Chapter 25 25. Xiang'er: I believe in you son

Xiang'er's body is very light, and Lin Pingzhi can fly her with just a hug.

The two floated down not far from the carriage.

Crisis lifted.

"Are you okay?" Lin Pingzhi asked.

"Young master, don't worry, I'm fine." Xiang'er replied in a low voice, a little embarrassed, because she felt that she was too close to the young master, and touched things that shouldn't be touched.

It made her heart swell.

It's embarrassing, but it's hard to say it out, for fear that the young master will blame himself.


On the other side, the man in black whose arm was broken and the other arm was cut off was extremely angry, and roared angrily:
"you you…"

"Lin Pingzhi... you are a sinister and cunning person!"

"Don't die!"

Knowing that he was tricked, he felt aggrieved, and roared out the anger in his chest to make his depression less.

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said, "What? I'm just saving people, I won't kill your brother... Logically speaking, you should be happy. Why are you so angry?"

"Also said that I am a sinister person~"

Xiang'er was rescued at this time, and Lin Pingzhi had no worries.

"What's the point?" He asked innocently.

"You despicable!" The man with the broken arm was still cursing angrily.

"I don't kill your brother, you still say I'm despicable, I just said count to three, but when I killed your brother, you didn't make a sound, when I was about to kill you, you were a little happy, wanting to make sure your brother Are you going to be killed..." Lin Pingzhi said.

"Let me guess, why are you doing this?"

He spoke slowly.

"in my opinion…"

"You brothers, you don't have a deep relationship. When I want to kill your brother, you don't do anything. When I don't kill you, you are a little depressed."

he continued.

"I think your real intention is not to let them go, to use both soft and hard, but just to make sure...let me not get any information from you, so...if I kill your brother, it's okay Silencing you for you is actually following your wishes."

The more he guessed, the more frightened the man in black became.

Judging from the expressions of the four of them, I knew that I guessed it right.

"Your purpose is not to save people, but to silence them. Even if I don't kill them, you still want them to die, right?"

Hearing this, the man in black was shocked.

This Lin Pingzhi in front of him was so terrifying that he guessed it word for word.

He really saw the three people being forced to confess, and he couldn't hide it anymore. He was afraid that the three useless people could not stand the torture and said something that shouldn't be said, so he came out to save them, or... silence them.

But how does this guy know?

"Otherwise, just now I said I was going to kill your brother, and the moment I made the move, you were so excited that you were in chaos? It's also amazing!"

"It's also thanks to your confusion that I have a chance to take advantage of it!"

The four men in black didn't say a word, but Lin Pingzhi's actions were all out of words.

At this moment, they only felt that Lin Pingzhi, a kid from a rich family, was a waste?Obviously a fairy!

Wisdom is like a demon.

"Okay, this is the end of the deciphering game. Let's go back to the old story and tell you all the details, otherwise... I think you all know my methods, and it will definitely not make you feel good!" Lin Pingzhi spread his hands. , very relaxed and happy.

However, his gentle words made the four of them feel their scalps go numb.

This person is too shady, and his methods are too vicious, if he falls into his hands, if he doesn't cooperate, there will be no good fruit to eat.

For Lin Pingzhi, they actually had an...uncontrollable sense of fear from the bottom of their hearts.

This man is terrible!
They have never seen such a frightening person, who is so precise in judging human nature, can guess so many things from some trivial details, and can keenly grasp the weakness of the boss, so that he can kill him with one blow.

This kind of oppressive feeling, this kind of city...even if it is on any adult, there is no such thing!
Lin Pingzhi broke their cognition.

If someone in Lin knows his heartfelt wishes.You will definitely think proudly: Hehe... Do you think that the werewolf killing and the Three Kingdoms killing are just for nothing?Otherwise, why would Lin's ex-girlfriend send out lies ~ admonishing the sisters not to fall in love with a man who plays werewolf killing?

The expression of the man with the broken arms was unpredictable.Like a chameleon.

After dignified!

He looked away suddenly, and burst out laughing.

"Haha~! Haha~!"

"Everyone in the world thinks that Mr. Lin is just a generation of people with a life of wine and food. They never thought that Mr. Lin's scheming in the city is really an eye-opener for me!" the man said.

"Everyone in the world is wrong, and I am also wrong."

"Sure enough, he is a young hero. If Young Master Lin had caught someone else, maybe someone else would have confessed. What a pity... you caught us!" the man said humanely.

"There is always a way to dig out the news from your mouths." Lin Pingzhi said.

"I believe that if we are alive, Mr. Lin will definitely be able to dig it out, but what if we are dead? I am afraid, Mr. Lin... we will not be able to dig it out!" the man in black said.

Then, he turned and looked at the three people underground:

"You three trash, what a mistake!"

"Working with you is the biggest mistake in my life."

He seemed to look down on those three people, thinking that they were dragging him down.

"I know Mr. Lin has a way to force you to speak up, but... you have to think about the consequences, your family and the like!"

After finishing speaking, the man in black closed his mouth, bit his teeth violently, bit something, and instantly... vomited black blood and died.

When the three people on the ground saw this, their faces turned white and red, and then they looked at each other speechlessly. They gritted their teeth very hard, bit the poison sac in their mouths, and died on the spot.

Lin Pingzhi wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

These four people are all dead soldiers.

In the end, he died so decisively that he couldn't ask any news.

"It's hasty. I didn't prevent this move, and I still lack experience in the world, otherwise it wouldn't be the result." Lin Pingzhi sighed softly.

Right now, the clues are broken.

"Maybe this corpse can still be used to find some clues!"

After finishing speaking, he threw all the corpses into the carriage and prepared to transport them to the Escort Bureau to see if he could get some useful information from the corpses.

After finishing these, Lin Pingzhi clapped his hands.

"Xiang'er, the carriage is occupied by dead bodies, it looks like we have to walk home."

"It's okay, the left and right were also woken up." Xiang'er said with a smile.

She doesn't mind.

"Hmm..." Lin Pingzhi thought for a while.

"I'm sorry I scared you just now."

"No, those people scare me, it has nothing to do with the young master." Xiang'er said.

"Xiang'er also wants to thank you son for saving his life!"

Lin Pingzhi frowned: "Don't tell're not afraid that what I said to those thieves before is the truth about abandoning you? You're not worried that I don't care about your life at all?"

Hearing this, Xiang'er smiled slightly: "No, I know you won't abandon me, if you really don't care, you can kill the thieves directly when I was held hostage, why bother talking nonsense to them so many?"

"Young Master told them those nonsense, just to delay time and find a loophole."

"I trust my son."

Hearing this, Lin Pingzhi also smiled and nodded.

Xiang'er, you're not stupid.

As she said, if she really doesn't care about this little girl's life, then she doesn't have to worry about whether the little girl is being held hostage or not, and directly takes action against the man in black. Kill Xiang'er first.

Well, it turned out okay.



 Brothers and sisters, today’s recommendation, three updates at a time, can you give me some strength, a recommendation ticket or something?
  Desperately begging for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!beg…


(End of this chapter)

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