Chapter 141

"Game, don't break the Iron Man, 3:1."

After using the pupil of the mirror image, Akutsu Fangfo fell into a quagmire.

Being restrained by his opponent, his rhythm led to successive defeats.

"Get ready to accept defeat!"

An inexplicable brilliance shone in the eyes of the Bupo Iron Man who had gained the upper hand, and his aura kept rising.

"You bastard, is there something wrong!"

Yajiujin's face was still expressionless, and it was not affected at all.

"You don't think you can beat me with this kind of heresy, do you?!!!"

As soon as the words fell, a scarlet flame appeared around Yakutsu in Bupo Tieren's pupils.

The raging flames seemed to ignite the air.

"This is!"

Bupo Tie Man's pupils, from the boy opposite, a strong sense of oppression spread like a black cloud over a city.

Concentrate your mind and blast the ball without breaking the iron man.

Yakutsu appeared at the landing point of the tennis ball like a ghost, the muscles on his arms bulged, and his cuffs were bulging.

The sound of the ball shook the whole field, and the tennis ball was squeezed by Akutsu's huge force and deformed violently.

The momentum of this ball made Bupo Tieren's scalp tingle, he knew very well that the power and rotation contained in this ball might be astonishing.


"What a joke!"

Bupo Iron Man let out a roar, and rushed up to meet the whistling tennis ball with two hands in his hands.


Almost instantly, the force attached to the tennis ball was transmitted to Bupo Iron Man's hands along with the racket, and his hands unconsciously chose to let go.

A dent was made on the ground, and the bouncing tennis ball flew high, over the guardrail and fell into the auditorium.

Gradually regaining consciousness in his hands, Bupo Tieren looked at the fierce young man in front of him with a horrifying expression.

"What a terrifying aura!"

Seeing the black flames on Yajiujin's body becoming more and more solid, Bupo Tieren's heart sank.

I'm afraid this game is about to suffer!


"Game, Akutsujin, 2:3."


"Game, Akutsujin, 5:3."


Looking at Bupo Iron Man who was exhausted under Akutsu's hands, Kikumaru asked curiously: "Why doesn't his mirror pupil work on Akutsu?"

Although the unbreakable iron man constantly reflects Akutsu's ball path, the ball he cannot catch, or the ball that is difficult for him to hit back, is just a piece of cake for Akutsu.

"Because of strength!"

Fuji replied with a smile.

Seeing that Kikumaru and others still didn't quite understand, Fuji explained: "The ability of Unbreakable Iron Man may play a big role in the face of players of the same level or weaker than him, but once they are up against Those who are stronger than him will have little effect."

Kikumaru and the others nodded thoughtfully, and then turned their gazes to Akutsu in the arena.

Unknowingly, Yajiujin has grown so much.

You must know that Unbreakable Iron Man will be the No. 11 in the future army. In addition, being able to be appointed by the Byodoin as the next successor of Makino Fuji, there is no need to say more about talent and strength.

It's just that he currently relies too much on the ability of the mirror pupil, but I believe that after today, the man who doesn't break the iron will understand that he needs to be hard himself to make iron.

"This game was won by Youth Academy Akutsujin, with a score of 6:3."

With a trace of bitterness on his face, Bupo Iron Man walked to the net, stretched out his hand to Yajiujin and said, "Thank you for your advice, you are very strong!"

Yajiujin stepped forward with a blank face, shook hands with Bupo Iron Man, and said, "You're not bad either!"

Looking at the back of Akutsu leaving, and thinking of the boy named Kuranosuke Shiraishi in the Kansai finals, Bupo Iron Man sighed.

Shepherd's Vine!
After all, there is no successor!

Mu Zhiteng sent their third-year doubles team in doubles two, and it seems that Bubu Tieren seems to be on the list with the appearance of holding the first three decisive battles with Qing Xue.

However, in the doubles two, Buer arranged Qingxue's golden doubles.

