Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 93 Changling Army Town, Flesh Altar

Chapter 93 Changling Army Town, Flesh Altar (8600)

Not far away, a five-meter-high humanoid mecha was striding towards them!
This mech has a blue coating like the sea, and the steel-cast body glistens with metallic luster in the sun. It is slender like Chen Qiuyue. It carries a three-meter-long metal long sword on its back. The painting is also printed with the pattern of Tai Chi Yin Yang fish from Tai Chi Martial Art Museum. The pace is steady, like a successful swordsman, giving people a feeling of mechanical punk.

The mecha walked all the way behind Chen Qiuyue, and the neutral electronic voice responded: "Master, the Blue Moon is here to see you!"

"Wow, is this the origin energy mecha?" Seeing the Blue Moon, all the surrounding students exclaimed.

"Fuck, the president is amazing!" Several members of the Tai Chi Martial Arts Club immediately came over and looked up and down the Blue Moon, their eyes full of envy and amazement.

"So handsome, mecha swordsman!"

"Your mecha is so cool!" Zheng Tongtong couldn't help but came over and said to Chen Qiuyue.

"Hee hee." Chen Qiuyue proudly introduced: "This is my Tai Chi mecha, which belongs to the five-star intermediate energy mecha. I personally completed 50.00% of its design and assembly!"

"Amazing!" Yang Qiming couldn't help but go over to check. The source energy mecha is different from ordinary source energy weapons. Its firepower is much fiercer!
Even an ordinary person, driving an energy mech, can defeat warriors and generals!
Whether it is work, life, or battle, it is the best partner of a source warrior, or a mechanic. If there is a source weapon that is stronger and more convenient than a source mech, then there is only a more advanced source weapon. Armored!
"How much does this thing cost?" Zheng Tongtong asked.

"Not counting the design fee, the cost is 3000 million." Chen Qiuyue said lightly.

This sentence surprised everyone even more. It is well known that the design cost of this kind of thing is more expensive than the manufacturing cost!The cost alone is 3000 million. If you want to buy it, it is estimated that you will spend hundreds of millions!

"Senior sister is really a rich woman!" The students said with emotion.

"Can this weapon be used in this training camp?" Yang Qiming asked curiously.

"Of course!" Chen Qiuyue said, "The training camp is directly going to the dangerous area. As long as it is not a particularly exaggerated weapon, you can use it. Besides, I am a mechanic. Is there any problem with using my own mechanical weapon?"

"No problem." Yang Qiming nodded.

"Hee hee!" Chen Qiuyue clenched her fists tightly and said, "Where is Qin Ningshuang? This time, let her know that with Lan Yue here, I can completely abuse her!"

"Um, she won't participate in the training camp." Yang Qiming said.

"What?" Chen Qiuyue was quite dissatisfied. She finally had a chance to find her place again, but she was not there. "Is she afraid?"

"Relying on foreign objects is not the real source of martial arts!" At this time, an untimely voice sounded.

I saw Zhao Jie walking towards them, followed by two students from Pearl University like him.

"According to what you said, mechanics don't need to practice at all?" Chen Qiuyue retorted.

Zhao Jie didn't argue with her, but looked at Yang Qiming.He was defeated by Yang Qiming in the competition before, and it was a bit difficult to accept at the time, but in the past month or so, he has obviously adjusted.

"Yang Qiming, I will be stronger than you this time!" Zhao Jie said.

"Come on." Yang Qiming didn't sneer, Zhao Jie was taken aback by his response, and then he realized that Yang Qiming didn't regard him as an opponent at all.

"Damn it." Zhao Jie vowed in his heart that he would definitely let him see how powerful the real Zhao family warriors are.For more than a month, he reflected on himself, and began to learn the powerful martial arts passed down from his family, growing rapidly!
"Is it all here? Whose mecha is this? So handsome!" Soon, Luo Jian, Wantai and other qualified members arrived one by one.

"Qin Ningshuang asked for leave, why didn't Lu Yongge come this time?" Luo Jian asked everyone.

"The last time he lost to Yang Qiming, his Invincible Sword Intent was damaged. It is said that he has practiced in seclusion." An insider said.

