Chapter 82 (8600 words, please subscribe!)

Zhang Haoyang swayed his fingers lightly, and the flying sword was like a long rainbow, quickly attacking Yang Qiming.Yang Qiming's gloves couldn't keep up with his rhythm, and he was hit by the flying sword, and several scars appeared on his diamond body.

"The mechanical glove is too heavy and inflexible to keep up with his attack rhythm." Yang Qiming gave up the attack method of spiritual object control and began to use spells.

""Evil Ghost Curse"!" His mental power condensed an evil ghost and attacked Zhang Haoyang.

"Brother, you use evil spirits to deal with Taoist priests, isn't that hitting the muzzle of a gun?" Zhang Haoyang smiled, and his fingers drew symbols in the air, "Seal!"

The seal talisman with condensed spiritual power hit the evil ghost, and the evil ghost was immediately locked in a cage.

"Destroy!" Zhang Haoyang struck out another talisman to burn the evil spirits clean.

""Soul-Sealing Curse"!" Yang Qiming also used the sealing technique to try to weaken the opponent's mental power, but the Soul-Sealing Curse hit the Golden Light Curse and was bounced off by the spell.

"Soul Slaying Technique!" Yang Qiming condensed the soul blade and confronted the opponent.

Zhang Haoyang was thinking that he could easily suppress Yang Qiming, but found that a soul blade that was almost condensed into substance was cutting towards him.

He was taken aback, "Good guy, you are really not bad!"

Zhang Haoyang dodged in a hurry, he concluded that his Golden Light Curse could not stop this move.

"The Art of Five Dings and Five Armors!" From Zhang Haoyang's body, a spiritual puppet with a height of four or five meters was separated from Zhang Haoyang's body, which also emitted golden light.

Wu Ding Wu Jia, the legendary Hercules who can open mountains and fill seas.Zhang Haoyang has only condensed a spiritual puppet so far, which has already caused a huge sense of oppression to Yang Qiming.

The soul blade cut on the wrestler puppet, but it could only cut a little bit, but couldn't kill it!
"This guy really has a lot of mental skills!" Yang Qiming controlled the soul blade and fought against the wrestler puppet. The two sides fought for several rounds, and Yang Qiming's mental strength was a bit overwhelming.

On the other hand, Zhang Haoyang seems to be more than capable.

He is much stronger than Zhang Shan, not only in realm, but also in the control of mental skills, the degree of concentration of mental power and control skills!

The confrontation between the two has attracted a large number of spectators, and it is difficult to see such a wonderful duel in the group stage.

"Is that Zhang Haoyang from Pingyuan University? So strong! This spiritual puppet can knock me out with a single fist!"

"That one named Yang Qiming is also very strong, a Tier [-] general can confront Zhang Haoyang head-on!"

"Yang Qiming? Is he still a spiritual awakener?"

"Come on, Yang Qiming!" Chen Qiuyue shouted when she saw that Yang Qiming was losing.

"Ah! I'm injured!" On stage, Zhang Haoyang shouted exaggeratedly, "My junior sister actually cheers for you! I'm going to be serious!"

"Same!" Yang Qiming also fought vigorously, and outside of the soul blade, another tall evil spirit condensed!

This is the spiritual skill he created by combining "Evil Ghost Curse" and "Soul Slashing Technique", "Soul of the Blade", which is equivalent to Samsung's primary spiritual skill.

This trick is still learned from the duel with Zhang Shan. Controlling the evil spirit as a spiritual puppet is even more powerful!
The evil ghost held the knife, its power doubled, and Zhang Haoyang's wrestler puppet gradually couldn't hold it anymore.

Seeing this, Zhang Haoyang drew a talisman in the air again, ""Golden Armor Curse"!"

A set of armor with condensed spiritual power appeared on the wrestler puppet.Its body became more solid, and every punch and every kick carried a mental impact!
"Boom, boom, boom!" There were voices coming from time to time. This was not a sound that could be heard by the ears, but a fluctuation of mental power.

The students around were amazed, "It's amazing, these two people!"

"I don't usually see such a duel in school!"

"Zhang Haoyang deserves to be the No.1 of Pingyuan University! You can see that he controls the wrestler puppet, and his mental power is still full!"

"Yang Qiming is also very strong!"

