Chapter 99: The third child in the ghost calendar (8400)

"What's the use of this guy?" The tiger still didn't understand, and said, "There are countless boxers like him who are beaten to death and maimed in a year. This is not a place where sympathy is overflowing!"

Yang Qiming didn't care, he thought Xie Chang was more valuable than others.Nothing else, Xie Chang used to work for the Renyi Budokan, and he might even have met Liu Xueyi.

How did he go from being a proud boy of Jiangnan University to becoming an anchor, and then to fighting in the black boxing arena?Maybe Xie Chang knows some secrets, that's why Yang Qiming bought him.

"Is there a place for treatment here?" Yang Qiming asked.

"Of course, boxers have to heal their injuries," Da Chong said.

"Do me a favor and save him. This person is an acquaintance of mine." Yang Qiming said.

Seeing this, Da Chong didn't say anything else, "Okay, I'll take him to heal his wounds."

The two came to the place of emergency treatment, which cost another sum of money.Doctor Xie Chang's injuries are not surprising, he has seen people who have been torn in half.

After taking the anesthetic, Xie Chang passed out.

Back to the boxing ring, the boxing match was more intense at this time.

The smugglers all sent their own men to challenge. For the smugglers, as long as the boxers come to the ring to fight, they will make money.

Yang Qiming looked at the stage, and another boxer was knocked down. The opponent's fist hit with an explosive force of [-] jin, directly blasting his head. The head exploded like a watermelon, and the stage was covered with red and white.

This bloody and terrifying scene not only did not scare the audience, but made them even more excited. The audience cheered and shouted, and the masked people in the VIP seats stood up and screamed loudly.

The cleaning robot quickly cleans the ring and prepares for the next ring.

"Hell is empty, and the devil is in the world." Even the hunters who are used to seeing life and death couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Gu Dafu shook his head and said, "It's such a waste that every warrior died here. There are so many strange beasts outside They go hunting."

"The atmosphere is almost here!" Sister Hong saw that the audience was already excited, and said to Da Chong and Yang Qiming: "It's time for you to play too!"

Yang Qiming has already discovered that, as a snakehead, Sister Hong's strength is not strong.Other smugglers have as few as seven or eight boxers, and as many as dozens!

As for Sister Hong, there are only four people under her command, he, Da Chong, and two warriors with only seven or eight levels of strength.

Both of those warriors had come to power and were quickly defeated. Fortunately, they were still alive.

This made Sister Hong very upset. She lost two people so quickly. Not only did she not make any money, but she also made other snakeheads laugh at her.It's hard for her to get along in this place if she does it like this.

"Sister Hong, your people are no good!" The snake-headed leopard joked, "I think you might as well hang out with me, and I can give you two guns if I'm happy!"

"Fuck you!" Sister Hong spat, looked at Yang Qiming and Da Chong again, and asked, "Play!"

Yang Qiming didn't speak, the tiger saw him, thought he was timid, and said, "I'll go first!"

"The following is our boxer Tiger, challenge the third-level boxer King Kongtou!" Tie Mian shouted, "Both of them are general-level boxers, and the wonderful duel is about to begin!"

In the underground boxing arena, it is not required that the strength of the fighters must be at the same level. It is only necessary for the fighters to fight the fighters, and the generals to fight the generals.

The tiger's opponent dyed all his heads golden, so he was nicknamed King Kong Head.

When the two started fighting, they used all their strength.

"Vajra Head Hammer!" This King Kong head was rarely practicing martial arts similar to Iron Head Kungfu, and when he came up, he charged at the tiger. The tiger tried to resist him, but was hit to the edge of the field, and two of his ribs were broken.

"Give me some strength, big bug, kill him!" Sister Hong shouted from the sidelines.

As soon as the tiger gritted his teeth, his whole body exploded, and he punched the Vajra head fiercely. Although the force of the fist could not reach a million catties, it was still 67 catties, which is not bad for his third-tier general.

