Chapter 89 Suspected Explosion (8600)

A few days later, Yang Qiming went to class, the genetic analysis course.

When he came outside the teaching building, he saw a group of students marching and protesting. They held up propaganda slogans, which read: "The scum of Kyushu has done it!"

"The big fool once did it, let him strike!"

"The devil creator, Zeng Gan, get out of Jiangnan University!"

Han Zihao took the lead and shouted: "Let Zeng Gan get out of Jiangnan University!"

"Fire Zeng Gan, he is not worthy to be our teacher!"

"There is no gene awakening potion in Kyushu so far, it's the fault of Zeng!"

"Fire Zenggan!" These people shouted loudly, and they stood in front of the classroom.

Some students went to class and were stopped by them: "Don't you know that Zeng Gan created a demon decades ago and screwed up the research on gene awakening potions? Take his class, you are all traitors from Kyushu!"

Scared by them, these students who originally wanted to attend the class had to leave.

"Whoever takes the class that Zeng did will have trouble with our Renyi Martial Arts Club!" Han Zihao threatened.

After hearing his words, the students dared not go over.

Yang Qiming walked straight over, and these people all looked at him.

"Boss, do you want to stop him?" The people around asked Han Zihao.

"You are stupid, do you want to be beaten?" Han Zihao scolded.

"In no mood!"

"Then pretend you didn't see it." Han Zihao said in a low voice. He put away the flag and looked around as if he didn't see Yang Qiming.

Yang Qiming walked directly among them and said, "Get out of here, don't make noise here!"

"You!" Han Zihao pointed at him, wanted to scold him a few words, but thought he might be beaten, so he said: "You wait."

He led the people away, and continued to shout.

"Who the hell dares to take the class that Zeng did?" Han Zihao kicked a student away who was about to attend the class.

"What did you say?" A cold voice came to his ears, Han Zihao looked up, it was Qin Ningshuang, she never missed every class she had done.

"It's nothing!" Han Zihao smiled awkwardly, he couldn't afford to mess with this aunt.

"Liu Xueyi asked you to come?" Qin Ningshuang asked.

"Uh, this, we organized it spontaneously." Of course, Han Zihao couldn't say it was Liu Xueyi.

Qin Ningshuang also understood that these guys openly marched and claimed to expel an old professor. Except for Liu Xueyi's instruction, who in this school is so courageous?

"When I'm in class, I don't want to hear you arguing here!" Qin Ningshuang said.

"Yes, yes, brothers are also tired, let's rest for a while." Han Zihao called the others to rest.

"Brother Hao, why does Qin Ningshuang have trouble with us? Isn't she our vice president?" A member asked.

"I don't know either." Han Zihao said, "I heard that the president doesn't let her participate in our actions very much, probably because of her identity. After all, she is the granddaughter of Zhen Guo Martial God, and she is a real rich lady! "

"If we can not provoke, it is better not to provoke."


"That old fellow Zeng Gan is here! Brothers, hold up the signs!" Han Zihao shouted.

These members of the Renyi Martial Arts Club put up slogans against Zeng Gan and placed them on both sides of the road.

Zeng Gan watched while walking, but there was no trace of sadness or joy on his face.

After walking past the last sign, he suddenly turned his head and said, "You guys missed one article. I also brought up the doomsday theory. I will add it next time."

"Ah?" Several people were taken aback, they thought Zeng Gan would be angry, but they didn't expect the other party to be so calm.

Seeing this, Zeng Gan laughed and walked into the classroom.

In the classroom, there were only a few people, Yang Qiming, Qin Ningshuang, Chen Qiuyue, and some members of Tai Chi Martial Arts Club and Jiangnan Martial Arts Club.

They came to the class because they really found the genetic knowledge taught by Zeng Gan useful.

"Professor, do you want me to drive them away?" Yang Qiming pointed to the people outside and asked.

"No need, let them toss it!" Zeng Gan said, "I'm used to it."

"Thirty years ago, the people who protested and boycotted me were much more vicious than they were!"

