I am Lin Pingzhi!At the beginning, ten thousand copies of the evil swordsmanship will be given!

Chapter 92 90. Fierce beyond the Great Wall: Is this the Jianghu of the Central Plains?

Chapter 92 90. Ten fierce men outside the Great Wall: Is this the Jianghu of the Central Plains? (4800+ ask for subscription monthly pass)

frontier fortress.

The desert is solitary and straight, and the long river falls into the sun.

The scenery in Saibei is different from the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, the small bridges and flowing water.

As far as the eye can see, there is loess and dust, and there are not many tall trees. The further west, the more desolate and desolate.

In addition to the endless sand, the sky is an endless sky, deep and far away.

It seems that if you are not careful, you will fall into the boundless universe, the boundless blue sky and deep well.

The blue sky hangs over the desert.

One yellow and one blue picture are extremely pure.

It looks comfortable.

In the desert, it is not without any plants.

Low shrubs, cacti.

The ups and downs are dotted in the sand sea.

This is a desert painting.

Under the bushes and above the sand, there are lizards and sand snakes lurking, staring indifferently at the things in the desert, like statues, motionless, looking at them for thousands of years.

In fact, they are hunting, waiting for their prey to bite.

As soon as the prey comes within striking distance of them, it bursts into a ferocious side, as ruthless as their indifferent apricot eyes.

Such are the rules of the desert.

The desert, too, has ruthless competition.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, there is also the law of the forest.

"ssssssssssssssssssssssss out~"

A sand snake with the thickness of an adult's arm sank half of its body into the sand, with only half of its head exposed, looking around with emotionless eyes, spitting out snake letters from time to time to collect information on its prey.

It can sense the movement traces of prey within a radius of one or two kilometers from the changes of molecules in the air.

Snakes are natural killers, lurkers, and predators!
Suddenly, it found a prey.

It was a wild rat.

Pushing his limbs in the desert is like a fish in water. Whether it is soft sand or uneven bunkers, he walks on the ground as if he were on the ground.

In the desert, there is a long string of small footprints that cannot be seen.

The gerbils stopped and went, visibly vigilant.

After walking for a while, I will stop and observe for a while, and smell the air for kills, danger, and food.

What it doesn't know is that there is a sand snake in the sand, staring at it, waiting for it to approach slowly...

The gerbil didn't notice the danger and continued to move forward.


Finally, the gerbil came within the range of the viper.

This poisonous snake has been waiting for a long time.

Supported by the sand, the whole body is like a spring, pushing forward violently.

Dust and sand splashed everywhere.

The snake's mouth opened to almost 180 degrees.

Extremely exaggerated.

After preying on this plump gerbil, the poisonous snake will not have to worry about starving to death for the next few months, or even a year.


No surprises.

The poisonous snake's big black mouth instantly bit the gerbil.

The normal process should be that the moment it bites its prey, it releases a large amount of venom, poisoning the gerbil, and then quickly rolls its body into a ball, preventing the gerbil from any chance of escape.

But the poisonous snake had just bit the gerbil, and before it had time to release its venom, its head was nailed to the sand by a long sword that fell out of nowhere.

The vitality of the snake is very tenacious.

Even after being nailed through the head, the body is still not stiff.

Like hemp rope, it was wrapped around the blade.

At this time, a big hand reached down and grabbed the poisonous snake's head.

Remove the snake from the sword.

The snake curled around the man's wrist.

A man with a face full of vicissitudes and the temperament of a big man outside the Great Wall smiled with satisfaction. His eyes were like wolves and tigers.

This is a man in his forties in college.

Wearing the commoner clothes of people outside the Great Wall, with a water bottle hanging from the waist.

"Second brother, you are still very good. If you know how to track gerbils, you can find food. This poisonous snake is very fat. In addition to the poisonous snakes and scorpions we caught before, we can have a full meal tonight." The ten-year-old man said happily.

"Predators always hunt and follow the prey...We can reap something at a certain time!" A burly man in his forties, named Tuoba Xiong, is a well-known strong man outside the Great Wall.

"Let's go, it's time for us to go back and join Big Brother and the others."