Vajra head was hit and was immediately repelled. The tiger gained momentum and chased again.Unexpectedly, the opponent pretended to be defeated, stepped forward while he was attacking, kicked back, and fired himself like a cannonball.

Yang Qiming saw sparks shooting out of his head, hitting the tiger's chest fiercely.

"Good job!" the audience yelled.

"I'm vomiting blood! Well done!"

The tiger was hit and injured, but he didn't panic. He grabbed the shoulders of King Kong's head, shouted, and smashed him upside down on the special metal floor of the ring, making a crisp "stirrup" sound!
"Well done!" Sister Hong screamed.

King Kongtou was obviously stunned by the smash and did not fight back. Without further ado, the tiger kicked him out with a whip leg and won the victory.

"Good fight!" Sister Hong shouted again.

"What, blow his head off!" Some viewers were not satisfied, thinking that the big bug was too kind.

Anyway, Tiger won the game, he took care of his injury and returned to the stands.

Sister Hong was very happy, and said: "It's good to win, you can rest today, and fight a second-level boxer tomorrow."

After winning the challenge, Da Chong has qualified as a third-level boxer and can enter the next day's competition.

Only Yang Qiming was left, and he still didn't move.

Sister Hong did not urge her for the time being, and continued to watch the game.

Another two hours passed, some lost, some won, some laughed, some cried.Yang Qiming didn't find any valuable targets.

Sister Hong couldn't sit still anymore and said, "Aaron, you have to get ready to fight. If you don't become a third-level boxer, the challenge is over! I'll give you another 10 minutes, and you must fight!"

"Don't be nervous, your strength should be fine today." The tiger was still comforting him.

Yang Qiming continued to watch. At this time, the game reached a small high point.

"Our third-level boxer, Black Tornado, has already won three games in a row!" Tie Mian shouted loudly, "He wants to continue, and what he wants to challenge is today's champion! The existence that makes boxers fear, Life-threatening ghost, Li Laosan!"

At the mention of this name, everyone became excited.

"Black Whirlwind! Black Whirlwind will win!"

"Finally someone beat the master!"

"The ghost is about to attack! He's about to die again!"

During the three days of the boxing match, every day there will be a champion with the strongest strength.The ring master is Fang, the organizer of the boxing match, that is, Zhou Han's people, who are in charge of sitting in the ring every day.

If you can win the challenge, there will be a high bonus.At the same time, if you want to become the boxing champion in the following competitions, you must also beat the champion of the day.

Hei Xuanfeng is not black, but he likes to wear a black split wind; and the third child of Guiming Guili has a crooked face, and his smile is even more sinister. Normal people are afraid of seeing it.

Seeing the appearance of the third child of the reminder ghost, Lei Hao's expression was agitated, and he sent a voice to Yang Qiming: "The reminder ghost, it was him! It was he who brought people to the door to collect debts, and my parents committed suicide!"

"Yeah." Yang Qiming looked towards the ring, and asked Sister Hong and Da Chong at the same time: "How is the strength of the ghost?"

"Of course he's very strong! He's a sixth-rank general!" Sister Hong said, "This man can't be messed with, he's too ruthless, and he'll kill anyone who challenges him!"

Da Chong also said: "You must not challenge the ring master. The ring masters are all capable of blood fist, and few can challenge successfully."

They said, the game has begun.Black Whirlwind's strength is a fifth-tier military general, and he is already considered a powerful figure among boxers.

He is proficient in agility, and moves at high speed on the ring, really like a black whirlwind.

On the other hand, Guiming Guili, the third child, stood in the middle of the ring, motionless.

"Die to me!" Hei Xuanfeng seized the opportunity and punched Li Laosan on the forehead.

At this time, Li Laosan smiled with a crooked face, and suddenly turned sideways to avoid it, then locked Hei Xuanfeng's fist, inserted his two fingers into his eyes, and the burst of source force directly poked his eyes blind!
"Ah!" Hei Xuanfeng let out a scream, and hurriedly backed away, Li Lao San didn't give him a chance to breathe, he hit Hei Xuanfeng's neck with a split palm, almost breaking his neck.

