-mile street is only a small part of the entire Nantian District renovation project. They are not even willing to pay for this amount?" Yang Qiming overestimated the moral bottom line of these people.

"Your friend Lei Hao, his parents committed suicide by burning charcoal at home three days ago, don't you know about this?" Xia Anbang said.

"What?" Yang Qiming was startled, "Lei Hao's parents, Uncle Lei Zhuang and the others committed suicide?"

Xia Anbang sent him some information. On the screen, there were forensic photos and death certificates of Lei Zhuang and his wife's death.

"Lei Hao didn't say anything about it!" Yang Qiming exclaimed in shock. No wonder he looked haggard when he saw Lei Hao a few days ago. He didn't expect such a big thing to happen!
Xia Anbang continued: "On the surface, the death of Lei Zhuang and his wife was due to the issue of compensation for the demolition, but it actually involved some important people and events. Our Investigation Bureau tried to investigate Jiangnan Real Estate several times, but was blocked."

"With your identity and strength, it is more convenient to investigate this matter."

"En." Yang Qiming nodded.

Xia Anbang said: "It is rumored that there are three ruthless people in the Jiangnan Mansion, and ordinary people dare not provoke them. These three ruthless people are all involved in a complicated chain of interests without exception. You start with them."

"This is one of them. He has a lot of information about Jiangnan Real Estate. I don't care what method you use, as long as you get the information, you will complete the task. When you complete the task, you will get a chance to watch the content of the real source of martial arts. Chance."

Xia Anbang used holographic projection to project a tall, thin middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes. He also wore gold-rimmed glasses, and he looked like a professional elite.

"I see!" Yang Qiming said.Whether it's for the real Genbudo or because of the relationship between neighbors, he will investigate clearly.

"Okay, that's all for now. For the rest, we will contact you secretly through the Internet. We will send you a set of equipment, and you can pick it up and check it yourself." After Xia Anbang finished speaking, the virtual conference room was closed immediately.

The encrypted information has been sent to Yang Qiming. Yang Qiming withdrew from the Yuan Universe and immediately contacted Lei Hao.

"Haozi, where are you?" Yang Qiming asked.

"Let's go to class, what's the matter?"

"I'll meet you at night, this is the place." Yang Qiming sent him the location of the Red Lotus Bar.



In the office of Yuan Universe of the Investigation Agency, after Yang Qiming left, a younger man walked in and said to Xia Anbang, "Boss, do you think this 009 can do it?"

Xia Anbang took a look at him. This person was Ma Jie, the leader of the Jiangnan Mansion's investigation team.

"You have been investigating the Jiangnan mansion for several years, and there is no progress at all. You might as well let 009 try it." Xia Anbang said.

"The head is right, maybe our method is too rigid." Ma Jie said, "Well, I will provide 009 with our information and intelligence network to help him carry out his work."

"No need." Xia Anbang said, "He has his own way."

"You still haven't found it?" Xia Anbang asked Ma Jie.

Ma Jie looked helpless, and said: "They are too vigilant, our people are all stared at, and we can't use our fists."

"The water in Jiangnan Mansion is not shallow!" Xia Anbang seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be telling Ma Jie.

Jiangnan real estate is just a trivial matter. Qin Ningshuang's news of infrasonic lure beast sonar made him even more frightened!
He felt that there was an invisible but powerful hand controlling everything here!The conspiracy behind it is definitely not as simple as seeking some money!
"Maybe Jiangnan Real Estate will be a breakthrough." Xia Anbang thought, "I hope that Yang Qiming is really a person who can create miracles as Qin Ningshuang said!"

The package sent by the Investigation Department to Yang Qiming was sent to the Jiangnan Budokan.

Yang Qiming went to the Budokan to pick up the package, opened it and saw that there were special communication equipment, anti-reconnaissance equipment and camouflage props inside.

For example, some bionic props, and even fake breasts, fake buttocks that can be disguised as women, powerful smart phones, watches, etc.

According to the instructions, Yang Qiming first checked the hardware and software of these devices to ensure that the devices had not been replaced or tampered with during transportation.

After finishing these, Yang Qiming put on a bionic mask and headed to the Red Lotus Bar.

The Red Lotus Bar was as noisy as ever. When Yang Qiming came to the private room, Lei Hao was already waiting.Yang Qiming scanned it and confirmed that there was no monitoring equipment here, so he closed the door and talked with him.

"Why are you looking for me?" Lei Hao asked, "It's still like a secret service."

