The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 370 Half Volley

Chapter 370 Half Volley

"This game was won by Shitenbaoji Junior High School, with a score of 6:3."

In this doubles match, Sitianbaosi once again strongly defeated Shizile Middle School and won the victory.

"Although their style of play is a bit weird, their strength is really beyond their reach."

Kikumaru and Oishi looked dignified, they were already certain that their opponents had the golden Koharu and Ichishi Yuji from Shitenbaoji.

On the road of coherence, the opponent has already walked ahead of Kikumaru and Oishi, which makes Kikumaru and Oishi feel a little urgent.

"This year's Sitianbao Temple is really strong. Even Shizile Middle School, the overlord of Kyushu, is not their opponent."

Kawamura Takashi said with some emotion.

Shizile Middle School is an established and strong school. It did not expect that it would be forced to the cliff by Sitianbaosi with a big score of 2:0 this year.

"It's not that Sitianbao Temple is too strong, but that Shizile Middle School has become weaker."

Tezuka said lightly.

With Tezuka's eyesight, it can be seen that these players from Shiraku Middle School are actually not very strong, at most they are second-rate in Kanto, not even first-rate in Kanto.

On the other hand, Sitianbaoji didn't know about the third Tezuka in the last singles match, but the No. [-] doubles player in this match definitely has national-level strength.

With the match point in hand, everyone in Sitianbao Temple was naturally very happy. Jin Xiaochun and Ichishi Yuji who returned to the team were also warmly welcomed by everyone.

Looking at Xiaochun and the others who were playing together, Baishi couldn't help showing a knowing smile. This is their Sitianbaosi middle school, a famous family of playing treasures.Pursue funny, fun-oriented tennis.

"Yuta, you have to perform well in the next game, your brother and the others are watching you too!"

Shiraishi patted Yuta beside him, and said with a smile.

"Leave it to me, President Shiraishi!"

Yuta nodded solemnly. Naturally, he would not miss such a rare opportunity.

"The first round of the national competition is about to begin. Osaka represents Nishitenpoji Junior High School against Kumamoto's representative Shiraku Middle School No. [-] singles match. Shitenpoji Junior High School Fuji Yuta will face Shirakuji Junior High School Takano Shuichi. Players from both sides are invited to play !"

Not long after, the voice of the staff came from the loudspeaker.

"Yuta, did he actually play the number two singles?!"

Everyone in Qingxue was a little surprised. In their impression, although Fuji's younger brother Yuta is talented, but on such an important occasion as the national competition, can he really do it?

Fuji smiled and looked at Yuta who was doing warm-up exercises on the sidelines. He really wanted to see what Yuta had gained during his time at Sitianbao Temple.

"Pros or cons?"

When he came to the net, Yuta's nervous heart calmed down. Unlike Buer, Yuta was born to be very strong, so his desire to win was much stronger than Buer's.

"President Shiraishi and coach Watanabe Osamu value me so much, I have to win!"

Yuta's eyes are full of fighting spirit, and this game is his time to prove himself.

"In the match between Shitenbaoji Junior High School and Shiraku Middle School's singles No. [-], it was a one-set match. Shitenbaoji Junior High School Fuji Yuta's serve game."

Yuta's luck is also quite good today, very lucky to get the right to serve.

After walking slowly to the end line on the right, Yuta took out a tennis ball from his pocket and patted it gently on the ground.

After adjusting his state to the best, Yuta grabbed the bouncing tennis ball with his right hand.

Yuta tossed the ball high, then bent his knees and bounced, the powerful force in the twisting of the abdomen drove the rapid swing of the arm.

A golden arc on one side shot out from Yuta's hand, whistling and flying towards the receiving area on the opposite side.

After landing, the tennis ball spun violently on the ground and bounced up suddenly, pointing directly at Shuichi Takano's face.


The air waves and the golden tennis balls that hit his face made Takano Hideichi turn pale with fright, and subconsciously dodged sideways. The strong rotation drove the tennis balls to fly past his nose, and the air waves made his cheeks sting a little.

"ACE! Fuji Yuta, 15:0."

The referee glanced at Yuta in surprise. It is not easy for a first-year middle school player to be able to hit such a serve.

"Hiss! What a great serve!"

"It's actually a serve that bounces towards the player's face. Why do I seem to have seen such a serve?"

"The first graders in Sitianbao Temple are really good this year!"

Seeing Yuta's side-spin serve, the audience immediately started discussing. Obviously, Sitianbaosi sent two powerful freshmen in a row, which made them a little surprised at the strength of these fresh blood of Sitianbaosi.

"Akutsu, is this your side spin serve?"

Kikumaru asked curiously, looking at Yuta's posture and the bounce of the ball, isn't this Akutsu's side spin serve?

"Well, Yuta has a very good relationship with Akutsu."

Before Yajiujin could answer, Buer had already spoken first.

Strictly speaking, both Yuta and Akutsu's side-spin serve were taught by Fuji, but Yuta's research on the side-spin serve was all taught by Akutsu, not Fuji.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect Yuta to be so strong!"

Because Yuta had never played in Seigaku's tennis club, Kikumaru and the others only heard from Fuji that he had a younger brother who played tennis pretty well, but they didn't know the specific strength.

When I saw him today, he really deserved to be the best younger brother. Although the power of the side-spin serve was not as good as Akutsu, it was already commendable for a first-year junior high school student.

"Game, Fuji Yuta, 1:0."

"Both sides change game!"

Takano Shuichi obviously couldn't break Yuta's side-spin serve in a short time. Even if he could hit it back in front of him, he would be volleyed and scored by Yuta who was serving to the net. Yuta soon won his serve Bureau.

After switching sides, it was Shuichi Takano's turn to serve. With the lessons learned from the previous singles match against No. [-], he would naturally not underestimate the opponent just because Yuta was a first-year player. This is a very tough opponent.

"Take the call!"

Takano Hideo roared, boosting his fighting spirit.

"Here it is, it's Takano's high-speed serve!"

The players of Shizile Middle School exclaimed for a while, Gao Ye's serve can also be said to be among the top few in their Shizile Middle School.


After serving, Takano quickly sprinted towards the net with the help of his forward leaning momentum.

Serving the net, Takano is very aware of the decisive difference between Yuta and himself. The physical advantage of the third-year self is something that Yuta, the first-year, cannot even out.


Gao Ye had just rushed to the midfield when a golden beam of light passed by his side.

Takano raised his head, Yuta still maintained the posture just now.

"This is it! Half volley!"

Takano's heart sank, is the opponent actually a player who is good at half volleys? !

(End of this chapter)

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