The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 157 Accident

Chapter 157 Accident
"Game, Lihai University High School, 5:2."

Kikumaru and Oishi were caught off guard by Li Haida's inductive formation, and Marui took advantage of the situation to win his serve.

The game entered the final point of Lihai University.

"Calm down, Eiji!"

Dashi saw that Kikumaru was a little impatient, and hurried forward to comfort him.

The more this time, the less impatient.

When you lose your focus, it becomes harder to reverse the situation.


Kikumaru nodded, forcing himself to calm down.

Oishi glanced at Kikumaru worriedly, threw the ball, and swung the racket sideways.

The tennis ball burst out, and the streamer passed by Marui Bunta's side and hit Jack Kuwahara's feet.

Jack Kuwahara lowered his body, stretched the racket into his crotch and then raised it.

The tennis ball flew high over Kikumaru's head and flew towards Oishi in a high-throwing curve.

"Come on, Dashi, this is a gift from me! Use your moon-climbing volley!"

Jack Kuwahara thought secretly in his heart.

Stab it!

Dashi crouched with his knees bent, the racket frame hanging on the ground, twisting his body, bringing up a string of smoke and dust on the ground.

Climbing the Moon Intercept!
An arc like a crescent moon across the court.

The goal was directed at the bottom line on the far right of Jack Kuwahara.

Jack Kuwahara disappeared at the point of serving like an afterimage, and his sleeves fluttered continuously as the surging air waves blew.

The right foot stepped on the ground vigorously, and the right side bowed down, and the muscles on the arm bulged layer by layer.

Vigorously raised the racket, and with a bang, the tennis ball passed through the sky above Kikumaru in a curved arc, and hit behind him.

"Game, High School Affiliated to Lihai University, 15:0."

Jack Kuwahara stopped and stood, looking coldly at Dashi opposite him.

This is a mind-boggling tactic. Anyone who sees his unique move being beaten back will inevitably feel flustered.

Even Dashi, who has always been calm, is no exception, let alone in such a desperate situation.

"Big stone~~!"

Kikumaru turned his head and murmured worriedly, it was the first time he saw Oishi showing such an expression.

"Game, High School Affiliated to Lihai University, 30:0."

"Game, High School Affiliated to Lihai University, 40:0."

Looking at Oishi and Kikumaru on the field, Fuji couldn't help shaking his head.

Their hearts are already messed up!

In this game, unless a miracle happens, otherwise, the next ball will be over.

"One more ball, one more ball!"

"Lihai is big, Lihai is big!"

"Changsheng! Li Haida!"

The members of Lihai University shouted loudly, cheering for Marui Bunta and Jack Kuwahara.

"Let me finish you with this ball!"

"Secret technique! Hit the iron pillar!"

For the last ball, Marui Bunta and Jack Kuwahara were also fully fired, serving to the net, and frequently intercepting Kikumaru and Oishi's counterattacks in front of the net.

"You succeeded in resting!"

Kikumaru roared and flew out.

He fell to the ground and saved the ball after gliding for a short distance.

"Unfortunately, this game is over!"

Jack Kuwahara swung his backhand, and the high-speed straight ball was pressed to Oishi behind him.


Kikumaru, lying on the ground, turned around and shouted.

If the boulder doesn't hit back, it's over for them.

Dashi lowered his head, he has always felt that he is a burden to Qingxue.

He has neither Kikumaru's volleying ability at the net nor Kawamura's power.

I don't know how to do data tennis, let alone Fudu, Tezuka and Akutsu.

"Sure enough! I'm just a laggard!"

In an empty space, Dashi said mockingly.

At this time, Kikumaru's voice sounded in Oishi's ear.

"That. Oishi, would you like to play doubles with me?"

"Oishi, I've been doing hypoxic training recently. Even if I reach the tiebreaker, my physical strength will be fine!"

"Dashi, we must enter the country together and win the first place in the country!"


Dashi raised his head and looked directly at the flying tennis ball!
"That's right! I made an agreement with Eiji to become the number one doubles team in the country!"

"We are the golden combination of Qingxue!"

Climbing the Moon Intercept!
Dashi shot with anger, this ball came in a higher arc than before, and fell faster.