Hei Xuanfeng retreated in a hurry, he realized that he was not Li Laosan's opponent, and wanted to escape from the ring.

"Challenge me as a ghost, and you still want to run?" Li Laosan smiled grimly, "I haven't tasted human blood for a long time, let's start with you!"

As he said that, his figure had already arrived in front of Hei Xuanfeng. He did not use fists and other attack methods, but bit Hei Xuanfeng's neck, actually sucking human blood!

Seeing this scene, the audience not only did not feel scared, but screamed loudly!
"Desperate ghost! Haha, I won again!"

"It's a pity that the odds are too low, otherwise this wave of blood will win!"

"The black whirlwind is cold, and the ghost of death has killed another one!"

"Unlucky, seeing this Black Whirlwind's three consecutive victories, I thought he was so strong!"

Within a few seconds, Hei Xuanfeng stopped struggling, Li Lao San's mouth was covered with blood, he threw Hei Xuanfeng's body out, raised his fist, and accepted the cheers of the audience.

After this, no one dared to challenge him, and there were not many third-level boxers left on the stage.

After another game, Sister Hong gave Yang Qiming a death order, "Aaron, you must play!"

When it was time for Yang Qiming to play, he walked slowly towards the ring.

"Another warrior came to us, he is a rookie, Aaron the Fire Fist, the strength of a general!" Referee Tie introduced to the audience.

"Aaron, newcomer? Judging by his appearance, he feels very weak!"

"Yeah, I don't even have tattoos on my body, it looks too gentle!"

“It feels like an embroidered pillow!”

Unlike those black boxers with flowery arms and ghosts behind their backs, Yang Qiming walked like he was on vacation, so when he appeared on stage, few people looked up to him.

"Haha, Miss Hong, this is your trump card? Is it your trump card in bed?" The snakeheads laughed.

"Are you laughing X!" Sister Hong uttered a few foul words, "I'm counting on Aaron today!"

"Hahaha!" The snakeheads were still laughing, apparently disapproving.

Seeing that Yang Qiming was about to play, several members of the Storm Team sat up straight.

"Bet, bet!" Niu Yong shouted, "If you bet on the little boss without thinking, you will win!"

"I'm coming too!" Gu Dafu also took out money to place a bet.

"I'll have one too!" Zhu Min was also very confident in Yang Qiming's strength.

"Captain, what about you?" Several people looked at Lu Miao, and Lu Miao said, "I'm directly stud!"


At this time, Tie Mian asked Yang Qiming, "Aaron, which third-level boxer are you going to challenge today, and now we only have three boxers left!"

The rest of the boxers are all powerful characters, and it is precisely because they are so powerful that they have been sitting until now!

"It must be the black tiger!"

"No, the colorful cat is the weakest, it should be challenging the colorful cat!" People speculated.

Yang Qiming raised his hand, pointed to a person in the waiting area, and said, "I want to challenge him."

Looking in the direction of his finger, the iron-faced metal eyeballs stretched out a little, and said in a surprised tone: "You want to challenge the ringleader? Are you sure?"

The person Yang Qiming was referring to was the third child of Guiming Guili!

"Fuck!" Sister Hong stood up and shouted, "A-Long, you're dying!"

She couldn't hope that her chance to come back would be so cold.

"This kid is crazy. Even if he is strong, he still can't challenge the ghost!" The tiger shook his head.

The audience shouted even more: "Lengtouqing, a newcomer dares to challenge the champion, I don't want to live anymore!"

"Haha, this is interesting, the ghost is going to kill someone again!"

"Let him fight, as long as you bet on him, won't you make money?"

"I'm sure!" Yang Qiming confirmed his challenge goal.

Tie Mian thought to himself, he really came here to die.But it's none of his business, he announced: "Very good, our rookie boxer is very courageous, he wants to challenge our today's ringleader, and call for Ghost Li's third son!"