Yang Qiming's sword soul was knocked back by a punch, and the wrestler puppet raised his hands high and slammed it down, "Boom!" A strong spiritual impact defeated the soul blade and the evil spirit at the same time.

"You lose..." Zhang Haoyang just wanted to say that Yang Qiming had lost, but found that the duel was not over yet, and Yang Qiming's mental power had enveloped the field at some point.

"Abi Hell!" Yang Qiming closed his eyes, and around him, a phantom of purgatory rose up, surrounding Zhang Haoyang!
"It's incredible!" Zhang Haoyang looked at the horrible scene of evil spirits eating people around him, and said with emotion: "You, a second-level general, can do this, which really impresses me. No wonder Junior Sister is so optimistic about you!"

"If you meet someone else, you really win. It's a pity that you met me, the descendant of a celestial master, the successor of Tai Chi martial arts, the man who is destined to win the championship this year!"

Zhang Haoyang was talking, but his hands did not stop making seals. His speed was so fast that the students watching the battle had to slow down to see his movements clearly.

Yang Qiming maintained Abi Hell, and the evil spirits rushed forward one by one, biting Zhang Haoyang.

The wrestler puppet stood in front of Zhang Haoyang and knocked all the evil spirits away.But the evil spirits beat more and more, and even a phantom similar to the ghost king appeared.

The wrestler puppet finally couldn't hold on, and was eaten by a group of ghosts!
A group of evil spirits rushed towards Zhang Haoyang, and the golden light curse on Zhang Haoyang's body gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared completely.

"Yang Qiming is better?" Everyone watched the competition nervously. They imagined that if they were in the illusion of Abi Hell, they would be torn apart in a second.

Zhang Haoyang was still forming seals, seeing that he was about to be devoured by evil spirits, Zhang Haoyang suddenly shouted: "Five thunders rectify the law, avoid all evils, Binghuoyang thunder art!"

"Boom!" The thunder exploded out of thin air, and a thunderbolt with flames knocked out the souls of many evil spirits, and Yang Qiming's Abi Hell environment was also split.

The thunder exploded on him, and his figure was instantly shattered.

"This match, Zhang Haoyang wins!" The referee announced the result.

Yang Qiming's figure reappeared in the audience, and Zhang Haoyang stood up on the stage, and said: "I almost got rid of it, your strength is good, but I am still better!"

"Excellent." Yang Qiming originally thought that if he used other martial arts, or could use the eye of the sky, he might not lose.But after thinking about it, losing is losing, why make excuses?It's not the final, just come back again.

"Yang Qiming has lost, the first time since entering the school!" The students of Jiangnan University were amazed.

"Zhang Haoyang's strength is too strong, and he is going to win the championship this year!"

"The last blow of Bing Huo Yang Lei, if it were real, it would kill me!"

"The national competition is really exciting!"

"Student, you fought really well!" Seeing that Yang Qiming had lost the match, Chen Qiuyue stepped forward to comfort her and said, "You didn't use any martial arts this time, so you will definitely beat him next time!"

"What about me?" Zhang Haoyang asked.

"You're already in your junior year, so you're bullying the younger." Chen Qiuyue said.

"Ah? Junior sister, you can't be so double-standard!" Zhang Haoyang said with a bitter face, "You treat me differently, I feel like I'm the one who loses!"


"President, why are you so optimistic about Yang Qiming?" said the students in the Tai Chi Martial Arts Club.

Chen Qiuyue gave them a blank look, and said, "I have been in Jiangnan University for two years. Except for that muscular guy like Lin Hu, does any of you dare to challenge Liu Xueyi? Liu Xueyi and his subordinates are bullying people. Do you dare to say anything when you see it? ?”

When she spoke, everyone fell silent.Thinking about it carefully, it seems that I really dare not.Although they joined the Tai Chi Martial Arts Club, when facing Liu Xueyi, their aura was still weak.

"My grandfather taught me that warriors should not only strengthen their bodies, but also stick to the righteous path in their hearts." Chen Qiuyue said with emotion, "When we face the weak, we can do this. But when we face the stronger, we are often afraid. There are very few who can really do what they do.”

"When Yang Qiming faced Liu Xueyi and others, he not only dared to challenge him, but also won every time! If you can achieve this step, I am also optimistic about you!"

"No wonder!"

"Yang Qiming is really fierce. The Renyi Martial Arts Club has been trying to get rid of him, but failed."