Everyone went to the gathering point, and other students were forbidden to enter.

"Everyone, welcome to Jiangnan Martial Arts University." Deng Yuze appeared at the scene, and everyone hurriedly greeted: "Hello, Teacher Deng!"

Deng Yuze greeted everyone with a smile, and said: "Next, Luo Yuan, a special instructor from the Jiangnan Army, will be responsible for guiding you, and he will be in charge of this training camp."

"I hope you can study and practice diligently. The achievements in the martial arts competition are only the first insignificant first step on your road to martial arts. After that, you will represent our young warriors from Kyushu to compete with young warriors from all over the world. glory!"

Everyone is full of expectations, no matter the training camp or the competition with warriors from other countries, it will be full of challenges, and they are a group of people who love challenges and adventures!

After he finished speaking, four military trucks came from a distance.

Four cars stopped in front of everyone, the doors opened, and a heavily armed soldier got out of the car.They wear uniforms made by the army, with sabers on their waists, electromagnetic rifles in their hands, and bulging marching backpacks on their backs.

One of the leaders was wearing black tactical goggles. He walked up to Deng Yuze first. He took off the goggles, saluted him, and said, "Master Deng, the Wild Fox Squad, the special operations team of the Jiangnan Fufu Military Region, is here." check in!"

"Hello, Instructor Luo." Deng Yuze replied.

Everyone looked at this instructor Luo curiously, and Chen Qiuyue whispered to Yang Qiming: "This wild fox team is very famous. I heard that it has completed many dangerous missions."

"Instructor Luo, your strength has reached the level of a Martial King!"

"King Wu?" Hearing his words, everyone looked at Luo Yuan with more respect.

At the level of generals, he is already one in a hundred, and at the level of King Wu, he is already the backbone of the army!

This is second only to the realm of the God of War, a random king of martial arts has the strength comparable to a field company!They can even release their source power to let themselves fly in the air, which is the so-called flight!

"Instructor Luo, I will leave these children to you. I hope you can bring back a lot of them!" Deng Yuze confessed.

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!" Luo Yuan said loudly.

After handing over with Deng Yuze, Luo Yuan walked up to the crowd and said loudly, "Everyone be quiet!"

After everyone stopped discussing, Luo Yuan glanced over them sharply and said, "This training camp is in charge of me and our Wild Fox Special Operations Team. I have to make it clear that the training camp is in a dangerous area and we are performing dangerous missions."

"Injuries, even death, are things that may happen! So you must be mentally prepared. At that time, I will treat you as soldiers. Everyone must obey the command. If someone can't accept it, you can choose to quit now! "

His words did not frighten everyone. Those students who were able to break into the top [-] in the competition were not lacking in courage and perseverance.

"No one quit? Very good, it seems that you are not cowards!" Luo Yuan nodded, "Then, I will announce the content of this training camp!"

Everyone listened carefully, Luo Yuan turned on his brain, and projected a town inhabited by strange beasts.

He said: "You should all know about the abnormal gathering of alien beasts and the blocking of the Jiangnan Mansion's main traffic routes. It has been nearly seven months since the end of last year, and it still hasn't been completely resolved."

"The place we are going to this time is called Changling Army Town. It is a military town built by the government army in the original abandoned town, and it is also a transfer station for a major railway line outside Jiangnan Prefecture."

"Five months ago, Changling Army Town fell, and the Changling Railway was also interrupted. Our mission this time is to go to Changling Army Town, clean up the strange beasts there, and restore the Changling Railway Line! Do you understand?"

"Just a few of us, clean up the entire military town?" A student from Gaoyuan University said in surprise, "That's a whole military town, and there are at least tens of thousands of strange beasts, right?"

"According to information, there are about 5.00 alien beasts! And the level of beast generals accounts for about [-]%." ​​Luo Yuan's words made everyone dumbfounded.

Calculated from this, there must be two thousand beast general level beasts!

Even if these strange beasts stood still and let them kill them, they would be exhausted for several days, not to mention that they were extremely dangerous and had the cover of other strange beasts.