"Yes, what the second brother said is that we have been out for a long time, and we are delaying. Brother and the others should be anxious!" The young man also looked red from the sun.

His name is Tuobatian.

It is also one of the strong outside the Great Wall.

After the two finished speaking, they walked away from the place.

The poisonous snake never expected that his identity as a predator would instantly become a prey.

Such are the rules of the desert.

The world is impermanent.

In a blink of an eye, the sun was setting.

The figures of Tuoba Xiong and Tuobatian melted together with the darkening blue sky of the desert, becoming a part of the painting, two black shadows in the desert.

not long,

They join up with other brothers.

"Second brother and fifth brother, can you gain something?" The boss Tuobaying asked when he saw the two returned.

"Fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life!" Tuoba Xiong smiled, and took out his sack.

"call out…"

Open it, and the inside is full of prey.


The boss Tuobaying was very happy.

"As expected of my second brother, good! Good!"

"Seventh brother and eighth brother, come over and deal with the food." The boss ordered.

Tuoba Wu and Tuoba Di took the sack in response.

"Second brother, you have worked hard, come... drink!" He said and handed over the jug.

"Thank you, brother!" Tuoba Xiong grinned.

"Gu dong gu dong."

He took the jug and poured wine into his mouth.


At night in the desert, there is a bonfire burning.

On the fire, various foods are roasted.

Weird food.

Venomous snakes, centipedes, scorpions...

There are.

It sounds scary, but they are actually baked to a golden brown and crispy, which looks pretty good.

"Eat, eat, eat~!"

Several people gathered around the campfire, drinking and eating meat.

Free and easy atmosphere.

It fully demonstrates the heroism of the outsiders.

If there are people from outside the Great Wall here, they will be surprised and they will be able to recognize these people.

They are the famous ten evildoers in the frontier area!
The Tuoba family is proud.

Their names are also easy to remember, heroes and heroes, invincible in the world.

There are two more, namely nine fierce and ten fierce.

Originally, there were only eight evils among the ten evils in the frontier fortress, and they were heroes who were invincible in the world.

Later, two more were added. I really didn't know how to make it easy, so the latter two were simply called nine evils and ten evils.

As for the original name of Nine Fierce Ten Fierce, few people remember it.

"Brothers, after a few days of travel, we will arrive at the territory of the Central Plains Wulin. This may be the last time we have such a sumptuous meal in the desert. The next big dinner will be at the restaurant of the Central Plains Wulin. Everyone is excited Don't get excited!" Tuoba Ying said.

"Hey, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

"Our martial arts outside the Great Wall, which time did we enter the martial arts of the Central Plains, didn't it make the martial arts of the Central Plains tremble? Didn't it cause a shock in the martial arts of the Central Plains? This time we are ten fierce outside the Great Wall, and we will definitely shake the entire martial arts, and we will definitely be famous in the Central Plains!"

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time!"

The ten murderers are obviously looking forward to it.

"Our Ten Fiends are well-known in the martial arts outside the Great Wall. It's boring to break through. I want to come to the Central Plains. I hope that the people in the Central Plains Wulin will not be weak chickens. I hope they can be better. Don't let me down, otherwise... We will be very boring of."

"Yeah, I heard that people in the Central Plains martial arts are just a bunch of trash, and any master outside the Great Wall can be ranked among their martial arts masters... Actually, I don't have much expectations."

"As long as we enter the Central Plains martial arts, can't we immediately become a giant like existence?"

"The martial arts in the Central Plains are pampered and pampered. How can we be as cruel as our Jianghu outside the Great Wall? Their group of sons and brothers are just rubbish. Our ten evils will definitely dominate the Jianghu. Don't talk about the Jianghu by then. Zuo Lengchan, Yue Buqun, the greatest Classes are not our opponents!"

"Don't talk about these people, even Master Fangzheng, even Daoist Chongxu, let me do it, Dongfang Bubai, etc., will fail under our hands!!!"

"We want to sweep the Central Plains martial arts!"

Ten evils outside the Great Wall, imagine the future.

I feel that as long as I enter the Central Plains martial arts, I can become the overlord, become a master, and become a master.

