Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 80 A Bi Hell, Convict Zhang Shan!

Chapter 80 A Bi Hell, Convict Zhang Shan! (8600 words)
Zhang Shan once again condensed a spiritual puppet and chopped it down with a single blow.A tall ghost king came across thousands of miles in one step, and caught the knife with a long knife.

"That must be Yang Qiming's spiritual incarnation, as long as I kill it, I can break free from the illusion!" Zhang Shan launched another attack.

The Ghost King got angry, raised his mountain-like feet and stepped on Zhang Shan.Zhang Shan only felt that his spirit was shaken and he was trampled into mud.

The pool of mud condensed into a human form again, and the ghost king attacked again.

Zhang Shan continued to fight, but was cut in two with a single knife.

Outside, both Yang Qiming and Zhang Shan have closed their eyes.

"This fir does have some strength." Yang Qiming used Abi Hell, but he couldn't defeat him directly.

"But the power of Abi Hell is more than that." His mental power was output again.

In the illusion space, the illusion of Lei Hao's parents appeared.They shouted at Zhang Shan: "Zhang Shan, pay us back!"

This is not condensed by Yang Qiming, but the spirit skill of Abi Hell can evoke the hidden memory in the opponent's heart to attack.

As long as the other party is not that kind of peerless demon, it will be affected.

Sure enough, Zhang Shan's mental strength faltered.

This is just the beginning, and a few more ghost boys appeared, claiming Zhang Shan's life.

"Zhang Shan, you ruined my family, I want you to die!"

"Zhang Shan, do you remember me? I was beaten to death by you and poured into a concrete pillar!"

"Zhang Shan, as I said, even a ghost will not let you go, I have been waiting for you in hell for ten years!"

Countless ghosts came to Zhang Shan to demand their lives. Zhang Shan was still resisting at first, but every time he attacked, he was stopped by Yang Qiming.

Yang Qiming's spiritual power is extremely concentrated, and Zhang Shan still can't break free from the illusion of Abi Hell.With the further weakening of his willpower and mental strength, Zhang Shan has begun to forget that he is in an illusion, and he already feels that he has really come to hell!

"No, I didn't harm you! I also use money to do things!" Zhang Shan's body was torn apart by the ghost again and again, and he was reassembled again and again. Every time he felt a strong sense of pain.

"It's Pang Hai, it's Liu Xueyi, and those who have taken advantage, you should go to him! Don't go to me!" Zhang Shan was completely panicked, and he shouted in horror.

In the real world, Zhang Shan's face was pale, his whole body was drenched in cold sweat, and he was already screaming uncontrollably.

In the environment of Abi Hell, Yang Qiming's spiritual power turned into the mighty Yama to judge Zhang Shan.

"Zhang Shan, why are you persecuting the residents of Shili Street?" Yan Luo's voice was like thunder, and Zhang Shan who was shocked did not dare to move.

He said in horror: "Pang Hai instructed me, as long as we don't pay or pay less for the demolition, we can earn billions more!"

"He made me play tricks on the contract, and bribed the court and the Justice Department. It's all him!"

"Zhang Shan, how do you win your lawsuits?" Yan Luo asked again.

"I use a spiritual puppet. I am a spiritually awakened person. As long as I use the spiritual puppet to control the other party, the other party will agree to my conditions in a daze." Zhang Shan's spiritual power has been completely lost, and basically Yang Qiming will say whatever he asks.

"Lawyers forbid the use of mind control over other people, how do you do that in court?"

"Because there are people from us in the court! They pretend not to know about it! The Department of Justice also has people from us, and it's useless even if the other party goes to sue."

"Do you have evidence?" Yan Luo asked.

"Yes, I have a lot of file backups, all of which are hidden in the safe in the basement of my mansion in the inner city. The address is Villa No. 3, Anjufu, in the inner city." Zhang Shan said.

Yang Qiming turned on the communicator and sent the information to the investigation agency.

In the investigation department, Xia Anbang was overjoyed when he received the news, and said, "There has been progress so quickly, Ma Jie, take someone to search for evidence, and bring Zhang Shan back!"

