The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 401 Brothers

Chapter 401 Brothers

Ping Shan was shocked!
Although he didn't know Yuta, he could tell from Yuta's appearance that he was obviously a freshman. Maybe Coach Watanabe was crazy to send a freshman to play against Aigaku's Fujisuke? !


Baishi and the others were at a loss for words for a while, they didn't know how to explain to Ping Shanzhi.

"Forget it. Young people don't need to be stressed, and don't need to be nervous, just treat it as a coaching game."

Yoshiyuki Hira shook his head. During the time he was away, Coach Watanabe Osamu must have lost his mind. He actually sent a grader to play against Aigaku's Fujisuke.

"Thank you senior, I will definitely work hard!"

Yuta's mood at this time is also very complicated. After knowing that he is the No. [-] singles this time, he has been in a state of worrying about gains and losses. Although he has always wanted to compete with his brother in the official open However, when the day really came, he was a little afraid.

"The semi-finals of the national competition will begin soon. Osaka represents Shitenbaoji Junior High School against Tokyo's representative Youth Academy singles match. Shitenbaoji Junior High School Fuji Yuta will play against Youth Academy Fujisuke. Please do it Get ready!"

The voice from the speaker made everyone present slightly stunned, Fuji Yuta vs Fuji Shusuke?Such a coincidence?

"Zhou Zhu. Yuta"

In the auditorium, Fuji Yumiko specially came to watch the game of her two younger brothers today, she did not expect to see such a dramatic side by her.

"Are you kidding me, Fuji and his brother?"

Kikumaru took a deep breath, is Shitenbaoji's coach Watanabe Osamu so big?


Tezuka and Akutsu looked silent, obviously they didn't expect it either.

"Fuji? Yuta?"

Ping Shanzhi's heart skipped a beat, seeing the expressions on Baishi and the others, he suddenly had a bold guess.

"Couldn't you be the younger brother of Qingxue Fujisuke?"

Ping Shanzhi hesitated for a while and asked.

"I don't really like this address, senior!"

How long has it been since he heard someone call him that, and Yuta's heart suddenly became confused.


Ping Shanzhi smiled a little embarrassedly, now he knows why Watanabe Shu will arrange a first-year player to play, good guy, there is really your coach Watanabe!

With a smile on his face, Fuji glanced at Osamu Watanabe who was sitting next to him. To be honest, even he himself did not expect Osamu Watanabe to make such an arrangement.

"Yuta, let me see your progress!"

Fuji looked up at Yuta, who was still on the bench at Shitenbaoji, and silently picked up the racket leaning on the side.

"Brother! You must not release water!"

In front of the net, Yuta looked at Fuji with a serious face.

"I know, I know, then I will give you the right to serve."

Fuji waved his hand. Yuta seems to have grown taller after not seeing him for a few months. It seems that the food in Osaka is pretty good.

"Hmph! Don't regret it if you lose later!"

Yuta snorted coldly and didn't shirk.

"If you can do it!"

Fuji waved his back to Yuta, turned around and walked towards the bottom line.

"In the match between Shitenbaoji Junior High School and Youth Academy's No. [-] singles match, it was a one-set match. Shitenbaoji Junior High School Fuji Yuta's serve."

Yuta has a serious face, he is very clear about his elder brother's strength, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as unfathomable.

Toss the ball and bend your knees to bounce the racket.

A series of movements were done in one go, the racket hit the tennis ball at a high point, and instantly buckled the tennis ball out.

Sidespin serve!

After landing, the tennis ball rubbed against the ground violently, and then bounced up suddenly.

"Yuta, you won't let go of your side spin serve or I taught you it!"

The corner of Bu Er's mouth curled up slightly, such tricks would not have any effect on him.

Fuji's swing was extremely fast, and the tennis ball was already approaching the net in just a split second.

"What a quick counterattack! What a sharp move!"

Ping Guchang blurted out, sure enough!Qingxue's Bu Er Zhou Zhu is not a simple character.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 15:0."

Yuta turned her head and looked at the marks on the ground, her heart sank, that's it!Whether it's speed, strength, or skill, my brother is so terrifying.

His side-spin serve has made great achievements in the Kansai regional competitions, even in the national competitions, he also performed very well, but he did not expect to face his old brother so weak.

After Yuta slowly came to the end line on the left, now he can only hope that his left hand can play some role.


"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 30:0."

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 40:0."

"This game was scored by Fujisuke of Youth Academy, and the score was 1:0."

"No two, will he be too cruel!"

Kikumaru couldn't bear to say, although Yuta didn't join their Qingxue Tennis Club, but he is also Fuji's younger brother anyway, does Fuji not let any water go?

"What do you guys know!"

Akutsu glanced at Kikumaru with disdain. Kikumaru doesn't understand Yuta's character at all. If he doesn't let the water go, things will get worse.


Kikumaru pointed at Akutsu, and didn't know how to refute for a while, so he had to sulk all by himself.

"This game was won by Qingxue Fujizhou, with a score of 3:0."

"Both sides change game!"

In the blink of an eye, he easily won three rounds, and of course this was within everyone's expectations.

"What's the matter, has the confidence that you told me to defeat your brother lost?"

Watanabe Osamu looked at Yuta who sat beside him silently.


Yuta was afraid to look directly into Ou Watanabe's eyes because he felt that he had let Ou Watanabe down.

"Yuta, you are a player with great potential, but you have always lived in the shadow of your brother. Your tennis is more or less a shadow of your brother. You should learn to be yourself."

Watanabe Osamu said lightly.

"be myself?"

"Your foot strength is second only to Shinobi in our Shitenbaoji, and your half volley is very good. I think your brother is not good at this style of play, right? This is your characteristic, a great characteristic, If you can develop it well, I think you'll be a great player."

Osamu Watanabe looked at Yutadao, and what he said were all facts, which is also the reason why Yuta was able to become the main candidate of Shitenbao Temple. Both Taihe and Caiqian shouldered the burden, so he needed to let Yuta cross the threshold in his heart.

It's just that what he didn't know was that next year's Sitianbao Temple will welcome the strongest first-year student ever.

"My... traits?"

Hearing this, Yuta nodded thoughtfully.

"Go, let everyone see you, Fuji Yuta's strength!"

Osamu Watanabe patted Yuta on the shoulder and said.

"Yes! Coach!"

Yuta clenched his racket tightly, and the fighting spirit in his heart was burning.

(End of this chapter)

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