"Very good, this is challenging!" Zhao Jie was eager to try, "It's just used to improve my strength and connect with my newly learned martial arts!"

"Isn't it just [-] alien beasts?" Zhang Haoyang said pretendingly, "I have a lot of AOE skills, and I can kill a lot of them quickly! I'm sure I'll be the MVP!"

"This training camp sounds very interesting." Luo Jian, Zheng Tongtong, Wantai and others were full of fighting spirit.

"It's time for me to show my skills!" Yang Qiming has no motivation for ordinary training, but this time the training will directly require a real fight with real knives and guns, and he is in high spirits instead.

Seeing the state of the crowd, Luo Yuan secretly smiled. It wasn't the first year he had led the students for training. Before departure, everyone was full of ambition.

When they really fight against the alien beasts, facing the strange attacks of the alien beasts and the dangerous environment, many people will understand that the battle with the alien beasts has to pay the price of blood and life.At that time, it was too late for them to cry and beg for mercy!

"Okay, there are 18 of you in total." Luo Yuan said, "I will divide you into four groups and enter Changling Army Town from four directions: southeast, northwest, respectively. Each group will be assigned an instructor, and the instructor will only be responsible for teaching some Combat knowledge, not directly involved in combat."

"Let's start grouping."

"The first group, instructor, Jia Fu. Team leader, Yang Qiming. Team members: Chen Qiuyue, Zhang Wen, Wan Tai."

"The second group, instructor, Feng Taiping. Team leader, Zhang Haoyang. Team members: Luo Jian, Pan Qu, Liu Peng."

"The third group, instructor, Ling Min. Team leader, Zhao Jie. Team members: Ai Xiaoman, Cui Ziyi, Shi Wen, Tan Guanghua."

"The fourth group, instructor, Yu Chizhen. Team leader, Zheng Tongtong. Team members: Ji Yun, Wang Huichen, Wu Qinghai, He Yao."

The first two groups have only four members, but their personal strength is relatively strong, while the latter two groups have five members.

Every instructor has the strength of a ninth-rank general!This kind of strength is enough to provide them with command and protection in times of danger.

Luo Yuan, as the chief instructor, will observe the four groups at the same time and provide flexible support and command.

"Next, check the weapons and spare supplies. I'll make up for what's missing for you in 10 minutes. In 10 minutes, we'll set off for Changling Army Town on time!"

"Yes!" the crowd shouted.

Yang Qiming checked one side of the backpack, everything was there.The same is true for several team members. While there is still time, they first get to know each other.

Needless to say, Yang Qiming and Chen Qiuyue had a simple exchange with Wantai, only Zhang Wen was relatively unfamiliar.

Zhang Wen introduced himself: "My name is Zhang Wen, and I am now a Tier 13 military general, Yuan Wu Zhe. I come from Grassland University. I am good at close combat and shooting. I was No. [-] in the competition."

"Well." Yang Qiming shook hands with him and said, "We are teammates during this period of time. I hope everyone can cooperate well. The task is dangerous, and I hope that all of our team can successfully complete the training camp."

On the side, instructor Jia Fu said, "Except for necessary reminders, I will not interfere with your decisions. Yang Qiming, as the team leader, you also have to take on the task of commanding."

"En." Yang Qiming nodded, and he began to carefully read the map of Changling Army Town and other information available.

Three or ten minutes later, all the staff assembled, boarded a military truck, and headed for the Changling Army Town area.

In the car, Yang Qiming discussed the cleaning situation with the team members.

"Looking at the map, the structure of Changling Army Town is very neat, with four regions in the south, east, northwest, and the most central garrison base."

"In each area, in addition to a large number of strange beasts, there is also a powerful beast general sitting in command. High-level beast generals have a certain degree of wisdom. If we want to clean up the strange beasts there, we must not disturb the beast at the beginning. The beast general..." Yang Qiming pointed to the map.

"Then I can't use the Taiji Mecha at first." Chen Qiuyue said, "The movement is too loud, and it is easy to cause strange beasts to gather."

