The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 161 True Strength

Chapter 161 True Strength (Thanks for the reward from the frustrated boss)
Masaharu Nio threw the ball, then bent his knees, bounced and dunked heavily.

The streamer shot out from a high place and went straight to the opposite court.

"This is the last match in our middle school, let me draw a perfect end to my middle school career!"

Yamato Yuda leaped lightly, twisted his body, and threw his right arm out with his body.

"Illusions have dreams!"

A light golden light shot out from Yamato's hand, and Nio stared closely at the flying tennis ball, trying to grasp the true trajectory of the ball.

However, he still missed the swing.

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:0."

Nioh held the racket in front of him, looked at his racket, and returned to the baseline.

"What are you doing? This Li Haida's Nioh Masaharu, how could he miss his swing?"

"Yeah! It's still so far away from the tennis ball!"

"A player from Lihai University shouldn't have made such a mistake, right?"

The spectators in other regions were puzzled. Naturally, they could clearly see the trajectory of the tennis ball outside the court, and they did not fall into the dream bubble created by Yamato on the court.


Nioh had already experienced Yamato's move, so he wasn't too surprised.

Nioh threw the ball about 40 cm to the right, bent his knees and arched his back, and the racket sat down from the upper right to slice.

The speed of the ball is very fast, and the angle of bounce after landing is also very tricky.

However, all this is under control for Yamato.

Yamato took half a step back with his right foot, lunged slightly, lowered his center of gravity, and then swung the racket from bottom to top.

"Illusions have dreams!"

Nioh once again swung his racket and missed.

"Heh! This move has become a part of my body!"

Yamato Yuda smiled faintly.

He naturally knew what Nioh wanted to do. Nioh wanted to take advantage of the low-angle backspin so that he could not return with his normal posture.

However, over the past month or so, Yamato has not made no progress at all.

"Game, Youth Academy, 1:2."


Soon, Yamato broke Nioh's serve.

"It's amazing, to break the opponent's serve so quickly!"

"The only third grader in Qingxue is really amazing!"

The audience became interested. Although they didn't know how Yamato managed to make the opponent make frequent mistakes, this kind of game was what they wanted to see.

"The opponent's ability is a bit difficult, right?"

While resting, Yukimura smiled and said to Yanagi Renji and Nioh Masaharu who were standing in front of him.

"Don't worry! Everything is under control."

Liu Lian-er squinted, looked into Yukimura's eyes and said.

The rest time passed quickly, and after changing sides, it was Yamato's turn to serve.

Yamato threw the ball, bent his knees sideways, and then swung the racket.

Golden beams of light shot out.

Liu Lianer leaped lightly, sliced ​​out a ball, and pressed the ball back to the bottom line.

Yamato caught up with the ball in stride, and mentioned the racket.

The moment the tennis ball hit the racket, a pressure was transmitted from the racket to his wrist.


The tennis ball in Yamato's hand was directly hit by Liu Renji's ball.

"Game, High School Affiliated to Lihai University, 15:0."

Liu Lian'er said lightly: "Don't underestimate me, Liu Lian'er!"

Yamato clutched his wrist, his face darkened, the opponent's strength seemed to have exceeded his expectations.

After twisting his wrist twice to relieve the pain in his wrist, Yamato swung the ball again.

Liu Lianer flew out, stepped on the ground, spread her feet wide, and raised her hands parallel to her shoulders.


The tennis ball immediately rolled back, and the surrounding wind pressure was as sharp as a whirlwind.



Only one ball pierced the defense of Qianhe and Yamato, and the rackets in the hands of both of them were double-doubled!

"What a powerful high-speed slice! What a powerful power!"

Juji's plane is different, and the strength of Liu Lianer, who stands in the sea, is somewhat beyond his expectation.

He is a little worried about next year's Leo Lions.

Like Chitose Chisato, Tachibana Yoshihei is more suitable to be a leader.

"There is an obvious gap in strength between the two sides, and Li Haida has a great chance of winning in this round."

Qiantose Qianli also noticed Liu Lian'er's strength, this is a master who is not inferior to him.

Hexagon Secondary School.

Mitsuya looked at Liu Lian Er on the court with a tender face.

"Lianji, now you have grown into an excellent player!"

Mitsugu is very pleased, even if he does not rely on the data tennis that he gave him, Liu Lianer has already set foot in the field of national level.


"Game, High School Affiliated to Lihai University, 3:1."

The aura on Liu Lian'er's body became stronger and stronger, making Ganhe Yamato's heart sink.

Liu Lianer squinted her eyes, glanced at Qianhe Yamato on the opposite side, and then threw the ball.

When the ball falls, lightly jump and then cut the ball.


The tennis ball flew out with a violent spin.

"Illusions have dreams!"

Yamato Yuda lowered his center of gravity, relaxed his wrists and shoulders, and he didn't dare to be careless in the face of Liu Lianer's chip and serve.

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:0."

"Game, Youth Academy, 30:0."

"Game, Youth Academy, 40:0."

Yamato twisted his arm, and the continuous counterattack of Liu's slices made his arm a little sore, but fortunately, everything was under control.

In front of Liu Ren'er, Nioh Masaharu gestured towards Liu Ren'er with one hand behind his back.

Liu Lian understood with all her heart, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Has it finally been collected?

"Huh? This is...!"

Sitting on the coach's bench, Fuji was the first to notice something was wrong. From Masaharu Nioh, a strange fluctuation of mental power emerged, and then linked to Liu Renji.

Buer's ice blue eyes opened, looking at Nioh Masaharu on the field.

Liu Lian-er served again, this time it was not a chip serve, but a common topspin serve.

Yamato didn't doubt that he was there, jumped up with small steps, twisted his shoulders and swung his arms out.

"Illusions have dreams!"

Nioh Masaharu's pupils emanated a gloomy light, bringing his excellent dynamic vision and perception to the extreme.

All the variables in the air were transformed into data into Nioh's mind, and then shared with Liu Lian'er in the backcourt.

Liu Lian Er closed his eyes and stopped paying attention to the trajectory of the ball, because another pair of eyes was helping him grasp the real trajectory of the tennis ball.


Liu Lian'er sprinted quickly and swung the racket.

The touch from the racket made him understand that he had indeed caught the trajectory of the tennis ball!

It is no longer a mirage-like dream bubble.

The light yellow beam pierced Yamato's defense, and the stunt he relied on to score was counterattacked by the opponent!
"Game, Lihai University High School, 15:40."

Liu Lian'er slowly opened her eyes, and said lightly: "Your fantasy has a dream, and it has been cracked!"

Hearing this, Yamato Yuda's expression darkened, wasn't it just a coincidence? !
Liu Lian Er closed her eyes again, and swung the racket with a mocking smile on her lips.

Yamato Yuda stepped on the ground with his right foot, balanced his running body, and lifted the racket.

"Illusions have dreams!"

There was a crisp sound, and there were strange ripples in the air!

Sensing the signal from King Ni, Liu Lian Er made great strides.

The arms spread out, and the air became sharp.


The slash like a whirlwind tore through the defenses of Qianhe and Yamato.

"Game, Lihai University High School, 30:40."

"Game, Lihai University High School, 4:1."

Nioh Masaharu and Liu Renji's aura seemed to merge into one at this moment, and the combined aura of the two overwhelmingly overwhelmed Ganhe Yamato.

"Admit defeat, Sadaharu, you will never win against us!"

Liu Lian'er pointed at the racket, and the surrounding air became turbulent with Liu Lian'er's aura!
(End of this chapter)

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