The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 150 Final Chapter

Chapter 150 Final Chapter
At night, after dinner, Tezuka leaned against the window, looking at the brightly lit night scene outside the window, wondering what he was thinking.

"Tezuka, are you thinking about tomorrow's game?"

Fuji opened the door, walked to Tezuka's side and said.

Tezuka nodded and said, "I'm afraid it will be a tough battle tomorrow."

Bu Er leaned on the window sill, looking at the little stars in the night sky.

"Don't worry, I believe that since we can beat Li Haida in the Kanto competition, we can do the same in this national competition."

Tezuka turned his head and looked into Fuji's eyes.

"No, I'm not so optimistic. Between us and Li Haida, there is a decisive difference that cannot be smoothed out! Do you know what it is, Fuji!"

Tezuka said very seriously, and that serious look made Fuji stunned for a moment.

"Decisive differences that cannot be smoothed out?"

Buer murmured to himself, why did he seem to have heard this sentence somewhere?
Tezuka turned his head to look out the window, and said, "That is, have you ever tasted the bitter taste of defeat from the standpoint of the team!"

"The bitter taste of defeat?"

Bu Er's heart trembled, and there seemed to be a flash of inspiration in his mind.

It seems that when he was in Houshan, Sanchuan entered the Tao and said similar things to him.

"He who has tasted the pain of failure is strong!"

"They will abandon their self-esteem, past glory and everything, and come to challenge us with all their strength!"

"Do you understand, Buer!"

Tezuka's gaze was full of dignity, he kept Fuji's words in his heart all the time.

That is, Qingxue is going to win the three consecutive championships in the national competition!
And Lihai University is undoubtedly the biggest stumbling block on Qingxue's way to dominate.

Bu Er narrowed his eyes into a circular arc and smiled happily.

"I didn't expect you, Tezuka, to be so unconfident!"

"No two, you..."

Buer patted the window sill and said, "Do you think everyone stopped because of a Kanto champion?"

Tezuka paused, recalling everyone's hard work during this period of time: "No, no!"

"The national competition is an unfamiliar journey for Qingxue, and every step is writing a legend in the history of Qingxue team. The world is uncertain, you and I are dark horses!"

"Who is not a challenger!"

Bu Er's eyes were completely opened at this moment, and his eyes were full of confidence.

"What's more, we still have so many trustworthy partners. I believe that we will be able to win the national championship!"

Tezuka looked at Fuji, and his heart suddenly calmed down.

Just when he was about to say something, the door was suddenly pushed down, and the figures of Kikumaru and Akutsu fell into the room, and there were Yamato, Kan, Kawamura and Oishi in the corridor.


"Haha... ah this..."

Kikumaru got up from Akutsu in embarrassment and scratched his head.

"Do you want to die?!!!"

Akutsu stood up and grabbed Kikumaru's collar with an angry face. Under the dim light, it was faintly visible that Akutsu's fair skin was stained with a little pink.

Everyone hurried forward and pulled away. In fact, Akutsu was just trying to cover up his embarrassment, and he didn't really want to trouble Kikumaru.

"Tezuka, you don't need to put too much pressure on yourself. In fact, you are already very lucky to have such a group of partners."

Yamato Yuda stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Senior, aren't you the same?"

Bu Er said with a smile.

"Haha! That's right, I'm lucky too!"

Yamato scratched his head and smiled happily.

Fuji stretched out his right hand, looked at the companions around him and said, "Let's work hard together and stand on the top of the country!"

Everyone in Qingxue stretched out their hands and stacked them together.

"come on!!!"


The next day, before dawn, all the members of Lihai University had assembled.

Long nights, unintentional sleep.

Thinking of revenge against Qinggaku tomorrow, everyone in Lihai University, including Yukimura, can't sleep peacefully.

Sanada, who used to get up early to practice kendo for a long time, got up early.

All the regular team members of Lihai University High School live in a friend's house of Mori Kosaburo.

This is an idle villa with a private tennis court.

Maori's friend is also a tennis fan.

Sanada went down to the court and began to practice zippers and swings.

"It's so early, Genichiro!"

Sanada said without turning his head, "Aren't you the same!"

In the entire Rikkai Tennis Club, there is only one person who can call him Genichiro.

Yukimura Seiki!

"It's no fun to play alone, Genichiro, why don't you let me be your opponent!"

Yukimura took the racket down to the opposite side of Sanada, and said with a smile.

In the quiet morning, the pleasant sound of hitting the ball is especially clear in the empty dawn.

"Yukimura, Sanada?!"

Not long after, Liu Lianer's figure also appeared beside the court.

Then there are Bunta Marui, Jack Kuwahara, Masaharu Nio and another third-year player.

Finally, even Kosaburo Mori came along.

You know, before this, Maori had never gotten up early.

With a gentle smile on his face, Yukimura looked at the group of team members who had the same insomnia as himself.

"It seems that we all think the same thing!"

Yukimura said with a smile.

"I will never forget the fiasco of the Kanto Contest!"

Sanada said solemnly.

"Thinking about it now, that kind of unwillingness is still echoing in my mind!"

Marui Bunta's eyes were also full of fighting spirit. After that failure, he and Jack Kuwahara had become stronger.

Kikumaru, dashi!
Wait to meet the flames of vengeance!

"Tomorrow's game, our Li Haida's chance of winning is~~100%!"

This is the declaration of Liu Renji and Masaharu Nioh!


Mori Kosaburo was yawning, and he dozed off after getting up early for the first time.

At dawn, the fiery red morning light shines on the earth, making everyone's hearts red.

"set off!"

After admiring the morning sun in Osaka with the team members, Yukimura waved his hand, and all the main candidates of Lihai University got on the bus that had been arranged in an orderly manner, and slowly drove to the final venue of this national competition.

Osaka Sports Center.


Today's Osaka Sports Center is extremely lively, and many people come from afar just to enjoy today's feast.

The two consecutive overlords of the national competition, Mu Zhivine, suddenly fell, and today's winner will be the new king who stands at the top of the country.

Therefore, in order to be able to witness the new king's enthronement, many people came to this sports center early, waiting for that moment to come.

"Look, that's the Ice Emperor's man!"

"And there, over there is the Sitianbao Temple, one of the top four!"

"There are also Shiraku in Kyushu, Rokkaku in Tokyo, Liuliqiu in Aichi, Green Mountain in Saitama, Dodo in Nara..."

"Don't count, all the schools you can apply for with your name are basically here!"

The audience chattered a lot. In today's competition, basically all the schools across the country who are interested in the national competition came to watch the competition.

Not only that, many professional players, coaches, and magazine reporters from Sports Weekly also came.

It can be said to be unprecedented.

With the arrival of Qing Xue and Li Hai's big team, the atmosphere of the audience was brought to a climax.

Enthusiasm pervades the entire venue!

(End of this chapter)

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