The opponent is at best a pair of Kanto-level doubles. Although they are slightly better than Kikumaru and Oishi in terms of experience, they are not opponents of the golden combination after all.

In the end, with a score of 6:2, the golden combination defeated the opponent in a crushing manner.

"The following is the third round of the National Competition."

"The singles match between Youth Academy and Makino Fuji Middle School, between Youth Academy Tezuka Kunimitsu VS Makino Fuji Middle School Kadowaki Satoru."

"Please play both players."

The broadcast sounded, and in the player's seat of Makino Teng, a burly guy with brown broken hair and a small yellow hair on his forehead stood up.

Seeing that the team's morale was a bit low, Kadowaki Satoru assumed a bodybuilder's pose.

"Cheer up, seniors, watch me use my super tennis to teach this Tezuka Kunimitsu a lesson!"

Kadowaki Satoru is full of confidence. After all, he is a well-known rising star in the Kansai area.

"Don't be careless, Kadowaki!"

Bupo Tieren said a little speechlessly: "The other party is Qingxue's number two figure, and it is said that his strength is still higher than that of Akutsu."

"Don't worry, Minister! Don't destroy your own prestige and boost the ambition of others!"

Kadowaki Satoru walked down the stairs confidently, turned around and said, "If you fight against my Super Tennis! Tezuka Kunimitsu is nothing!"

Looking at Kadowaki Satoru's back, Bupo Iron Man heaved a long sigh.

Either way!

It is also good to suffer a little more and exercise a little bit.


On the field, Kadowaki Satoru and Tezuka stood facing each other.

Kadowaki Satoru had a provocative taste on his mouth: "Tezuka Kunimitsu? I heard you are very strong?"

Tezuka looked at Kadowaki Satoru coldly with a serious expression on his face, without saying a word.

"Hmph! Pretend to be cold? Watch me use my super tennis ball to..."

Tezuka was really too lazy to listen to this guy's nonsense, so he turned his head and left.

Kadowaki Satoru put his hands on his hips: "What? Are you scared? Hey! You bastard! I'm talking to you!"


Seeing that Tezuka ignored him, Kadowaki Satoru pouted boredly.

The game started with Tezuka serving.

Tezuka glanced at the guy on the opposite side who was posing, threw the ball, and swung his racket with his left hand.

The moment Kadowaki Satoru stared at the falling tennis ball, the tennis ball disappeared from his sight.

Then, a white horse shot through the air around him.

The smile on Kadowaki Satoru's face gradually froze. He turned his head and saw a yellow tennis ball lying quietly on the ground.

"ACE, Kunimitsu Tezuka, 15:0."

The referee's voice also made Kadowaki Satoru understand that all this was not an illusion.

"ACE, Kunimitsu Tezuka, 30:0."


"ACE, Kunimitsu Tezuka, 1:0."

Tezuka used four ACE balls to directly hit Satoru Kadowaki, doubting his life.

Fortunately, this guy is an optimist, so he quickly adjusted his mentality.

"Sure enough, but I'm not a vegetarian, look at me, super tennis!"

Kadowaki Satoru yelled, and made a slightly ashamed pose.

However, his super tennis was full of flaws in front of Tezuka.

call out!
call out!
Apart from serving, Kadowaki Satoru couldn't touch the tennis ball at all.

Fuji touched his forehead a little speechlessly, this Kadowaki Satoru is also a talent, like a cockroach that can't be killed.

This kind of mentality is commendable, and it may not be impossible to become an excellent player in the future.

"This game was won by Tezuka Kunimitsu of Youth Academy, with a score of 6:0."

"So far, Youth Academy has defeated Makino Fuji Middle School with a record of 3:0 and won the third round of the national competition. "

After a friendly handshake with Makino Fuji, Fuji led the Qinggaku people out of the court.

There were excited smiles on their faces, and they were still two games away.

There are still two games left before the national championship!

This year's Qingxue is bound to become the darkest dark horse in the national competition!
(End of this chapter)

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