"Yes." Yang Qiming said, "Each kind of alien beast has different abilities, and this time we are not only going to clean up the alien beasts and open up the Changling railway line, but also to exercise our own abilities. Before the time of danger, everyone should not With those mighty weapons."

"It's natural." Wantai and Zhang Wen agreed.

When Jia Fu heard their conversation, he laughed inwardly. These people thought the mission was too simple.Cleaning up a military town requires at least a professional army to complete.Did they really think it was a vacation?

If it was him, there must be some way to come up with it earlier, and if one more beast is eliminated, the danger will be less!
Jia Fu didn't remind him either, he only provided the necessary protection, and how to complete the task needs to be explored by the students themselves.

On the highway cleaned and repaired by the army, their speed exceeded [-] mph. After driving for an hour, they came to the vicinity of Changling Army Town.

When they came around, there were already strange beasts infested here, and some harassed them on the road.

But before these strange beasts could get close, they were sniped by the instructor in the car with an electromagnetic rifle!

"The east entrance is here, a group of action!" In the communicator, the chief instructor Luo Yuan shouted.

"Received!" Yang Qiming shouted to everyone, "It's time for us to act!"

"Understood!" Wantai, who was in charge of driving, turned the steering wheel and turned the car directly into the town.

At the same time, Zhao Jie's voice came from the communicator: "Yang Qiming, let you wait for a while, our three groups will be the first to enter the central area!"

"It should be our second group!" Zhang Haoyang shouted.

"Partners, let's work hard!" Zheng Tongtong encouraged his teammates, who will soon enter the town from other directions.

Entering the town, Wantai handed over the truck to the instructor Jia Fu, and put some other supplies on the truck, such as Chen Qiuyue's Tai Chi mecha "Blue Moon", which was covered with a tarpaulin and placed on the truck.

Yang Qiming didn't carry his "flame dragon gauntlet" at the beginning, but started to act with a saber in his hand.

"First of all, check the surrounding environment and the situation of the alien beasts!" Wantai was more experienced than everyone else, because he was originally a soldier and entered the military academy with outstanding performance.

"I'll go to the front." Yang Qiming said, "Chen Qiuyue is on the left, Zhang Wen is on the right, and Wantai is on standby at any time, ready to support at any time, each detects a range of ten kilometers, and then reports the situation."

"Okay!" Several people acted separately.

Yang Qiming explored forward, concealing his breath, walking through the streets destroyed by strange beasts.

After walking a few steps, he could sense the breath of the strange beast.It doesn't take too much insight to ask the smell of the strange beast and hear the sound made by the strange beast when it moves.

"Sky Eye!" Yang Qiming's mental power radiated. When he was in the Yuan Universe, he couldn't use the Sky Eye, which greatly weakened his ability.

In the real world, Tianyan's mental probing can allow him to see all directions and listen to all directions!Even walk through walls and trees to find hidden dangers!
"A mutated dog of a fourth-tier beast soldier, a mutated python of a fifth-tier beast soldier, and a berserk rat of a sixth-tier beast soldier." Yang Qiming clearly "saw" the strange beasts around him.

These strange beasts didn't notice his arrival. As a fifth-tier general, it was not easy to deal with these strange beasts.

Yang Qiming's body turned into a phantom, and the mutated dog, mutated giant python, and violent giant rat were killed by him without even making a single scream!

"Clean up the target +3." Yang Qiming continued to move forward, encountered strange beasts on the road, and killed them all.

Their goal is to clean up the entire Changling Army Town, so when encountering a strange beast, no matter what level it is, just kill it and it's over.

"Ten kilometers ahead, there is no danger, and it has been cleaned up." Yang Qiming shouted in the group communication channel.

"Ten kilometers to the left, there is no danger. The cleaning is complete." Chen Qiuyue replied.

"Ten kilometers to the right, there is a Tier 5 beast general who is fighting and needs to be cleaned up in [-] minutes." Zhang Wen replied.

"There is no danger in place, and the approaching beasts have been cleaned up by me." Wantai replied.

"Very good, Wan Tai, come here, go forward with me, everyone continue to go deeper, if you find that there are many strange beasts, or there are beast generals that you can't deal with, retreat in time." Yang Qiming directed.