"Let's keep going!"

Zeng Gan started to give a lecture, and Yang Qiming and Qin Ningshuang communicated with each other with spiritual power while attending class.

"Have you reached the fifth level?" Qin Ningshuang said in surprise, "It's so fast!"

"The effect of the genetic enhancement potion!" Yang Qiming said, "It's really easy to use."

"That's right! Your genetic perfection is already high." Qin Ningshuang said, "Have you read the mission sent to you by the Investigation Bureau?"

"Well, why did the Investigation Bureau start to care about Longxing Technology?" Yang Qiming asked.

"Because of the sanctions imposed by the genetic medicine!" Qin Ningshuang said, "You don't know that every year the World Coalition Government distributes a certain amount of genetic awakening medicines and strengthening medicines to various forces, but this year the share given to us in Kyushu has been reduced by half!"

"This means that the number of fighters we can train will also decrease! They did this on purpose! The research and development and production technology of genetic medicines are completely in the hands of the Blue Star Technology Group of the Lighthouse Alliance!"

"With this bargaining chip, we have to give a large amount of resources obtained by frontline fighters to Blue Star Technology every year in exchange for these genetic medicines."

"Well, I also know something about it." Yang Qiming said, it was not the first time he had heard about the Gene Awakening Potion.

Since the Majin incident at the Gene Research Institute, in the past 30 years, Kyushu has not developed a gene awakening medicine, and there are only some inferior and low-quality gene strengthening medicines.

These two important resources for cultivating source warriors are still monopolized by the Lighthouse Alliance!

"Tianzhou Group has inherited the technology from the original Institute of Genetics and the Academy of Sciences of the Old Era. After the demon incident, all relevant research materials have been given to Tianzhou Group." Qin Ningshuang said, "The command originally thought that Tianzhou Group would soon develop A gene awakening potion."

"But in fact, after 30 years, Tianzhou Group has not produced any results! Whether it is genetic medicine or source energy technology weapons, they all rely on imports or purchase parts from the Lighthouse Alliance for assembly!"

"If you want to break the monopoly of genetic medicine and train more original warriors, you must rely on other technology companies. Longxing Technology is the company that the headquarters is very concerned about now. Their technology is completely independent research and development! So there is a problem with their factory , The headquarters is also very concerned, and ordered the investigation agency to investigate clearly."

"Tianzhou Group, it's really disgusting!" When Yang Qiming was studying in the past, he was influenced by the media and thought that Tianzhou Group was very great, and it was the number one technology company in Kyushu.

But now he knows that Tianzhou Group's business is indeed large, but most of its profits have gone into the hands of the companies of the Lighthouse Alliance.

And the Tianzhou Group, which has been profitable for 30 years, did not spend much money to develop genetic medicine and energy technology weapons, which completely failed the trust of the people of Kyushu!

"The founder and chairman of Tianzhou Group is Liu Xueyi's father, Liu Tianzhou." Qin Ningshuang continued, "He is also the son of Dragon Spear Valkyrie!"

"So even though there have been a lot of controversies about Tianzhou Group these years, it is still the leading technology company in Kyushu!"

"This Liu Xueyi's family, relying on the shadow of their predecessors, does some rotten things!" Yang Qiming scolded.

"In short, the meaning of the Investigation Bureau is to ask you to investigate and see what problems Longxing Technology has encountered. If it is related to the underground forces in Jiangnan Mansion, we will solve it together." Qin Ningshuang said, "My side also I will give you as much information as possible."

"Okay, it's on me!" Yang Qiming responded.

After class, Yang Qiming took the initiative to say hello to Zeng Gan.

"Professor Zeng, I still have some questions." Yang Qiming said.

"What's the problem?" Zeng Gan asked.

"A lot, including some knowledge about genetics and energy technology. I also want to ask you and my wife some advice." Yang Qiming said, "When do you want to find some time?"

"Okay!" Zeng Gan agreed, and said, "The day after tomorrow, you come to my house for dinner the day after tomorrow, do you know where I live?"