Yang Qiming looked at him with a serious expression, and said, "Haozi, I know everything about your parents."

Lei Hao's expression was pretending to be relaxed, but when he heard Yang Qiming's words, he fell silent instantly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't find out in advance. If I pay more attention to these things..." Yang Qiming's mood was also very low.

"It's none of your business." Lei Hao's eyes were flushed, and he gritted his teeth: "It's all those bastards!"

"What exactly happened?" Yang Qiming asked.

Lei Hao said: "After you exposed Jiangnan Real Estate's forced demolition of Shili Street, they did promise to make up the demolition funds, so we obeyed and arranged for the demolition."

"But in the next few months, they made all kinds of excuses and refused to pay. Many neighbors on Shili Street were waiting for money to live. Including our family, we had no choice but to ask them for an explanation, but they still shirked."

"No way, everyone had to sue collectively and sue them. As a result, our lawyer was defeated by the other party in a few words in the court!"

"They also tampered with the contract they asked us to sign. We can't tell how hard we are!"

"Then your parents?" Yang Qiming asked.

"I didn't know at first." Lei Hao said, "My parents don't have any money in their hands. They borrowed the money to buy the gene awakening potion. They planned to repay the money when the house was demolished. It turned out The money has never been in hand, the house is gone, the debt collectors come to the door every day, my parents don't want to disturb me, in desperation, I just..."

Having said this, Lei Hao couldn't help sobbing, his eyes were red, and he said, "Amin, I really didn't know at first. I shouldn't let them live so hard! I..."

"It's not your fault." Yang Qiming took a deep breath and said, "Your parents did nothing wrong, you are all victims."

"I didn't expect those bastards to be so hateful. They have one thing on the surface and another on the back. Are they really trying to drive you to death?"

If Yang Qiming hadn't become the top scorer in the martial arts examination and was appreciated by He Wushen, their family might be in the same situation now.

"By the way, where did you pay me back last time?" Yang Qiming asked.

"My parents left it to me. They sold everything in the house and repaid the loan. Some of them were earned by myself by working." Lei Hao said.

"You don't need to pay back my money." Yang Qiming said.

"How can this be done? I promised to pay it back!" Lei Hao said firmly.

Yang Qiming looked at him, knowing that Lei Hao's self-esteem would not allow him to do such a thing, Yang Qiming said: "It's okay. But you don't need to pay it back, didn't they take your house? I'll go to them and ask for it." !"

"Amin, don't get involved in this matter!" Lei Hao persuaded, "Now I understand that we poor people, living in this fortress city is more important than living in a wilderness where wild animals are rampant." difficult!"

"You have a bright future now, there is no need to let yourself fall into this quagmire, their background is very strong!"

"Strong background?" Yang Qiming snorted coldly, "I have offended anyone with a stronger background!"

He turned on the smart watch, projected an image of a person, and said, "Have you seen this person?"

This is the appearance of the thin and tall elite that Xia Anbang sent him. Seeing him, Lei Hao trembled angrily, and said, "Of course I remember, it was him who tricked my parents into signing the contract and ruined our family!"

Yang Qiming had already read his profile and said, "His name is Zhang Shan. He is an elite lawyer and the chief lawyer of Jiangnan Real Estate. Since he joined the legal department of Jiangnan Real Estate, he has fought hundreds of lawsuits without a single defeat. That’s why some people call him an extrajudicial lunatic, and it took him ten years to give Jiangnan Real Estate the nickname Jiangnan Undefeated.”

"The demolition of Shili Street was handled by him."

This is Yang Qiming's first mission goal, one of the three ruthless people in the Jiangnan Mansion, Zhang Shan, an outlaw lunatic!
Lei Hao looked at Yang Qiming, not understanding what he meant.

Yang Qiming said: "If you want to help your parents collect debts and solve this matter, you have to start with him. But the scope of his activities is very small, and he has never seen anyone other than those involved in related affairs."

"Amin, what exactly are you trying to do?" Lei Hao wondered, "Don't offend them so easily."

"Don't worry, I have my own measure!" Yang Qiming said, "If you want to get justice, sue him!"

"Sue him?" Lei Hao asked in surprise, "What am I suing him for? Even if I sue him, I can't win the case against him!"