"Thinking about it carefully, I really can't do it. Hey, maybe this is the gap between people."

"I'll go, the president doesn't like Yang Qiming, does he?" Lin Hua complained.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Chen Qiuyue glared at him, her pretty face seemed a little unnatural.


Yang Qiming's next match is a week away.The fight against Zhang Haoyang made him realize that his strength is still not strong enough.

"Zhang Haoyang's mental power is more abundant than mine. Obviously, he has also condensed the source seed!" Yang Qiming thought to himself, these descendants and successors of the titled Martial God or the peak Martial God have practiced better skills, and they must not use ordinary Judge them by the standards of warriors.

Even if you face them yourself, you may not be able to challenge them beyond the next level!

Besides Zhang Haoyang, Yang Qiming also paid attention to another opponent, Lu Yongge.

He was divided into the seventh group. Lu Yongge is good at swordsmanship. He rarely makes shots, and basically wins with one sword. No opponent can pass a single move under him!
Up to now, the students don't even know what his specific realm is, they only know that he is at least a Tier [-] general.He is also regarded as one of the strong contenders for this championship!

The competition is going on every day, and college students across the country are watching the competition while attending classes.For some wonderful duels, their martial arts teacher or Nianli teacher will analyze them.

For example, the match between Yang Qiming and Zhang Haoyang has been analyzed.

In this kind of sparring, many students' strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and some even lost several games in a row before, and suddenly they had an epiphany and began to win consecutively.

Yang Qiming also began to concentrate on practicing, and continued to enhance the source seed and genetic perfection.

Of course, cell cultivation is also indispensable.

cell world.

Message: "After Nerve Cell Xiaoyuan practiced, his soul power became more condensed, "Ghost King Art" reached the second level, "Evil Ghost Curse" and "Soul Sealing Curse" reached great success, and "Abi Hell" reached proficiency."

"White Blood Cell Xiaobai has learned how to use long-range weapons with spiritual technology weapons."

"Xiaoyuan continues to practice, and Xiaobai is going to learn how to use vehicles." Yang Qiming hung up the two cells, and then checked Xiaoqiang's status.

Message: "Xiaoqiang practiced in the secret place of Hushen Mountain, and achieved great success in the "Kaishan Seal". Because the "Diamond Body" has been cultivated to perfection, it is difficult to improve his cultivation."

"The secret realm of Tiger God Mountain was closed, a ray of light flashed, and Xiaoqiang returned to the Tiger Gate. Looking around, the number of disciples has been reduced by half, and the strength of the remaining disciples has been greatly enhanced."

"Xiaoqiang found out that his master Huabao and the other elders were missing, and the only elder of the sect at the scene was the leader of the tiger."

"The tiger coach said to everyone: 'Let me check your cultivation.' After saying that, he grabbed a disciple, and the disciple's expression was extremely frightened. A mummy."

"All the disciples of the Tiger Sect panicked, and the tiger coach laughed loudly and said: 'I only need to devour you, and I can successfully transform into a form, and I don't need this puppet body anymore!' He began to kill the disciples."

Choose: "Escape immediately."

"Go forward and attack the tiger coach."

"Unite with other disciples to attack the tiger coach."

Yang Qiming chose to unite his disciples.

Message: "Xiaoqiang yelled: 'My fellow disciples, he is not the real tiger coach, he is a heart eater! The real tiger coach has been killed by him, everyone join hands and kill him first!' All the disciples heard the words and went to the The tiger coach takes action!"

"The tiger coach didn't panic at all when he saw this. His body ruptured, and a multi-legged worm emerged from his abdomen. At the same time, a burst of blood enveloped all the disciples. All the disciples who were illuminated by the blood light all twitched on the ground in pain , Crawling heart eaters out of their bodies."

Choose: "Continue to attack the tiger coach."

"Play dead and wait for the opportunity to sneak attack."

"Run away immediately."

"Wealth and wealth are in danger!" Yang Qiming asked Xiaoqiang to choose to play dead.

Message: "Xiaoqiang learned to do the same thing as other disciples, foaming at the mouth and dying on the ground. Seeing that the disciples were all dead, the Heart Eater began to absorb their blood energy and essence one by one. Every time it absorbed one, its size grew One point, until like an inflatable elephant!"