"Xia Shu, did Yang Qiming's operation not comply with the regulations?" Ma Jie asked worriedly.

"Yang Qiming is a non-staff member!" Xia Anbang said, "As for how he operates, that's his business, we don't need to ask. Go!"


The Bureau of Investigation has been dispatched.

"It's here." After a while, Yang Qiming received a reply.

He stood up and opened the office door.

At this time, dozens of former Shili Street residents, reporters, and people from Jiangnan Real Estate all looked over.

"Amin, how's it going?" Seeing that Yang Qiming was the first to come out, Lei Hao asked quickly.

Aunt Wang, Aunt Liu, Uncle Walking Stick, Nannan Mom and others also looked at him eagerly, hoping to hear good news.

Yang Qiming smiled slightly and said, "He has already admitted his mistake."

"Ah?" Everyone was taken aback, admitting their mistake?Will Zhang Shan admit his mistake?How can this be!

"What's wrong with this kid." Cheng Jun cursed in a low voice.

Tian Huanhuan went up to meet him. He drove the live ball and interviewed: "Mr. Yang, how is your negotiation going?"

Yang Qiming said: "I am very satisfied with the result, you can ask him."

Hearing Yang Qiming's answer, Cheng Jun and others were overjoyed. Yang Qiming's performance was the same as that of all the opponents who talked with Zhang Shan before, and he had been "persuaded" by Zhang Shan!
"Looks like Zhang Shan has succeeded again." Tian Huanhuan thought to himself.

And the residents of Shili Street felt cold, Yang Qiming was also persuaded by Zhang Shan?

Inside the house, Zhang Shan also stood up, his face was blank, and he seemed to be talking to himself.

Tian Huanhuan hurried over and interviewed: "Lawyer Zhang, how is your discussion with Mr. Yang going? How will you deal with the matter of the former residents of Shili Street?"

"Zhang Shan, repeat what you just said!" In the spiritual illusion, Yan Luo shouted.

Zhang Shan turned to the camera and said, "Pang Hai, the boss of Jiangnan Real Estate, ordered me to tamper with the contract and steal the demolition fees of the residents who are going to be demolished in Shili Street and Nantian District."

When he opened his mouth, everyone was shocked!

Tian Huanhuan was taken aback, and asked, "Lawyer Zhang, what did you just say? Now we are live broadcasting the news!"

Zhang Shan repeated this sentence again.

When he finished speaking, the residents of Shili Street became angry: "Did the big guy hear that? He admitted that they ate up our demolition fee! Zhang Shan admitted it!"

"Brother Zhang, what are you talking about?" Cheng Jun was dumbfounded. Doesn't Zhang Shan know the consequences of saying that?This will mess up everything and cause Jiangnan Real Estate to suffer huge losses!
On the Internet, when the audience heard what he said, they also expressed doubts and surprises.

"!!! It's disgusting, strictly investigate Zhang Shan and Jiangnan Real Estate!"

"??? Is Zhang Shan bewitched?"

"What exactly is going on?"

"The outlaw fanatic Zhang Shan is dead today?"

"This Zhang Shan, what the hell is he doing?" Pang Hai naturally saw the news report, and his first reaction was to be furious.

"Does he not want to say such things in front of the media?"

Liu Xueyi had just picked up the watermelon and was about to eat it when he saw this scene.

He frowned, seeing Zhang Shan's empty eyes, he already understood everything, he directly threw the watermelon on the ground, and cursed: "Damn, this idiot's spirit has collapsed, and he was eaten back by someone!"

At the scene, Zhang Shan was still talking: "I am a spiritually awakened person. I control the opponent with a mental puppet in the court. The court and the Department of Public Security have our people...I hide the evidence at No. 3 Anjufu, Inner City. In the villa."

Tian Huanhuan was stunned. What's going on? The elite lawyer had a conversation with Yang Qiming and pleaded guilty on the spot?

What's more, what he said was too explosive, involving many big figures, including the boss of Jiangnan Real Estate and some people who colluded with him.

This is definitely big news!It was so heavy that Tian Huanhuan didn't dare to report it casually.

