The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 204 Spiritual Assassination

Chapter 204 Spiritual Assassination
"Double fault! The Neons score, 15:0."


"Double fault! The Neons score, 30:0."

What everyone didn't expect was that the South African team, ranked No.15 in the world, sent players to make consecutive serve mistakes!

"What the hell? Does the South African team send players like this?"

"Looking at the appearance of the Neon team, I thought there would be a wonderful duel, but I didn't expect the South African team to be so poor!"

The audience was a little disappointed. What they wanted to see was a wonderful showdown, not the ridiculous farce in front of them.

"Are you all right, Izavanka?"

Bokamo turned his head and looked at his teammates puzzled.

As a partner who gets along day and night, Boca Moxiao is very clear about the strength of his teammates.

Such a mistake should not and cannot happen to him.


Yizavanka was really suffering and couldn't tell.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, he could only hold the racket tightly.

Sweat dripped from the palms of his hands, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

"Please serve the player quickly. If you don't serve again, the points will be awarded to the opponent."

There is a time limit for players to serve. The referee saw that Yizawanka was unable to serve for a long time, so he couldn't help reminding him out of professionalism.

"sorry Sorry."

Yizawanka bowed to the referee. Although the referee did not score, Yizawanka was subconsciously afraid of the referee.

Yizawanka took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down.

"Bad serve!"

"Double fault! The Neons score, 40:0."

This time, not only Yizawanka himself, but even the audience noticed something unusual.

It was only the second game of the first set, and Yizavanka was sweating abnormally.

Obviously, it was caused by the two neon players on the opposite side of him.

"Izawanka, don't look into the other person's eyes!"

South African team leader Frederick Copley was keenly aware that Ochi Moonlight had been staring at Izawanka, and immediately understood that Izawanka had followed the opponent's way.

After thinking about it, he thought of this method of avoiding the other party's sight.

However, because of the serving posture, unless you close your eyes, you can't avoid Ochi Moonlight's condescending gaze.

Yizawanka suddenly thought of the terrifying look in the other's tall man's eyes and the inexplicable words when he switched sides, and he suddenly understood.

Along with it, it seemed that even the shadow in his heart had been dispelled a bit.

Izawanka closed his eyes, and with muscle memory and experience, swung his racket forward again,

However, the reality is not as satisfactory as he thought.

"Double fault! The Neons score, 2:0."


"Hmph! If Ochi's mental assassination can be counteracted just by closing his eyes, then he won't be called a spiritual assassin!"

Tohno Atsukyo said disdainfully.

They had already tried this method in the camp, but it didn't work at all.

Yuezhi Yueguang's spiritual assassination does not require Yuezhi Yueguang to keep watching someone.

After Ochi Moonlight planted the full moon seed in the opponent's heart, the opponent has already fallen into Ochi Moonlight's spiritual assassination.

Players who are good at mental power are rare, so ordinary people don't know how to deal with it.

This is also the advantage of spiritual players.

"Is this the ability of Senior Ochi?!"

The junior high school students were a little shocked, they didn't expect Ochi Moonlight to have such a weird move besides Mach serve!

"With his unique height and unique eyesight, the smarter he is, he can easily plant the seeds of the full moon in the opponent's heart that are difficult to resist."

"Coupled with the blessing of his 7-point mental power, the opponent's inner weakness will be magnified without limit."

"This is the true strength of the spiritual assassin--Ochi Moonlight!"

Irie Kanata pushed his glasses, as one of Ochi's few friends, he knew very well about Ochi Moonlight's strength.

Ochi Moonlight's seemingly lonely heart actually hides an incomparable desire for victory.

The third game was Kaji's serve, with a smile on his face, looking very relaxed.

Ochi Moonlight had already opened up the situation for them, and the unlucky guy on the other side had obviously lost his fighting power.

Kaji Fengduo held the tennis ball tightly with his left hand and threw it forward.


Kaji Fengda yelled, and a bang came from the racket.

Yizawanka was in a trance, but his muscle memory still made him move his feet subconsciously, facing the bouncing tennis ball straight up.

The corner of Kaji Fengduo's mouth curled up.


Jiazhi Fengduo threw away the divination card in his hand, and a muscular monster was drawn on the card.

The seemingly weak tennis ball bounced high on the red ground.

Although Yizawanka was out of shape, he barely reacted.

Gently turning the wrist, adjusted the position of the racket head.

However, in the next second, a huge force was transmitted from the racket to his wrist and jaw.

Yizawanka's right hand couldn't help but let go, and the racket was immediately carried by the tennis ball and flew out of the court.

Yizawanka pressed the wrist of his right hand with his left hand, his face was a little gloomy.

His strength has always been his pride, and Yizavanka never thought that one day he would be hit by a neon man to fly his racket away.

"Izawanka, be careful, these neon people are probably well prepared!"

Bokamo said in a low voice.

"I see!"

Yizawanka nodded. Although he knew that he had stepped into the opponent's trap, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

The fear in my heart is like a tarsal maggot, which cannot be removed no matter what.

The two exchanged positions, and it was Bokamoxiao's turn to catch the next ball.


Jiazhi Fengduo chuckled, and led the shot behind him again.


Bokamo fixed his eyes and sneered in his heart.

"Want to deal with me with strength? Then you are too naive!"

The tennis ball fell to the ground under Bokamoxiao's gaze, but in the next second, a beam of light flew past his cheek, and the air waves brought by it made his cheek ache.

"how can that be!"

Bokamo looked horrified, the opponent's serve was obviously of average speed and strength, how could there be such a rebound speed!

You know, this is the French Tennis Center, a rare clay court in the world!
Clay courts are also called "soft courts". The characteristic of this kind of court is that when the tennis ball hits the ground, there is greater friction with the ground, so the ball bounces slower than other courts.

Players will have a lot of room for sliding during running, especially when they stop and return quickly, which also means that players need to have better physical fitness, running and moving ability, and more tenacious mental will than other venues.

However, the speed of the ball rebounded by Jiazhi Fengduo made Bokamo unexpected.

It seems that he has not been affected by the clay court at all, and the speed of the ball is amazing!

With a smile on his face, Kaji Fengduo drew a divination card from his chest.

There is a running person drawn on it!


off the field.

Daqu Ryuji scratched his head, and said with a speechless smile: "Forgive me! What time is this? Jiazhi is still so superstitious about divination!"

The middle school students looked over suspiciously, divination?Does this have anything to do with tennis too?

Seeming to see the doubts of the middle school students, Taneshima said lightly: "This is Kaji's most proud serve technique, Playstyle!"


The middle school students were even more puzzled.

"Jaji regards serving as a divination game, and he will assign different attributes to each ball according to the result of divination."

"He can use the same posture to hit different shots, such as serving with power as heavy as a thousand pounds, serving as fast as lightning, and spinning the ball with tricky angles, etc."

"He believes that the result of divination will lead him to victory!"

"This is Kaji Fudo's Playstyle serve!"

Hearing this, the middle school students have a new understanding of the strength of their seniors.

Kaji Futa and Ochi Moonlight are not the top-ranked players of the Neon team, but they have such strength, so what kind of demeanor should the top few be!
(End of this chapter)

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