"Let's unite all the neighbors on Shili Street and collectively sue Zhang Shan and Jiangnan Real Estate, saying that he tricked you into signing an unreasonable demolition contract." Yang Qiming said, "There is no need to win the lawsuit. Before the trial, he will "privately settle" with the litigants in advance, and 90.00% of the five litigants have chosen to withdraw the lawsuit. As long as he comes to us, it is enough! The next thing, I will solve it. "

Lei Hao was thinking, he knew very well that with his own ability, he might not be able to get justice in his life.

He didn't want to drag Yang Qiming down, but Yang Qiming's intention was obvious, he came just for Zhang Shan.

After a while, Lei Hao firmly said: "Okay, then do as you said!"


"How do you plan to attack Zhang Shan?" In the Yuan Universe, Yang Qiming was communicating with Qin Ningshuang, and Qin Ningshuang said: "People from the Investigation Bureau have investigated him, and they can't find any flaws in him."

"Of course, he is a legal elite, and he must have covered up the procedural things." Yang Qiming said, "It can only be a waste of time to deal with him with conventional moves."

"Then what do you want to do?" Qin Ningshuang was slightly puzzled.

"I read the information. Zhang Shan met with the above-mentioned people in private, and the reconciliation and withdrawal of the lawsuit are almost [-]%!" Yang Qiming said, "What does this mean? He must have used other means."

"Threats, lures?" Qin Ningshuang guessed.

"Maybe, but as a legal elite, Zhang Shan will not leave such an obvious loophole." Yang Qiming mentioned a possibility, "I think he may have used spiritual skills to control the litigants! There are those who withdraw the lawsuit." Afterwards, I regretted it very much, claiming that I was controlled, and the above was rejected by the court again."

Hearing his words, Qin Ningshuang looked carefully at Zhang Shan's information, and said: "There are indeed some mentions in the information, and there is no such record in his resume, but the investigator mentioned that he may have studied at Jiangnan Martial Arts University. The resume was not found in the materials of Jiangnan University, and it may have been deleted. I think your guess is very reasonable, if he is a spiritually awakened person, it would be easy to deal with ordinary people!"

She has a strong mental power herself, and she is very clear about this.

Speaking of this, Qin Ningshuang already understood his thoughts, "Do you want to touch him?"

"This is the simplest and most effective way." Yang Qiming said.

"Will this be too dangerous?" Qin Ningshuang was a little worried.

"I read Zhang Shan's records. Among the litigants in his 'reconciliation', the highest was a first-level general-level spiritual awakener. That was three years ago. And he once gave up a third-level general-level spiritual awakening It was Pang Hai who came forward to settle the case. So I concluded that Zhang Shan’s strength should be around the second and third rank generals.” Yang Qiming analyzed, “Because if his strength is higher, he will be more aggressive. gain a higher status.”

Don't look at how easy it is for Yang Qiming to reach the general, but the reality is that the general is already a very rare elite in Jiangnan Mansion.Even in the army, the lowest general is a platoon leader!
"Besides, I try to choose an open place to negotiate with him. Even if I miscalculate and the lawsuit fails, what else can he do with me?" Yang Qiming said.

"En." Qin Ningshuang nodded, and said: "Then you have to be careful."

"Okay, the business is over." Yang Qiming said, "Now we have to talk about other things."

As he said that, he approached Qin Ningshuang. Although they belonged to Yuan Universe, they could feel almost real sense of touch, smell and so on through neural sensing technology.

"What?" Qin Ningshuang was wondering, Yang Qiming looked at her beautiful face and lowered his voice: "Sister, have you missed me these days?"

"Who would miss you?" Qin Ningshuang didn't say anything, but her pretty face was slightly flushed.

"Children who lie will be spanked!" Yang Qiming laughed.

"How can... ah! You really beat me!" Qin Ningshuang screamed, "Damn it, Yang Qiming, believe it or not, I will go to your dormitory now and beat you like a pig's head!"

"Come on, anyway, I'm not afraid of being on the school news."


After withdrawing from the Yuan Universe, Yang Qiming abandoned distracting thoughts and began to practice.

No matter what he wants to do, Yang Qiming always bears in mind one truth, that is, his own strength is the foundation!

Whether it's a school, a martial god, or an investigation agency, no matter what kind of backing is false, these backings can play a role in the face of enemies weaker than them.

But what if one day Yang Qiming has to face enemies stronger than them?

"Only myself!" Yang Qiming entered the state of practice.

Message: "Myocardium cell Xiaoqiang practiced in the blood pool in the secret place of Tiger God Mountain, and his strength has increased. "Kaishan Seal" has reached proficiency."