"Understood!" the crowd shouted.

Not only them, other groups also started to act.Alien beasts have a strict hierarchy and territory system, and most of them are beast soldiers on the periphery. There are only a few beast generals. For talented warriors like them, these beast soldiers can't threaten them at all.

For three days in a row, the four groups did not encounter any danger, and the total number of beast soldiers cleaned up was over a hundred.

"Captain, these students this year are pretty good." Jia Fu said in the instructor's communication channel.

"Where is this going?" Luo Yuan said, "The real danger has not yet come. The real test will be when the more advanced beasts notice them and start forming a group to attack!"

"Yes!" Yu Chizhen said: "There are [-] alien beasts in this Changling Army Town, and they can easily gather a small-scale beast horde that surpasses the alien beasts in front. When the time comes, I'm afraid we will have to take action!"

Ling Min didn't care about these, but asked curiously: "I haven't noticed anything unusual these days, why have all the soldiers stationed here lost contact? Logically speaking, the strength of the garrison shouldn't be so weak?"

"They didn't even call for help!"

"I don't know, let's investigate together this time." Luo Yuan said.Their instructors also have a mission!

The fall of Changling Army Town was completely unexpected by the government army.Because the garrison did not send any calls for help, they lost contact.

They sent investigators here several times to investigate, but they failed to obtain effective information.So this time the training location was simply set in Changling Army Town, while cleaning up the strange beasts and restoring the railway line, while investigating the situation.


"It's too slow, this is too slow!" This is already the fifth day since Yang Qiming and his party came to Changling Army Town.

"Each of us has cleaned up at least fifty alien beasts, but compared to the huge number of alien beasts here, it's just a drop in the bucket!" Yang Qiming said, "At this rate, we will not be able to complete the task in the past two months .”

"Yes!" Zhang Wenshen agreed, "We need to speed up the efficiency!"

"Maybe we should make the commotion a little louder and attract more alien beasts, so that the danger we face will also increase." Wantai analyzed.

"What are you afraid of?" Chen Qiuyue said with excitement on her pretty face, "Why don't you just attract hundreds of strange beasts at once, and I'll just use the Blue Moon Mecha to kill them!"

Yang Qiming glanced at her in surprise, he really didn't know that Chen Qiuyue still had such a "violent" side.

"Okay, since everyone agrees." Yang Qiming said, "Why don't we set up a trap and make a big deal!"

"I have a proposal." Wantai said, "Let's find a terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and use the blood and fleshy smell of alien beasts as bait, and those alien beasts will come after them when they smell the smell. We occupy a favorable terrain, Hunt and kill! The army usually calls this kind of trap a flesh and blood altar, and generally don't use it lightly!"

"Let's do it!" Yang Qiming made a decision.

They quickly found a place, which was a crossroads.Four roads separate the crowded buildings.

"It's very nice here." Wantai stood on the top of the building, overlooking the surroundings, "First of all, the building is a natural barrier, preventing the herd of beasts from attacking us from all directions!"

"At the crossroads, everyone just guards one direction! The flat ground at the crossroads is used to pile up the corpses of alien beasts!"

"We will arrange escape routes in the surrounding buildings in advance. Once we lose the enemy, we will evacuate to the buildings here, use the houses as shelters, and evacuate quickly."

"That's right." Yang Qiming adopted his suggestion and said, "Wantai, you and Chen Qiuyue will arrange the escape route, and Zhang Wen and I will arrange the bait!"

"Okay!" They split up.

The job of arranging bait is very simple, that is, after hunting the alien beasts, sprinkle their flesh and internal organs on the ground, and throw them all over the town to attract the alien beasts.

Finally, in the middle of the ten-mile intersection, a large pile of corpses of alien beasts were piled up, allowing the blood to flow in all directions and spreading the smell of blood along the air.

"Good guy, these kids are so bold, they dare to set up an altar of flesh and blood!" Instructor Jia Fu has been observing their actions, and he complained in the communicator: "We don't dare to try this thing lightly, and they will cause trouble if they do so. A large number of strange beasts come, and if you are not careful, you will be out of control."