Cheng Jun realized something was wrong, and he also came to his senses, Zhang Shan was being backlashed by someone!
Thinking of this, he looked at Yang Qiming with horror.Zhang Shan is a powerful spiritual awakener. Not only did he fail to take down Yang Qiming, but he was also mentally devoured by him!
Yang Qiming's spiritual power is stronger than Zhang Shan's?

He hurriedly shouted: "Lawyer Zhang's words are all lies. He is controlled by someone. It is Yang Qiming! It is Yang Qiming who controlled him!"

"Sorry, I didn't control him." Yang Qiming said, "Lawyer Zhang tried to control me just now, but he didn't do it well. He got mad and accidentally said everything in his heart!"

"Nonsense, it's clearly your fault!" At this time, Cheng Jun naturally wouldn't admit it, and he wanted to pour all the dirty water on Yang Qiming.

"Hurry up, go to Zhang Shan's villa and destroy all the evidence!" Pang Hai hurriedly called to arrange for someone to deal with it, but a voice came from the other side: "Mr. Pang, it's bad, someone is faster than us?"

"Who?" Pang Hai wondered.

"It's people from the Investigation Agency! They've arrived!" said the person over there.

"What? Investigation Bureau?" Pang Hai was startled when he heard this word. If it was someone else, he would still have a solution, but it turned out to be someone from the Investigation Bureau?
He realized that if these evidences fell into the hands of the Investigation Agency, he would be completely finished!Any one of them would be enough to destroy his reputation and put him in prison for the rest of his life.

As the chief lawyer of Jiangnan Real Estate, Zhang Shan has mastered too many ulterior secrets of Jiangnan Real Estate!If the investigation agency finds out, the people involved... the more he thinks about Pang Hai, the more frightened he becomes. He couldn't help cursing: "This Zhang Shan, I'm XXXX, why didn't he die, and even left a copy!"

"Bring him back quickly, and don't let him fall into the hands of the Investigation Agency!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several cars parked at the gate of the sub-district office.

"Stay out of the way, the investigation office is doing business!" Several heavily armed investigators rushed in and locked Zhang Shan, and behind them, a security team was blocked outside before they could get in.

"Transfer...Investigation Bureau?" Seeing the people from the Investigation Bureau, the reporter was stunned. Why did the Investigation Bureau come so quickly?
Cheng Jun was even more horrified. He realized that this time not only Zhang Shan was planted, but Jiangnan Real Estate might also be planted.

He took a few steps back, trying to hide in the crowd, and then an investigator stepped forward, grabbed his hand, and said, "Sir, I am the investigator, and you are involved in the Jiangnan Real Estate case, please come with us." trip."

"It's none of my business, I'm just a small employee!" Cheng Jun tried to explain.

"Cheng Jun, you are Zhang Shan's assistant, there is no need to play tricks with us!" The investigator knew his identity very well. When he pronounced Cheng Jun's name, Cheng Jun's face turned pale instantly. He knew , I'm finished!
The investigators caught Zhang Shan at the same time. At this time, Yang Qiming had let go of the mental illusion.

Zhang Shan woke up from the illusion. Seeing everything in front of him, he asked in surprise: "What are you doing? I'm a lawyer! I didn't break the law! I want to sue you!"

"Zhang Shan, we found everything you had in the villa in Anjufu. Do you want to say anything else?" an investigator asked.

Hearing his words, Zhang Shan, who is famous for being eloquent and eloquent, was instantly speechless. He realized that he was completely crushed by the opponent in the confrontation with Yang Qiming just now, and he had unknowingly revealed his secret. Say it all.

He looked at Yang Qiming, who looked calm and said, "Lawyer Zhang, as I said, you will do what you have done and stand trial."

"You! You!" Zhang Shan pointed at him, speechless.

He recalled the scene of being crushed by Yang Qiming's spiritual illusion just now, his legs gave way, he collapsed to the ground, and was dragged away by the investigator.

Tian Huanhuan stared at this scene dumbfounded. He was just here for a formality. Everyone knew that there were no disputes that could not be resolved with Zhang Shan involved!
But the reality is that Zhang Shan himself was solved by someone!And the one who solved him was a student!
At this time, Yang Qiming was also cooperating with the investigation. He said: "Zhang Shan tried to control me with mental power. He didn't expect that I was also a spiritually awakened person, so he was backlashed."

