Chapter 1 01. I turned into Lin Pingzhi

"What? I... crossed over and became the eunuch Lin Pingzhi?"

Lying on the bed, Lin Pingzhi who was awakened suddenly opened his eyes.

A strange memory flooded into my brain.

This memory shows that he became Lin Pingzhi!
That's right, it's that Lin Pingzhi who became a eunuch from the palace in order to practice the evil sword manual in Xiaoao Jianghu!


Lin Pingzhi jumped up from the bed, and hurried to see if his manly dignity was still there.



"Fortunately, it scared me to death!"

He was relieved.

Not only that, but the portion is quite enough

"everything is normal."

"I crossed over to become Lin Pingzhi when I was young!"

However, in the eyes of the maid who was holding the copper basin, his behavior seemed extremely strange.

Even... weird.

The 16-year-old girl was stunned, as surprised as if she saw an alien, her jaw stretched out, and she almost fell to the ground.

In her heart, Lin Pingzhi is a gentle, refined, courteous young man.

But today...

how to make such...

Such... such indecent behavior.

Lin Pingzhi noticed this little girl.Suddenly a little embarrassed.

Eyes wide open for a moment.

Only said:

"Excuse me…"

"excuse me!"


It's good that he didn't speak, but when he spoke, the little girl also reacted, and looked at Lin Pingzhi for a moment.

A blush spread from the ears to the cheeks in an instant, and finally...the face and neck were red.

Like being dyed.

Little girl, just shy...

Especially the little girl in ancient times.


The little maid lowered her head and buried her head in her chest.

He picked up the copper basin, turned around and shouted...

"Master! Ma'am! Master...Young master is awake!"

Boom, boom, fled outside.

I don't know if she was excited that Lin Pingzhi woke up, or something...


Lin Pingzhi felt helpless.

I'm a little embarrassed... I scared the little girl.

But she shouldn't mind...

Let's go!
The memory in my mind is getting clearer and clearer.

He really crossed over, and became the Lin Pingzhi of the Smiling and Proud Jianghu.

What is gratifying is that now I am in Lin Pingzhi's happiest time. He does not have his own palace, and his lifeline is still there. The Fuwei Escort Bureau was not destroyed by those Taoists in Qingcheng Mountain, and his parents are still there. He is still the young bodyguard leader of the Escort Bureau. , on Fuj's side, it still depends on the wind and the rain.

The bad news is...according to the time estimate, within a few days, those face-changing members of the Qingcheng faction will soon burn the Fuwei Escort to the ground.

As a person who traveled through time, and knew him fairly well about Swordsman, he naturally knew these inside stories.

"Yu Canghai in Qingcheng Mountain appeared to seek revenge, but he actually came here for his own evil sword manual."

Now Fuwei Escort's strength is not enough in front of Qingcheng faction.

This is no joke.

will die.

How is it good?

I have to find a way to save myself!
"Ding~ Congratulations, you have activated the martial arts teaching system. As long as someone practices the martial arts that you send out, you can get martial arts commissions. The more people practice, the higher the level of cultivation, the more commissions you will get. !"

"Please choose your Taoist martial art!"

"One, Dugu Nine Swords!"

"Second, the method of absorbing stars!"

"Three, the evil sword manual!"

"Four, Tai Chi Sword!"

"Five, Nine Suns Divine Art..."


"Ping'er, are you awake?"

Lin Pingzhi hadn't finished reading the standard equipment of the traverser when a deep voice came from outside the door.

Before anyone arrives, the sound comes first.

Lin Zhennan!
Fuwei Escort is currently in charge.

Head dart.

That is Lin Pingzhi's father.

Immediately afterwards, a burly figure, and a woman with a beautiful face and still charming charm, stepped into the room.

Behind them, there was that blushing girl, timidly... she only dared to raise her eyes from time to time, and sneak a glance at her young master.

Maybe I'm still thinking about the scene just now.

"Ping'er, it's great that you woke up. My mother was so worried. The day before yesterday you suddenly fainted and slept for two days. My mother thought... thought..." the woman sobbed.

She is Lin Pingzhi's mother, Mrs. Wang.

"Father and mother, the child is fine, I made you worry." Lin Pingzhi said.

"It's fine, it's fine." Lin Zhennan was also relieved to see Lin Pingzhi alive and well.

This is the only seedling of Lao Lin's family.

If something happens, it will be a disaster. With Lin Zhennan's current body, it is estimated that he will not be able to continue the incense. In the future, he will cut off his children and grandchildren, and he will go to hell. How can he be worthy of his ancestors?
"Come on, let mother take a look." Wang stepped forward, touching left and right, but her heart ached.

"Father and mother don't have to worry, the baby is really fine." Lin Pingzhi said.

After confirming that their child was fine, Lin Zhennan and his wife beamed with joy.

"Ping'er, you have been in a coma for two days. You must be hungry. Wash your face quickly. Daddy will ask the kitchen to make some delicious food for you. Make up for it." Lin Zhennan cared more about his son since he was a child, and always loved him Don't allow him to be wronged.

"Xiang'er, hurry up and wash the young master, and wait for him to change clothes." Lin Zhennan greeted the girl whose face was still flushing red.

"Ah..." She was still in a daze.

"it is good!"

With his head down, he went over with the copper basin, twisted the veil, and prepared to wash Lin Pingzhi.

"I'll do it myself." Lin Pingzhi said very easy-going.

I have hands and feet, and I am not used to being served by others.

"You are the young master, how can you do it by yourself? Just leave this kind of rough work to the servants. Besides, you have been in a coma for two days, how can you still have strength? Don't hurt your body." Lin Zhennan said.

Needless to say, Lin Zhennan really dotes on Lin Pingzhi to the bottom of his heart.

Lin Pingzhi wanted to say something else, but at this moment Xiang'er's voice was like a mosquito, and said, "My lord, let me come."

Lin Pingzhi glanced at the people in the room, and felt that what he insisted was too abnormal and inappropriate, so he said:

His heart is not eating or being served.

Lin Pingzhi kept thinking about the threat of Mount Qingcheng.

The members of the Lin family didn't know the fate of the Fuwei Escort, but Lin Pingzhi, who was a time traveler, knew.

The result is miserable!
Yu Canghai's methods were extremely cruel.

The entire Fuwei Escort was almost wiped out.

Dogs and chickens are left alone.

We must immediately find a way to change this ending.

"Father, I actually have something that I want to discuss with you." Lin Pingzhi said.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Lin Zhennan asked.

"This matter is related to the future of our Fuwei Escort Bureau." Lin Pingzhi said.

"What I want to say is, can the Evil Resisting Sword Manual..."

"Ahem!" Hearing this, Lin Zhennan's expression was shocked.

He looked at Xiang'er in the room, and then at the guard outside the door.

"Ping'er, let's talk about this matter later, you wash up, let's go to eat first, the rest... let's talk slowly." Lin Zhennan winked, indicating that it is not convenient for Lin Pingzhi to talk about this topic at the moment.

The Evil Resisting Sword Manual is originally a secret of the Lin family, and there are servants around, so we must not talk about it.

Lin Pingzhi opened his mouth~
"Okay then, let's eat first."

It's true that there are too many people, and it's not suitable. Besides, I'm really hungry.

After all, I lay down for two days.



(End of this chapter)

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