The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 123 Perseverance

Chapter 123 Perseverance
"Really. Even Bei Dao is so unexpected"

Yukio Kurobe laughed, the coaching method of the head coach really worked. Unexpectedly, Hayato Kitajima, who came back from the back mountain, also mastered light hitting.

"The game started to develop in an uncontrollable direction."

Saitozhi touched his head with some headaches, it seems that this stadium is going to be scrapped again.

"All high school students leave quickly!"

In fact, there is no need for Tuozhi Longer to remind, the players of the first army have consciously left this dangerous area.

Nonsense, in the long run, the Byodoin Institute has used this trick. Does anyone need to remind them of how destructive this trick is?

If you don't leave, are you waiting to die in place?
Oni Jujiro, Tanejima Shuji and the others were not too worried about Fuji, because they knew that Fuji had already mastered just hitting the ball.

The tennis ball rushed straight towards Fuji, and the momentum it carried smashed the air along the way like a mountain of gravel, surging and surging.

On the court, in front of Zi Budu, invisible wind strings condensed into a huge and invisible net bag, and the tennis ball with its bright light hit his chest like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

In the state of the incarnation of the wind, Budu's Guixu has also been greatly increased, and he can gather all the wind around him for his use.

This is the battle of spear and shield!

In the arena, the dust all over the sky was stirred up, and the billowing smoke and dust covered the situation in the arena, blocking everyone's sight.

In the darkness shrouded in smoke and dust, two lights of obviously different colors appeared impressively.

The golden light and the blue particles were in a stalemate in the air, and the light was blown away bit by bit.

As the golden light dissipated, the tennis ball gradually became dim.

This scene was seen by the high school students outside the court, and their eyes widened in shock.

"The light is gradually dimming!"

"How is this going?"

They thought that this ball would have the same explosive power as the light shot hit by Byodoin before.

But never thought that the power of this ball would gradually weaken?
For this scene, perhaps the third-year players are not very clear, but Tanejima and others are like a bright mirror in their hearts.

It's the wind!
Fuji used the wind to disperse the power of the light hit shot by Hayato Kitajima, making the power of the light hit ball that was enough to explode the ground weakened.

Then, Fuji's racket was swung out.

"Go back to me!"

With a loud shout, a yellow light beam shot out in the smoke and dust all over the sky, like the brightest star in the night sky.


Kitajima Hayato's heart was shocked, he didn't expect Fuji to be able to counterattack even this move, this is just a light shot!

The high school students on the side were also stunned, did they fight back so easily?
"Humph! It's interesting!"

Byodoin did not expect that this kid who looked like a middle school student could be so capable.

Kitajima Hayato adjusted his mentality quickly, his leg muscles exerted strength, and he moved to the side of the tennis ball in an instant.

A bang!
A brighter golden light hit the only half of the court.

Budu gathered into a net and fought back again.

Although he successfully counterattacked the ball, the strong force still penetrated Bu Er's racket, and the ground behind him became cracked instantly with a roar.


There seemed to be a flash of madness on Hayato Kitajima's icy face, and the swollen cuff of his right arm was bursting.

This time, the light on the tennis ball was so dazzling that it even covered the sun!

"Senior, please take a good look at my tennis!"

It's not a solution to defend like this all the time, so I dodged to stand on the center line.

Hold the left hand empty, and wave the right hand!
Huge force impacted the racket, and he firmly grasped the racket, the impact force penetrated the racket surface, and the escaped shock wave hit the wall, just like a bomb was detonated, the wall burst and a huge crater was sunken .

The fierce wind blows the broken hair on Bu Er's forehead fluttering with the wind.


Amid Kitajima Hayato's horrified sound, a tennis ball that also exuded bright light rushed towards him with an unstoppable momentum.

The ground along the way seemed to be plowed by a tractor, and a deep ravine was cut out.

Kitajima Hayato ignored the shock, the ball was already in front of him.

A huge force hit the racket, and the force went straight through the racket and bombarded the wall behind.


In an instant, smoke and dust rose everywhere, gravel splashed everywhere, and the depressions in the walls were full of cracks.

Hayato Kitajima tried his best with his right hand, but the shining tennis ball was as heavy as a star.

"Damn it~~~" Kitajima Hayato's face was flushed red, his veins were bulging, and his right hand was still exerting all his strength.

"How could I lose to this trick again!!!"

He gritted his teeth and swung the racket with all his strength.

"Go back to me!"

With a roar, the tennis ball burst out with a golden flash, sweeping all directions with a terrifying momentum and an aura of destruction.

"Fight back!"

Seeing Hayato Kitajima successfully countering Fuji's Hikari shot, the third-year player couldn't help screaming.

The senior one player in the first army glanced at the group of people, didn't speak, just looked at the field quietly.

The two people on the field, no matter who they are, are worthy of their admiration.

I saw golden streamers running continuously on both sides, and huge roars continued to sound, as if many bombs had been dropped into the field, explosions sounded everywhere, the ground became fragmented, and there were potholes everywhere.

The walls on both sides are covered with huge potholes, black cracks are densely covered, and gravel is constantly falling.

Saitozhi rubbed his forehead and said to Yukio Kurobe and Takuzhi Ryuji: "It seems that this stadium is scrapped again!"

Kurobe said angrily: "Did you know now? I knew the moment I hit the ball in Bei Dao, this course was ruined."


There was a violent impact sound.

The tennis ball was like a meteor falling, hitting a huge hole in the wall behind Hayato Kitajima.

With a bang, a scorched tennis ball fell to the ground, so pitch black that its original appearance could no longer be seen.

The racket in Hayato Kitajima's hand was completely pierced by tennis balls, and the strings were crooked and exposed. Obviously, this racket has also been scrapped.

Kitajima Hayato's right arm was trembling constantly, he let go, and the racket fell with a snap.

Stretching out his right hand tremblingly, the sharp pain from the tiger's mouth reminded him that he was almost at the limit.

Kitajima Hayato did not speak, silently picked up the racket on the ground, walked to the sidelines and replaced it with a new one.

"Hey, do you still want to compete? Your hand should have been injured!"

When Bei Dao passed by his side, Byodoin glanced at the slightly red and swollen hand of Bei Dao Hayato, and said lightly.

Kitajima Hayato paused, did not speak, and stood on the court again with firm steps.


Byodoin twitched his mouth, then turned his head abruptly, facing Uedo Tono Atsukyo's surprised eyes.

Seeing that he was discovered by Byodoin, Tono Atsukyo quickly turned his head and looked at the field with a serious expression.

But his heart was secretly refreshed, "I didn't expect the boss to have such an expression!"

(End of this chapter)

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