"I know! It's in Jiangnan University!" Yang Qiming nodded.


Jiangnan University, in the principal's office.

"Principal, the students have a lot of opinions on Zeng Gan recently!" Vice-principal Zhang Yun put a bunch of complaint letters on Deng Yuze's desk, "They think that Zeng Gan used to waste the country's resources and create disasters for demons, What kind of doomsday fallacies are being proposed now! This kind of person should be fired from the teaching staff!"

"Principal Zhang thinks so too?" Deng Yuze asked tentatively, calmly.

Zhang Yun sat on the sofa gracefully, and said: "Jiangnan University has been very popular in the past two years, and the outside world is also very optimistic. I think it is time to clean up some moths in some teachers. No student wants to take his class."

"I think so too," said the Deputy Superintendent Shan Yongchun. "Not only in the school, but also in society, Zeng Gan has great opinions! A person who has caused such great harm to our genetic research cause should not stay on campus. Isn’t that misleading students if you continue to teach them?”

Hearing what they said, Deng Yuze snorted coldly and said, "Do I still need some idlers to gossip about how I teach at Jiangnan University?"

"As for Professor Zeng Gan, I strongly recommended him to teach at Jiangnan University!"

"His previous behavior was certainly wrong, and he paid the price. But we cannot deny his knowledge! His genetic knowledge is still second to none in the world!"

"The mission of Jiangnan University is to be open to all rivers, and tolerance is great! Even a professor can't tolerate it, so why talk about being inclusive?"

Deng Yuze scolded them, and both of them were very dissatisfied, but they didn't refute.

After leaving the principal's office, Zhang Yun snorted coldly: "This Deng Yuze, it looks like he's going to kill Baozeng!"

"He speaks so much tougher!" Shan Yongchun said, "Yang Qiming first won the first prize in the martial arts examination, and then became the rookie king, disrupting all our plans in the school club. Now he won the national championship again, which made Deng Yuze Show off the limelight with the head teacher. Now he has completely grasped the right to speak in Jiangnan University!"

"If we want to do some moves, it will be very difficult in the future!"

"Does he think it's useful to keep Zeng Gan at Jiangnan University?" Zhang Yun disdainfully said, "Zeng Gan is just a useless old man! We have many ways to deal with Longxing Technology!"

"Longxing Technology..." Shan Yongchun said, "I remembered that Longxing Technology was already in trouble. It just got a patent for a source energy amplifier from Yang Qiming, which is huge in the low-end source energy weapon market. It got hot."

"What kind of monster is this Yang Qiming you are talking about? Why is he proficient in both martial arts and mechanics, so he is really the Almighty King?"

"What bullshit Almighty King!" Zhang Yun didn't believe it at all, "That's because he didn't meet my eldest son, otherwise he wouldn't have a chance to stand out? As for the source energy amplifier, I think it was designed by Peng Yi and borrowed from Yang Qiming. It was given to Longxing Technology."

"Peng Yi, he was a good friend of Zeng Shi decades ago! Although the two haven't met after that incident, I think these two guys must still be in touch!"

"It's true, even if a brat has some talent in martial arts, can he also be proficient in origin energy technology?" Shan Yongchun deeply agreed.


Two days later, Yang Qiming came to the staff quarters of Jiangnan University, where Zeng Gan lived.

He has an independent small building, which was donated by Longxing Technology to Jiangnan University and allocated to Zeng Qian to live in.

When Yang Qiming arrived, both Zeng Gan and Qiu Suwen were there.

"Professor, teacher's wife!" Yang Qiming greeted them.

Zeng Gan was reading a paper book, while Qiu Suwen was cooking in a kitchen skirt.

Seeing Yang Qiming's arrival, Zeng Gan smiled and said, "She said you were coming, but your teacher came here on purpose and asked me to buy some exotic animal meat to make for you to taste!"

Qiu Suwen smiled and said: "Xiao Yang is a warrior, eating our ordinary food can't fill his stomach at all."