"It's good to let them suffer a little bit." Luo Yuan said, "Be careful, if something unexpected happens, you should take action."

"Understood." Jia Fu was also ready to support.

Yang Qiming and the others were ready, and the four of them stood at an intersection. Yang Qiming had already put on his Yanlong gauntlet; Zhang Wen was wearing a special scimitar; Wantai was holding a saber; Holding the Tai Chi sword, there is a Tai Chi mecha standing behind her. She has not piloted the Tai Chi mecha at this time, and she wants to exercise her ability to fight alone.

"Guys, it's time to start!" Yang Qiming took a deep breath, he could sense with his mental power that many strange beasts were already approaching them.

In a hidden corner, some strange beasts were staring at them, ready to attack at any time.

"Moo!" A hungry, bloodthirsty bull couldn't hold back at first, it smelled the smell of blood, and with four majestic hooves, it ran wildly from one end of the street.

This is a Tier [-] beast general, other beast soldiers dare not attack these humans, it is not afraid!
Its thick fur is strong enough to block attacks from ordinary swords and bullets, and its sharp horns can pierce tank armor!

The impact force of it running wildly can reach a force of one million catties, enough to smash a human warrior to pieces!
The direction of the bloodthirsty savage bull's collision was exactly the intersection guarded by Yang Qiming.It swept away all obstacles in front of it, and an abandoned bus that blocked it was directly smashed into scrap iron by it and smashed aside.

The bloodthirsty ox had already come in front of Yang Qiming. Yang Qiming showed no fear on his face, and his legs did not move half a step.

"This kid is so big!" Jia Fu picked up the electromagnetic rifle, "The power of the alien beast is much greater than that of a human fighter, and he is going to be seriously injured by this blow!"

"The same goes for these teammates. In this situation, Yang Qiming should be taken care of first."

He noticed that none of Yang Qiming's three teammates moved, their eyes were still fixed on the direction he was guarding.

The huge bull's head and sharp horns have come to Yang Qiming, so close at hand!

Convergence of source power, swing a fist!
Yang Qiming slammed his fist hard, and the Yanlong gauntlet resonated his source power, increasing the power by 4.2 times, making his fist power increase dramatically!

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and a deep pit appeared in front of Yang Qiming. The fierce and bloodthirsty bull, whose head couldn't bear the huge force, was blown away by Yang Qiming's punch, and turned into a flying flesh foam!
Its huge body also smashed into the pile of alien beast corpses due to inertia, and became a part of this flesh and blood altar.

"This kid! Such explosive power!" Jia Fu couldn't help but exclaim in his heart, "No wonder he is the champion this year. If I'm in the same level as him, I'm afraid I won't be his one-punch opponent!"

"Come on!" At this time, Wantai also ushered in his opponent, and a second-order beast was about to rush towards him. He was not as sure of victory as Yang Qiming, so he rushed out with a knife, and the strange beast Standing together, after a while, the strange beast was beheaded.

Zhang Wen's tactics were similar to his, and Chen Qiuyue was not idle either. She chopped off the head of a mutated strange bird that swooped down with elegant footwork and sword light.

However, this was just the beginning. With the attack of the leading alien beast, the other alien beasts had already salivated at these humans and the flesh and blood behind them, and couldn't help but rushed out and attacked them!
"Vajra Palm!"

"Full Moon Slash!"

"Six Forms of Saber!"

"Tai Chi Yin-Yang Sword!" The four continued to display martial arts, and they regarded this as a place to practice their moves.

Strange beasts are different from those virtual characters and rigid targets. They are fierce and cunning, and have all kinds of strange abilities.

In the battle, they are tested in all aspects, and people are injured from time to time. At this time, as the captain, Yang Qiming can respond, let his teammates take time to heal their injuries, and then continue to fight.

Yang Qiming still underestimated the danger of a small team challenging the herd of beasts. As the movement of their battle became louder and louder, more and more strange beasts were attracted. The strange beast of the top five beast generals!
They have been fighting continuously for two hours, Rao has been trying to find a way to rest, and the source energy in their bodies is almost used up.