Now Xiaoqiang's "Vajra Body" has completed ten levels, and the three martial arts "Tiger Roaring Fist", "Phantom Step", and "Blood Boiling" have all reached the state of perfection.

It's just that these martial arts are all one-star martial arts, and they were quite easy to use when they were warriors. Now that Yang Qiming has reached military commanders, their power is much weaker than that of "Kaishan Seal".

"Let's continue exploring after the secret realm is over." Yang Qiming continued to hang Xiaoqiang in the secret realm, and his cultivation speed in the secret realm was faster than outside.

Then there is the white blood cell white.

Information: "White Blood Cell Xiaobai is practicing the skills of using psionic weapons (melee weapons) in the Mechanician Training Center, and his experience has been improved."

Yang Qiming continued to let Xiaobai enter the spiritual weapon long-range weapon training room to practice on-hook.

The last is the small cell of the nerve cell.

Information: "Nerve cell Xiaoyuan has experienced in the Evil Ghost Abyss, his soul power has increased, and his perception range has increased to ten meters. "Soul Slaying Technique" has reached the realm of Xiaocheng."

"Go to Ghost King Sect." Yang Qiming saw that Xiao Yuan's strength had consolidated to the level of general, so he let him continue the task.

Message: "Xiao Yuan continues to set off, taking the bones of 'Ling'er', the daughter of the Ghost King Sect Master, to the Ghost King Sect under the guidance of the ghost Yan Tao."

Information: "Along the way, Xiao Yuan avoided evil ghosts and spirits, and moved forward quickly. A few days later, Xiao Yuan saw a huge skull in front of him from a distance. The skull was as huge as a mountain, standing on top of the black earth. Yan Tao told Xiao Yuan that that is where the Ghost King Sect is, and that the skull used to be the remains of an ancient strong man, which can gather death energy and soul power, and is more suitable for soul cultivators to practice."

Message: "Xiao Yuan approached the ghost king's sect, and was suddenly attacked by several ghosts. It observed with the eyes of the sky, and these ghosts have the realm of warriors, and they also have the realm of first- and second-tier generals."

Select: "Fight ghosts?"

"Escape immediately?"

"Fight." Yang Qiming made a choice.

Information: "Xiao Yuan fought with ghosts. Its soul power was condensed, and it used mental shock and soul slaying to defeat the ghosts one by one. These ghosts all carried a strong resentment, and one of the ghosts of a second-level general was dying. Before, he cursed: "Yan Tao, you caused us to die miserably, I curse you to die badly! You soul cultivator, who helps the evildoers, will go to hell with him!""

Message: "Xiao Yuan looked at Yan Tao, and Yan Tao explained: 'These ghosts are bewitching people, you can't believe them.'"

Choose: "Trust Yan Tao and continue to enter the Ghost King Sect."

"Torture Yan Tao and press for the truth of the matter."

"Kill Yan Tao and leave Ghost King Sect!"

"If you leave the Ghost King Sect, you can't continue the mission." Yang Qiming still convinced Xiao Yuan to trust Yan Tao and continue to enter the Ghost King Sect.

Message: "Xiao Yuan entered the Ghost King Sect and found that there is no living person here, and there are bones and skeletons everywhere. The Ghost King Sect seems to have been massacred!"

"Xiao Yuan sensed that there seemed to be strong soul fluctuations in the depths of the Ghost King School. Just as he was about to take a deeper look, the skeletons on the ground woke up one by one and attacked Xiao Yuan."

Message: "Xiao Yuan fought with it, and finally cleaned up the zombies in front of the sect. It picked up the soul stone on the ground and was about to refine it. At this time, the scattered skeletons combined into a large skeleton. It was filled with dead energy , with a disturbing curse aura, it seems very dangerous."

Message: "Yan Tao said: 'This is the spell skull refined by the ghost king's spell. It seems that we have to defeat it to go further." Xiao Yuan felt that the spell skull had at least the strength of a second-level general."

Select: "Fight it."

"Temporarily avoid."

"This is probably an elite monster." Yang Qiming asked Xiao Yuan to single out the elite monster.

Information: "Xiao Yuan fought with the Spell Skull. The Spell Skull has a hard body, and each blow carries a mental attack. Xiao Yuan's mental impact and "Flying Feathers" are completely ineffective against it. After a difficult battle, in the When the soul power is about to be exhausted, Xiao Yuan gathers all the soul power and uses the "Soul Slashing Technique" to kill him!"

