Chapter 62 61. The Swordsman!

Qu Yang smiled.

Because he felt that Lin Pingzhi was very special.

Hearing what the other party meant, the other party must know his origin.

But even so, he was still willing to stop and listen to a song.

It is enough to show that Lin Pingzhi is not the kind of person who only sees people with colored glasses.

"Young Master said to help you out, I am ashamed of you. With your master's skills, and the Fuwei Escorts are all heroes, in fact, even without the old man's help, the Fuwei Escorts will be safe and sound." Qu Yang said.

He later saw Lin Pingzhi's strength clearly.

Although he didn't know why Lin Pingzhi and the others pretended to be pigs and eat tigers, Qu Yang felt that he was somewhat meddling.

For the Fuwei Escort, there is no need to do it yourself.

"Whether you dare to do it or not, it's your heart to act." Lin Zhennan took the words away.

"The old hero has chivalry in his chest, I admire it, and the old hero not only has chivalry in his chest, but also has good piano skills, I admire it even more!"

"Ping'er, since the old man is willing to play a song for you, let's listen to it."

Lin Zhennan looked familiar.

As a bodyguard, he instinctively wants to make friends in the world.

Those who work in the escort agency business are not afraid of knowing many people, but they are afraid of knowing few people.

Lin Zhennan felt that the elderly could be friends.

Not to mention any benefits in the future, but what if there are any surprises?

Those who work in the Escort Bureau have no shortage of surprises.

Lin Pingzhi shrugged.

You are not afraid of getting to know the Demon Cult, what am I afraid of?
"Why not?"

Listen to it...

In the original book, there is a very famous piece of music in Swordsman, and that is Swordsman, and the song of Swordsman is divided into two parts, Qin and Xiao. Xiao, played the swan song in the world!
It's the pinnacle of fun.

Lin Pingzhi was also curious, "Swordsman...what kind of song is it?"

"My lord appreciates your face and listens, I will do my best!" Qu Yang smiled.

"It's rare to find a confidant in the world..."

"Feiyan, play the piano!"

With a wave of his hand, the old man asked the eccentric little girl beside him to play the piano.

"Young master, you are lucky, my grandfather doesn't play that song for others easily." Qu Feiyan blinked her big watery eyes and said.

"Then listen carefully, although I may not be a confidant, or I may not be a confidant!" Lin Pingzhi said.

The scene started to get busy.

Qu Feiyan is playing the piano, and Qu Yang is preparing.

And the bodyguards of Fuwei Escort Bureau also gathered together one by one, wanting to listen to the old man's piano sound.

As for Xiang'er, she brought a chair from the side and sat down for Lin Pingzhi.

Chen Yunfei jumped onto the top of the tree alone to be on guard.

This is Chen Yunfei's habit.

He is used to guarding everyone when everyone relaxes their vigilance.

I have to say that this person speaks his mind and is very dedicated.

It is said that guarding the Fuwei Escort for ten years will be guarded for ten years, and he has never been lazy at any time, and has been conscientious.

Lin Zhennan stroked his beard and sat with Lin Pingzhi.

Just wait for Qu Yang's music.

A piece of guqin was carefully placed on the long table by Qu Feiyan, who then fixed a chair for Qu Yang.

A box of sandalwood, black smoke rises next to the guqin.

The atmosphere suddenly rose.

Qu Yang straightened his sleeves and sat in front of the guqin.


He tried a few tones and confirmed that the sound quality of the guqin was normal.

"The old man is showing his ugliness!"

As Qu Yang said, his eyes suddenly changed~
become brighter.


Qu Yang moved his fingers.

A pleasant sound came from above the strings.

Like a long empty valley bell.

It's like chanting scriptures under an ancient temple.

Very penetrating.

Lin Pingzhi thought that the sound of the qin might be difficult for people to appreciate. He didn't like guqin music, and the reason why he wanted to listen to it was more out of curiosity.

But when he heard the sound of Qu Yang playing the piano, he was suddenly caught by the lifeline of his soul.



Didn't expect Guqin to sound so good?

Although only a few sounds have appeared so far, it still makes people yearn for it.

No wonder this is the first song of Swordsman!
worthy of this title.


The melodious sound of the piano, with the passage of time, the rhythm has gradually changed...

It seems that there are high mountains and flowing water, white clouds and blue sky, the end of the world with swords, and lofty ambitions...

All emotions are condensed into one piece of music.

Smiling Proud Jianghu!

Rivers and lakes are like water, and people are like fish.

A person enters the rivers and lakes, like a fish in water... Smiling proud of the world, wielding a sword to the end of the world.

Qu Yang's song.


Even Lin Pingzhi, who doesn't like guqin music very much, was conquered.

The world's number one song, well-deserved reputation.

Qu Yang's piano sound not only conquered Lin Pingzhi, but also the people around him, and fell into shock.

It was as if... everyone's world, everyone's happy grievances and grievances had been aroused.

This song is so wonderful.

too pleasing to the ear.

Every tone is touching.

The bird on the top of the mountain can also overlook the world.

People in the world can also laugh proudly.

Everyone is excited.

There is pride in the heart.


After a song, there is no sound.

It was as if time had stopped.

The scene... There was no sound at all, and a needle could be heard.

Pairs of eyes stared at Qu Yang.

"it is good!"

Finally, a voice full of spirit broke the silence.

This voice seemed to penetrate everyone's hearts, making everyone's hearts tremble, and the pride of being proud of the Jianghu was also pulled back to reality.

"Great!" Lin Zhennan exclaimed wonderfully.

"At first, I thought that my husband's previous piano music was at its peak, but who knew that my husband still has this song... It is really the best song that Lin has ever heard in his life!"




"A piece of music like no other in the world."

"The sound of nature!"

"There are no shortcomings."

"sounds amazing."

"There is no other music in the world."

"I think this song is perfect!"

Qu Yang's music won applause from the screen.

Everyone is praising Qu Yang.

"Of course, my grandfather's music is unique in the world." Qu Feiyan also had a radiant face.

When Qu Yang was praised, she was also beautiful in her heart.

Everyone was boasting, but Qu Yang was neither humble nor overbearing, and didn't say anything. He simply smiled, without pride, only a faint smile.

"I think something is still missing!" At this time, there was a different voice.

Everyone looked over in an instant.

It was Lin Pingzhi.

They don't understand, the song is already perfect, why does the young master still say that?

"Although this song is perfect, it still lacks something." Lin Pingzhi said.

Hearing this... Qu Yang, who had been praised all the time, but who had been silent all the time, suddenly had his eyes lit up.

After thinking about it, he said, "My lord, please continue to evaluate."

"Mr.'s song is already very good, but it's a pity that something is missing... Sigh... If you can hear the complete Xiaoaojianghu, it may be even more shocking!" Lin Pingzhi said.

"Swordsman..." Qu Yang fell into deep thought.

After a while:

"Good... good name!"

"Thank you, son, for giving me the name!"



 Tomorrow the two updates will be resumed, and finally liberated. It's not easy.

  Thank you brothers for your tolerance during this period, please be respected by Lin Mou three times!

  Boom, boom, boom~ (three ringing heads)
  No, it was the author's change, why did I, Lin Pingzhi, kowtow to pay it back? (Lin Pingzhi's puzzled face)
(End of this chapter)

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