"You're too polite, I'm ashamed!" Yang Qiming said, picked up a piece of braised different animal meat on the table with chopsticks and ate it, and praised: "It's so delicious, better than my mother's cooking!"

"You kid, you don't have any embarrassment at all!" Zeng Gan said with a smile.

"As long as you like it! The dishes are ready, and we'll be waiting for you!" Qiu Suwen and Zeng Gan brought out all the food in the kitchen, filled the table, and chatted with Yang Qiming while eating.

After chatting about a few academic issues, Yang Qiming asked, "Professor, what happened to those students? Why did they target you in school?"

Mentioning this, Zeng Gan looked helpless and said: "I don't know who is bringing up the previous demon incident on the Internet, and some scholars come out and accuse me that my doomsday theory is alarmist. Instigated by..."

"It's okay, I'm used to it! Decades ago, those who scolded me were even crazier, and some even burned my house down!"

He said it easily, but Yang Qiming could imagine the anger of people when the gene awakening drug research project that carried the hopes of the whole country failed.

When Yang Qiming checked the information, it was recorded that the angry crowd set Zeng Gan's house on fire and even dug up his family's ancestral grave!He was denounced by thousands of people and spurned by thousands of people!

The pressure he was under at that time could definitely drive a person crazy!On that day, Zeng worked overnight.

"This is for Longxing Technology!" Qiu Suwen was very angry, and said: "They deliberately attacked you, and at the same time hyped up your relationship with me, and launched a campaign to boycott Longxing Technology! It is clearly a malicious attack!"

"Who is it?" Yang Qiming asked.

"We don't know about this." Qiu Su asked, "There are too many people who want Longxing Technology to die. Our competitors, traitors from Kyushu, and foreign forces, who don't want Longxing Technology to go bankrupt?"

"Where's Tianzhou Group?" Yang Qiming said suddenly.

"Tianzhou Group?" Hearing this name, both couples were very disdainful.

Qiu Suwen said: "Tianzhou Group has made a lot of money for the Beacon Alliance these years. How can those people be willing to let it collapse? The media is praising it every day!"

"Master." Yang Qiming said, "I heard from a friend that your genetic factory in Nantian District may have been vandalized maliciously. I used to live there too!"

"That friend of yours is not simple, is it?" Qiu Su asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Yang Qiming didn't deny it, and said, "She does know a lot of secrets, and she really hopes that Longxing Technology can develop better."

"I believe you on this point!" Qiu Suwen said, "Your source energy booster can be said to bring our Longxing Technology back to life!"

"After the explosion, the enemies behind the scenes began to discredit us again. If the appearance of this source energy booster allowed us to quickly seize the low-end source energy technology weapon market, maybe Longxing Technology has gone bankrupt today!"

"That's a good relationship." Yang Qiming said with a smile.

"Hey, have you made any new inventions recently?" Qiu Su asked curiously.

"He has been practicing recently and is busy playing games!" Zeng Gan said, "How can I have so much time to study?"

"That's true." Qiu Su asked and nodded.

Now that they have gained their trust, Yang Qiming asked directly, "Professor, Mrs. Ma, are you still researching the gene awakening potion?"

When this sensitive topic was mentioned, the two glanced at each other, and Zeng Gan nodded slightly.

Qiu Suwen said: "Of course! This is one of the goals of Longxing Technology!"

Zeng Gan sighed and said: "After my research failed, your teacher's wife was unwilling to let me sink, so she founded Longxing Technology. Over the years, we have always wanted to develop a gene awakening medicine!"

"Without the Gene Awakening Potion, we cannot have more Gene Warriors, and we cannot protect our family and our country! Over the years, how much loss have we suffered because of this incident!"

Zeng Gan was heartbroken, "Some people say that this is alien technology, and it is impossible for us to develop it! This is simply nonsense. We were very close back then! It's just... hey."

He didn't continue, but his eyes were full of regret and loneliness.

