Chapter 32 32. One sword dominates the king of the evil sword.

"Chen Yunfei?" Lin Pingzhi frowned,

This man who is more beautiful than a woman, Chen Yunfei?

"You are Chen Yunfei?"

Chen Yunfei's name in the Jianghu is very famous now, except for the masters, who are said to be invincible all over the world, even Linghu Chong, the son of the plane, has suffered under his hands.

This is also normal, according to the plot calculation, the current Linghu Chong has not learned the Dugu Nine Swords yet.

"That's right, it's Mr. Chen!" Chen Yunfei's eyebrows were drawn into his temples, his skin was surprisingly white, without any impurities~ he was like a newborn baby, with a pair of cold eyes, which made him a little more lonely.

"Please enlighten me!"


The sound of the sword being unsheathed was like a meteorite passing through the valley.

His sword is very fast. In his world, everything seems to be slowed down. The birds in the sky slowly spread their wings... The fallen leaves seem to be frozen, and they are divided into two by the unsheathed sword blade.

Just so fast.

This is the strongest person Lin Pingzhi has ever seen.

Chen Yunfei was very decisive and didn't talk nonsense. After a brief introduction... he drew his sword and stood up.

He has a handsome figure.

Stretching movements is simply art.

In front of the same swordsmanship master, this is art.

It seems that a sword can traverse the past and the present.

This sword is perfect in front of others, even Dongfang Bubai, who is proficient in the Sunflower Book, will probably be amazed when he sees it.


In front of Lin Pingzhi, there were still flaws.

This is the case in martial arts all over the world, and what is damaged by the way of heaven is more than enough to make up for what is not enough.

As long as you practice, you will have shortcomings, and it is impossible to be perfect.

And at this time, Lin Pingzhi's advantage of cheating was revealed.

He has no shortcomings in his swordsmanship and cultivation base, which he obtained from cheating commissions.

In Chen Yunfei's eyes, everything seemed to slow down, but in Lin Pingzhi's eyes...even Chen Yunfei's movements slowed down.

Even if he didn't slow down, he even knew where Chen Yunfei was going to stab and what his next moves would be with just one glance. It was as if he could predict the future, and he could easily decipher it.

This is the benefit of improving the five senses.

This is the benefit brought by the commission. Perhaps Lin Pingzhi practiced it himself, and his martial arts cultivation could be higher than now, but his combat power might not be as good as one of the hundred Lin Pingzhi who practiced swords from the palace.

Because the improvement of the commission...involves a problem that this world may not necessarily understand...spiritual consciousness.

In this regard, Lin Pingzhi has also improved.


Lin Pingzhi actually refused to draw his sword for a long time.

"If you don't use the sword again, you will die!"

waited a long time.

Still motionless.

When Chen Yunfei's sword came in front of him, Lin Pingzhi lightly lifted his thumb holding the sword, the hilt of the long sword was three points away from the sheath, and the three-inch silver-white sword body was out of the sheath at the mouth of the sheath, revealing a cold light.

Lin Pingzhi wanted to draw the sword, but with a thought, he pushed out the thumb of the gauntlet, and lowered it again. The sword body also dived into the sea like a dragon diving into the sea, and then slipped into the scabbard again.

This small movement, in Chen Yunfei's eyes, was not slow motion.

Everything around seemed to be slowed down, but the details of Lin Pingzhi's sword attack were not slowed down.

He obviously wanted to draw the sword, why did he put the sword back into the sheath?

Looking at Lin Pingzhi's expression again, it was as calm as water, without any waves... Why?
I am not worthy of his sword?
Or did you not respond?
No, it's not that he didn't react, but that he is not worthy of his sword? ! !
Chen Yunfei was somewhat angry in his heart.

From birth to the present, I have fought many battles, big and small, except for some veteran masters, there is absolutely no enemy who dares to underestimate my long sword!
Lin Pingzhi is too conceited!

Chen Yunfei felt that he was looked down upon.

I want to see how you break my swordsmanship!
He wants to see?Then Lin Pingzhi... let him see it!
In the blink of an eye, the tip of Chen Yunfei's sword had approached Lin Pingzhi's lapel, and was about to pierce Lin Pingzhi's chest. At this moment... Lin Pingzhi moved.

Lin Pingzhi raised his legs suddenly, and at the same time raised his sword scabbard, raised his legs against Chen Yunfei's lower abdomen, pushed the scabbard towards Chen Yunfei's chest, and at the same time his body tilted slightly.

It's just a simple action.

But it was done in an instant.

This difficulty is not easy.

And what's even more frightening is...

Because of this slight tilt of his body, he escaped Chen Yunfei's fatal blow, causing his sword tip to deviate from the track and pass through the gap under his armpit. Not only did he not hurt a single hair of Lin Ping, even Lin Ping's The corners of his clothes have never touched half a point.

But at this moment, what made Chen Yunfei even more terrified was... Lin Pingzhi's scabbard end pierced his heart, and that leg... also precisely pressed against his lower abdomen, neither of the two attacks had any force.

Chen Yunfei was terrified.


It's just one move, and I, the invincible swordsman among the younger generation of all corners of the world, lost!

He finally understood why Lin Pingzhi had unsheathed his sword for a third and inserted it back in again, because if he had used a real sword, he would have bumped into his sword on his own initiative, and it was inevitable that he would be stabbed to the core. …

In fact, even if you don't use a real sword, just use the scabbard to hit it, your heart can't stand such a big impact, and you will be seriously injured if you don't become disabled, so...the opponent kicks, kicks...not to attack yourself, but to slow yourself down The inertial impact area of ​​the sword blocks his forward body so that his body will not be damaged by the scabbard.


Chen Yunfei was extremely surprised.

This operation is a long story, but it actually happened in the blink of an eye.

All of Lin Pingzhi's movements were done in one go, as if...he knew his sword moves, knew where he would land, and then just put on a posture to let himself hit upwards.

Sitting on the sidelines, waiting for oneself to fall into the trap.

Simply amazing.

If Lin Pingzhi wanted to take his own life, he would already be dead.

"You... why didn't you kill me!" Chen Yunfei frowned and said solemnly.

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly: "Have you learned the lesson?"

Just a word, have you learned the lesson?

It seems to prove everything.

"Be taught!" Chen Yunfei was convinced.

At this moment, he suddenly felt... the person in front of him was unfathomable.

"I still want to know, why didn't you kill me?" Chen Yunfei said.

"Looking at your methods against Yu Renyan and others from the Qingcheng faction, you don't look like a soft-hearted person!"

"I have no grievances with you, and I feel that you don't want to kill me. What you said about learning from me is really learning from me. Therefore, why should I kill you?" Lin Pingzhi said.

"Every person I kill in this world has a reason worth killing, but you don't!"

"In this world, everyone I want to kill...has a reason worth killing, don't you?" Chen Yunfei murmured and repeated this sentence.

The two each retracted their swords.

Standing upright under the blue sky, like two poles, straight.

" took out the three-point sword and then retracted it, is it because of this?"

Lin Pingzhi chuckled again: "Do you want to listen to the truth or lies?"



(End of this chapter)

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