The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 394 Doubles 2

Chapter 394 Doubles II

"Sorry everyone, I lost again."

Baishi smiled wryly, supported his forehead and looked at the people in Sitianbao Temple.

"It doesn't matter Kozo, the opponent is Tezuka after all."

"Yeah, you've done a good job."

The people in Sitianbao Temple didn't intend to hold Baishi accountable, they could see clearly that Baishi had already worked very hard.

"I'll leave it to you two for the next round, Xiaoharu and Yuji!"

Shiraishi turned his head to look at Jin Xiaochun and Ichishi Yuji. According to the list arranged by Osamu Watanabe, they are the two of Shitenbaoji's doubles number two.

"Leave it to us, Xiao Zang."

Golden Koharu and Ichishi Yuji walked off the court side by side, and they will win this game for Shitenbaoji.

"The semi-finals of the national competition will begin soon. Osaka's representative from Shitenbaoji Junior High School will play against Tokyo's representative from Youth Academy. Team, players on both sides, please get ready!"

The referee's voice spread throughout the court, and Kikumaru and Oishi, who had returned from warming up outside, walked off the court slowly.

"Oh? Has Qingxue's doubles No. [-] changed? It's actually a golden combination?"

Qiantose Qianli was a little surprised, Qingxue's golden combination has always been played in the first doubles, so this time Fuer actually arranged for the golden combination to play the second doubles?
"It seems that Qingxue has a big plan, and they plan to get rid of Sitianbao Temple in the first few games!"

Tachibana Yoshihira said in a deep voice, according to his speculation, it is no doubt that he intends to establish the invincibility of Seigaku, so he put the golden combination and Tezuka in the doubles No. [-] and singles No. [-] competitions for the purpose of Take Sitianbao Temple in one go.

If No. [-] Qingxue also wins this doubles match, the deciding game will be No. [-] singles.

"What an unabashed ambition!"

Hearing that Qiantui Qianli sighed slightly, Qingxue is really so scary.

On the court, the players of the two teams gave a friendly salute before the game.

"Ouch! This boy with the egg head looks so cute!"

A flash of light flashed on Jin Xiaochun's glasses, and then he twisted his body shyly and looked at Dashi.

"Xiaochun! You want to cheat again!"

Ichishi Yuji raised his hand angrily.

"I hate it! People's hearts will always be yours, Xiaoyu!"


Oishi and Kikumaru looked at each other, there was something wrong with these two guys in Shitianbao Temple.

"Oh, Dashi, the two of them shouldn't be the one?"

Kikumaru approached Oishi and asked in a low voice.


Dashi was at a loss for words for a while, this is how he should answer, honestly he never talks about others behind their backs.

"Ahem, let's decide on the right to serve first."

Dashi coughed twice, but he didn't forget that he was still on the field.

"No problem, everyone will listen to you."

Hearing this, Jin Xiaochun immediately covered her cheeks and looked at Dashi shyly.


Even a player as calm as Dashi couldn't help taking half a step back.

"The match between Shitenbaoji Junior High School and Youth Academy Doubles No. [-], a one-set tiebreaker, Youth Academy Oishi Shuichiro's serve."

After deciding the order of serving, Oishi and Kikumaru felt that if they left the front of the net, they would be in trouble if they stayed any longer.

Dashi, who returned to the bottom line, took a deep breath to calm down his disturbed heart.Dashi is very clear that none of the players who can stand on the stage of the semi-finals of the national competition is the easy generation, and the opponent is definitely very powerful hidden under the funny face.

With a wave of Dashi's arm, the sound of hitting the ball above his head immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The angle of the ball was perfect, and it flew straight to the outside of the field after landing.

"What a beautiful serve, Brother Egghead!"

The golden Xiaochun smiled flirtatiously, his yellow-green figure flashed, and the whole person stepped out of the field, and the sound of piercing the air with his elbow was particularly clear.

Seeing that his serve was counterattacked by Jin Xiaochun so easily, Dashi paid [-] points of attention in his heart. Sure enough, as he thought, the opponent's strength was extremely strong, and he just wanted to use that frivolous way before. Just disrupt your concentration.

"Look at me, Kikumaru Beam!"

I haven't played for a long time, Kikumaru is in good condition today everyone, leaping lightly into the air, reaching out with a racket in one hand and buckling back the tennis ball that just passed the net.

"The next move, I heard that you will do it too!"

Golden Xiaochun smiled lightly, and in the next second, his and Ichishi Yuji's figures overlapped one after the other.

"This is! I formation!"

Gan Sadaharu pushed his glasses in surprise, so that the iconic position is very easy to identify.

On the court, a series of footsteps sounded, and in the eyes of Kikumaru and Oishi, the players in the opponent's backcourt were completely blocked by the players in the frontcourt.


Kikumaru and Oishi were a little shocked. Is the level of tacit understanding between the opponents so good?Not only the moving posture, but also the footsteps in their ears are surprisingly consistent.

"Is it the right side!"

Kikumaru saw the movement of Yuji Ichishi in the front court at a glance, and his body moved to the right subconsciously, but Yuji Ichishi kept walking, and took two steps forward, and then a racket came out from behind him , aimed at the tennis ball and swung hard toward the sideline on the left.

"Game, Sitianbao Temple, 15:0."

"Damn it, it was placed together!"

Kikumaru snorted unhappily, he was actually deceived by Ichishi Yuji's actions.

"Be careful with Eiji, the two of them are not easy!"

Oishi still underestimated the combination of Golden Koharu and Ichishi Yuji. Based on the point just now, Oishi has already realized that the opponent's skills and tacit understanding are enough to be called the national level. It is no wonder that the second match In the past, he would say that he and Kikumaru would have a good match today, presumably he already knew the strength of these two people.

"I know, the I formation actually used our best formation to deal with us!"

Kikumaru's cheeks were bulging, and he was really angry.

"I formation? NONO, the little brother over there who likes to dance, I prefer to call it-Avalokitesvara!"

Golden Xiaoharu seemed to have heard Kikumaru's words, and came behind Ichishi Yuji with a chuckle, the figures of the two overlapped again, stretched out two hands from both sides to make a flower shape, there was even a faint Buddha light coming from the two sides. emerges from the back of the human mind.


Kikumaru and Oishi looked at each other, and both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

"Oshi, I've decided! You must show them some color!"

Kikumaru said he was very angry!
"I see."

Oishi nodded, the opponent's strength should not be underestimated, so let's show some real skills according to Eiji's wishes!

"This is! The Australian formation!"

In the audience, Mamoru Inoue's eyes lit up when he saw the formation of Kikumaru and Oishi. He didn't expect that the golden combination of Aigaku would start to exert strength at the beginning of the game!

"Xiaoyu, the other party seems to be angry!"

Jin Xiaochun held his right foot, his eyes were full of solemnity, the two people in Qingxue were not disturbed much by himself and Yuji, which somewhat surprised Jin Xiaochun.

If it was just Kikumaru alone, maybe Jin Xiaochun's funny battle might still be successful, but with the calm Oishi around, he would keep comforting Kikumaru so that Kikumaru would not lose his state.

"Then you can only fight with the opponent!"

Ichishi Yuji was also very serious, the golden combination of Aigaku is not so easy to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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