Qiu Suwen continued: "I can tell you that our factory in Nantian District has a Gene Awakening Drug Research Laboratory. I also know that someone deliberately caused the explosion, because the place where the explosion happened was in the Gene Awakening Drug Research Laboratory. In the room, such a coincidence is impossible!"

"It's so despicable, the death penalty is considered light for those who do this kind of thing!" Yang Qiming gritted his teeth.

He knew the importance of this thing too well. He bet on his own and his family's fate for a gene awakening potion!

And because of this thing, Lei Hao's parents also died tragically!

There are also countless people who can change their fate and become genetic warriors with only one gene awakening potion.If these people joined the camp to protect Kyushu, would Jiangnan Mansion and other mansions still be harassed by alien beasts every year, and many innocent people would die?

"It's too difficult to accomplish this." Zeng Gan sighed.

"Then do you have any clues about the attacker?" Yang Qiming asked.

Qiu Suwen did not answer directly, but said: "Xiao Yang, if you want to know more, you can come to our Longxing Technology for a visit. You are also a shareholder of our Longxing Technology now!"

"Okay." Yang Qiming had exactly that intention.

"Then tomorrow!" Qiu Su asked.


The next day, Yang Qiming got ready and got into Qiu Suwen's president's car, a high-tech energy-driven car that not only has magnetic levitation, but also bulletproof, explosion-proof, and has flying functions.

Taking a speeding car, they soon arrived at the headquarters of Longxing Technology in Jiangnan Prefecture.

It is located in the science and technology park in the inner city, and the headquarters of Longxing Technology owns a building.

And not far away, there is an entire park that belongs to Tianzhou Group!

Qiu Suwen's Yuanneng speed car parked directly on the parking (aircraft) pad at the top of the building, and then took the elevator to directly enter the inside of the building.

"Let me take you to the technical department first. Our technicians are very interested in you and have a lot of things they want to ask you for advice." Qiu Su asked.

"Okay." Yang Qiming had no objection.

Longxing Technology, Technology Department.

"President Qiu!"

"Hello, Mr. Qiu." Seeing Qiu Su asked, the people in the department greeted one after another, and at the same time looked at Yang Qiming strangely. Who is this young man brought by Mr. Qiu?

"President Qiu." A middle-aged man with thinning hair and wearing blue overalls came over and greeted Qiu Suwen.

Qiu Suwen smiled at him, and then introduced to Yang Qiming: "Xiao Yang, let me introduce you, this is the Chief Technology Officer of our Longxing Technology, Mr. Duanmukang."

"Hello. I'm Yang Qiming." Yang Qiming introduced himself.

"I know!" Duanmu Kang was sizing up Yang Qiming just now, and when he saw Yang Qiming, he smiled and said, "The design of the source energy amplifier is your handwriting. I heard that you recently won the championship of the National College Student Martial Arts Competition. Congratulations!" ah!"

"It's all luck." Yang Qiming said modestly.

"It's not as simple as luck!" Duanmukang was very enthusiastic towards him, and said, "Yang Qiming, you don't know, but we are actually brothers!"

"Ah?" Yang Qiming looked at him suspiciously.

Duanmu Kang said with a smile: "I am the first batch of students of Professor Zeng, so I can be regarded as your senior brother."

"So that's the case, brother." Yang Qiming remembered that Qiu Suwen was also a student of Zeng Gan before. It seems that Professor Zeng was quite attractive when he was young, and both students were willing to support him.

"Come, come, let me show you around our technical department!" Duanmu Kang greeted him.

"Then Xiao Yang, you stay here for a while, I still have something to deal with." Qiu Suwen said.

"Well, you should be busy first." Yang Qiming responded.

In the technical department, Duanmu Kang took Yang Qiming to visit various departments.

"This is the R&D department of Yuanneng melee weapons, mainly cold weapons made of new materials."

"There are also long-range weapons, most of which are hot weapons. Before the strength of the original warrior has not reached the level of Martial King or Martial God, the power of hot weapons is often much stronger than that of cold weapons!"