Investigators made notes and did not take any action against Yang Qiming.

"Yang Qiming, Yang Qiming, it's Yang Qiming again!" Seeing the picture, Liu Xueyi punched the floating projection ball next to him.

"Last time it was martial arts, this time it's Jiangnan Real Estate!"

Compared with Renyi Budokan, Jiangnan real estate is more important.The Liu family has been in business for so many years to make Jiangnan Real Estate No. [-] in the real estate industry in Jiangnan Prefecture, and now it has been caught by the investigation agency.

This matter can no longer be resolved as before, and Jiangnan Real Estate, a real estate giant, might be desolate because of this!

"Yang Qiming, one day, I want you to know that no one can support you!" Liu Xueyi engraved Yang Qiming's appearance in his mind.


In the office of Jiangnan Real Estate, Pang Hai is having the last call with a mysterious person.

"Remember, you did all of this yourself, understand?" said the mysterious man.

"I..." Pang Hai was full of bitterness. From the first day he became the boss of Jiangnan Real Estate, he knew that one day he would become the one who took the blame.

I thought it was absolutely impossible for me to have an accident now that my backer was in good shape.Who knew that everything would change because of one Yang Qiming!
If he had known this would happen earlier, he would rather have paid for it himself to make up for the demolition fee for Shili Street, so there would be nothing wrong with it!
"I see." Pang Hai still complied, and he dared not refuse, because he knew very well that if he disobeyed his order, the end would only be worse.

"Very good, let's reform it in the future. Your son will be trained to be King Wu," the man said.

"Thank you!" Pang Hai thanked.

After making the call, he directly destroyed the communication equipment.

At this time, the door of his office was broken open, and people from the Investigation Bureau surrounded him. An investigator said, "Mr. It's a big case, please come with us."

"Let's go." Pang Hai didn't make any resistance, he followed the investigator and left here.


At the scene, the people from the investigation office had just left, and the people from the demolition affairs office also came.

The former Shili Street residents quickly surrounded them and asked about the demolition.

"Now we are understanding the situation. Don't worry, everyone, we will give you proper resettlement and compensation."

"We want to see the house!" Aunt Liu said.

"Everyone is still living in no fixed place!" The crowd shouted.

"We have a temporary shelter today!"

They began to register, arranged temporary housing for each household, and provided rice and grain.

After a few days, the matter was initially resolved.

The former residents of Shili Street who lived on the streets finally had a place to live and began to look for a livelihood.

As for Jiangnan Real Estate, several senior executives were investigated.Several major projects were stopped and replanned and rescheduled.

As the investigation continued to deepen, more illegal things in Jiangnan Real Estate were discovered.The former real estate tycoon in Jiangnan Prefecture seemed to collapse overnight!

At the resettlement office, the residents thanked Yang Qiming together.

"Amin, we are all very grateful to you. Without your help, we might not be able to survive!" Aunt Liu said with emotion.

"Yes! Amin is our benefactor!"

"Nuan, thank you brother Amin, if it weren't for brother, we would have starved to death!" Nannun's mother urged, "You will remember this kindness for the rest of your life."

"Thank you Brother Amin!" Nannan shouted crisply.

Everyone thanked him one by one and gave him various gifts. Yang Qiming said with a smile: "I think the matter should be settled now. You don't need to give me anything. The world is hard, let's live a good life."

It took Yang Qiming a long time to leave. These residents were so enthusiastic.

"Amin, it's really thanks to you this time." On the way back, Lei Hao said with emotion, "If it wasn't for you, my parents' death would not be justified now! I would never live through it!"

"Don't think about it." Yang Qiming patted him on the shoulder and said, "Cultivate well in the future."

"En." Lei Hao nodded, and then he worried again: "Amin, this time, you have brought down the entire Jiangnan Real Estate. Too many people have been affected by this matter, so you have to be careful."

"I will pay attention." Yang Qiming said.

His original plan was to help the residents get back the compensation and complete the tasks of the investigation agency. He didn't expect Zhang Shan to hide so many secrets about Jiangnan real estate, and it was a surprise to pull Pang Hai into it all at once.