"The Mind Eater is devouring the disciples beside Xiaoqiang. Just as it has just absorbed the blood energy of a person, Xiaoqiang suddenly explodes, his state is full, and he hits its body with the "Kaishan Seal". The Heart Eater was unprepared, and his body was pierced A large hole, a large amount of blood essence overflowed."

"Heart Devourer is furious and wants to devour Xiaoqiang. Although it was attacked by surprise, its strength is at least a third-tier military general."

Choose: "Escape?"


"Fight!" This is the time, and we must not back down.

Message: "Xiaoqiang and the Heart Eater are fighting together. They burst out hundreds of thousands of catties of divine power with each blow. Fist, palm, and seal bombard each other, and both sides are scarred. The Heart Eater is about to devour the corpse to restore strength. Xiaoqiang Seize the opportunity, don't hesitate to be bitten, bombard the Heart Eater with a sonic explosion, and kill the Heart Eater completely!"

"At this time, the imprint of the former tiger coach appeared on Xiaoqiang's body. It became a pure force and was absorbed by Xiaoqiang. Xiaoqiang recovered from his injuries and began to clean up the battlefield."

Message: "Xiaoqiang is the only one left in the Tiger Sect, and he has restrained the bones of his fellow Sect, as well as the body of the Heart Eater."

Choice: "Cut his corpse into tens of thousands of pieces to avenge the destruction of the sect!"

"Eat it and refine it to strengthen yourself."

"This... Let's refine it." Yang Qiming chose to refine it.

Message: "Xiaoqiang cooked the body of the Heart Eater in a large cauldron and devoured the flesh. Its physique has been greatly enhanced, and it has obtained energy and new gene fragments."

Message: "Xiaoqiang has broken through to the third level of warrior. Your strength has been improved."

Next, Yang Qiming asked Xiaoqiang to clean up the entire Tiger Gate.

Message: "Xiaoqiang cleaned up the sect deacon's room, but found nothing."

"Xiaoqiang cleaned up the sect practice dojo, and obtained a blueprint of the one-star high-level spirit-gathering array."

"Xiaoqiang cleared the Zongmen Treasure Pavilion and obtained 3456 spirit stones, as well as two three-star primary weapons, Tiger Armor and Tiger Steel Claw."

"Xiaoqiang cleaned up the sect's Buddhist scriptures pavilion, and found a secret compartment, which contained the four-star elementary exercise "Marrow Washing Sutra."

"Xiaoqiang cleaned up the sect's kung fu room and found a stone slab engraved with a four-star primary martial art "Vajra Palm"."

"We have both kung fu and martial arts!" Yang Qiming directly asked Xiaoqiang to replace the practice kung fu. The "Marrow Washing Sutra" only has three layers.

As for the "Vigorous Vajra Palm", it is written in the introduction that after one's practice is complete, one palm can smash mountains.Feeling Yang Qiming's own feeling, anyway, it is very powerful and shocking.As for smashing mountains? "Kaishan Yin" also said that he can split mountains, but he can't do it now.The power of this martial skill still depends on the martial artist's own realm.

"There is only one last place left in the sect." Yang Qiming had asked Xiaoqiang to find the Tiger Gate aside. As a first-level sect, its resources were too scarce.

Message: "Xiaoqiang came to the main hall of the Zongmen. After some searching, he found a token. The token was carved from jade, with the three characters 'Lieyang Zong' written on it. This is a Zongmen token. Activate It will be able to obtain the direction information of the Lieyang Sect."

Yang Qiming thought to himself, could this Lieyang Sect be the sect before Tiger Coach?Maybe the tiger coach is a disciple of a big sect, and then he created a small sect.

Choose: "Activate token, go to Lie Yangzong."

"Turn a blind eye and leave directly."

"Take the token and find a market to sell it."

Yang Qiming thought over and over again, and decided to activate the token and go to Lie Yangzong.The opportunity is rare, every adventure in the cell world can make his strength much stronger.

Anyway, the cells can be reopened after they die, so what are you afraid of?

After another month of practice, Yang Qiming's genetic perfection has finally increased to [-]%.

He took out a three-star intermediate blood energy pill that cost 30 yuan to swallow and refine, and began to practice.

The energy melted in the abdomen and was greedily absorbed by the cells.The source force absorbed is from the source seed to the cells of the whole body, which promotes the formation of new genes and strengthens the source seed itself.