"Brothers, don't take it lightly, the Central Plains martial arts, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, should not be underestimated!" Tuobaying said.

"Among them, there are still experts. This trip is for the sake of gaining insight, so don't be careless."

"Central Plains Wulin, everyone looks like a humble son, but in fact, they are full of bad things, and they are all conspiracy."

"It's different here than outside the Great Wall."

"The martial arts in the Central Plains is bloody and rainy. Compared with the outside of the Great Wall, it is even worse. It kills people and sells goods at every turn, and destroys people everywhere... Sometimes there will be a battle between good and evil. After a big battle, tens of thousands of Jianghu will die. normal…"

"Everyone be careful!"

Tuobaying still has some knowledge, so I remind you brothers.

"Brother, are you afraid?"

"With the ten of us joining forces, are you afraid that they will fail in the Central Plains martial arts?"

"That's right, the ten of us together will definitely be invincible all over the world!"

The other brothers think that the elder brother is cowardly.

When Tuobaying heard this, his tiger eyes glared:

"I'm cowardly, I'm cowardly, if I were cowardly, I wouldn't have come to the Central Plains martial arts."

"I just remind you to be careful, don't take it lightly."

"Our ten fierce strengths are enough to shock the Central Plains martial arts!"

"Not to mention killing Shaolin first and then destroying Wudang, that's about the same!"

"This time we are here to make the Central Plains martial arts tremble."

Seeing the eldest brother say that, the others also burst out laughing.


"I just said, this is our big brother!"

"Put Shaolin first, then destroy Wudang!"

"Then crush the Five Sacred Sword Sect!"

"Finally make the Demon Cult crawl under our feet!"

"Ha ha…"

"Let the entire Central Plains martial arts tremble because of our arrival!"

The ten evils outside the Great Wall felt that they were like dark clouds from the northwest, which would eventually cover the Central Plains martial arts and make the major forces of the Central Plains martial arts prostrate under their thieves.

"Come on, drink!"

"After drinking this pot of wine, let us... horses step on the Central Plains, and start our era of ten fierce martial arts myths!"


Several people drink and eat meat.

Full of confidence.

That night, they got drunk.

Drink well.

For the future, full of hope.

It seems that I have seen... the scene where people in Jianghu couldn't help frowning when they heard their fierce names.

Its daybreak.

They keep going.

About four or five days passed.

The ten evils outside the Great Wall have entered the border of the Central Plains martial arts.

As soon as they entered the Central Plains martial arts, even if they had a fierce reputation, even if they were full of flirting in the past few days and nights, they couldn't help but get nervous.

Talking swearing is swearing, and they must be cautious when they come to a strange place.

Because in their impression, the people in Central Plains Wulin are all fucking insidious, cruel and ruthless...

The kind that kills without blinking an eye.

"It is said that the front is a place where bandits tend to gather. The mountains are high and steep, and it is indeed dangerous. We must be careful when passing through that forest!"

"it is good!"

A few people rode horses, full of dust.

It can be seen at a glance that it is an outfit outside the Great Wall.

They were silent.

Strong and full of dignity.

The kind who is ready to pick up guys and fight without saying a word.

This is the hill where bandits gather.

It is also a necessary place for Saibei to enter the Central Plains.

This place is often mentioned in the strategy map for entering the Central Plains beyond the Great Wall.

Every time people from outside the Great Wall enter the Central Plains, there will be bandits blocking the way.

The Ten Fiends Beyond the Great Wall thought they would meet them too.


The ten evil ones were obviously overly worried.

They entered the area full of bandits, and then left here...

Unexpectedly, he was not attacked or blocked.

Walking out of the danger zone, Shi Ji wondered.

"what's the situation?"

"Didn't it mean...it's very dangerous here, will there be bandits robbing the road?"

"Yeah, why didn't I see it!"

"Could it be that the bandits fell asleep today and got up late? Didn't catch up to rob us?" Of course, this was just a joke.

However, all these unusual atmospheres made the Ten Fiends Beyond the Great Wall feel the difference in the Central Plains martial arts.


They move on.

What they saw along the way made them even more dumbfounded.

Where bandits gather, there are no bandits.

Sometimes you can see some tea shops.