As for offending people?Yang Qiming has understood since he saw the infrasonic wave lure sonar in the ruined city No. [-], and saw the residents of Shili Street living on the streets.

Now this matter is no longer something that can be passed without fear of offending others. If it continues like this, the entire Jiangnan Mansion will be destroyed!
Once the beast tide comes, can these people be expected to resist the beast tide?They must be the first group of people to run away, and it will be the innocent people who will die tragically!

"It's not that I want to make things difficult for them, it's that they want to make things difficult for everyone!" Yang Qiming whispered, "I don't want to cause trouble either, and I also want to live comfortably in school, practice, study, fall in love, and communicate with each other." friend."

"But we are not living in peaceful times."

"Haozi, do you know? There is a professor at Jiangnan University who proposed a doomsday theory for human beings. According to his calculations, within 20 years, the degree of mutation of alien beasts will exceed the degree that humans can resist."

"You mean? Human beings will perish?" Lei Hao asked in surprise.

"Yes!" Yang Qiming affirmed, "Others say he is a lunatic, but the more I practice, the more believable it is! Because the upper limit of Yuan Wu Dao is definitely not just the title of Martial God or Beast God!"

"You can tell by looking at the news over the years. First, there was a catastrophe, and human civilization suffered a huge blow. Then, in the new era, human beings appeared warriors. After building fortress cities, they gained a period of development. But in recent years, we have fought against alien beasts. It has become more and more difficult. The logistics channel of Jiangnan Mansion has been cut off for more than a month, and it has not been opened yet!"

"what does that mean?"

"It means that our army is no longer able to effectively clean up the beasts!" Lei Hao took his words.

"Yes." Yang Qiming nodded and said, "Peace is just an appearance, and a real crisis is brewing. Otherwise, why would the Investigation Bureau take down such a large group as Jiangnan Real Estate?"

"Outside of the Jiangnan Mansion, alien beasts gather, and a beast tide may form at any time. Regardless of whether human beings will perish in 20 years, the Jiangnan Mansion may be destroyed in advance. By then, you, me, and the [-] million people will all be possible. Become the ration of strange beasts."

Yang Qiming said: "This is an era when there is no retreat. If you are afraid, things will still come. It is better to muster up the courage and fight to the end! If you lose, you will be smashed to pieces, but if you win, you will open up a new path for yourself. Create a new era for mankind!"

Lei Hao looked at Yang Qiming and saw that he was high-spirited and energetic.

He said with emotion: "You are right, there are always a few people in the world who go against the current!"

"I'm not as talented as you, but I can also become a fighter and kill the enemy on the battlefield! Maybe I also have a chance to become a strong man!"

"Yes, everyone has a chance. I heard that some Martial Gods are not very talented, and they have reached the realm of Martial Gods through experience and understanding in battle." Yang Qiming said, "Original Martial Arts can change genes, as long as they practice to At a higher level, everyone is a genius!"

"Let's go!" Yang Qiming received a message on his smart device, which was sent by the Investigation Bureau, and he wanted to go back and check.

Yang Qiming returned to the dormitory and checked the information. The content was to ask him to go to the Metaverse virtual office.

Yang Qiming put on his helmet and entered the office of the Yuan Universe of the Investigation Bureau. He saw Xia Anbang again.

"009, you did a good job this time. Pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud made our investigation progress a lot." Xia Anbang praised.

"It's not bad." Yang Qiming said, "Now let me see the so-called real Yuan Wu Dao cultivation method?"

"Haha." Xia Anbang laughed a few times and said, "I knew you would say that. Come with me!"

As he said that, a door appeared out of nowhere in front of him, Xia Anbang pushed the door open and walked in, followed by Yang Qiming.

Here is a spherical collection room, one by one light group floating in the storage room, each light group contains part of the information.

Xia Anbang said: "The information here all comes from the knowledge in the alien spaceship. It includes source martial arts practice, martial arts, spiritual power cultivation, spiritual skills and some technological knowledge."

"We only have a part, because there are other countries that have been divided by other countries that are exploring alien spaceships together."