The source energy absorbed by the "breathing method" alone was not enough, so Yang Qiming drank several bottles of source water worth tens of thousands.This is a replenishment liquid made of origin stone powder, which contains abundant origin energy.

With the continuous accumulation of source energy at the source seed, Yang Qiming's source seed seems to have increased a bit.

And his cells are completely new.

"The third rank of general!" Yang Qiming successfully reached the third rank of general!
At this time, the group stage of the National College Student Martial Arts Competition was coming to an end.

The Jiangnan University delegation consisted of 50 people, 46 were eliminated, and only four entered the top [-]!

They are Yang Qiming, Chen Qiuyue, Qin Ningshuang, and Zuo Bin, a junior from the Martial Arts Academy.

Zuo Bin is also the vice president of the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club and Lin Hu's classmate. He did not participate in the competition last year due to an injury. This year he competed with the strength of a military general of the third rank, and he easily qualified for the group stage.

"Students!" the host announced, "Since then, the group stage of the National University Martial Arts Competition has come to a successful conclusion. Congratulations to our top [-] contestants!"

"Next month, we will decide the top 100 and the top eight from these [-] people! Enter the finals in the last month! We will also welcome stronger referees and commentators, so stay tuned!"


In Jiangnan University, dean Deng Yuze and team leader Qu Xiong were talking to the four candidates.

Deng Yuze said: "The situation of Jiangnan University this year is not optimistic. At least seven or eight people from other martial arts universities have entered the top [-], and our number is only half of theirs!"

"So try your best to get good grades. This is not only related to your personal honors and rewards, but also related to the supply of resources to the school from the Bishop's Office!"

"Yes!" Qu Xiong said, "There are other universities, and they are also eyeing the position of Martial Arts University! Facing you, their students will definitely go all out, everyone be mentally prepared!"

"En." Everyone nodded.

After the meeting, Chen Qiuyue said that she would invite everyone to eat hot pot.

"Qin Ningshuang, should you have something else to do?" Chen Qiuyue asked deliberately, Qin Ningshuang usually did not participate in activities with her.

Qin Ningshuang knew that she wanted to distract herself, she glanced at Yang Qiming, and said uncharacteristically: "I just happen to be fine today."

Chen Qiuyue secretly thought it was bad luck, but she still said, "Then let's go together."

In the hot pot restaurant, four people sat in a private room.It is said to be eating hot pot, but in fact it is to discuss tactics and how to deal with the next game.

"I just watched the grouping!" Chen Qiuyue said, "100 people, divided into eight groups according to the previous points, each group will select two people to enter the quarterfinals. The rest will compete for the top twenty."

"In my group, I should have no problem qualifying."

"I'm fine too!" Qin Ningshuang said immediately.

"I think it's okay for me to qualify." After Yang Qiming finished speaking, the three of them looked at Zuo Bin together.

Zuo Bin suddenly felt the pressure, and said: "I am also a third-rank military general. If I fight hard, I should be able to enter the top eight, right?"

"You don't care." Chen Qiuyue said, "The main thing is to help the junior analyze the opponent!"

Zuo Bin: "..."

He finally understood that he was here to make up the numbers for today's meal.

Even Qin Ningshuang, who has always been "less talkative", began to analyze seriously, saying: "After Yang Qiming qualify, the opponents he will face are basically the favorites to win the championship."

"Yes, there are four of them!" Chen Qiuyue said, "Lu Yongge from Shanhai University, Zhao Jie from Pearl University, Zhang Haoyang from Pingyuan University, and..."

She looked at Qin Ningshuang and said, "Qin Ningshuang!"

"You seem to have forgotten yourself." Qin Ningshuang said coldly.

"Me?" Chen Qiuyue snorted softly, "I've done the calculations. Although my realm is a little higher than Yang Qiming's now, he only uses martial arts or spiritual power, so he should not be my opponent. But he needs martial arts and spiritual power. Combined, I can't beat him!"

"And I plan to teach him several Tai Chi martial arts skills and let him fight Zhang Haoyang. When he gets familiar with these moves, I will not be his opponent."

Qin Ningshuang stared at Chen Qiuyue with beautiful eyes, she realized that Chen Qiuyue seemed to be a little too nice to Yang Qiming.

Chen Qiuyue looked at her not to be outdone, and where their eyes met, it seemed that thousands of troops were fighting!

"Ahem." Yang Qiming said, "What about Zhao Jie and Lu Yongge?"

