Chapter 43 42. Lin Zhennan: I don't understand...

"Little thief!" Yu Canghai gritted his teeth.

"You killed so many of my disciples, but now you say you are at odds with me?"


He felt that he was really wronged.

"You and I have a great enmity, how can you understand it?" Lin Pingzhi came from a distance and stood among the disciples of Qingcheng School and Fuwei Escort Bureau.

"I hate you so much!"

Yu Canghai wanted to vomit blood again.

It seems that Lin Pingzhi really has some deep hatred for him.

But he thought about it in his mind for a long time, and he really couldn't figure out how he offended the other party.

Oh shit…

What nonsense, you killed so many of us, and you made it seem like you were more wronged than us.

"Little bastard, you're talking nonsense. How has my Qingcheng faction ever offended you? What enmity do I have with you?"

"No enmity! Then why are you here tonight?" Lin Pingzhi said.

Yu Canghai's chest was clogged, he was so angry that he couldn't say anything to refute, yes, he came here order to destroy your Lin family.

But...we're not dead yet.

Your revenge... isn't it a bit early to take revenge?The order is wrong, you should wait for me to kill your whole family first, then it will be called blood feud... Well, what you did was right... But how did you know that we came to kill you!

Spies, there must be spies.

"What's the point of saying so much? Use your sword to speak!" Lin Pingzhi said.

"Okay, then I'll take a look at your Lin family's complete evil sword manual!" Yu Canghai said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~!"

A sword shadow burst out from Yu Canghai's hand, carrying a slight chill.

"Stay like a pine, fast like the wind!"

Songfeng swordsmanship!

Some just some light~
The strength of the pine, the lightness of the wind... both.

This is the first time Lin Pingzhi faces a master-level powerhouse, so he can't take it lightly.

Exorcising evil swordsmanship is famous for its quickness, yin and ruthlessness.

Seeing Yu Canghai rushing forward, Lin Pingzhi stabbed out with his long sword without any hesitation.

"Be careful, Ping'er!" Lin Zhennan and Mrs. Lin felt nervous when they saw Lin Pingzhi meeting the enemy behind them.


"The group of evil and easy!"

With a sweep of Lin Pingzhi's long sword, Yu Canghai's sword energy was forcibly wiped out a lot.

At the same time, as soon as the two came into contact, Yu Canghai was crushed and beaten.

Songfeng swordsmanship is fast and light, and the evil sword is even faster.

The two are not on the same level at all.

Even if the strengths of the two parties are the same, one uses the Songfeng Sword Art and the other uses the Evil Resisting Sword Manual, the Songfeng Sword Art will lose with a high probability...or even be crushed.

"This..." Lin Zhennan and Mrs. Lin were shocked behind them.

Lin Pingzhi's performance broke their perception.

The scenes at the scene were dazzling and frightening to watch.

Lin Zhennan believed that if he was replaced, he would never be able to achieve this level.

Lin Pingzhi is amazing!
is this my son
Is it really my son?So powerful!
Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar son, Lin Zhennan seemed to be dreaming.

For a moment...he felt as if he couldn't understand his son.

Lin Pingzhi's swordsmanship is too exquisite!
Lin Zhennan was a little unbelievable that such an exquisite sword technique was actually performed by his own son.

He was only eighteen or nineteen years old, yet he was able to suppress a master-level powerhouse and make him breathless.

When Lin Zhennan was shocked~
The battle situation in the arena also showed a tendency to be crushed.

In the beginning, Yu Canghai was able to fight back and forth between you and me.

As the battle continued, Yu Canghai became more and more unable to hold on.

"Broken Heart Palm..."

"Qingcheng Flying Face..."

Yu Canghai used all his killing moves, but they were still useless, and Lin Pingzhi used his quick sword to break them one by one.


Lin Pingzhi found an opportunity and slashed at Yu Canghai's waist.

Seeing that Yu Canghai was about to be split in half.

But when the sword was about to touch Yu Canghai, Yu Canghai's body split into two.

"Shadowless phantom feet!"

At the scene, Lin Zhennan and his wife were shocked.

"Changed...into two pieces!"

"Yu Canghai's leg, attacking Ping'er by himself?"

I saw Yu Canghai's lower body actually kicking towards Lin Pingzhi himself.

"It's not two halves~ Yu Canghai is actually two people? It consists of a dwarf in the lower body and an upper body!" Lin Zhennan said.

"Be careful, Ping'er, these two dwarves are really weird, don't get hurt!" Mrs. Lin reminded subconsciously, but she immediately realized that the current Lin Pingzhi didn't seem to need to be afraid.

He can handle it.

"Lin Pingzhi, son of a bitch, I want you to die today!" Yu Canghai went mad.

The two gnomes kept bombarding.

All kinds of Qingcheng ultimate moves continue.

But he was divided into two, his strength has been greatly reduced.

Lin Pingzhi seized the time when they had not formed yet, and pierced the dwarf under Yu Canghai with his sword.


Yu Canghai cried out in grief.

"Don't scream, you have to accompany him!"

Lin Pingzhi was as emotionless as he dealt with the dwarf and bullied him.

Yu Canghai resisted with all his might.

It's a pity...without his lower body, he was no match at all. He couldn't resist a few blows before his throat was cut by Lin Pingzhi's sword.

Before Yu Canghai died, his eyes as big as copper bells hated Lin Pingzhi...

But Lin Pingzhi didn't care about anything else, and said softly, "After you die, the Fuwei Escort's blood feud will finally be avenged!"

Hearing this, Yu Canghai's eyes widened even wider... He could not rest in peace, just like that, he lost his life.

No matter what, he couldn't figure it out... Where did this great hatred come from.

Well, he must not be able to figure it out, because the bloody revenge has not happened yet... And the revenge Lin Pingzhi said was for the Fuwei Escort in the original novel of Swordsman...Of course, he must not be able to figure it out.


Seeing Yu Canghai's death, the remaining disciples of the Qingcheng School had only one thought, to run!
Get out of here!


It was impossible for Lin Pingzhi to let them go.

Get rid of evil.

He didn't want to have ten or twenty years later, the remnants of the descendants of the Qingcheng faction would come back with swords in hand to take revenge after encountering various chances.

within a few rounds.

All other Qingcheng sect disciples were executed.

The Qingcheng faction, along with the death of these people, will be removed from the Jianghu from today onwards!

In this original work, the sect that survived until the last episode ended early.

After finishing these, Lin Pingzhi returned with his negative sword.

He cupped his hands at Chen Yunfei who had already flown to the eaves: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." Chen Yunfei returned the salute.

With a movement of the body, he disappeared into the night sky again...

He didn't leave, he just hid.

Lin Pingzhi didn't say much, but shrugged.

This kid is really particular.

Do what you say.

Immediately turned around, showing a big, warm smile, and said to Lin Zhennan and his wife, "Father and mother, it's all right!"

"Ping'er~" Lin Zhennan and his wife looked at each other, looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar son, they really never imagined that these things tonight... would be done by their son.

At this moment, they felt deep in their hearts that they couldn't see through Lin Pingzhi.

Obviously he is so weak...

Now it's so amazing.

Of course, they didn't alienate because of this, they were just relieved...

Son, grow up!


Although this process of growing up, they don't seem to know.

It doesn't matter though.

They have too many things they want to ask and say... But they know that there are so many people now, it's not the time to ask, so they can only hold back their curiosity and let people deal with the scene... They will find a chance to talk to Lin Pingzhi later.



(End of this chapter)

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