Chapter 78 77. Lin Pingzhi: You are sophistry! (2 in 1)

Liu Zhengfeng promised to shelve the matter of Jinpen washing his hands for the time being,
It happened to follow the wish of the Songshan School.

Stendhal was pleased with the result.

The parties formally agreed.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the back hall.

"Let go of me, what are you doing with me? I can play with whomever I want. Why do you hold me?"

Hearing that voice, Lin Pingzhi immediately recognized it.

It is Qu non-smoking.

Many people at the scene were also surprised. Isn't this the eloquent Qu Feiyan in Liu's residence a few days ago?
They also know each other.

Then I heard a strange man's voice coming from the inner hall: "You sit quietly for me, don't move around, I will let you go naturally later."

"I'm curious, I like to play in the backyard with Sister Liu, this is not your house, why are you stopping us?" Qu Feiyan said.

"Okay, if you want to go, then you can go by yourself, Miss Liu please stay here for a while." The man said.

"Sister Liu said that she hates you when she sees you, and we don't know you, so why are you pestering people?"

"Sister Liu, don't be afraid, let's go and ignore him."

"Please Miss Liu to stay here for a while." The man said forcefully.

In the back hall, someone was entangled with the female family members of the Liu family.

Liu Zhengfeng roared angrily: "That bastard who doesn't open his eyes dares to be rude to me, Qing'er."

After he was prevented from washing his hands in the golden basin, he was already depressed. At this moment, he had nowhere to vent his anger, and the man who pestered his daughter just happened to vent his anger on him.

Liu Zhengfeng's disciple Mi Weiyi rushed to the back hall upon hearing the sound, but saw a man in a yellow shirt grabbing his daughter, and he frowned immediately.

Mi Weiyi was right to ask: "It turns out that you are a senior from the Songshan School. What are you doing here instead of sitting in the lobby?"

The disciple of the Songshan School said: "No need, wait for the order of the sect master to watch over Liu's family members here, and no one is allowed to escape."

These words were not loud, but the arrogance in the tone was hard to hide.

Hearing this, all the heroes in the hall turned pale.

This is... the meaning of coercion.

Use the Liu family members to coerce Liu Zhengfeng to give up the golden basin and wash his hands!
If Liu Zhengfeng doesn't want to be obedient...


Liu Zhengfeng in the hall was furious, and asked Shi Dengda: "What does this mean?"

While apologizing, Shi Dengda said to the inner hall: "Junior Brother Wan, come out, Uncle Liu has already promised not to wash, please be more polite."

"Yes! That couldn't be better!" said the man in the back hall.

Then came out: "Wan Dengping, a disciple of the Songshan School, kowtowed to Uncle Liu."

Liu Zhengfeng met this person, why didn't he understand the truth of the matter?
My own Liu family, I'm afraid Songshan sent me to control it clean, if I don't agree to Jinpen to wash my hands, I'm afraid these people will coerce my family and force me to give up Jinpen to wash my hands.

You can suggest that I postpone the meeting, but you force me... Then I, Liu Zhengfeng, will take soft things rather than strong ones.

He was trembling with anger, and said loudly: "How many disciples of the Songshan School are there, please show up."

His voice just fell.

On the roof, outside the gate, in the corner of the hall, in front of the backyard, around the back... at least dozens of people said in unison: "Yes, disciples of the Songshan School, see Uncle Liu!"

Dozens of voices appeared simultaneously, both loud and unexpected.

Looking around, there were more than a dozen Songshan school disciples in yellow shirts standing on the roof, and there were also people dressed in various styles in the hall, which were different from the formal Songshan decorations.

It seems...these people have already sneaked into the guests, monitoring Liu Zhengfeng's every move, mixed among more than 1000 people, and none of them noticed.

If Liu Zhengfeng didn't agree to the golden basin to wash his hands before... I would be afraid after thinking about it.

"I didn't expect Songshan to put up such a big battle in order to prevent Liu Zhengfeng from washing his hands in the golden basin. First, he controlled Liu Zhengfeng's family members, and then densely surrounded Liu's residence with surprise soldiers. If there is a real conflict, Liu Zhengfeng will inevitably suffer a big loss, it seems that this time Liu Zhengfeng... fell down!" Lin Zhennan sighed softly.