Information: "After the death of the Spell Skeleton, Xiao Yuan found a Horcrux from its skeleton - the Bone of Spell Spell, and a Soul Orb."

Bone of Spells: A two-star mid-level Horcrux, which can be sacrificed to attack the target, and each blow has a certain degree of soul impact effect.

Soul Orb: Contains pure soul power and some memory information.

After beating the spell skull, Yang Qiming didn't let Xiao Yuan move on.According to his experience in playing games, the spell skeleton at the front is a Tier [-] military general, and the "monster" at the back must be stronger, so you have to improve your strength first.

Message: "Xiao Yuanji forged the bone of spells."

"Xiao Yuan refined the soul orb, and his soul power was restored and increased, and he learned a new spiritual skill-"Evil Ghost Curse."

"Evil Ghost Curse": Two-star intermediate spiritual skill, using mental power to transform into evil spirits, and constantly attacking the enemy mentally.

Message: "Xiao Yuan has learned the "Evil Ghost Curse"."

"It's almost done." Yang Qiming put Xiao Yuan on the phone to practice, and this time the cell cultivation was over.


The next day, Yang Qiming had no class in the afternoon, so he made an appointment with Lei Hao to visit his former neighbors.

They came all the way from the bustling inner city to Nantian District.Nantian District, which originally belonged to the "slum area", because of the renovation, a large number of people were resettled to more remote and barren areas.

It turned out that the residents of Shili Street lived in a dilapidated shanty town.

This is the so-called resettlement area. Jiangnan Real Estate originally agreed to resettlement houses, but none of them were built.This place is even more dilapidated than Shili Street. There is a huge open-air garbage treatment plant nearby, and there is an unpleasant stench from time to time. There is not even a decent house on the side of the street.

Yang Qiming and Lei Hao walked all the way, only to see simple tents set up on the side of the road, and some people curled up in small wooden sheds they built by themselves.

Among them are many familiar faces, Aunt Wang who used to set up a stall selling pancakes on Shili Street, Uncle Walker who repaired cars, a young couple who sold vegetables, and the street office lady who used to warmly greet Yang Qiming every day...

Their expressions were dull, and they sat in the tent blankly, as if they were waiting for the coming of death.

Yang Qiming also saw that the children who used to play on the side of Shili Street were now rummaging through the garbage dumps, trying to find some recyclables that could be exchanged for money.

Seeing Yang Qiming and Lei Hao approaching, they hid in the darkness in horror, with helpless expressions on their immature faces.

"Brother A Ming? Brother Lei Hao?" A little girl about five or six years old recognized Yang Qiming and Lei Hao and shouted in a low voice.

"Ninny, where are your parents?" Yang Qiming walked over and asked softly.

A little girl named Nannan came over, and when she heard Yang Qiming's words, her eyes turned red, and she sobbed, "Dad is dead, and mother is also sick."

Yang Qiming took her little hand and saw that the other children were also looking at him. He said to the children: "Come on, come here, brother A Ming treats you to a big meal today!"

He and Lei Hao took a few children to a small shop nearby and made them full.

Nannan was reluctant to finish the food, and asked Yang Qiming: "Brother A Ming, can I take it home for my mother to eat?"

"Of course." Yang Qiming said, and he said to Lei Hao: "Haozi, go to the nearby shops and buy something to bring to them."

He handed Lei Hao tens of thousands of dollars.

"Okay." Lei Hao went to do it immediately, and after a while, he came over with several big sacks, which contained flour, rice and the like.

"There are so many." Lei Hao said, "The price of food has doubled now, and it is still unavailable in many places."

They returned to the tent area with the food, and the children went home happily with the food.

"Mom, mom." Nannan came to a small tent with a low airflow, and handed food to a thin, yellow-faced woman.

"Mom, you eat!" Nannan handed her a meat bun.

"Where did you get the steamed stuffed bun...cough cough...?" the woman asked.

"It's brother A Ming!" Nannan said happily, "They invited me to dinner, and this is for you!"

"A Ming?" The woman saw that Yang Qiming was crouching at the door, and she was struggling to get up. Yang Qiming said, "Mom, lie down and rest."

At the same time, he took out a small blood qi pill made of dragon blood vine and exotic animal materials, and said, "Soak this thing in water and drink it, and 80.00% of the diseases can be cured. Put a little less each time, or your body won't be able to bear it."

