The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 126 The Opening of the National Competition

Chapter 126 The Opening of the National Competition

"Ochi, what are you shouting about? What minister or something? Are you bragging to Fuji about the days when you were the minister of Ice Emperor?"

Tanejima pushed the door open with a smirk on his face and came in. He, Irie and the ghost just came to look for Fuji. Before the three of them opened the door, they heard Ochi's voice in the corridor.

It was the first time they heard Ochi shouting so excitedly.

Ochi Moonlight glanced at the three of them with a strange look, and then slowly told the story that Fuji was still a junior high school student.


Taneshima, Irie and the ghosts shouted together!
They always thought that Bu Er just looked younger, but they didn't expect that he was just a middle school student, and he was only a first year student? ! ! !
With a strange gaze, Tanejima kept circling back and forth beside Fuji, staring at him with hairs all over his body.

Then, Taneshima stretched out his hands, pinched Fuji's face, and rubbed back and forth!
"Okay, you little one, how dare you deceive senior!"

Tanejima said angrily, this guy actually kept them from them for so long.

Fuji slapped off both hands of the island, looked at the island with an extremely innocent look and said, "You didn't ask, senior."

"Okay, you, dare to talk back!!!"

Tanejima's posture must be taught as a lesson, while quietly winking at Irie who is on the side.

Irie patted his forehead helplessly, and stepped forward to grab the pretending Taneshima.

"Don't be so childish all the time, can you, Xiu Jun?"

Sometimes Irie is also speechless, but I didn't expect that Taneshima likes acting more than him.

"Boy, don't relax after you go back!"

Oni Jujiro said solemnly.

Fuji smiled slightly, "Don't worry senior ghost, I know."

Seeing that Buer knew it well, Oni Jujiro didn't say anything more.

Knowing that Fuji was going to the opening ceremony of the national competition, the members of Taneshima didn't stay with him any longer, they helped him pack up his luggage, and they planned to send him to the gate of the dormitory together.

Walking on the tree-lined path of Hesu, the team beside Fuji is getting bigger and bigger.

"I didn't expect you to be just a middle school student!!!"

Kimishima Yuto still couldn't believe this fact.

Just now on the road, they saw that they were carrying tennis bags and carrying suitcases, and they were a little curious about where they were going.

As a result, when Bu Er said that he was going back to school and leading the team to participate in the national competition as a minister, everyone's jaws were shocked.

Especially when they knew that Bu Er was only 12 years old and in the first grade of middle school, it made them feel ashamed and angry.

People already have this kind of strength at the age of 12, which makes them have to lament that such things as talent are really unenviable.

Everyone chatted and laughed, and came to the gate of Hesu. At the gate, a familiar figure leaned against the wall.

Byodoin Phoenix!
Everyone quickly suppressed the smiles on their faces, they didn't dare to be so presumptuous in front of Byodoin.

Byodoin's sharp eyes looked directly into Fuji's eyes, and Fuji did not show the slightest fear, and the two just looked at each other for a while.

"Take it!"

Suddenly Byodoin spoke, took out a tennis racket from behind and threw it at Fuji.

Fuji hurriedly stretched out his hands to catch it carefully, this is not a joke, a lead-filled racket will kill people if you are not careful.

"This is what the old man asked me to give you."

Seeing Fuji looking at himself with a surprised look, Byodoin said with a look of disdain.

Needless to say, there is only one person who can be called by the Byodoin Temple as an old man in the whole camp, and there is only one person who can move the Byodoin Temple, and the three boats enter the Tao!

"En! Help me thank you head coach, Byodoin-senpai!"

He nodded and said with a smile.

"And! Since the old man values ​​you so much, you have to behave well. If you don't make any progress when you come back next time, hum!"

Byodoin snorted coldly, turned and left without waiting for an answer.

Fuji smiled and watched the back of Byodoin Temple sinking into the end of the road, and then put the racket into his tennis bag.

Putting the tennis bag on his back again, feeling the pressure of the sudden sinking, he turned around and said, "It is necessary to send you off for thousands of miles. Seniors, don't send it off, go back."

With a loud bang, the door of Hesu opened and then closed again.

"I really don't know what kind of surprise Fuji-kun will bring us when we meet again next time!" Taneshima sighed and said with some sadness.

"If someone doesn't work hard, maybe he will be surpassed soon!"

Irie pushed his glasses and said meaningfully.

"The person you're talking about, isn't it me? Irie!"

"What do you say?"

"You bastard! Stop for me, don't run!"

The location of the co-studio is very remote. Fortunately, the coaches arranged for a bus to take Fuji to the nearest urban area.

Since the previous champion was Makino Fuji from Kansai, the venue for this national competition is also set in Kansai.

As the center of Kansai, Osaka prefecture naturally did its part to host this competition.

When Fuji was still sitting on the tram to Osaka, the opening ceremony of the national competition was just kicking off.

The 24 teams participating in this national competition entered the arena in an orderly manner, and each lined up and stood in the arena.

The auditorium is even more overcrowded, and every national competition always attracts many tennis fans to watch the game.

After all the teams entered the arena and lined up neatly, a middle-aged man in a suit began to give a speech at the opening ceremony.

Naturally, no one likes to listen to this kind of unnutritive official tone. Except for the coaches and school leaders standing in the front, most of the players are looking at the surrounding teams from the corner of their eyes, looking for players they know well.

Yukimura, Sanada, Atobe and others immediately turned their attention to the team of Seigaku.

The positions of each team are arranged according to the historical results of the previous competition. Since Qingxue participated in the national competition for the first time, he was arranged in the leftmost position.

Through the crowd, they saw the "vanguard" of the Seigaku team, Tezuka Kunimitsu!

Going down Tezuka Kunimitsu is Akutsujin.

"what happened?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, why couldn't they see Fuji.

Generally speaking, for such an important occasion, as the head of Qingxue, he should attend it.

What's the situation?
The middle-aged man on the stage read the speech script in his hand eloquently, and said to the 24 participating teams below with a red face: "I will announce that this year's national competition has officially begun!"

Afterwards, each school left the field and went to their respective competition venues.

Yukimura originally wanted to ask Tezuka Fuji why he didn't come, but when he walked out of the venue, the Qinggaku team had already disappeared.

"Forget Yukimura, anyway, sooner or later, I will run into Qing Xue, and Budu will definitely appear."

Sanada said solemnly.

Yukimura smiled and said, "That's right, let's go then!"

Lihai University's first game was against Liuliqiu from Aichi. Although it was also a frequent visitor to the national competition, compared with the current Lihai University team, it was naturally far behind.

(End of this chapter)

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