Songshan School's handwriting is too big.

Lin Pingzhi didn't take it seriously, and said, "'s too early for him to do this. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, even if the Songshan faction has already captured Liu Zhengfeng's lifeline, if they force Liu Zhengfeng to do anything, they will be blamed. It's not good for the Songshan faction... With so many quacks present, the Songshan faction doesn't dare to offend everyone. If he wants to deal with Liu Zhengfeng, he needs one more condition..."

"What conditions?" Lin Zhennan asked.

"Daddy just keep watching..." Lin Pingzhi smiled without saying a word.

Lin Pingzhi knew in his heart that it wasn't just Liu Zhengfeng that the Songshan faction wanted to deal with... and the Fuwei Escort!

There's no need to come out now, just continue watching the show quietly.

Anyway...everything is under control, it's fine if the Songshan faction doesn't deal with the Fuwei Escort, but if they deal with the Fuwei Escort...then...


Lin Pingzhi sneered in his heart.

The people from Fuwei Escort Bureau continued to watch the show with the attitude that they had nothing to do with themselves.


in the hall.

Seeing the Songshan faction being so aggressive, many people couldn't sit still.

Although the matter of Liu Zhengfeng donating an official is chilling, but after all, his past words and deeds can be considered decent.

Songshan faction is too much.

The first one to come forward was the violent-tempered Master Dingyi:
"What do you mean? It's too bullying!"

"Master Dingyi, please forgive me. Master has repeatedly told me to prevent Uncle Liu from washing his hands in the golden basin. I am afraid that Uncle Liu will not obey the order, so I will make such a bad move. I will offend you. Please ask Uncle Liu and Uncle Liu to be Haihan."

At this time, a dozen or 20 people came out of the back hall one after another.

They are all family members of the Liu family.

There are Mrs. Liu, his two young sons, and seven disciples...

Behind each person, there is a disciple of the Songshan School following, and a dagger is pressed against the back of the Liu family.

Seeing this, Liu Zhengfeng's vision went dark, and his mind became dizzy for a while.

He, Liu Zhengfeng, was a respectable figure at any rate, and now he was in front of all the heroes, and the behavior of the Songshan faction really made him lose face.

So he said angrily:
"My friends, it wasn't Liu who wanted to go his own way, it was the leader of the Left Alliance who forced him so hard. If Liu followed his will, how would he gain a foothold in the world in the future!"

"The leader of the Left League will not allow Liu to wash his hands in the golden basin. Liu's head may be bleeding and bleeding, but his ambition is unyielding!"

As he said that, he took a step forward, not wanting to postpone the important matter of washing his hands in the golden basin any longer, so he wanted to put his hands into the golden basin.


The Stern Darling flag was unfurled, standing in front of Liu Zhengfeng, trying to stop him.

It's a pity that Liu Zhengfeng is getting angry now, how can Shi Dengda stop it?


With just one random move, Liu Zhengfeng knocked Shi Dengda flying backwards, sluggish.

Anyway, he is also a hero who has been famous for a long time.

Seeing this, the disciples of Songshan School were all shocked.

He didn't dare to go up and stop it.

But he set his sights on Liu's family members.

A Songshan disciple said: "Uncle Liu, if you don't stop, I will kill your son!"

Liu Zhengfeng glanced back, and said coldly: "The heroes of the world are here to witness today, if you dare to touch a single hair of my hair, all the dozens of disciples of your Songshan Sect will be turned into mud!"

With that said, he still wanted to wash his hands in the golden basin.

All the heroes present really had the idea that if the Songshan faction went too far, they would unite and attack.

Everyone felt that the Songshan School was too unreasonable.

"Obviously they have promised you to put aside the important matter of washing the hands of the golden basin for the time being, but you are still aggressive. What's the reason for that?" Lin Zhennan asked.

"We must force Liu Zhengfeng to become ruthless and wash his hands on the spot!"

"But no matter what, the Songshan faction's wrist is still tough! Brilliant!"

Lin Pingzhi heard the words, but dismissed them.

Heart Road:

"In my opinion, their actions are all stupid."

Liu Zhengfeng's washing his hands in the golden basin is nothing at all, and everyone can support it, but you donate an official to ruin the popularity of passers-by. It's really stupid.