"When you complete a task, you will get a contribution point, which can be exchanged for one of the classics. Before the content inside is authorized, it is forbidden to disclose it to the outside world." Xia Anbang said.

Yang Qiming nodded. He checked the books he could read, and a batch of books flew in front of him.

""Introduction to Origin Energy Technology", "Severing the Sky", "Introduction to Spiritual Power Practice"..." He can exchange dozens of different types of classics.

Yang Qiming scanned it, and focused his attention on one of the books - "Detailed Explanation of Source Seed".

The introduction reads: "Detailed Explanation of the Source Seed". Every source warrior must condense the source seed in order to continuously increase its energy and strength. This book records the methods of condensing and promoting the growth of the source seed.

"Yuanzhong, what is that?" Yang Qiming had never heard of such a thing.

Xia Anbang explained: "There is a limit to the source energy that human cells can absorb. At a certain stage, if the limit is reached, the source warrior's strength will not continue to grow. At this time, the excess source energy can be condensed, Form a source seed and continue to improve."

"Originally, all source warriors have to gather source seeds from the very beginning, but this requires too much of a person's genes and talents. In the simplified version of source martial arts that you practice, you must at least cultivate to the level of a martial god before you can gather source seeds."

"So that's how it is." Yang Qiming probably understood that when his cells practiced in the cell world, they would also condense the aura, which is probably equivalent to the source seed.

"I want this one!" Yang Qiming said.

"Okay! You can only read it in this encrypted space." Xia Anbang said, "I will notify you when the next mission happens."

"Yes." Yang Qiming immediately exchanged this "Detailed Explanation of the Source Seed" and began to read it.

The text above is the same as Chinese characters, so he can easily understand it.

"Repeatedly condense the source force, and finally form a seed, plant it in the body, and form a cycle with the source force of the whole body..."

Yang Qiming read it carefully and wrote down all the information in it.

After half a day, he left the metaverse.

"Try it, gather the source seeds." Yang Qiming came to the practice room of the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club and began to try to gather the source seeds.

He first absorbed the source energy and gathered a large amount of source energy in the Zhengdantian. At this moment, he felt the fiery energy impacting the internal organs.

"It's no wonder that the simplified version of the cultivation method has no source seeds. The physical fitness and source energy strength of ordinary generals can't reach this point. This step alone can kill many people." Yang Qiming thought, fortunately, he didn't care Whether it is the strength of the source energy or the physical fitness is strong enough to continue.

He started to condense the source energy, the process was very slow and he had to be extremely focused, because if he was not careful, the source energy might explode in his body and kill himself.

Yang Qiming concentrated his energy and condensed the source energy bit by bit, taking several Qi and Blood Pills in the process.

Finally, a small source energy seed appeared in his body!

The energy contained in this seed is comparable to the energy contained in the cells of his whole body before. This source seed is no longer exchanging source power with the cells of the whole body all the time, which is equivalent to a brand new organ of the human body - the source energy heart!
After having the source seed, Yang Qiming's strength improved again.And his realm also began to improve.

With the evolution of the whole body cells, Yang Qiming's realm has also reached the second level of generals from the original level one general!
"It's obvious that my body is stronger! I really want to read what is written in other classics." Yang Qiming stood up. The first-hand information humans obtained from alien spacecraft was much more profound than the knowledge he had previously known.

Yang Qiming came out of the training room and happened to run into Lin Hu.

"Yang Qiming!" Lin Hu called to stop him.

"What's wrong? President?" Yang Qiming asked.

"Yang Qiming, I heard that Zhang Shan, one of the three ruthless people in the Jiangnan Mansion, was killed by you?" Lin Hu asked, "How did you do it?"

"It's none of my business to kill him because the Investigation Bureau wants to investigate him." Yang Qiming put aside his responsibility.

"It's all the same." Lin Hu smiled, and he said immediately, "By the way, no one has asked you about the competition yet, right?"

"What competition?"

"National Martial Arts Competition for College Students!" Lin Hu said, "Don't just join in the heat of the moment!"

"Why?" Yang Qiming was puzzled.