"Whether the newcomer is a blockbuster, or is the death ghost adding another dead soul? Let us wait and see!"

"Challenge me, I don't know how to live or die!" Li Laosan stood up and walked towards the ring, he was still a little upset.

Because a newcomer dared to challenge him, he somewhat disregarded him, so he decided to use a more cruel method to send him to the west to rebuild his reputation!
In the arena, the two were already facing each other, and the match officially started after 3 minutes. This time period was reserved for the audience to place bets.

"The little boss is a little bit too big this time, Li Laosan is also a sixth-rank military general!" Several members of the Storm Squad were uncertain.

"Bet him to win!" Although Lei Hao couldn't move his body, he still understood his words.Although he didn't know what Yang Qiming's strength was now, he believed that a champion of the National Martial Arts Competition for College Students would not be able to defeat even a black boxer of a sixth-rank general.

"That's right! I bet it!" Niu Yong bet part of his savings.

"Sister Hong, do you want to place a bet?" The snakeheads teased Sister Hong.

Sister Hong looked a little hesitant, she didn't expect Aaron to be so stubborn, it's fine to challenge others, but he actually challenged the ghost!
I'm afraid this head will be given away for nothing.

"Bet!" For the sake of face, Sister Hong gritted her teeth and bet some money on Yang Qiming's win, which was not much.

"Little devil, how do you plan to die?" On the stage, Li Lao San was exerting psychological pressure on Yang Qiming, "Will I bite your neck, or will you be beaten to the head, or will your body be torn in half?" San grinned grimly.

"I'm going to send you to see Hades." Yang Qiming looked calm.

"The tone is not small!" Li Laosan's crooked face was shaking.

"It's okay." Yang Qiming said, "Because there are still a few minutes left to live, you'd better repent now, so that I can consider leaving you a whole body. You have killed my acquaintances before."

"Jie Jie!" Li Lao San smiled strangely, "He came here to seek revenge, how could anyone dare to challenge Lao Tzu!"

"I killed a hundred people instead of a thousand!" He said, "I don't care who you kill, I'm only responsible for sending you to see them!"

"Li Laosan!" Lei Hao looked at Li Laosan on the stage, thinking of the tragic death of his parents, he gritted his teeth, if it wasn't for his body being unable to move, he wished he could jump on the ring and seek revenge himself.

"Audience friends, are you ready? The wonderful game is about to start, let's get excited!" Tie Mian shouted loudly.

The countdown is over and the game officially begins.

Unlike the previous games, this time, neither of them made a move, and they still stood in place.

Li Laosan's habit is to let the enemy attack first and look for the enemy's flaws.And Yang Qiming is purely hiding his strength.

He is now a Tier [-] general, playing at the same level, and he is not the kind of national or world-class genius, so he has no pressure!

"Is he scared?"

"Why don't you move?" The audience couldn't help urging, "Hurry up!"

"Don't dare to do it, then let me do it!" Li Laosan also thought that Yang Qiming was afraid, so he decided to take the initiative.

Li Laosan also knows body and martial arts. As soon as his figure moved, he flashed to Yang Qiming's side like a ghost, and grabbed Yang Qiming's eyes with his claws, and his fingertips burst out with force.

This is obviously a sneaky martial art, blinding the enemy and greatly reducing combat power!
"Be careful!" Niu Yong and others couldn't help shouting.

"Success!" Li Laosan felt that his fingers had pierced Yang Qiming's eyes, but in the next second, he realized that what he attacked was only a phantom, and Yang Qiming's real body had already moved away.

"So fast!" Li Laosan was startled, this kid's speed was actually faster than him.He immediately became vigilant, black boxing must not be taken lightly, otherwise it will only end in death!

Before Yang Qiming counterattacked, Li Lao San chased him again, but he dodged again.

"Hide the hammer!" The audience expressed dissatisfaction, "Hit him!"

"I can tell, this kid has good speed, but he can't attack!"