It's good that Yang Qiming and Chen Qiuyue have the source seeds in their bodies, but Wantai and Zhang Wen don't have source seeds in their bodies, and they are already a little bit powerless.

In front of them, the number of strange beasts not only did not decrease, but doubled.

On every street, there are at least fifty strange beasts gathered!

These strange beasts roared, some waited and watched from behind, some violently attacked directly, and some could launch long-range attacks to harass them.

"Captain, I can't stand it anymore!" Zhang Wen panted, he was injured in many places, and his source power was almost exhausted.

"Me too, I can last for 10 minutes at most!" Wantai said in a deep voice.

"Where is Qiuyue?" Yang Qiming asked.

"I can still fight for an hour." Chen Qiuyue's stamina is much stronger than theirs, and she is good at the technique of four or two strokes, which saves a lot of strength during the battle.

"Let them rest." Yang Qiming looked around, "It's hard to gather so many strange beasts, now they are withdrawn, and it will be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future."

"I'll keep two intersections with you, is that okay?"

"It's a piece of cake!" Chen Qiuyue shouted, "Lan Yue, it's time for us to be together!"

As she spoke, she nimbly dodged the attack of a strange beast, the blue moon mecha opened automatically, and Chen Qiuyue quickly put on the mecha.

As soon as the alien beast attacking it pounced, the mech pulled out its huge sword and slashed it down with one strike. This fourth-rank general-level alien beast was split in half!
At the same time, the electromagnetic projectile launch port on its shoulder opened, accurately hitting several mutant giant birds in the sky.

Chen Qiuyue seemed to be integrated with the mecha, jumping, rolling, swinging the sword, shooting, a series of smooth and gorgeous operations, relying on the power supply of the mecha's internal energy battery and the increase of the energy booster, her combat power at this moment is completely Can beat three with one!

"It's so sassy!" Zhang Wen exclaimed, "Goddess Tai Chi really has a hand!"

"It's really powerful!" Wantai commented while healing his wounds: "When facing large-scale enemies, mechanics are much more useful than us ordinary source warriors!"

"Senior sister is so handsome!" Yang Qiming couldn't help praising her.

"That's it!" Chen Qiuyue said proudly, "This is my true skill!"

Yang Qiming was not to be outdone, he began to use mental power skills to cooperate with martial arts.

"Blade Soul! Soul Slashing Technique!"

"Kaishan Seal!" Yang Qiming guarded the two intersections by himself, and dozens of strange beasts attacked him at the same time, but they couldn't even get close to him!
The instructor Jia Fu who was hiding nearby became more and more surprised, "This Yang Qiming is so fierce, I thought they couldn't handle it in an hour. The number of alien beasts slaughtered now is comparable to a well-trained combat team !"

Just as he was thinking, Luo Yuan's voice came from the communicator: "Jia Fu, pay attention! The drone has monitored a large number of beasts heading towards you, and a group of flesh and blood altars have already attracted the attention of the beasts." , Let them evacuate in time, don't play around!"

"Received!" Jia Fu became alert. If he was surrounded by beasts, even if he was a rank nine general, he might not be able to guarantee the safety of these students.

"Yang Qiming!" Jia Fu shouted to Yang Qiming, "Be careful to evacuate, a large number of beasts are about to attack!"

"Received!" Yang Qiming was fighting happily, but he couldn't take care of himself, he also had to consider the safety of the team members, so he ordered: "Brothers and sisters, prepare to withdraw!"

"We opened the evacuation channel!" Zhang Wen and Wantai got up and went to the evacuation channel prepared in advance.

However, the two of them had just reached a building when the wall suddenly cracked, and several shadows of whips hit them. Was blown away by great force.

Below, some strange beasts have opened their mouths, ready to tear them apart!
"Be careful!" Yang Qiming used his stunning body technique, rushed forward, and caught Wantai; at the same time, Chen Qiuyue also fired long-range weapons, killing the strange beasts near Zhang Wen.

It's just that she couldn't reach that fast speed while driving the mech, and Zhang Wen fell to the ground.The danger has not been lifted, this is just the beginning!
(End of this chapter)

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