What's even more stupid is that he actually said something in public. After retiring, I have nothing to do with my friends. When we meet again, it's just business or something, which completely ruins my popularity...

If it weren't for these things, the Jianghu people probably wouldn't let your family be controlled, and the Songshan faction would have released them long ago.

In contrast, Songshan School.

You have clearly succeeded in getting Liu Zhengfeng to give up the gold basin and wash his hands, but you are still aggressive. Let Liu Zhengfeng confront you head-on, you are really mentally handicapped!



Seeing that your hand was about to sink into the golden basin, suddenly your hidden weapon flew over.

"Pang lang~"

The golden basin was knocked down, and the water flowed all over the ground.

The golden basin fell to the ground in an instant.

Dozens of people fell from the roof.

One of them was thin, of medium build, with a mouse beard and fell down, crushing the golden basin flat with one foot.

Liu Zhengfeng felt a "thump" in his heart.

Now, the golden basin has been destroyed, and it is impossible to want to wash the golden basin...

He knew this person, it was Da Songyang's hand, Fei Bin!
"By the order of the leader, Senior Brother Liu must not be allowed to wash his hands in the golden basin!" Fei Bin said.

Liu Zhengfeng looked gloomy:
"Although the Songshan faction holds the order of the leader of the Five Sacred Sacred Mountains, it is too aggressive to be so deceptive. All the heroes in the world are watching. If you behave like this, you will not be afraid of being questioned by the world!"

Hearing this, Fei Bin smiled lightly and said:
"Senior Brother Liu, don't try to sow dissension. You're always threatening with heroes. Do you really think that I'm here to prevent you from washing your hands?"

"How can my Senior Brother Zuo waste so much time on such a trivial matter? The reason why we are here is because this matter concerns the lives of countless people!" Fei Bin said.

The heroes were puzzled for a while.

Why did the Songshan School say that?

Not so much.

Liu Zhengfeng shouted: "You are talking nonsense, the matter of Jinpen washing his hands is just a small personal matter of Liu, how can it have anything to do with the wealth and lives of the heroes of the world?"

"That's right, the poor nun doesn't think so much about Liu Xiandi washing his hands and serving the imperial court, but everyone has his own ambitions. As long as he doesn't do things that violate morality in the future, he won't be considered a big treacherous evil." Mrs. Dingyi road.

Fei Bin explained:
"Master Dingyi, you are from the Buddhist sect... Naturally, you don't understand the many tricks of ghosts and ghosts in the Jianghu. Think about it, brother Liu is rich and well-known in the Jianghu. There must be a conspiracy in the matter of getting rich."

Hearing this, many quacks who had been defeated by Liu Zhengfeng also became suspicious.

"I've long felt that Liu Zhengfeng is unreliable!"

"There must be something hidden in it."

When Liu Zhengfeng heard the words, he felt that he had been splashed with dirty water, so he shouted loudly: "Don't spit blood, you Songshan faction came here today, and you will definitely have trouble with Liu. If this is the case... what other disciples of the Songshan faction are lurking So, why don't you all show up, come out and confront them face to face, don't be a villain who hides his head and shows his tail!"

I only heard someone on the roof of the East and West respond:

"it is good!"

Later, everyone saw that Songshan sent Lu Bai and Tota's hand Ding Mian to fall from the roof.

Around, all Songshan School disciples also appeared together.

Like an iron bucket, it surrounded Liu's mansion tightly.

Liu Zhengfeng said with a cold face, "What a big battle!"

Lu Bai and Ding Mian did not answer Liu Zhengfeng's words.

They will have high prestige in the arena.

The two of them first greeted the surrounding masters and seniors, then turned to Liu Zhengfeng and said:

"We dare not underestimate you, a person who colluded with the Demon Cult!"

Seeing the two people coming, Lin Pingzhi felt that Liu Zhengfeng might suffer a big loss in the hands of these two people.

However, it is not surprising that this kind of "magic master" suffered a big loss.

"Hehe, you guys framed Liu, can you find some better reasons, Liu has never even met Dongfang Bubai, so how can you talk about collusion?" Liu Zhengfeng said dismissively.

"No collusion??" Lu Bai sneered.


"There is a protector in the Demon Sect, named Qu Yang, you can recognize him!"