At first, they thought that these tea shops were deliberately opened by bandits to deceive others, in order to keep the belongings of tourists around them.

Because the people in the teahouse are so unusual.

Those who drink tea are all quacks.

However, what they discussed and studied were all incomprehensible formulas.

Generally speaking, it is actually like reading a book, studying literacy and hyphenation.

I don't remember discussing who was exterminated, how many people were beheaded, it was awesome, who was expelled from the teacher's school was miserable, and who's daughter was picked by a flower picker.

It's like a group of nerds studying the Four Books and Five Classics.

It made them wonder!
"Brother... This Central Plains Wulin is very unusual."

"Why is there no hostility at all, it looks very harmonious."

"They're all reading!"

"Like an idiot."

"This...is really the Central Plains Wulin? Did we go to the wrong place? Why didn't they fight! Didn't they say...the Central Plains Wulin fights are also very brutal?"

"Kill people and steal money at every turn, and destroy people's brains at every turn?"

In fact, Tuobaying was also puzzled.


How is this going?

What's the matter?Why are you reading?

Damn... what happened!
Tuobaying looked pensive, lowered his voice and said:
"Maybe...they are all in disguise. These people...are actually bandits. They pretended to be scholars studying the Four Books and Five Classics, and then...suddenly attacked us, killed us, and robbed us of our property."

He went on to analyze:
"Look, the words they speak are related to martial arts. They are not the Four Books and Five Classics at all. They are not scholars at all. This disguise...is so bad, I can tell it at a glance."

"It's still big brother Yingming..."

"Brother has a discerning eye, and can see their tricks at a glance."

"You have to pay attention to this point. The Central Plains martial arts seem to be humble, but they are actually villains, hypocrites... they are all good at intrigue." Tuobaying continued.

"We'll have to keep our spirits up later, if they do something, we'll explode and wipe them all out!"

"yes, Sir!"

"We are taking precautions!"

"The camouflage methods of this group of people are simply too low. They actually opened a teahouse in the bandit's territory and read books... You say, even a fool can see that there is something tricky."

"That's right, do these gangsters look down on our IQ, or do they have a problem with their IQ? Such an obvious loophole..."

"Hmph! It turns out that the martial arts in the Central Plains are all like this... Is it really not that good?"

Ten fierce faces... We have already seen your routines, you mentally retarded... expressions.

They feel like they are watching a clown show, watching these "gangsters" perform.

And the group of quacks who were studying the cheats also looked bewildered when they heard the ten murderers muttering something...

"What are those old bastards doing?"

"Whispering, looking at us with evil intentions!"

"I kind of want to go up and fuck them!"

"Brother, don't don't...don't waste time, they like to do whatever they like, we still study the cheats, the third layer of Ice Soul Frozen Sky, we will research it soon, why are you fighting with them? Just ignore it !"


"In these days, there are still people who have nothing to do, drink tea everywhere, and don't study martial arts... It seems to them that they will be eliminated by the times!"


A group of people looked sympathetically at the ten murderers outside the Great Wall and the others.

Both sides look down on each other.

But, there was no conflict.

The ten evil men outside the Great Wall thought that when they left the teahouse, the group of "disguised" scholars would definitely attack.

In fact, that group of people were still studying in the tea house, making gestures and rowing, and ignored them at all.

They are far away from here, and no one has done anything to them.

This made them even more puzzled:
"Could it be...these people really read?"

"Impossible... He's obviously a Jiang Hu person!"

"But why didn't they do it?"

"Could it be that they know that we are not easy to mess with. So... they gave up on being our enemy?"

"It should be like this... Otherwise, the explanation doesn't make sense!" The ten evils outside the Great Wall conjectured.

To their surprise.

They go all the way.

I met many wild shop teahouses, taverns and the like...

It was exactly the same as what they encountered just now.

No one fights, no one discusses vendettas, and some...all are reading, burying their heads in hard work.

this this this...

If there are one or two special columns, it is an accident.

so much…

"This Central Plains martial arts, what happened?"

"However, reading is popular!"

"What about the fight, what about the cruelty..."

"I don't understand!"

The ten evils are extremely do not understand.



(End of this chapter)

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