Lin Hu explained, "Of course it's to win the championship! This competition is held once a year, and only students under senior year are allowed to participate. Because the rewards are very generous, a college student is only allowed to participate once."

"You are participating now, and your opponents are sophomores and juniors across the country. They have practiced a year or two more than you, which is too bad. You wait until the sophomore to participate, and the top three will have a show. If you wait until the junior to participate, I think you can Win the championship!"

"I understand." Yang Qiming said, "I will consider it."


The next day, genetic analysis class.

The number of students who came to the class this time was reduced by half compared to before. Many students heard Professor Zeng Gan's doomsday theory and thought he was out of his mind, so they stopped attending the class.

Yang Qiming walked to the door of the classroom and saw that Qin Ningshuang was already sitting in the first row. The short desk could not cover her long legs at all. .

A few students wanted to sit close to her, but the more they sat, the colder they felt, so they had to leave wisely.

Yang Qiming realized that this was the seat Qin Ningshuang had reserved for him. He was about to sit in it when Chen Qiuyue greeted him from behind: "Student, here is a seat reserved for you!"

Qin Ningshuang glanced at Yang Qiming with her cold eyes, while Chen Qiuyue looked at Yang Qiming with a smile on her face.Yang Qiming suddenly felt an inexplicable pressure, which was even greater than the pressure of facing a strange beast or an enemy.

"I would have missed this class if I knew it earlier!" Yang Qiming thought to himself.

He walked to the first row and sat down, and said to Chen Qiuyue: "Let's sit in the first row, so you can hear better."

"First row?" Chen Qiuyue looked at Qin Ningshuang, and the eyes of the two women met, as if they were fighting a spiritual war.

"That's right." Chen Qiuyue took the textbook and sat next to Yang Qiming. Now Yang Qiming was sandwiched between the two.

The students behind were all stunned.

"Damn it, is Yang Qiming so awesome?"

"I'm envious, the two top beauties in our school, one on the left and one on the right!"

"With Qin Ningshuang's character, why don't you drive him away?"

"Yang Qiming won't be afraid of her, he dares to offend Liu Xueyi!"

Qin Ningshuang glanced back, and wherever she looked, frost condensed on the desks of several discussing students, and they quickly shut up.

Chen Qiuyue had already started chatting with Yang Qiming, and she opened her mouth and said, "Brother, you should know that the National Martial Arts Competition for College Students is about to start, right?"

"En." Yang Qiming nodded.

"Then do you plan to participate?" Chen Qiuyue looked at him expectantly.

"President Lin Hu told me that it would be best for me to delay my participation by one or two years." Yang Qiming said truthfully.

"He is right, it is indeed more stable for you to participate one or two years later." Chen Qiuyue said, "But I think it is best for you to participate this year."


Chen Qiuyue lowered her voice and motioned Yang Qiming to listen to her. She also took a special look at Qin Ningshuang, as if she didn't want her to hear it.

Qin Ningshuang pretended not to care, but in fact she was highly concentrated, listening to the voices next to her.

"Lin Hu doesn't know, I have inside information!" Chen Qiuyue said quietly, "This year's competition has a reward for gene enhancement medicine, which is a batch allocated by Kyushu from the World United Government. This kind of resource will be gone when it is used up. If not, it would be too bad!"

Gene enhancement potions, like gene awakening potions, are extremely precious supplementary potions for genetic cultivation.

The strengthening potion is to refine the genes of powerful beast kings and beast kings, and directly strengthen the warrior himself!It can even improve genes to a certain extent.

For example, ordinary fighters who use the enhancement potion of the Beastmaster's gene are equivalent to possessing the inheritance of the Beastmaster's gene, similar to the son of the Martial King, which greatly enhances their talent.

So this thing is very attractive to all warriors!

"Really?" Yang Qiming was moved when he heard her words, "According to what you said, I will participate this year."

"Yes." Chen Qiuyue nodded, and said: "Your strength is enough, if you make another impact, you will have a chance to sprint to the top eight!"

Yang Qiming was a little moved. At this time, Qin Ningshuang's voice came from beside her ear. She was using her mental strength to convey the message: "Whisper with Chen Qiuyue so I can't hear it?"

(End of this chapter)

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