Hearing this, Liu Zhengfeng's eyes changed.

I was taken aback in vain.

When everyone saw that he didn't answer, they immediately felt a little tricky. Thousands of eyes were cast on his face, making him feel uncomfortable.

This kind of situation... No one can guess, there must be tricks in it.

He knows it.

"Do you know Qu Yang!" Lu Bai asked again.

Liu Zhengfeng's face was pale, he pondered for a moment, and then calmly said: "That's right, Brother Qu Yangqu, not only do I know him, he is also the only confidant in my life, the best friend!"


Immediately, the hall was in an uproar, and all the heroes were discussing... Liu Zhengfeng is actually a close friend with the Demon Cult Protector, and even cited him as a confidant.

This... is a big taboo.


Lin Pingzhi even vomited blood.

Well, you pedantic Liu Zhengfeng, you are so quibbling.

You are so honest... no wonder his mother's family was ruined.

Really satisfied.

Lin Pingzhi was very speechless in his heart, to be's not the time to be honest, this is terrible honesty.

If this were to be placed on someone Lin, he would definitely say without blushing and heartbeat: I don't know, who is that person?

In Xiaoao's original novel, Lin Pingzhi thought it was a pity that Liu Zhengfeng's family was destroyed before, but now it seems... Isn't it self-inflicted.

Seeing this, Fei Bin smiled and said, "Just admit it!"

He didn't expect Liu Zhengfeng to be so stupid, so he admitted it just by asking.

I saw Liu Zhengfeng with a dull expression, returned to his seat and drank a glass of wine. He didn't know if he was cheering himself up, or he was a little panicked.

Fei Bin continued: "The leader of the Zuo League found out that Liu Zhengfeng went astray and made friends with the Demon Sect. I think he is a rare talent in the Hengshan Sect. He was just confused for a while. If Brother Liu can tell what kind of conspiracy the Demon Sect uses to deal with him... As a member of the Righteous Way, if Liu Zhengfeng can swear to sever ties with the Demon Sect, and meet Qu Yang's leader within a month, Liu Zhengfeng will still be our good brother and good friend of the Righteous Way... otherwise!"

"We are in the righteous world, and I am afraid that we cannot tolerate people who are in collusion with monsters and treacherous people."

The heroes thought to themselves: Since ancient times, good and evil have not coexisted. When the two meet, it is inevitable to fight to the death. The left leader has the heart to kill Qu Yang, so it is not too much.

Everyone thinks it's not too much.

Who would have thought, but Liu Zhengfeng said: "Brother Qu and I hit it off right away, we became friends, we fell in love with each other, and we hated seeing each other late. He and I had more than ten night conversations in bed together, and occasionally involved family views. He always sighed deeply. He thought that It is really fearless for the two sides to fight like this..."

No one cares whether you are in bed or not, whether the relationship is deep or not, and no one cares about your views on good and evil.

What you should do now is his sophistry.

Sophistry understand!

Not that these are messy.

Lin Pingzhi kept rolling his eyes.

He really didn't expect... Liu Zhengfeng to be so real.

Or rather, stupid!

In the original book, it's not unreasonable for you to be destroyed.

Isn't this looking for death!

"Brother Qu and I met, only discussing temperament. He is a master of the lyre, and I love flute. When we meet, we only talk about rhythm, not martial arts..."

Who cares if you like music or not.

What topic are you talking about?

Will you quibble?
Not only did Liu Zhengfeng not quibble, but he said with a little pride:

"You may not believe it, Brother Qu's lyre... is unmatched by anyone today, and Liu's flute... is also the best in the world. When we meet, the qin and flute always match, nothing else."

Hearing the words, all the heroes sighed with emotion. It turned out that they met because of music.

Alas... But, there is no balance between good and evil.

But Lin Pingzhi couldn't help shaking his head: "You should say now, actually I don't know Qu Yang very well, I have nothing to do with crime, I swear that I will kill Qu Yang..."

You have to state your position first.

After making it clear, you don't have to kill Qu Yang. If you really can't complete the task then, you can say that your martial arts are low and you can't beat him.

You're here to push so much now, it's useless!

Instead, he was wronged by others.

Dead wood cannot be carved.



(End of this chapter)

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