The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 389 The Four Heavenly Treasure Temples Gathered Again

Chapter 389 The Sitianbao Temple Gathered Again

Time flies, and the weekend has finally arrived quietly in the busy schoolwork of the new semester.

For tennis lovers, this weekend is the most important day. The semi-finals and finals of the national competition will start this weekend.

Friday evening.

After telling everyone to take a good rest, Buer let everyone in Qingxue leave, leaving him alone in the office to enjoy the sunset outside the window.

With a creak, the door of the agency office was pushed open, and when Fuji looked back, it turned out to be Tezuka.

"What, are you thinking about tomorrow's game against Sitianbao Temple?"

Tezuka walked up to Fuji and asked.


"Is it because of Yuta?"


Fuji nodded, there was nothing to hide from Tezuka Fuji.

"Don't worry, Yuta must be doing well in Sitianbao Temple."

Tezuka patted Fuji on the shoulder. Tezuka knew a little about Shitianbao Temple. It was a famous school with a very good atmosphere in the club.

"Of course I'm not worried about this, it's just that."

Naturally, this is not what Bu Er considered. He would choose to let Yuta go to Sitianbao Temple, so naturally he would not worry about the atmosphere of Sitianbao Temple.

"Forget it, it's useless to say this now."

Fuji sighed, packed up his things and stepped out of the gate of the office together with Tezuka.

As soon as he went out, Buer saw Kikumaru, and none of Oishi and the others left.


Fuji smiled slightly, these guys are really heart-warming.

Saturday morning.

"Are you all ready?"

In front of the school bus, Bu Er's eyes swept across the candidates.


Today is a very important day for Qingxue, last night they were so excited that they didn't sleep well.

"set off!"

With a wave of his big hand, Buer led the Qingxue people into the bus prepared by the school and drove towards their destination.

ARENA Forest Sports Park, in the jungle of reinforced concrete everywhere in Tokyo, this young forest park is the most sporty place, and it is also the place where the semi-finals and finals of this national competition are held.

Early in the morning, excited crowds can be seen everywhere in the ARENA Forest Sports Park. The most exciting part of the national competition is about to start, which makes these tennis fans excited.

Although many participating schools have been eliminated, they did not leave Tokyo immediately. They all want to see which school will win the final honor this year.

In the ARENA Forest Sports Park, there is the largest indoor tennis court in Tokyo and even in the whole of Neon, and this is the venue for the semi-finals of this national competition. Here, last year's national champion Youth Academy will face the Kansai overlord Sitianbao Temple, compared with Qingxue and Sitianbao Temple, the venue for Bingdi and Lihaida's competition is slightly shabby.

After all, the organizer also needs traffic. Last year's national champion and the two overlords in Kanto and Kansai, such a gimmick can undoubtedly attract more traffic. The best and largest stadium should naturally be reserved for a pair with more traffic.

"Come on, everyone!"

"Concentrate on it!"

The hands of everyone in Qingxue were folded together, and they made the final oath at the entrance of the corridor leading to the stadium.

"The winner is king!"

"No, it should be said that funny is king!"

On the other side, everyone from Sitianbao Temple also stepped out of the corridor.

Before the two teams entered the arena, the spectators who were seated in advance raised their heads, and the sound from above their heads caught their attention.

The facilities and equipment of the largest indoor tennis court in Tokyo are naturally the best and most complete. Today's weather is exceptionally sunny. It would be too wasteful not to play outdoors in such weather.

The dome above the head was divided into two from the middle, and slowly opened towards the two sides. The scorching sun in August shot down directly, which made many people feel a little dazzling in an instant.

"I'm really envious of them, there is such a great venue, what do you think, Yongshiro!"

In the auditorium, everyone from Higa Country also gathered around a stand with the tickets presented by the players to watch today's semi-final.

The words of Pinggu Stadium also express their sadness. They don’t have such a good stadium in Okinawa. There are no shadows of stadiums in the streets and alleys. Even their stadiums in Higa are old and dilapidated. , I don't know how many years it has been used.

"Don't worry, I've been notified that we performed well in the national competition this time, and the school has already planned to help us build a new tennis court!"

Mu Shou glanced at Pingguchang indifferently. In fact, he only got the news yesterday.

It is rare in Okinawa to have a school like Higa Junior High that can enter the national competition, so it is natural to train it well.

"Really, Eishiro?"

"Great! Finally a new stadium!"

Everyone in Higa Kingdom wept with joy, they had had enough of that dilapidated old stadium long ago.

"So we must work hard. The most urgent task right now is to bring all the materials of Qingxue back to Higa Country. Next year we must defeat Qingxue!"

Wooden Hand said solemnly.


"The next semi-finals of the national competition, the match between Tokyo's representative Youth Academy and Osaka's representative Shitenbaoji will begin soon."

The audience broadcast sounded, and all the players of the two teams moved to the front of the net.

"We meet again, Budu!"

Bai Shi smiled slightly.

"I hope there will be a wonderful game today!"

Fuji also replied with a smile.

"of course."

Baishi glanced at his members, this year's Sitianbao Temple has a strong army.


Yuta glanced at his elder brother whom he hadn't seen for a long time out of the corner of his eye. He really didn't expect that one day he would face his elder brother in this way, in such a grand final of the national competition. on the stage.

After exchanging pleasantries, the two sides quickly returned to the reserve seats beside the court, waiting for the start of the game.

"The semi-finals of the national competition will start soon. The representative of Osaka Shitenbaoji Junior High School will play against the representative of Tokyo Youth Academy No. [-]. The match between Shitenbaoji Junior High School Shiraishi Kuranosuke and Youth Academy Tezuka Kunimitsu will be played. Players from both sides are invited to play !"

Soon, the organizers made the final preparations, and the names of Shiraishi and Tezuka appeared on the big screens on both sides of the venue.

"It's really exciting, right from the start, Shiraishi, the president of Shitenbaoji, will play against Tezuka, the vice president of Qinggaku?"

"The two of them are old enemies. In last year's national competition, Tezuka defeated Shiraishi. I don't know if Shiraishi can get revenge this year."

The audience whispered, many of them had seen the national competition last year. Last year, Tezuka and Shiraishi played in singles three, and Tezuka also defeated Shiraishi strongly.

"Senior, the president opposite should be very powerful, right?"

Taocheng naturally didn't know Shiraishi, so he asked Qian Zhenzhi curiously.

"You mean Shiraishi? Biblical Shiraishi, he became famous last year as a national-level singles player. Last year, he represented Sitianbaoji in the singles match against us Qinggaku. Coincidentally, his opponent was also Tezuka."

Gan Zhenzhi said lightly.

"Then Vice President Tezuka, did he win?"

Taocheng asked again.

"Idiot, you can tell by the expressions of the seniors that you must have won."

Haitang glanced at Taocheng Road with disdain.

"What are you talking about! You stinking viper!"

"Want to fight?"


The two guys, Taocheng and Haitang, quarreled again without paying attention.


Yajiujin wasn't used to them, so he picked up the two guys one by one, and threw them on the ground.

"Give me some peace, both of you!"

Ya Jiujin's fierce light immediately made Taocheng and Haitang quiet down. It can be said that there is no one in Qingxue who is not afraid of Ya Jiujin.


Kikumaru and Dashi smiled at each other, shook their heads helplessly, and then turned their eyes to the field.

(End of this chapter)

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