Chapter 332

"Game, Ice Emperor Academy, 1:0."

"Both sides change game!"

Relying on Xiang Hiyake's stunt shot and Ninzu Yushi's strong strength, Ice Emperor also directly broke serve, which greatly boosted Ice Emperor's morale.

"Cut! What, compared to last year, I haven't improved at all!"

When changing sides, Xiang Riyue deliberately taunted him when he brushed past Kikumaru.

Fortunately, he and Renzu had prepared so well, thinking how difficult Qingxue's golden combination would be!

Hearing that Kikumaru was about to explode, Oishi put his thick left hand on Kikumaru's shoulder.


Kikumaru turned his head and met Kami Oishi's gaze.

The originally irritated heart calmed down in an instant, and he turned silently and returned to his position with Dashi.

"Cut! Boring!"

Xiang Riyue curled his lips in disdain, Dashi is really nosy.

"Yushi, let them see how good you are!"

Xiang Riyue, who was standing in the front field, was bouncing around on the spot. Although he was so disdainful, Xiang Riyue was already excited in his heart.

"no problem!"

Ninja Yushi shouted, and a milky white aura spread from his body immediately, accompanied by a powerful aura that soared to the sky!

"Oh? Are you able to independently control the opening of selflessness?"

Fuji on the sidelines squinted his eyes slightly, he was very familiar with the brilliance on Ren Zuo's body, this is the power of selflessness.

My heart has turned into nothingness, and emptiness becomes nothingness. Only those who have mastered the realm of selflessness can independently open the realm of selflessness, otherwise they can only enter this realm passively.

Obviously, Renzu's mastery of selflessness is no less than last year's Qiantose Qianli.

The tennis ball in Ninzuzu's hand was thrown high by him, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Ninzuzu. Under the dazzling brilliance, there was the proud figure of this Kansai wolf.

"One goal. Into the soul!"

The blazing fire exploded at Dashi's feet, and the whistling sound that seemed to tear the air was shocking.

"This is the ice emperor Hochotaro's heavy artillery serve!"

The audience let out a burst of exclamation, and Ninzuzu's heavy artillery fire was even more powerful than Chotaro's.

Under the blessing of the realm of selflessness, Renzu's five dimensions have made considerable progress, and the price is naturally the rapid consumption of physical strength.

"Flying waterfall leaks!"

"Tiger Cannon!"

"Game, Ice Emperor Academy, 2:0."

While silently recording in his own data book, Gan said: "Is it Akutsu's side spin serve in the end! The realm of no-self is really an enviable power!"

"Is this the state of selflessness! To be able to use so many moves, Ninzu Yushi, is even more terrifying than Takahiro Kawaji of the Ice Emperor! What do you think, Senshi!"

Nan Kentaro couldn't help sighing.

In the previous doubles match against their Yamabuki, Ninjazu did not use all his strength.

He hid his fangs just to hunt Qingxue at this moment.

Kikumaru took a deep breath, the sense of oppression that Ninzu Yuuji and Xiang Hiyake had given him was too great.

He raised the racket high with his arm, then pulled it down heavily, and hit the tennis ball to the corner of Bingdi's receiving area.

The strong side spin makes the tennis ball bounce quickly and head towards the outer corner.

Under heavy pressure, Kikumaru hit a perfect shot.

Xiang Riyueren immediately took two steps, and then swung the racket heavily with his right hand.

A long and narrow golden trajectory crossed the sky and flew towards the sideline of Dashi's left serving area.

However, Oishi's wide field of vision had already spotted Xiang Hiyake's movements, and he appeared at the landing point of the tennis ball after a while.

With a flick of Dashi's wrist, the racket lightly touched the tennis ball, changing the rebounding direction of the tennis ball in an instant.

Drop the ball!
The tennis ball crossed the net lightly, and just when everyone in Qingxue thought they were about to score, the figure of Yushi Ninzu appeared in front of him like a ghost.

With a backhand, the tennis ball bypassed the boulder in a strange curve and landed on the sideline.

"This is! Snake Ball?"

Taocheng looked at the weird way of the ball, and immediately thought of Haitang's snake ball.

Seemingly hearing Taocheng's voice, he pushed his glasses and said, "SSAS!"

This is not a snake ball, but Shinozuzu's stunt SSAS.

"The genius of Ice Empress, Ninja Yushi! Claims to have a thousand special skills, and this is one of them, SSAS. It is a move that adds spin to the ball and forcibly changes the course of the ball!"

Working in his data book and constantly updating the ninja information, Ice Emperor's ninja Yushi is really worthy of the name of a genius.


"Game, Ice Emperor Academy, 3:0."

"Both sides switch sides!"

The situation on the field seemed to be overwhelmingly in favor of Bingdi.

When changing sides, Renzu walked past Qingxue's player area, stopped suddenly, and looked at Akutsu, but soon, he walked towards the opposite baseline with firmer steps.

At this time last year, Renzu lost 0:6 to Akutsu.

Now he has become stronger, although he really wants to compete with Akutsu again, but for the victory of the ice emperor, he can only follow Sakaki Taro's arrangement.

"Aren, your former opponents seem to have become stronger under your stimulation!"

Fuji turned his head and smiled at Akujin.

"Tch! It's just a school of miscellaneous fish!"

Yakutsu turned his head in disdain.

After hanging around with Byodoin Temple for a long time, Akutsu is also used to talking about the word miscellaneous fish.

For him, although Sengoku and Shinozu have made great progress, his Akutsu's progress is even greater!

The current Qianshi and Ninzu have at most passed the Kanto level and stepped into the national level, while Akutsu has already opened the door to the world level.

Fuji smiled and shook his head. Indeed, although Shinozu and Sengoku have made great progress, they are still not able to threaten Yakutsu.

"What formation is this?!"

"Is Qingxue's golden combination going to make a move?"

After switching sides, the positions of Oishi and Kikumaru immediately aroused the audience's exclamation.

Already three games behind, they finally resorted to the Australian formation.

"Heh! It's finally done!"

Xiang Riyue's eyes were fixed, and his heart was raised to vigilance.

Xiangri aimed at the farthest corner of the receiving area on the right, the RBI farthest from where Oishi and Kikumaru were standing.

"Good job, Senior Xiangri!"

Chotaro shouted excitedly, in this way, Kikumaru, who is located at the back, must be outside the sideline to catch the ball, and in this way, if Oishi also leaves the center line, the other side will become their fatal goal. weakness.

If you don't leave, the Australian formation will be useless.


On the court, Kikumaru saw the trajectory of the tennis ball through Oishi's figure, and he rushed out immediately.


Oishi's heart sank, but he didn't follow Kikumaru's action.

Because he knew that if he left, the opponent's next attack would definitely hit no man's land.

"Don't worry Dashi! Leave this ball to me!"

As soon as Kikumaru lifted the racket, he shouted excitedly, his toes rubbed against the ground violently, and the whole person bounced back at an extremely fast speed.

Kikumaru's speed was so fast that when he was running, afterimages appeared behind him one by one.


When Ninzuzu was about to fight back, Kikumaru had already run back behind Oishi.

"So fast!"

"Are you kidding me, is this human speed?"

The audience exclaimed for a while, Kikumaru's speed was a little too fast.

(End of this chapter)

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