"I'm not familiar with Zhao Jie." Chen Qiuyue said, "I've watched his match videos, he should be used to punching, his style of punching is fierce, he's used to dropping ten times with one force, disrupting the opponent's rhythm with strength, and then winning with one punch! This is very similar to Yang Qiming's previous style of play!"

"As for Zhao Jie's realm, he should be a Tier [-] general!"

"Lu Yongge is good at using swords!" Qin Ningshuang said, "He is a fifth-rank general! And his moves are all killer moves, because the old man of the Lu family practiced them on the battlefield, and the sword moves he comprehend are not for gorgeousness, but for killing! If If you are suppressed by him in terms of momentum and moves, it will be very difficult to win!"

"Fifth level! My God!" Zuo Bin exclaimed, "His genetic perfection should be full, right? Who can beat him?"

Qin Ningshuang said: "So if Yang Qiming wants to defeat these people, in the finals, he must reach at least Tier [-] generals, and possess powerful martial skills or spiritual skills!"

She said to Yang Qiming seriously: "During this time, you can find me to practice with you."

"Okay!" Yang Qiming agreed straight away.

"Me too!" Chen Qiuyue said.

"I..." Zuo Bin was about to speak, but seeing the two women looking at him carefully, he had no choice but to change his words: "I'm eating!"


For Yang Qiming, the top [-] points match is still within control, and the opponents he encounters are getting stronger and stronger.

During this period, after Yang Qiming finished every game, Qin Ningshuang and Chen Qiuyue would help him "review" and summarize mistakes and errors.

At the same time, they also served as Yang Qiming's training partner for free, helping Yang Qiming improve his strength.

"Zhang Haoyang's strongest skill is lightning. He can carve spells with mental power and condense thunder and lightning. You are definitely not his opponent with spells like evil spirits." Chen Qiuyue brought her brother Chen Yiwen to the Jiangnan Mansion Tai Chi Martial Arts Hall and said : "My brother is also proficient in this skill, let him teach you."

"Hello." Yang Qiming looked at the man in front of him. He looked very young, wearing a pure white martial arts uniform, and his gestures were calm.

"Hello." Chen Yiwen said, "Yang Qiming, I have known you for a long time. Qiuyue has been talking about you, saying that you are the strongest this year!"

"Brother, do you think it's okay to do business?" Chen Qiuyue said dissatisfied.

"Okay, now I'll tell you about incantations." Chen Yiwen introduced, "As you know, the Tai Chi Martial Art Museum not only has Tai Chi, but also various folk schools of martial arts. What Zhang Haoyang is good at is actually called five-element incantations. "

"It's easy to restrain him. You should know that the five elements generate and restrain each other. Your mental strength and concentration are not weaker than him. The reason why you lost to him is that your mental skills are too single. You only need to learn some restraining mental skills."

Chen Yiwen turned on the smart watch, and hundreds of mental skills were projected.

""Yimu Shield", "Gengjin Sword", "Sunflower Curse", "Binghuoyang Thunder Curse", "Wutu Puppet"..."

"These are only the core students of the Taiji Martial Arts Academy to learn and practice. Well, if you want to learn, I can adjust you to be a core student." Chen Yiwen said.

Yang Qiming was really moved. With so many spiritual skills, many stars are not low.Put it outside, and you can't buy it with money.

He worried: "But I have already joined the Jiangnan Budokan."

"It doesn't matter!" Chen Yiwen said immediately, "It doesn't matter if you add as many martial arts gyms as you want, we don't pay attention to these. Many students of Tai Chi martial arts hall go to other martial arts halls to study."

"In this day and age, it's not a martial arts world, fighting with each other. Everyone's practice is to resist alien beasts and protect human beings, don't you think so?"

"It makes sense." Yang Qiming nodded.

"You only need to pay an annual fee of 1 yuan, and that's it." Chen Yiwen had prepared it long ago, and he also specially said: "From now on, the core members of the Tai Chi Martial Arts Academy will be regarded as brothers and sisters of each other."

"Same generation as me!" Chen Qiuyue said, "I will be your senior sister by then!"

"It's junior sister!" Chen Yiwen emphasized, "Yang Qiming's ID card date is one month older than you. You were directly recommended to Martial Arts University because of your sophomore year, so you are only one year older than him."