"The relevant departments of genetic research are on the lower floor..."

When Duanmukang took Yang Qiming to visit, the researchers here also looked at him curiously.I heard that he is the designer of the source energy amplifier, and many people still discuss it with him.

After a short exchange, everyone was sure that Yang Qiming had a lot of knowledge in Yuanneng machinery.For them, whether they really understand or pretend to understand, they can figure it out in a few words!
"The one-star energy booster you designed last time really helped us a lot!" Duanmu Kang said with emotion, "Now we have a complete advantage in the market for one-star energy weapons!"

Don't look at the low star rating of this weapon, but the sales are good!

Just like top speed cars and mechs, they are expensive, how much can they sell in a year?Often the cheapest weapons sell the most!
"I've always wanted to apply this idea of ​​increasing energy to higher-level energy weapons, but I failed several times." Duanmukang said, "Yang Qiming, do you think higher-level energy weapons can also achieve A higher increase?"

"Of course!" Yang Qiming affirmed, "but the design of the booster needs to be modified. Because more advanced source energy weapons mean that they have to withstand larger source energy amplitudes and faster vibration frequencies, the original structure will quickly collapse……"

"I think so too!" The two have already started discussing how to design a more advanced source energy amplifier.

The knowledge Xiaobai had learned was enough to make Yang Qiming a theoretical master.

They were chatting vigorously, a female secretary came over and said to Duanmu Kang: "Mr. Duanmu, President Qiu invites you to come over, there is something wrong with the negotiation."

"What's going on?" Duanmu Kang frowned and asked, "They won't postpone it?"

The female secretary glanced at Yang Qiming, Duanmukang said: "It's okay, you said, Yang Qiming is also a shareholder of our company, he has the right to know."

The female secretary nodded and said: "Blue Star Technology has requested to increase the price of the energy battery by 30.00%, and ask us to provide relevant product information to ensure that they can safely design the energy battery."

Hearing his words, Duanmukang was furious, and said, "His grandma's, what's the condition? Why don't they grab it?"

The female secretary also looked helpless, and said: "Now they are bitten to death and refuse to let go. If we refuse, they will stop cooperating with us."

Hearing this, Duanmu Kang gritted his teeth and said, "Go, take me there!"

Although Yang Qiming didn't know what happened, it didn't look like a good thing.

Duanmukang looked at Yang Qiming, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Yang Qiming, you can come too. Let me show you why Longxing Technology insists on independent research and development!"

The female secretary took them to the meeting room. On the way, Duanmu Kang explained: "Most of the technologies discovered in the alien spaceships fell into the hands of the Lighthouse Alliance. So whether it is source energy technology or genetic technology, they are more advanced than us. advanced."

"In terms of genetic technology, everyone knows that gene awakening potions and gene strengthening potions are basically monopolized by them. And in terms of origin energy technology, there is also an important technology that is monopolized by them!"

"That is the source energy battery technology!"

The source energy battery, as the name implies, is a device used to supply energy to the source energy weapon.Its main fuel is the origin stone. Through the conversion device, the origin energy in the origin stone can be released and converted into electrical energy, thermal energy, mechanical energy, etc.

Its battery life and energy density are much higher than traditional chemical batteries, even comparable to nuclear fuel rods, and it has the characteristics of supplementing source energy, allowing source warriors to use source energy weapons when their own source energy is insufficient. This advantage makes The importance of source energy batteries even exceeds that of nuclear batteries!
Almost all source energy machines need source energy batteries!
It is the heart of Yuanneng Machinery!
"Aren't we active batteries?" Yang Qiming didn't know much about commercial matters, he asked.

"We do have them, but the conversion efficiency is too low." Duan Mukang said, "The most advanced energy battery in Kyushu currently has a conversion efficiency of less than [-]%!"

"This kind of conversion efficiency will cause insufficient energy supply to the source energy machinery, and it will cause a huge waste of resources. The source stone is a strategic resource, and it can only be mined in a very few places. If this conversion efficiency is commercialized, it is basically impossible to make a profit. It can be said!"