Bunta Marui and Jack Kuwahara couldn't react in time, this lunar arc was accurately pressed on the bottom line, and then popped out of bounds!

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:40."

Kikumaru got up from the ground, brushed off the dust on his body, and looked at Dashi happily.

"That's great, Dashi!"

"En! Let's go, Eiji!"

Dashi nodded heavily. Although they had already stepped on the edge of the cliff, he still would not give up.

"What are you doing, this man! He has become more motivated!"

Marui Fumta curled his lips, he didn't expect Oishi to recover so quickly.

"It's okay, we still have the match point. We'll get rid of them with the next goal!"

Jack Kuwahara patted Marui on the shoulder and said.

Marui bent his knees sideways and swung the bat, a yellow beam shot out from his hand.

With Dashi restored to his true colors, the entire backcourt will be watertight.

Running quickly, twisting his wrist and body with the help of inertia, Oishi's precise ball control allows him to hit a perfect backspin to lower Jack Kuwahara's body.

The low-angle backspin caused Jack Kuwahara's counterattack to lose its original quality, and he, who was not Kikumaru's opponent in the net volley technique, seemed to pale in comparison.

"Game, Youth Academy, 30:40."

Kikumaru seized the flaw that Marui wanted to hit the net, and made a sharp volley in the air to press the tennis ball to the sideline of the flank.

Oishi and Kikumaru slapped each other, which was quite a morale booster.

However, when Oishi turned around, Kikumaru frowned slightly, and there was a faint pain in his right shoulder, which seemed to be caused by the pounce just now.

But Kikumaru gritted his teeth and didn't stop.

"Game, Youth Academy, 40:40."

"Game, Youth Academy, 3:5."

Kikumaru and Oishi showed the level that a golden combination should have, and pulled back a round.

"It's clearly the side that has the upper hand, yet it looks so embarrassed!"

Atobe looked at Bunta Marui and Jack Kuwahara in a state of distress, and said with disdain.

"These two guys from Qingxue, you really can't underestimate them!"

Xiang Riyue said with gritted teeth.

Oishi and Kikumaru's performance made Xiang Hiyueren a little impatient, how could he take revenge on these two guys if this continues!
The game entered the ninth inning, which was Kikumaru's serve.

Kikumaru stood at the bottom line and threw the ball lightly. When he was about to raise his arm, the severe pain from his shoulder made him have a problem with exerting force.

"Touch net! Faulty serve!"

Because of the pressure, angle, and force, the ball also hit the net and was judged to be a mistake.

"Eiji, don't be nervous! Just serve normally!"

Oishi thought it was Kikumaru's nervous serve error, so he comforted him.

"Touched the net! Double fault! Lihai University High School scored, 15:0."

Kikumaru made consecutive mistakes, and when Oishi turned around, he saw Kikumaru's face was very ugly.

"Eiji, are you alright!"

Dashi asked worriedly.

"It's okay, let's continue!"

Kikumaru barely put on a smiling face, but his hands were already trembling slightly.

"Touch net! Faulty serve!"

"Touched the net! Double fault! Lihai University High School scored, 30:0."

This continuous mistake made Dashi realize something was wrong.

He ran to Kikumaru's side, and it was obvious that Kikumaru's arm was shaking.

Oishi lifted Kikumaru's sleeve, his arm had become red and swollen.

"Eiji, your hand."

Dashi took a breath and said in a daze.

"It's okay Dashi, I can still hit it!"

Kikumaru said forcefully.

"Referee, we abstain from this game!"

Fuji stood up from the sidelines and came to Kikumaru's side. After checking the injury on Kikumaru's arm, he said to the referee on the high chair.

"No two! I can still fight! Really!"

Kikumaru is in a hurry, he doesn't want to give up this game!

"If you continue to play, you may not be able to play tennis in the future!"

Fuji said seriously: "This should not be your end point, give up this game!"

"Yeah! Eiji! Your hand can no longer hit!"


Fuji interrupted Kikumaru's words, "It's nothing to worry about! I'm the minister, and I have the final say! Leave the rest to us!"

(End of this chapter)

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