"???" Chen Qiuyue looked confused.

Her mind quickly came to her senses, and she said, "This should be counted according to the order of entry, I'm still a senior sister!"

After Yang Qiming paid the membership fee, he became a student of the Tai Chi Martial Arts Academy.Immediately afterwards, he obtained the status of a core disciple.

"Okay, now you can use points to exchange or buy these skills to learn, not only mental skills, but also martial skills." Chen Yiwen said.

"I'll give it to you directly! I have a lot of points!" Chen Qiuyue said immediately, she gave Yang Qiming two books on spiritual skills and one book on martial skills, and said: "First, I have learned a lot in a short period of time. Not that much energy."

Yang Qiming took a look. They were the three-star intermediate "Sunflower Curse" and "Yimu Shield", and the three-star advanced martial art "Baguazhang".

"Thank you, senpai."

Yang Qiming started to study immediately, while Chen Yiwen and Chen Qiuyue watched and gave instructions.

Yang Qiming discovered that after he learned these martial arts, he could not only communicate with himself, but also practice in his corresponding cells.

For example, Xiaoyuan, a nerve cell, can practice "Kuishui Mantra" and "Yimu Shield", and Xiaoqiang, a cardiomyocyte, can practice "Baguazhang".


"It's probably too late for him to start practicing now." After Yang Qiming left, Chen Yiwen commented, "Zhang Haoyang is indeed the most genius of our generation. His mastery of spiritual skills is beyond my reach at his level."

"That's for sure!" Chen Qiuyue said, "I don't think Zhang Haoyang may be able to beat Yang Qiming behind him. Before Yang Qiming used his restrained mental skills to force him out of his tricks. Now that he has learned these, he will definitely win."

"You are looking at people with a beauty filter." Chen Yiwen criticized, "No matter how talented and hard-working a person is, he has to go through a process of cultivation, right? In a month, he can directly achieve great spiritual skills?"

"Then what should he do if he did it?" Chen Qiuyue objected.

"If he can do it, I'll call you brother from now on!" Chen Yiwen said.

"Okay, it's recording!" Chen Qiuyue pressed the recording button with a smile.


In Yuan Universe, Yang Qiming was practicing against Qin Ningshuang.

"Ice and fire phoenix!" Qin Ningshuang fused ice and fire into a phoenix form, and called Yang Qiming.

"Sonic Boom!" Yang Qiming launched a supersonic attack, blasting the Ice Fire Phoenix into pieces.He thought the attack was successful, but who knew that the flames and ice cubes that fell would condense into shape again behind him, turning into countless hidden weapons to attack!

"You can actually control the mental power in fragments!" Yang Qiming exclaimed, "Ningshuang, your strength has grown again!"

"I'm also practicing hard!" Qin Ningshuang said with a proud expression.

After returning from the wilderness area, her realm has been promoted to the third-tier military general, with a genetic perfection of 90.00%, which is not far from the fourth-tier.

This kind of improvement speed is enough to make ordinary source warriors unmatched.

Yang Qiming used his mental strength to shake off the flames and frost on his body, and fought her several times until both sides felt exhausted.

Although they are fighting in the metaverse, they are also consuming mental and physical strength.

"Huh~" Qin Ningshuang was sitting next to Yang Qiming. She was taking a deep breath, her chest and abdomen were rising and falling, her complexion was rosy, and the fragrant sweat was flowing down her hair and slipping from her white swan neck.

Yang Qiming hugged her and kissed her.

"You..." Qin Ningshuang's body froze at first, but then softened quickly.

After a long time, his lips parted, and Yang Qiming regretted, "It would be nice if it was like this in reality."

Qin Ningshuang blushed, and said, "Then you still have a lot to do, at least you must defeat Lu Yongge, and then finish the work of the Jiangnan Mansion of the Investigation Bureau."

"I'll take care of them!" Yang Qiming teased, "I'll announce to the public that Qin Ningshuang is my girlfriend, and I'll definitely scare those people out of school!"

"What about Chen Qiuyue?" Qin Ningshuang asked suddenly, "Your sister Qiuyue treats you so well that even I envy you!"

"This..." Yang Qiming said, "It's friends who help each other."

Qin Ningshuang said with a look of disbelief, "I don't care, if you want to be in two boats, I'll dump you first, and then I'll fight with Chen Qiuyue!"

Yang Qiming: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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