For these ordinary people, the powder of dragon blood vine is undoubtedly a miracle medicine.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Nannan's mother hurriedly thanked her.

Yang Qiming and Lei Hao continued to walk forward. At the end of the street, there was a small wooden shed with white paper hanging outside.There are a few black and white photos on it, and there are Lei Hao's parents, the original Zhang Bo, and two dead neighbors.

Lei Hao's voice was low: "They have all been buried, this is a small mourning hall."

Seeing these pictures, Yang Qiming was furious!

There is no doubt that most of them who have lost their residence and source of livelihood have become homeless in this city.

And because Jiangnan Mansion is in a period of shortage of supplies, even normal daily necessities are difficult to meet, people have no time to take care of these homeless people, they can only silently pray for tomorrow, or meet hunger, disease and death!

"Is this really a fortress city that protects humans?"

"There are alien beasts eating people outside, but here it is people eating people!"

"Jiangnan Real Estate, and those people behind you, wait for me!" Yang Qiming secretly vowed in his heart, whether it was due to the mission of the Investigation Bureau or his own heart, he would solve this matter!

"Are they Amin and Haozi?" A weather-stained woman came over, and Yang Qiming recognized that this was their former neighbor, Aunt Liu.

"It's us." Yang Qiming said.

"Hey, Haozi, I'm sorry." Aunt Liu sighed.

There is not even incense and candles here. Yang Qiming mourned for a few minutes and asked Aunt Liu: "Are all the neighbors here?"

"The few who have the conditions, defected to relatives or moved away." Aunt Liu said, "We people have no ability to work, no savings, and no houses. We can only live here and live day by day. "

She looked sad and said: "In the past few months, I heard that the logistics channel of Jiangnan Mansion has been cut off by strange beasts, and the price of food has been increasing every day. If your parents came several times to deliver food to us, I'm afraid that many people have starved to death!"

Yang Qiming's parents also came here often, but they didn't tell him because they were afraid of worrying about Yang Qiming's study.

"Aunt Liu, I'm here this time to solve this problem." Yang Qiming said, "You help gather everyone, I have something to say."

"Okay! You are a source warrior, you are more capable than us!" Aunt Liu was overjoyed when she heard Yang Qiming's words, and hurried to inform everyone.

After a while, dozens of people gathered near the mourning hall.

"Uncle Crutches, Aunt Liu, Aunt Wang, you guys share the food first." Yang Qiming and Lei Hao shared the food with them first, and everyone quickly thanked them.

"Amin, Haozi, thank you so much!" Aunt Liu said gratefully, "If you have anything to do, just tell me."

Yang Qiming said: "Old neighbors, I also understand your affairs. The accommodation and compensation you should have, you must come back!"

"We want it too!" the uncle walking stick sighed, "We signed the contract in a daze, but they said that a manager named Hu Zhiyong absconded with our money and money, let us find him!"

"We asked them for compensation again, but they didn't give us a penny, and we lost the lawsuit."

"Hasn't Hu Zhiyong been arrested? Can he run away?" Yang Qiming asked doubtfully.

Lei Hao said: "When you were in the police station, you didn't convict him yet, saying that you had no evidence to arrest him. After a few days, when you had all the evidence and wanted to arrest him, you found out that he had run away."

"Okay." Yang Qiming knew that it would be almost impossible to solve this matter by normal means.

He said: "Neighbors, if you still want to get your property back. Then jointly sue them again, not only to sue them for encroaching on your property, but also to sue Zhang Shan, saying that he used 'illegal means' to force you to sign a demolition contract." contract, and led to the deaths of Lei Zhuang and his wife.”

"Prosecution?" Now when it comes to prosecution, everyone is uncertain.

"Where do we have the money and energy to sue? We can't sue them!" Everyone shook their heads.

"As long as you do what I say, you will have a chance!" Yang Qiming said.

"I believe in A Ming!" Aunt Liu said, "A Ming knows a big man, maybe he has a chance!"

"That's right, no one can help us now except A Ming!" Aunt Wang also stood up.

"Okay, then we'll listen to you!" Uncle Crutch said.

Yang Qiming immediately started making arrangements, and the collective prosecution was just the beginning. His goal was to lure the snake out of the hole and compete with Zhang Shan!

 Just to clarify, novels are charged according to the number of words. Some people will say that this chapter is more expensive than other books, because many books have a chapter of [-] words, and this chapter is equivalent to four and a half chapters!The authors put it together directly.

(End of this chapter)

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