"And Bluestar Technology's source energy battery has a conversion efficiency of 40.00%4.5, which is [-] times that of ours! Now the source energy batteries used all over the world basically come from Bluestar Technology!"

"So that's the case." Yang Qiming immediately understood why Bluestar Technology asked for a price increase and asked them to provide technical information about their products.

The ace of active energy batteries is in their hands, and they have nothing to fear!
In the conference room, on both sides of the long table, two groups of people were fighting with each other.

Qiu Suwen frowned slightly, looked at the document in front of him, and said solemnly: "Mr. Smithen, your contract renewal conditions are too harsh!"

"All of our company's Yuanneng mechanical design plans are our commercial secrets, and it is impossible to hand them over to any third-party company or organization! In addition, according to our previous contract, the renewal fee for Yuanneng's battery should remain unchanged within ten years." Change, but you want to increase the price by 30.00%, which is against the spirit of the contract!"

For Longxing Technology, Bluestar Technology's conditions are simply outrageous, which is equivalent to your supplier suddenly asking you to hand over all your business secrets and operating profits to it!
This kind of behavior can be described in one word, that is - robbery!
Opposite her is a middle-aged bald white man with a smile on his face, confident and arrogant.

This is the president of Bluestar Technology Kyushu District, Steven Mark, the key figure in this negotiation of Bluestar Technology.

At the same time, he is also a direct member of the Mark family.

On the way to the conference room, Yang Qiming was quickly learning about the relevant background.

Bluestar Technology is recognized as the most powerful technology company on Bluestar, and it is also the "sharp blade" for the American League to target the world.

Its founder is called Robert Mark. He was an engineer who landed on Mars on behalf of humans and explored alien spacecraft. A mechanic!
And Robert Mark's wife Elena, who was a biologist in the Mars exploration team, obtained the genetic knowledge in the alien spacecraft and became the most knowledgeable geneticist in the new era, and developed the gene awakening medicine and Gene Enhancement Potion.

The combination of the two, together with the support of the Beacon Alliance, made Bluestar Technology a well-deserved giant in the world in one fell swoop!

"President Qiu misunderstood." Steven Mark declared, "We ask you to provide the design plan of the source energy machine purely for the design and use of the source energy battery. We can promise that we will not disclose any of your business information." confidential!"

Speaking of this, Qiu Suwen and several negotiators of Longxing Technology cursed secretly in their hearts, only ghosts would believe such words!
"In addition." Stevenson said, "We did guarantee that the price of energy batteries will not change within ten years, but there is a premise that our raw material costs will not change."

"As you all know, there are more and more exotic beasts in the world, and the mining of origin stone mines is becoming more and more difficult. The supply of raw materials is in short supply, and our costs have skyrocketed! This price increase is completely normal business behavior, and it is not aimed at your company. , Tianzhou Group has already agreed to the price increase plan!"

Naturally, Qiu Suwen would not believe these words.She said: "As far as I know, you recently discovered another source ore mine with abundant reserves under the Antarctic ice sheet. The supply of raw materials should not be a problem."

"That's all rumors." Stevenson directly denied, saying: "Even if there are abundant source energy mines under the Antarctic ice sheet, who in this world is capable of mining them?"

He refused to back down half a step!
At this time, Duanmukang and Yang Qiming had arrived.

The female secretary gently knocked on the door and reminded: "Mr. Qiu, Mr. Duanmu and Mr. Yang are here."

Duanmukang walked directly into the meeting room, Qiu Suwen stood up, and introduced to Smithen and others: "Everyone, Mr. Duanmukang is the CTO of our Longxing Technology, and Mr. Yang Qiming is our shareholder and technical consultant."

Beside Qiu Suwen, two senior executives of Longxing Technology stood up and nodded to them.There are a few others who are watching with cold eyes.

As for Stevenson and others, they looked at them contemptuously, disapproving.

(End of this chapter)

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