"Sooner or later, if this goes on like this, you will still lose! Li Laosan has more than this ability!"

"Like a loach!" Li Lao San scolded, "I'll see how you hide!"

As he said that, he began to use more powerful martial arts, "Surging the bone claw!"

This martial skill really lived up to its name, sharp claws actually grew from his fingers, tearing the air, and quickly attacked Yang Qiming with claw marks formed by source force!
"Demon Seed?" For a moment, Yang Qiming thought he was a demon, but he observed with his celestial eyes, and found that there was no complete Demon Seed in Li Laosan's body, but a rudimentary form of a sarcoma.

"It turned out to be a half-finished demon." Yang Qiming already understood in his heart that Li Lao San, as the blood fist Zhou Han's subordinate, is a semi-finished demon. Zhou Han is definitely an important part of the demon incident, and he came to the right place. !
Yang Qiming blocked a few moves, which made Li Laosan even more surprised. Whether it is the attack speed or the power of his moves, he is enough to defeat ordinary opponents. Why does this guy seem to be able to do a job with ease?Obviously his aura is no stronger than his own!

"You can't keep your hands!" Li Laosan realized that if he didn't try his best, he might overturn the car!
"There are many ghosts!" Li Laosan's movement and claw skills were displayed at the same time, and five figures of him appeared on the stage at the same time, and each figure made several claw marks.

The sharp paw prints are enough to tear the steel plate, and if it touches a person, it can be shredded in a moment!
"Many ghosts! It's Li Laosan's unique move!" Seeing this, some audience members shouted excitedly, "That kid should die now!"

"If you die with this move, you don't even have a whole body!"

"Haha, that's it, tear him apart!"

"Aaron is in danger!" Sister Hong and Da Chong became nervous, worrying about money as well as him.

"Damn it, it's too fast, I can't even see clearly." Lu Miao found that he couldn't see their movements clearly with his own strength. He could only watch the slow-motion footage of the holographic projection behind him.

Li Laosan thought that his move would definitely win, but a voice rang in his ear.

"I said, today is your death day!" Yang Qiming's face appeared in front of his eyes.

"How could it be so fast?" Li Laosan has gained advantages many times by virtue of his body speed.But today, Yang Qiming's speed actually crushed him!

Five-star martial arts skills are not something ordinary warriors can master and be proficient in!

"Look out!" Yang Qiming slapped his palm and slowly hit him in the face.

This palm was obviously very slow, but Li Lao San felt that this palm was extremely slow, as if giving him time to repent.

Invisible mental fluctuations broke into his brain, he saw mountains of knives and seas of fire, axes and whips, countless evil spirits seemed to tear him apart!
Yang Qiming used "Abi Hell" on him. With his current spiritual strength, it is enough to completely calm Li Laosan's mind!
"No, don't!" Li Laosan seemed to see those people he had killed, and they were looking for their lives!

They surrounded themselves, ripped his body apart, then sewed it up, ripped it apart again, and devoured it!
This made him feel extremely painful and desperate. He wanted to cry out, but found that he couldn't.

Yang Qiming's palm had already hit him, and the source force passed through his brain, completely erasing his thoughts.

Li Lao San's body flew upside down and smashed through the metal barrier on the side of the stand, it was too horrible to look at!

Seeing this scene, the audience was extremely horrified!
"Third Li, was shot to death by him?"

"The ghost is dead? Damn! What happened?"

"Slap to death with one palm, this rookie is too strong!"

"Cao XX, I lost badly!"

The snakeheads couldn't believe their eyes, "That Aaron defeated the ghost?"

"Where did Miss Hong find the fierce guy?"

"Aaron won?" Sister Hong didn't even think that she had already made plans to collect Yang Qiming's body.

"He won? So strong!" Da Chong's eyes widened, and he realized that this Aaron was stronger than he imagined!

"Good kill!" Lei Hao's expression was agitated, tears wet his eyes, and finally, one of the enemies who killed his parents was sent away!
"Little Boss Niucha!" Niu Yong shouted.

"Aaron, Aaron!" Lu Miao screamed, he stud Yang Qiming to win, and this wave directly made money!
"As expected of a little boss, I haven't seen him for more than half a year, and he is no match for a sixth-rank general!" Gu Dafu watched the slow playback, and it was hard to believe that the growth rate of the warrior would be so amazing!
"It's incredible!" Zhu Min took a deep breath.

The referee Tie Mian obviously didn't expect this result either. He froze for a few seconds before announcing: "Oh my God, our rookie player, Huoquan Aaron, actually slapped today's challenger to death with one palm. three!"

"He ended the third child in history! He completed an incredible challenge, and we witnessed the birth of a new strong man!"

"It's him, Fire Fist Aaron!"

After he finished speaking, the audience cheered or cursed loudly.

"Why don't you die? You made me lose so much!"

"Fire Fist Aaron, Niubi!"

"Aaron! Aaron! The strongest player today!"

At the VIP table, those mysterious VIPs were also a little surprised.

"This Aaron is pretty good!"

"Okay, I didn't come in vain today, it would be boring if they were all old faces."

"Well, I should be able to have more fun tomorrow!"

In the background of the boxing ring, several people frowned.

"The third child was killed?" A burly man looked at the stage, "What is the origin of this Aaron? Check it out for me!"

"Someone dares to kill our people in our territory?" Another strong man with a height of more than two meters squeezed his metal wine glass into a discus. "It's really boring!"

Soon, someone reported the result and said, "Master, Second Master. This newcomer was brought by Sister Snake Head Hong, so I knew he was Fire Fist Aaron, and there was no other information. I guess he had hidden his identity."

"Hidden identity?" The burly man known as the second master snorted coldly, "In Jiangnan Mansion, is there anyone who dares to come to the blood fist scene to make trouble? Well, remember him!"

"This guy's aura is only at the sixth rank general." The strong man called the uncle said, "Kill him."

"Don't worry, as long as he still dares to make a move, it will be his time to die!" Second Master said with a grim smile.

Yang Qiming had already returned to the stands from the ring, Sister Hong hugged him excitedly, wishing to kiss him on the face several times, Yang Qiming simply hugged the tiger in order to avoid it.

"Hahaha, Aaron, you are such a hunk!" Sister Hong continued excitedly, and said, "You actually won the challenger, and the bonus is 1000 million!"

Then she felt a little regretful, and said, "If I had known you were so strong, I would have bet more to make a little money!"

Other snakeheads also came over and made friends with Yang Qiming, "Brother, hang out with me, I will give you twice as much as Sister Hong gave you!"

"Fuck with me, the bonus is all yours, I don't want to take a cut!"

"Get out, get out!" Sister Hong cursed with her hands on her hips, "A-Long is mine, no one can poach him!"

"Sister Hong, you can't stand such a fierce person! Let us do it!" Hua Bao laughed.

"Who said that?" Sister Hong said to Yang Qiming, "Aaron, I won't treat you badly, you just want me to sleep with you, I will give you everything!"

"I still don't want it!" Yang Qiming said awkwardly, "I just want to win the game."

"Really don't want it?" Sister Hong felt very sorry.

"No." Yang Qiming sternly refused.

The tiger said: "Brother, you are really good. With your strength, you should be able to reach the finals and earn a lot!"

"It's okay." Yang Qiming said a few perfunctory words.

In the boxing ring, these people carnivaled all night and only dispersed during the day.

Yang Qiming took Xie Chang away. After surgery, his life was no longer in danger, but he was still in a coma.

In order to make him wake up earlier, Yang Qiming gave him some good medicine.


On the second night, at the Xilong Warehouse, the madness continued.

"Welcome to the Jiangnan Mansion Boxing Championship. Today is the second day's schedule! I can still vividly remember the wonderful performances of the boxers yesterday..." Tie Mian presided over the scene, and said: "Today's competition will be improved, All boxers are at least rank nine fighters and above!"

"Today, they will challenge the second-tier boxers to qualify for the final day!"

"Take your glasses, shout your voices, let our blood boil!"

"Ah!" The audience burst into cheers and screams.

"Aaron, I'll see you today!" Sister Hong was very excited today. During the day, she dyed her hair on purpose. She dyed her original red hair deeper and turned it into blood red, and put on red fishnet stockings.

The Storm team still came to support today, they have found the wealth code, anyway, just bet on Yang Qiming to win.

Lei Hao was also among them, watching the boxing match with his straps on.This scene is not uncommon here. There are a lot of bad luck in the boxing ring, some are boxers, and some are caused by drinking too much and making trouble with each other.

The game has already started, and Yang Qiming is observing the situation on the field.

Today's game was indeed more intense, with a higher casualty rate. Even the masked people in the VIP seats became excited and kept betting.

After one game after another, soon, it was time for the big worm to play again.

Today's game is even more difficult, as a Tier [-] military commander, Da Chong is already struggling.The opponent he challenged was also a Tier [-] general. The two were evenly matched, and it took more than ten minutes to decide the winner.

The tiger won with difficulty, and when he won, several bones on his body were broken, and he couldn't even stand up.

Yang Qiming carried him to the medical office and asked, "Why are you working so hard? To make money?"

The tiger spat out the blood from his mouth, forced a smile, and said, "It's for money, and it's for revenge."

"Revenge?" Yang Qiming looked at him curiously.

Da Chong said: "People who come here to box, everyone has their own reasons, and no one wants to use his life to entertain others!"

"My family used to be very poor, and I depended on my brother for life. He supported me by boxing. Later, I became a warrior and a hunter. Then, he was beaten to death here!"

"That's my brother, my only relative! I came here to avenge him!"

"Then did you succeed?" Yang Qiming asked.

"No." The tiger took a deep breath, and then said: "That man is very strong, he is a first-class boxer. We can only fight him tomorrow."

Yang Qiming couldn't say anything, and said, "Come on, this medicine is for you."

He gave the tiger a qi and blood pill made from the juice of dragon's blood vine.

"Thank you!" The tiger was not polite.

At this time, Yang Qiming received a message from Lei Hao: "A Ming, here he is. The person who kidnapped me before is today's champion!"

"Come right away!" Yang Qiming rushed to the stands, where two boxers were fighting.

One of the boxers with a full face had already gained the upper hand. He stepped on his opponent's head and broke his opponent's arms and legs one by one.

Every time the opponent screamed, warm cheers erupted in the arena.

"Scream, scream louder!"

"You dare to challenge the executioner Tu Erye, this is the end!"

"Break five limbs! Blind eyes! The executioner is still as cruel as ever!"

The people on the stage, who had already won, continued to torment their opponents until they turned into a mud worm, and he kicked them into the nearby pool.

"It's him!" Lei Hao confirmed, "I came to torture me earlier and asked where the devil's skull came from. This is the person. I remember him!"

Lei Hao's hands and legs were also broken by this man!If it wasn't for Qin Ningshuang's timely rescue, I'm afraid he would be the same as the person who was dragged away now.

"Sister Hong, who is that?" Yang Qiming pointed to the stage and asked Sister Hong.

"Executioner, Master Tu!" Sister Hong said, "Today's challenger is not only powerful, but also ruthless. Every time he wins, he will torture and kill his opponent! Don't mess with him!"

"By the way, the third brother Li you killed yesterday is his brother. So don't challenge him today, he is a seventh-rank general!"

"Executioner?" Yang Qiming narrowed his eyes slightly, he had already found today's target.

To this day, he is completely sure that the behind-the-scenes mastermind behind the production of the devil is the same group of people as the backstage of the underground boxing arena.So these people will appear here.

Blood Fist Zhou Han was Yang Qiming's target, but this guy still didn't show up today. If that's the case, let's kill another of his subordinates!
(End of this chapter)

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